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Q: Can't see vote button in election?

KareemElashmawyI have 2.3K rep, well above the rep requirement to vote in elections, yet, I'm not seeing the vote or nominate button on the election? (I've turned off adblock too) Am I doing something wrong (user error? ex: in bad standing?) or is this a legitimate bug?

7 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Incognitocan I use a zombie work force to corner the unskilled labor market? big business owns the government. Corporations such as Target, Wallmart, General Motors, etc now have a major hand in deciding policy in the country. This has a major impact on how workers are viewed by their companies. A law ha...

3 hours later…
Q: Would a large single meta-post with constants, metrics, equations, and equivalents be useful?

AshI have a Worldbuilding "cheat sheet", it contains all sorts of information that's useful to my Worldbuilding process. For example lists of equations for the volume and surface area of euclidean solids, the estimated density of all the planets of the solar system, the correct reworkings of $E=mc^2...

2 hours later…
2 hours later…
I think this question deserves some new attention (specifically from the viewpoint of other relevant SEs like Conlang and Writing)
Q: Which question migration paths do we want?

JDługoszI'm told that question migration paths don't just appear automatically, but we ought to discuss which ones we need. (Why not? I always expected the list to be populated the same as the upper-left corner button, and never knew why it never worked.) So, what other SEs do we find useful for this ...

Is that supposed to be a feature-request?
@FoxElemental I don't remember a lot of questions that we recently migrated to ConLang and Writing. Can you provide some links? Mods have an overview over this sort of stuff and it would need to be quite significant to warrant a migration path. Currently we don't have any migration paths for example. I think Monicas answer is very relevant for this.
@FoxElemental Let me look at some migration stats.
Okay, so in 2017 and 2018, we've migrated away 46 questions.
46 +/- 2, if I miscounted.
We had:
- 12 to Worldbuilding meta.
- 7 to Writing.
- 3 to Physics.
- 1 to Math.
- 4 to Space Exploration.
- 3 to Astronomy.
- 2 to Stack Overflow.
- 2 to Earth Science.
- 1 to Economics
- 1 to Community Building
- 1 to Meta Stack Exchange
- 1 to History
- 1 to English Language & Usage
- 1 to Role-playing Games
- 1 to Electrical Engineering
- 1 to Mythology
- 1 to Economics
- 1 to Aviation
- 1 to Movies & TV
And I'm off by 1. But you get the idea.
Long story short, no site besides Worldbuilding meta - to which we already have a default migration path - received more than about 15% of the migrations. The best average was something like one every two and a half months, for Writing. In other words, migrations are edge cases for us. We've been averaging about 2-3 a month, and mods can do that manually.
Plus, two of our mod team are mods on Writing, and they know the scope well. I mod Astronomy and Mythology. So of the 34 questions not migrated to meta, about a third go to sites we know really well, and will get the migrations right. If that's representative of long-term trends, and I think it is, reasonable.
3 hours later…
@Sece @HDE Thanks for the feedback. I'd forgotten moderators could auto-migrate--I'll keep that in mind. @HDE Is it acceptable to flag under "flag for mod attention" if I think it should be migrated?
@FoxElemental yeah, that's how you denote a question for a manual migration -- I've done it myself a couple of times. (there are even circumstances where it's apropos to do that to your own question)
@Shalvenay thanks for the advice

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