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Q: Community Promotion Ads — 2019

JNat2019 is here! And with the new year, as usual, comes a new iteration of Community Promotion Ads! Let’s refresh these for the coming year :) What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right sidebar. The...

4 hours later…
Good afternoon, builders.
@NexTerren Hola Nex
@James How goes?
Eh, my team just got relocated into a new area of the building so getting things organized and listening to adults complain about change...
PMs should get counseling training.
Haha, do you mind the change or just the others?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

MaddieThe world is set in medieval times, though some aspects are slightly more advanced. In a kingdom called Caelus, the country is broken into a civil war. The majority of the population is human many of whom hate the minority (shapeshifters). After years of violence and oppression, the shapeshifter...

"Hold on, let me get my stop watch... Ok, you can gripe for for 60 seconds, then get back to work, or go look for a job that is less sucky." I'm getting fed up with adults lately.
Make them sing songs about how much it sucks as they move their cubicles as a unit.
Maybe it'll improve morale.
@AndyD273 Did your bug pop up again?
@NexTerren Doesn't really bother me honestly. I brought bagels in this morning so that helped a little.
@Hosch250 Nope, appears that we got it this time
@James Last time I moved cubes, it took me 1-2 hours.
Insert generic comment about being happy about not having to work yet here
The last person hadn't cleaned their cube when they left, so I had 2 overhead storage and 2 desks to clear, as well as a yoga ball, a desktop computer, and keyboard/mouse/accessories to clear out.
Here if you move cubes even in the same 4-person room you have to put a work order in. :(
So I was running around the building bringing stuff to HR, IT, etc.
Then I had to wipe everything off and bring my stuff over.
@Hosch250 "New area is drafty, [harmonica wheeze] too far from parking, [harmonica wheeze] and now my desk is next to Patrice, [harmonica wheeze] I got the blues"
We are shifting all of IT from individual cubes to four person quads, its a bit smaller and obviously less private so people are kinda bent out of shape about it...
@James :(
@James Noise canceling headphones are a life saver
And when one person gets sick, you lose the whole quad.
Eh, its fine. Things change, then they change again, then they change back to where they were at the beginning, I learned that a long time ago.
ACHOOOO! SNIFFF! Sowwy, got a cooold
@AndyD273 For sure.
Wife's coworkers are complaining because they started them transporting patients, instead of having that be a dedicated position. Told her to look on the bright side, at least the lazy nurses would have to do their own work for a while instead of pushing it all off on the techs.
She's just happy that she has something new to complain about, as her old problems stopped being problems.
@James It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiiiife
@NexTerren Quick someone hand me a baby to dangle over a cliffside!
@James Sounds like you could pick a coworker at random
So many messages that deserve stars...
@Gryphon Its weird how some days are like that.
also this is why no one should ever see our chat conversations.
Yeah, we get talking about some weird things here.
We were talking about a world-building twitter account...some places have the feed send out starred chat content apparently. I like the idea of a curated twitter feed from WB...but yeah I said definitely no to chat content going out.
shudder Yeah, I definitely agree with you there. So much stuff that would be horrifying taken out of context. Although it's not like we're not already on every watchlist in existence.
At least it's only the FBI and CIA, not the SJW... The FBI can only throw you in prison.
@AndyD273 So I wasn't shocked to learn that the situation with the kids at the March for Life this week was more complex than initially reported. It makes me want to write a book called "Calm the F*&% Down - Outrage: The new drug"
@James if you mean the exact opposite of what was was (and continues to be) reported, then yeah.
@AndyD273 While... it's the FBI, CIA, NSA, FSB, CSIS... (Insert every possible 3-letter combination in the English alphabet here)
@AndyD273 I honestly haven't seen any of the first hand accounts, and haven't really read up on it in any detail at this point I figure its not really worth the time investment.
@James I hadn't heard anything, but I randomly did my yearly check of the news the other day.
What incident is this? I haven't heard about it.
The guy in question had written his side of the story, and I read that.
@Gryphon Some high school kids at the March for Life, some black hebrews and some native americans + social media outrage. Not sure of the details.
So, I don't know the whole detail, but from his side, it was just a non-provoked confrontation by another aggressive protester, and he just stared them down without doing anything else.
...oh man that's a joke waiting to happen.
High school kids, black hebrews and native americans walk into a bar.
Holy cow.
@James Ouch they say.
The first thing that popped into my mind was the Family Guy episode when the two kids kill their entire class for going all SJW on them.
Because their dog had posted a racist tweet.
That isn't really surprising. Any time you get a protest that size, you'll get counter-protests, and that pretty much guarantees that things will get at least semi-violent somewhere.
Apparently there is a 2 hour uncut video that shows what actually happened. Short version, a bunch of kids were waiting for their bus, and a racist/homophobic hate group called the black israelites were shouting racial slurs at the kids, who shouted back that homosexuals are people too and deserve respect. The indian guy walked into the middle of the kids group and the kids thought at first that he was helping them drown out the racists, so they got into the drumming. Turns out it was a setup
They get attacked and have their lunch destroyed, so they grab some spiked boards and kill them all.
@AndyD273 It was a bunch of catholic kids too, IIRC.
@Hosch250 yeah
Which are probably more likely to disapprove of homosexuality than most groups?
Not in this instance
And they still weren't demeaning about them, as far as that description goes.
Just because you disapprove of it doesn't mean you want to destroy them.
@Hosch250 This is pretty much the point of view of most Catholics I know (including myself).
OTOH, our neighborhood Catholic priest was arrested for being a homosexual pedophile--several times...
I don't know where he's at now; he's not in the area anymore.
Unlike the black israelite group, that both hates and was calling for the destruction of homosexuals in the video
@Hosch250 Hopefully prison?
Not sure. For a while, he was getting off with it.
I mean, pedo is not something you should get the opportunity to be arrested for a second time.
@AndyD273 I read a very disturbing article the other day saying we should accept them for who they are, as long as they don't do the physical act.
And that they are sick of being run out of town by vigilante groups.
Essentially saying that child porn and child-stalking are OK.
@Hosch250 I mean, people aren't responsible for their inclinations. They are responsible for acting on those inclinations.
I think they should get help to get free from it. And I think they should never, ever, be anywhere that it might give anyone the impression that they might be giving into temptation.
@Hosch250 OK, that's more problematic.
But not punished without a crime
@AndyD273 Pretty much the same.
@AndyD273 That's pretty much my view on the matter too.
We should elect you for president, Andy. We all seem to agree with you :P
Heh. Well, everyone in here is (mostly) sane. It's easy to agree when you have a common sense of right, wrong, and moral decency.
Anyway, I'm stepping out for a sec. Closing in on a prod push with some uber-massive changes (like changing our system to UTC).
And got a bug.
So, see you later.
Good luck
@AndyD273 The regulars in this chat room do all seem to have a basic agreement on the fundamentals of traditional western morality, yes. That makes it a lot easier to have rational discussions on moral issues.
@Gryphon And at least treat each other with respect as humans and not go out of the way to purposefully be mean to anyone else.
Or even generalize very much.
I mean, we might make fun of James, but that's because we all like James, and more importantly, we like making him snort beverages.
@AndyD273 Jerks the lot of you.
...apparently listening to Harry Potter while working makes me type British.
@James I can see that being a thing.
As far as agreement/disagreement goes...in here we do a good job of keeping things civil, but I know for example that Andy and I diverge on quite a few things. What makes it work is we both freaking listen.
Exactly. And while I may occasionally disagree with James on certain issues, I take it as a given that he is arguing in good faith, and if we don't come to a consensus there also isn't any anger. Though I do often wonder on what topics we actually disagree on.
I guess it says something that we haven't fought enough to fully know the answer to that.
1 hour later…
@AndyD273 The only specific (and its not that specific) thing I know is that you tend toward the conservative side of things while I tend toward the liberal side of things, but I also feel it is safe to say we are both moderate if not independent.
2 hours later…
hey there @Mithrandir24601
Q: If a flag is raised on a question that is then deleted, should that be held against the flag raiser?

Fay SuggersI refer to my flag raised for the asker of this question: https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/137476/what-sources-of-food-can-be-found-in-mountainous-terrain asked 23 hours ago by Albert tyson My flag for moderator's attention is worded thus (excuse spelling): The question is...

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