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A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Mr.JAftermath of a Midas-weapon war, what to do with all that gold? after reading this question It really tricked my mind of finding ways on what to do will all that gold. So I was wondering, if a war broke out and you used your Midas weapons to instantly kill soldiers (being wounded with it will t...

2 hours later…
@HDE226868 You got my upvote, for the 25-30% I understood :P
@Gryphon Which 25-30%, out of curiosity? I should probably revise the other 70-75%. :P
6 hours later…
Q: Reposting other peoples answers onto a personal blog

Lyndon WhiteI enjoy a lot of the answers from this site. But some of them I really like -- they are like little stories and I want to keep them around where I can find them and maybe where others might find them too. Some particular examples https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/a/120013/2700 https://w...

2 hours later…
@Secespitus Hi, i just read your short story "Sebiar and the adventurers". Great story! Is there a chance there will be more of Sebiar and Cricket? I really liked the two of them.
3 hours later…
@ArtificialSoul Thank you very much! I haven't been writing for a while now, but I still have ideas to continue all of my short stories. Which means that maybe there will be something new from those two at some point.
@HDE226868 I haven't learned any calculus yet, so none of the calculus was understandable, but other than that, it was pretty good.
@Secespitus Definitely tell me when you continue that story! When I have time i'll read your other stories, but I can assure you that I really liked this one.
@ArtificialSoul Will do. Thanks!
@James I believe the number is a "crap-ton" of people years.
@AndyD273 I hear a "crap-ton" is equivalent to 10 "shit-loads".
The math checks out
Now, I'm not sure how many poop-scoops are in a shit-load.
@Hosch250 from my experience as a dog owner, many.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Incognitohow can I prevent magical curses from being used? Magic is common in this world, and used in everyday life. All humans have some skill in its use, it being part of school curriculum. Magic relies on incantations in order to cast a spell. You must have a picture of a person or thing in your mind ...

about sandbox questions, do you guys think those two questions are dupes:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

KepotxI travel back in time: how could I know when I landed? Tags: time-travel history Today a weird guy with a pointy hat offered me and my friends to play a game: We will all travel back in time, to a random date somewehen from the antiquity to modern times. We will have a limited amount of time t...

Q: My time machine needs to know when it is

Andrew BrēzaI've built a time machine and it works in unmanned testing... sorta. I tell it to go into the past, it disappears, and then comes back to the present. The problem is that it isn't terribly accurate. I need to know how far back it's going in order to calibrate the "Time Selector" dial. I need a d...

both are more or less the same, i.e. need to know the date of the time travel, but as mine is in a diferent context, the answer of the second can't apply
@James Apparently a 1 with 1500 zeros behind it doesn't have a name. They kind of gave up after centillion (10^303)
though I guess you could just call it googolty^15
@Gryphon Ah, makes sense.
Or novemnonagintillion^5
@Kepotx I don't think they are duplicates either. Yours relies on observable clues without any kind of equipment by a human, and the other is for automated tests with as much equipment as you can fit in 6x6x7 feet.
Is it just me, or does Incognito post a lot of Sandbox drafts that need a lot of work, doesn't take advice, and then posts on main anyway?
@FoxElemental Hadn't noticed. Does it matter? If they don't take advice then stop helping them, or just do the minimal work needed and point out that if they aren't going to use the advice given then they may stop getting advice. Sandbox is not compulsory, and there is nothing that said anyone has to make any changes no matter how good the suggestions are. At that point it's up to each user to decide how much time and effort they want to invest based on history and expected return on investment.
It's the same argument I use for people who say that "bad questions" waste peoples time; it only does if people let it. If you don't give them any time, they can't waste it.
@AndyD273 I agree with your stance, but i would still emphasise talking to them. Even if it is just "Why do you post in the sandbox if you dismiss any advice you get?"
@ArtificialSoul Yeah, that's why I said "point out that if they aren't going to use the advice given then they may stop getting advice".
@AndyD273 I am also somewhat curious of WHY they post there if they just ignore advice. I mean they just couldn't and it would have the exact same outcome - except for people feeling like they wasted their time trying to help them
@ArtificialSoul Yeah, dunno. Maybe if someone can coax them into chat we could try to explain how the site works, but since we don't have any control over them or their actions, it's up to each individual to make that decision for themselves
Q: How to delete chat comments?

RonJohnA questioner has sufficiently clarified his question that my comments are no longer valid. Normally, I'd just delete them, but they've been moved to chat, and I don't see a way to remove them. Thanks

@AndyD273 I'm not sure how heavy the rocks are going to be after a blast. I was thinking maybe fist-size.
OTOH, I've never seen rocks that were a direct result from a blast, and there may well be massive boulders broken free.
@Hosch250 Could be. Depends on the type of rock, the minerals, how fractured it all is from previous blasts... But 30 feet is really deep. It's hard to swim down that far at all without equipment
Unless you are me.
Then it's hard to NOT "swim" that far down.
You swim like a rock?
I literally sink faster than the titanic
That, at least, took a couple hours.
I was gonna say. It really kind of lingered, like an overacted death scene.
For me, it takes a couple seconds tops.
Or course, when you consider the difference in sizes, maybe the time/mass ratio is slower for me.
@Hosch250 If you can make it to the bottom of the North Atlantic in a couple seconds, you're going pretty dang fast.
@Gryphon No, just under the surface.
IIRC, one of the parts went down pretty fast and broke up a bit, and one of the other parts went down slower and drifted.
@Hosch250 With you, or the Titanic?
The Titanic, obviously
I'm not in two pieces.
Very good
@AndyD273 In my world numbers without names are imaginary and have no meaning.
@James No, imaginary numbers are something different.
I think any number that big could be considered abstract at least. Too big to really mean anything.
Imaginary numbers are those nobody wants to think about.
Go find an old question to answer, if you're bored.
Or one of the 4 unanswered ones.
@Hosch250 We actually have unanswered questions?!? That's weird.
3 now.
@Hosch250 Two. One was way to broad and is now closed.
The magnetosphere one seems either really easy or really hard. I'm not sure which.
I answered the tail one. Its not a great question but it seems on topic to me.
and I couldnt find an obvious duplicate...
7 hours later…
@AndyD273 Here's how my story is coming along so far (just three paragraphs): 1drv.ms/w/s!Arb7hwtzEkcog9xS4XhNA3OtRFW53g

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