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A tasty way to cast magic: consuming chocolate drawings having the shape of magical glyphs
So, you can sneak some magic into cusines
(As the saying goes)
7 hours later…
A new form of dimension teleport inspired from how minecraft mods work
1. Every minecraft mods adds some mod related blocks and items
2. Switching to a different mod will render those blocks gone. However vanillia blocks stayed
3. This means, you can in theory play with both mods if you always be mindful where the objects in another mod is, so then when you switch between them, the vanillia items retains their change and the items of the two mods will not clump into each other, thus effectively having a new notion of intersecting dimensions
2 hours later…
Considering renaming my conlang alphabet to "Can I buy a vowel please?"
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

preguntonWould planets be cubic in my "cuboverse"? reality-check alien-geometry physics nonspherical-worlds Summary The main idea behind the "cuboverse" is that spacetime distances are measured by (something close to) the sup norm or infinity norm. Under this norm, spheres (the set of points at a fixed...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

dot_Sp0TRingstadt: Which of my streams are spring-fed, and why? geography geology hydrology Aside from that ghastly thing behind the abbey, yeah. No need for iodine in this city, unless you feel like drinking from the harbour basin that is.. haha! Quartermaster of the Foreign Casern to Hans M'wamb...

@HDE226868 have you read that book? Would you recommend it?
Hey @Green how's things?
@Secret Sounds like something I could weaponize...
hey there @Green and @Mephistopheles
Hi, guys.
Q: I am writing some short stories and can't wrap my head around a time travel paradox

gorfI put an object in a time-travel device (say something that looks like a microwave ). I am now going to transport the object in time, but leave it in the same position relative to the Earth. If it was into the future, that's fine. It could simply disappear and re-appear in 5 mins, BUT, if I trans...

Anyone want to join a small CR group for playing home-made games?
That's a predestination paradox at its finest
Checkers, ultimate tic-tac-toe, ur, minesweeper, connect 4, a TCG, and others?
Join us here in 15 minutes if you want: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/16134/…
@Hosch250 CR?
sup @Shalvenay
@dot_Sp0T Code Review.
@Hosch250 for playing games, on the internet?
Here's the full list: bit.ly/codereview-games
Count me in
Always game for games
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

dot_Sp0TRingstadt: Can my mountains be what I need them to? geography geology reality-check [SANDBOX NOTE: REPLACE INTRO WITH SOMETHING ABOUT MINING AND SLUDGE, maybe an accident?] Aside from that ghastly thing behind the abbey, yeah. No need for iodine in this city, unless you feel like drinking f...

@dot_Sp0T pretty good! I found a really good plasma physics textbook and am working my way through it.
@Shalvenay hey!
@Green nice!
@Green how're things going?
@Shalvenay I'm making good progress on that projects I care about. I found the pattern for a barbarian helmet (complete with horns). The pattern is meant for paper but I'm adapting it for thick felt to make a winter hat out of it.
@Shalvenay My plan is to wear it to work when the weather gets cooler again.
1 hour later…
@Green you've been doing quite some thinking and work here on the chat about the map I posted. I was under the assumption that you would like to type them up as ansnwer for some rep(?), If that's the case I'll wait till you find the time for it. Otherwise I'll accept the most upvoted answer and move on to pushing follow up questions i guess
@Green I haven't read it, but I know it's highly rated.
My multivariable calculus teacher a year or two ago did title a lecture "Div, Grad Curl and All That", as an homage, and he said it was an excellent choice.
2 hours later…
Two more accent mark types to review and then I'm done with my alphabet!
@FoxElemental do you already have a vocabulary?

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