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@Gryphon It did indeed.
@HDE226868 this...happens a lot
10 hours later…
Yay! I hit the reputation cap yesterday for the first time ever! And lost 85 rep for being over it... :(
@Gryphon happens
It's actually today (stupid UTC days always mess me up), and I'm now up to losing 105 rep :(
Why can't people just hold off on the upvotes 'till tomorrow?
And I'm up to losing 125 rep :(
@Gryphon Just stop counting, then!
1 hour later…
@FoxElemental But I want to know exactly how much rep I'm losing out on! btw, it's up to 165 now.
3 hours later…
It is rather dead in here at the moment.
Anybody around?
Hello, Bellerophon! What are you up to?
Not much Just finished packing for a holiday.
Where are you going?
Cycling in Norway.
Ooh, sounds awesome!
@Gryphon Hi!
@Bellerophon Yeah! Take some pictures, if you've got a camera.
Hey, @Hosch! How are you?
Played a bunch of Monopoly yesterday.
New-ish game for me--just got a copy.
Working on writing a custom Roslyn analyzer.
About to have lunch, and still thinking about that story I'm writing.
You had never played Monopoly before?
I'd played a couple games on webopoly.
It's basically monopoly, but with the entities renamed.
Monopoly was basically my childhood.
So I was just kind of surprised that you'd never played it.
Or, had only played a rip-off version a few times, to be more accurate.
Also, what is a Roslyn analyzer?
Roslyn is the C#/VB.NET compiler.
It has support for custom code analyzers and fixes built-in.
Ah, that makes sense.
This one is for a project that works with COM.
We wrote wrappers for all the COM stuff, to keep things releasing correctly.
Except, due to limitations with how .NET interacts with COM, we can't chain calls that return wrappers.
This analyzer is going to break the build when that happens, so we don't check that code in.
I understand about 20-30% of that.
Sorry, I'm not a professional developer or anything.
I do code a bit, but...
That's OK, I"m sure I couldn't understand some of the technical details from your field.
Long story short, most Windows software since about 2003, or so, runs on the .NET system.
I'm still in high school, so I don't have a field yet :)
COM is older than that, and is what much of the core of inter-process communication in Windows is built on.
@Hosch Ha! You should try the old German monopoly set I have. There are bills that go up to 10,000 in value
@FoxElemental We only have up to 500s, so after a while 1s tend to come back into play as 1000s.
@Gryphon That's almost sad
@FoxElemental We also play with a rule where a 500 is put in the middle of the board, and every time someone has to pay money to the bank, it goes in the middle of the board instead. When somebody lands on Free Parking, they get all the money in the center of the board, and a new 500 is placed there. The amount of money in the game tended to increase rapidly, so we needed those 1/1000s.
3 hours later…
@HDE226868 When you get pinged so often that your entire inbox is literally pings.
@FoxElemental ^ Turns out the pings from this room dominate my inbox. :-)
My inbox is mostly from the sandbox at the moment.
My inbox pings are, eh, periodical. Often chat pings. But I'm proud that I'm such a large factor in "mod-work" (read: Incessantly asking questions about obscure site processes and occasionally contributing a note on something important, if only by pure chance.)
I'm getting slowly more depressed on how much rep I'm losing out on because of the "200 rep per day cap" rule. The amount of rep I've lost is over 200 at this point.
@Gryphon Don't be obsessed. Stop looking at it.
Which post is it?
I promise not to +1 until tomorrow ;)
Thanks :)
Actually, you only have to wait about half an hour.
Since the UTC day flips over then.
Mm. But I'll be gone by then
+1ed Will's answer, though.
Yes, his is excellent.
No offense
I've also upvoted it.
None taken!
I'm generous with votes.
Though we went along different paths, Will's answer is also excellent, and, in my honest opinion, at least as good as, if not better than, mine.
Bonepecker--just cool
Yeah, I kinda feel like putting a bonepecker in Quenaunor. Now that is a terrifying living weapon.
It pecks its way through your skull, and eats your brain.
And then lays its eggs in your empty skull.
And when the eggs hatch, they consume the marrow from your now-skeletonized corpse.
. . .
That needs spoiler formatting
It was just a thought.
Also, "Yay?" is the best reaction to that.
Thank you
Thou art welcome.
Also, re: your spoiler formatting comment, if I do put bonepeckers into Quenaunor, they won't be a plot point of any kind, so it isn't a major spoiler (and it's a tentative one, at that).
I meant for the PG-13 aspect, but I guess there's worse these days
Yeah, that is kinda gruesome, I guess.
Feel free to flag them for removal (I can't edit or delete them at this point).
oh, no problem
The day flips in a few minutes, btw. You can upvote that answer soon.

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