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Q: Was this resource question closed because of the word "best?"

JBHI found this question: The best tool for drawing on (Google) Maps It's been closed as POB. Was that because of the OP's use of the word "best?" I thought software recommendations were allowed so long as they directly relate to worldbuilding and it would seem that something that could annotat...

2 hours later…
posted on July 03, 2018 by FoxElemental

When you’re writing a story and building your world, sometimes you fall short on how to build it. Maybe your story is lacking a little something, your descriptions are vivid yet your characters experiences seem two-dimensional. Here’s a small list of questions to ask yourself when you’re feeling stuck, arranged by (mostly) relevant categories. Source: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rock

Q: Should i give up on WB?

Seraph MyrmidonCreating a medieval fireball thrower weapon? My Question is valid....i guess. This website sucks. Nothing last forever,Do something about trolls or die wb,Trolls and reporters elite users are waste of biomass,nobody is perfect and im FUCKING TIRED OF THIS. Downvoters...i known im not popular ...

That last one, ouch
What's his deal?
@CelestialDragonEmperor -- some people simply never adjust to the SO/SE model. I'm not 100% sure why.
What a prick, tbh.
Asks a question and when they give him a good example he just goes "umm, your an idiot"
And then complaints that one of his questions gets closed out of his 55 in total
It just looks like they never learned and just asked the same "what would this look like" questions
4 hours later…
@WorldbuildingMeta already deleted again :(
@dot_Sp0T Trust me, you don't want to read the whole thing...
@Secespitus yuck you get access to it don't you?
I need 10k
or a hat
@Secespitus are you already working on the Questionnaire?
@dot_Sp0T Being able to see deleted posts can be nice - and it can be weird...
@dot_Sp0T Yes, at number 5, but got some things to do.
I hope nobody minds if I nominate myself but not do the questionnaire immediately
sooo, actually nominated myself - I'm nervous
2 hours later…
@dot_Sp0T What's the worst that can happen? You might lose
Actually it's probably worse if you win, then you're doomed
@dot_Sp0T @Separatrix is right, if you win you can't complain. But if you lose you can complain all the time about how everything would have been so much better with you being a mod. :D
BTW @Separatrix, are you still planning on working on the draft at a later point or do you not want to post flat Earth draft from the Sandbox?
@Secespitus I've killed it for the moment, I'm a bit too busy to give it the attention it needs as a live question
@Separatrix Okay, I shortened it a bit. Just as a little info: comments under graduated/abandoned posts may be deleted to reduce the clutter in the Sandbox. For example for abandoned posts they may get archived to chat, but mods can't move comments under deleted posts to the chat.
If you would like to have them preserved to work on it later it might be a good idea to safe them somwhere or undelete and ask a mod to move them to chat. I tend to only remove my own comments, but if a mod comes across your post they might decide to purge the comments, leaving no trace of them.
@Secespitus No worries. You're getting enthusiastic about that Mod role aren't you :p
@Separatrix Not really, I have been enthusiastic about the Sandbox for a long time now.
The mentioned procedure is also relatively new, which is why I thought I'd mention it. Not that you suddenly start to wonder where all your comments went. Some people don't react well to comments being deleted without any warning.
It's tempting to put in a nomination, but I've been CS, First line, NHS reception, and a WoW GM. There's nothing I could be called or accused of that I haven't heard already and I possibly don't want actual responsibility for the can of worms
The deleted section of the Sandbox is already a handful once you can see it.
It's worse in the 2017-2018 Sandbox, but we had a very high amount of posts in the newest Sandbox already.
We have a relatively new user who has taken it enthusiastically to heart, not that that's anything to complain about, I wish more would.
Indeed. The Sandbox can help with working out some stuff, especially when you are relatively new or know that a topic could be difficult.
I've got plenty exp as a DM and as teamlead in student projects - should I add that?
@dot_Sp0T Why should I be a mod? Easy: I know how to keep 'em Murder Hobos in check.
I can't even bring the argument that I speak german
Anything where whatever goes wrong is entirely your fault regardless of whether you had any power over it and now everyone is blaming you is good experience
@Separatrix Sounds like a normal day at work
@dot_Sp0T I just participated to invalidate that argument of yours. ;)
@Secespitus how German of you
@dot_Sp0T I am a full-fledged German after all
@Secespitus Ja. A Meister of Unfug.
@dot_Sp0T Sounds like another reason to be a mod.
Mods aren't allowed to post sarcastic comments though
@Separatrix Tell that to the Snorter of Beverages
@Separatrix Have you told @James yet?
@dot_Sp0T :D
@Secespitus high five
@James isn't that bad, at least not where too many people would notice
@Separatrix I think we were both referring to the main chat, not main or meta.
Chat rules are different :)
2 hours later…
chat rulez
Q: Where can I find details on the election process?

ArtificialSoulI find it quite weird that I am having such a hard time finding details about the moderator election process. Everything directs somewhere else, but I find barely any answers to my questions. The only information I could gather is mostly from the election posts and one other question someone as...

@Hosch250 Feel free to play along. I've just been posting when I get time/an idea, so if you want to bring back some of those threads that's cool. I've been thinking they would run into the other groups (attackers and friends) fairly soon, especially since the next challenge is in a fixed spot, so everyone would have to show up there eventually
I'm thinking about having Jarilo be a woman. As it is, Nairahdul seems out-of-place as a single woman along with 5 guys.
@Hosch250 Sounds good to me. I've been thinking about that a bit, trying to figure out how to add another character in. I had forgotten about those character
Hello everyone
I've got a little question, not sure if it's important enough to ask it on meta
I just answer to one question about how the world would be diferent if super heroes exists, and in his question, he say that "Approximately 1% of humans have one or more super powers, and 1% of them are fully aware of their powers. [...] Finally, 1% of that 1% (or one in a million) have the inclination and power set to be full time super heroes/villains
I just answer saying that this numbers are low, and every nation would try ti increase them (by detecting super powers or giving them work)
the thing is, I don't answer to this question, is my answer off-topic ?
also, if I answer, I would answer with higher numbers, and not the one in the question. would it not be off-topic as well ?
@Kepotx Could be. Can you adapt your answer to use their numbers, then explain why you think their numbers are low, and then answer the question you think it should be answered?
Like, @dot_Sp0T has a question about train pirates robbing other trains. So my answer started out saying "why would you want to be confined to the tracks instead of coming along side in a vehicle/horse like the good old days of train robbery. But to answer the question you asked...
@Kepotx What you seem to want to do is often called a frame-challenge where you challenge the premise of the OP. These can be useful if you explain why the premise flawed and how a different approach might yield a better result. Also keep in mind that often here on WorldBuilding "running with the premise" is an important part. Sometimes you can write an answer like "With your numbers we would have to stop at this point. But if we assume x and y then we can further explore this idea."
It's used rarely, but we have a Sandbox for answers, too, if you have a draft and would like someone to take a look at it before posting on main.
And there could be a reason the author wants the number to be so low.
If anyone was looking for something truly terrifying today:
@HDE226868 Ohhhh, volcanoes are now extremely high on my list of things to see.
@Hosch250 I'm not actually sure I'd like to be close enough to see that thing.
@dot_Sp0T Huh, what?
@AndyD273 I don't see a nomination from you yet.
@Gryphon Bet you could see it from many a mile away.
I wouldn't want to be in that thing, though (although that would be cool too).
@James you again?
@Hosch250 I'm still not sure I want to be within 10 miles of that thing.
@Gryphon I think he's farther than 10 mi out?
Maybe not, that's pretty far.
He could be using a zoom lens, though.
@Hosch250 It's about 16 km, so I'm betting he's within that radius of it.
Either way, 10 mi seems like a safe enough distance. I wouldn't mind it.
Yeah, it sounds more/less about right.
@dot_Sp0T Someone summoned me. I was napping. It had better be important.
@James urgh
@James We all quake at the wrath of the Prophet of Glarnak, may he live forever, and not smite us with the terrible fires of sarcasm, nor destroy us with the hammer of modship.
@HDE226868 All ash columns have internal lightening storms, the particles build up high voltage static charges as they travel through the air until they arc to ground. I'm amazed this is news to anyone, then again I always forget that people live places where they can't see volcanoes from the kitchen window.
@Ash Wait, where do you live?
Because I can definitely see a grand total of 0 volcanoes from any of my windows.
@Gryphon Same here in MN.
@Gryphon He lives in the Shire.
@Hosch250 Wait, what?
@Gryphon You know, the Shire. Bagginnssss.
@Hosch250 Also, is it sad that I had to look up that abbreviation?
@Gryphon Yes.
@Hosch250 Umm, that place doesn't actually exist though. Unfortunately.
Especially considering you are next-door neighbors.
@Hosch250 Sorry, you guys have got like 50 of them.
@Gryphon :P
@Hosch250 Umm, do you know what, for example, the capital of New Brunswick is?
@Gryphon No :)
@Hosch250 Point made. We only have 10 provinces (and 3 territories).
@James Went camping over the weekend, and have been getting caught up again, but I have started filling it out.
@Hosch250 Also, it's Fredericton
@Gryphon Thank you.
FYI, the capital of MN is St. Paul.
@Gryphon I'm in New Zealand, I have limited views of Ruapehu etc... but my mum and sister have much better ones.
@Hosch250 I didn't know that, but, once again, you have 50 of the things.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

F1KrazyWhat required secondary powers does my speedster need to be able to accelerate at 2,250 ft/s2 without harmful effects? Set in the same world as this question, but not directly related to it. I have a speedster character whose top speed is Mach 2. She holds back a lot of the time, but at full ti...

@Ash Ah, I understand the "he lives in the Shire" comment now.
@Gryphon Don't know all them myself anymore either.
@Gryphon Technically, he probably lives in Gondor, since he can see a volcano.
@Ash Do you?
@Hosch250 Certainly in Middle Earth but most of the film locations are a good 3 hours or more from where we are.
@Ash New Zealand is high on the list of places I want to visit. It's a beautiful country.
@Ash Probably a good thing. Bloody tourists and all.
Unfortunately, I may well end up being one myself, because ^^
Also, BBIAB.
@Hosch250 Wait, what?
@Hosch250 We get our fair share still but most of them are passing through, we're a night stop for a lot of people travelling around the North Island but mainly we're a university town.
@Gryphon I wouldn't live anywhere else I can think of given a choice.
@Gryphon Be Back In A Bit.
Went on a walk in the rain :)
@Hosch250 Always fun if it's warm enough.
@Ash Yep. Not really cold, and not too wet, either.
@Hosch250 Yeah I won't be doing that for fun down here for at least a couple of months.
@Ash How cold does it get in your area?
@Hosch250 At it's worst usually -2 or 3 degrees Celsius, there are places within a couple of hours drive that get much worse -10 or lower, at the moment we're in single digit overnight lows that feel like they're sub-zero because the humidity is way up in the 80s or 90s.
@Ash Standard over here in January-March is about -12 C or lower.
Last year, there were 2-3 weeks where it was about -23 C when I'd go to work, and I park outside. BRRR.
I suppose you get hotter than us in the summer to make up, though?
Or does the ocean help with that some?
@Hosch250 Ah continental climate at it's worst. We get to the 20s in summer, occasionally even the high 20s but the maritime climate keeps things from getting too extreme, mostly. The problem is that the humidity is 80-90% relative almost all year every year so it always feels hotter or colder than it really is.
@Ash Oh, that would be horrid.
That's almost like taking a walk in the rain at those temperatures :(
Does it cause a problem with molds?
@Hosch250 I hate it because the area I was born in is one of the few places in the north island that has really dry summers so it can be 30 odd degrees and feel like it's still in the 20s. Major mold issues, especially in winter but it never really stops growing even in summer.
I read a book about a missionary group in the Philippines, I think, and they talked about how the mold would grow on their feet and make the skin slough off.
@Hosch250 Yeah we don't usually have that issue because the cold kills those kinds of molds but mold in the buildings is chronic.
How do/did the native peoples deal with that kind of mold, I wonder?
Were they just somewhat immune to it, the way Europeans got somewhat immune to Smallpox?
@AndyD273 Good :)
Is it possibly because they didn't wear shoes, so the mold was less trapped?
@James Is the outgoing mod a secret?
@AndyD273 No one is outgoing actually.
Workload has just gone up as the site gets bigger.
Ah, cool. The current mods are pretty good, so not losing one is nice.
@Hosch250 Lack of enclosure rarely hurts in these things, the natives probably had the same issues but knew how to treat them with local ingredients where the missionaries tried praying at their sores instead.
I just can't think of anything off the top of my head that I'd change about the help center...
@AndyD273 Thanks. Although I'd settle for "Mostly harmless", honestly.
@Ash At WWII level, they weren't that dumb.
They were using what anti-biotic ointments they had.
@HDE226868 Well, that too
@Hosch250 You'd be amazed, there was a crew this century who got lost and eaten in the Amazon, with full GPS Sat Phone etc... less than 20 miles from a main highway. Yeah with a fungal infection antibiotics and antiseptics won't help that's a common error.
@Ash Eaten? That sounds, umm, interesting.
Who did the eating?
Also, GPS may or may not work in the jungle. Heck, it's iffy in the US national parks.
@Hosch250 The wildlife did the eating I believe but after they were dead of variously plant and animal poisonings and dysentery.
Ah. Because I didn't think cannibalism was an SA thing. More pacific island-thing from 200 years ago.
We have GPS issues here but I'd always been told they were because of the orbital alignments favouring the norhtern hemisphere rather than anything else.
@Ash That, and perhaps because the signal is literally blocked by the curve of the earth as you get closer to the poles.
That's why it's so sketchy in mountains, too--there isn't a clear line of sight to the sat.
@Hosch250 Yeah I have heard of cannibalism still being all the rage in Papua New Guinea but not so much the Americas since the Aztecs folded up. I did exactly one anthropology paper at university and I read about a group of missionaries in central or south america who convinced the tribe that they were trying to convert that they needed to be sacrificed to appease the tribe's new God that was impressively stupid.
In other words, they were trying to make heroes of themselves?
@Hosch250 From memory the tribe claimed the missionaries were guilty of the sin of pride and given the disasters that came with relocating the tribe to the mission station they thought God was angry at them for listening to these prideful men and they stoned them to death.
Oh. I thought you meant the missionaries deliberately persuaded them to kill them.
@Andy I see the questionaire filled out, but not the nomination. Are you nominating yourself?
Yeah, I can see their point about pride.
Although, the anthropologists had better watch out, because they are pretty full of pride too :)
@AndyD273 Succint. I like it
you need to nominate too
@James Yeah, just found that page. Working on it
@Hosch250 No I don't think they did it on purpose they just failed to understand the people they were talking to and what they were taking from the missionaries teachings.
@James Alright, now that's fixed...
Okay . . . now looking not only for editing advice but also plot/character advice, to anyone willing. It's this Medium/Universe Factory draft (It's a first draft, so know that it's horrible.)
While I was driving to work today I had an idea about a neat natural progression of self driving cars, machine learning, VR, and robotics...
@FoxElemental I looked but you don't want my advice.
Self driving drone police cars that patrol while a combination of machine learning and trained humans look for activity to flag. Officers can jump their view from car to car using VR, take over if they really need to, respond to flags, or just cruise. If they need to make a stop then a remote robot can be deployed from the cruiser, so that the controlling officer can approach and talk to the driver.
It would let the police cover a lot more ground without having to worry about manpower shortages, and it solves most of the police brutality issues by having all of their feeds recorded and logged all the time.
@Ash why not?
@FoxElemental I'll have to take a look at it later when I have a little more time.
@dot_Sp0T you should fill out the Candidate Questionnaire on Meta to show people why you think you should be a mod/what your position on certain topics are
@Andy thank you. Any advice appreciated, at any time.
Hello, @Renan
@Hosch250 If you want to steer the story-go-round a little more feel free. You seem to have some ideas, so I'd be happy to see what they are.
I don't want to step on your toes
@FoxElemental Because I'll tell you to start again and this time do it in a style that's actually readable, I have a personal peeve with that particular formatting.
@AndyD273 Oh, you didn't. Just been a bit busy.
I'm thinking about starting a new chapter cutting back to Hem and Jarilo.
Forgot Hem's full name already :(
It's probably a good place for a chapter break actually... I'll throw one in
@Hosch250 That sounds like a fun idea
Hello @FoxElemental.
Funny thing, I have been pinged when you said my name there, but searching the transcriptions I see I've been mentioned with an @ before and I was never pinged for it.
@Renan You only get pinged when you currently have the chat window open, have posted something in the last 14 days before in the specific chat room, someone uses a direct reply to one of your messages that's older than 14 days or a mod uses a special mod-ping.
Huh. I never knew about the mod-ping
@Ash . . . . . sorry?
hello gang
Hello, @Serban
hello @FoxElemental !
@SerbanTanasa Hey! Long time no see.
Hello @HDE226868 yeah it's been a while
Just noticed you guys are throwing an election and decided to drop in and say hi
How's college?
College is good. Halfway done. I've got a good next semester lined up, and I'm working there this summer doing astronomy research.
How are things with you?
Got married, having a kid, working for da Man, it's all good. Kinda like a Fairy Tale not written by the Grimm brothers
That sounds really good.
Thanks! Do miss worldbuilding tho
I have a bunch of cool ideas that yearn to jump from synapse to pixel and bit.
I'll be afk for a bit, but yeah, I have lots of those. The tricky bit for me is figuring out which ones I'm capable of developing to fruition.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Incognitowhat would incentivize a medieval society to value more girls than boys? Historically males have been more valuable to parents. They are stronger, which makes them better suited to working the fields and more capable as soldiers. Boys traditionally take care of their parents when they are old, a...

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