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hey there @Inflationary_Bubble
Oh, you know I'm here. Thanks! I'm writing something that may be a bit long, so it might take a while to send.
@Inflationary_Bubble how're things going?
Fine, but I'm thinking about something that might be interesting for what I want to write.
This idea might be a bit odd, but I've been thinking a long time about it. So basically, I was wondering whether this could work as a sort of explanation for magic and other things that break the laws of physics as we know them. I know that well, it won't make them conform with our laws of physics, but perhaps it could be logically possible under some consistent set of rules.
So, there's the idea that the universe could start in any arbitrary state.
I believe stuff such as "Last Thursdayism," the skeptical hypothesis that "the world was created last Thursday, including all evidence that seems to show it is older," depends on this. Yes, it's not meant to be taken seriously, but the point is that technically, you can't completely disprove it.
So, if the universe is limited to some specific states it can start in, not just anything, then stuff such as these skeptical hypotheses won't work, which would be philosophically interesting, to say the least.
@Inflationary_Bubble I suspect the universe is limited in its starting states (at least, if you want a result that is capable of producing enough trappings of our universe to be useful for worldbuilding)
@Shalvenay That's probably correct, but I mean something as in "the world as it was Last Thursday," I'm pretty sure that would be similar to our world.
Or say, "the plate has moved one foot away" (due to telekinesis)
But if it can start in any state, what I was thinking was you can say that whenever something that breaks the laws of physics happens in the story, the universe is actually restarting in a new state where things are the same except for whatever happened, and the laws of physics go on from there.
(At least until the next "strange" thing happens)
The problems I was wondering were about stuff such as the theory of relativity (which might be difficult to remove completely and still create something consistent and similar enough to our world). Some think that due to the relativity of simulaneity, there is proof that time doesn't actually flow and the past and future do exist. I was wondering whether that would mean my reasoning is wrong about "restarting" the universe somehow.
@Inflationary_Bubble that's...interesting. it'd create some issues with sort of deeper-seated laws of physics I reckon (Noetherian symmetry breaks, and what not)
Yeah, I was thinking about Noether's theorem (although I'm not that great at physics). But I don't understand why the same laws of physics couldn't logically apply to, say, the plate now being a foot away, after the movement happened. If you moved it there normally, they certainly would.
Emphasis on "after."
@Inflationary_Bubble I'm thinking more of things that'd disturb the energy accounting
Hmm... energy would be a problem, perhaps. But would the universe would work fine with different amounts of energy in it? Also, where did the energy come from in our universe in the first place, in the Big Bang? Was that created from nothing?
@Inflationary_Bubble that's a darn good question
I suppose that part of this idea came from arguments I heard that energy conservation didn't apply at the Big Bang because it was a special moment of time.
I'm not sure whether that's true (I believe scientists are still debating about whether there was a singularity at the Big Bang or not - I just read about the Hartle-Hawking state and "imaginary time" and it's sort of confusing).
But it's still interesting to think about. Here's a link about the state I mentioned:
In theoretical physics, the Hartle–Hawking state, named after James Hartle and Stephen Hawking, is a proposal concerning the state of the universe prior to the Planck epoch. Hartle and Hawking suggest that if we could travel backward in time toward the beginning of the universe, we would note that quite near what might have otherwise been the beginning, time gives way to space such that at first there is only space and no time. Beginnings are entities that have to do with time; because time did not exist before the Big Bang, the concept of a beginning of the universe is meaningless. According to...
Anyway, this does get into religion a bit, but someone even used the argument about the special moment to try to refute creationists claiming that the Big Bang violated conservation of energy, and so couldn't happen without God - now I wonder whether your concerns would have implications for the possibility of God performing miracles...
it's definitely an intriguing viewpoint, with some definite consequences
one is that whatever magic in that world would be limited to instantaneous effects in a sense
all the magic would have to happen at once
I know what "instantaneous" means, but perhaps, if the restarting happened constantly with incredibly small amounts of time between them, stuff could seem to be happening constantly.
Sorry - last "constantly" should be "consistently"
@Inflationary_Bubble sort of "limit as delta-t approaches 0" approach?
Ooh, calculus! I'm learning about that now, but yeah, maybe something like that. After all, humans (and most other things) have a limited reaction and processing time.
I wonder whether anyone else has thought of something like this. (Probably, it's a vast world and I'm likely nothing special).
the other thing is sort of "set things up and kick the ball down the hill" marble-maze-magic if you will
Sorry, I didn't understand what you meant right now.
where the spell conjures a physically plausible event by magically creating the initial conditions and letting physics work from there
for instance, to create a fireball, it conjures a bunch of fuel and an ignition source and hits "play"
Okay, that makes sense. That's an idea I've heard a lot before.
But I can't say all my worries have fully disappeared. I wonder whether something like this could be simulated, to prove it's logically possible.
Not a whole universe or anything, but perhaps a few particles interacting according to physical laws, then alter some code to move one particle a bit, and resume from there.
Yeah, I'm perhaps obsessed with simulations.
perhaps. it's interesting to ponder at least
I guess it's because I assume anything that can be simulated is logically possible, because, well, it can be done somewhere.
And I'm obsessed with internal consistency, as in, if I can't prove something is logically possible, under some set of rules, I find it hard, to say the least, to write a story about it.
That's why I joined this site in the first place, to see whether I could get answers about whether some things are coherent or not, even if they don't follow our laws of physics.
As in, for all we know, they could be happening in some alternate universe.
So I was just wondering, do you personally think my idea makes sense, or do you see fatal flaws in it?
@Inflationary_Bubble I can see where you're going, yeah
1 hour later…
@kingledion -- you about a bit?
Argh! One of the most annoying thing of all:
Watching your own memory of a detail in the dream drifting away while within the dream
5 hours later…
@Secret try to repeat the things you did in the dream before having the idea. The human mind is mostly deterministic, although there are myriads of influences to decision making
What I discovered after 7 years of dream logging is that memory tend to become the easiest to drift in that limbo between waking and dreaming. But recently in these 5 months, there are scenes in the dream where you recall a memory, drifting again, and then recall and then drifted again as the various events played out
For the above memory, it is the name of one of the characters in the dream. The scene in the dream where I recall that memory is when I am climbing down a ladder from a tall tree with a ring shaped platform, but by the time I reached the table scene after a few minute walk, the memory started to fade away
Since I remember the nervous emotions when I climb down that ladder and trying my best to not fall backwards and let go of the ladder, I don't know if reproducing the same sensation in reality will help jot that dream memory
o btw, the details of last night dream, in summary format, is like this:
in Mathematics, 3 hours ago, by Secret
Basically, the backstory of the anime goes as follows:

The world that Lane and the other characters lives in (the city inside that cubic structure) has some unspecified spiritual properties. Memories from Lane's visit to the zoo (and the zoo is said to be somewhere in reality, suggesting the whole world is either Lane's dream, imagination, or that the world interacts with itself in some self referential manner) in the past have contaminated the world and this is bad in some unspecified way. Sana, which is seen at the intro, is actually not human but some kind of spirit guardian of this wor
in Mathematics, 3 hours ago, by Secret
We learnt that Lane get an extra bedroom as some kind of base or hub by murdering the previous inhabitant. It is never specified the motivation nor the details of this crime

Kane is a friend of Lane and she had been helping Lane on her life for some time

The people met by the tree was planning to infiltrate Memory, which is linked to the background of the anime or Lane, in order to destroy it or something. In order to do so, they have to ensure both Chasity and (forgot) followed their programmed routes in the game (which centre around that big tree with the 4 quadrants) to gain access to
That "(forgot)" is that drifted memory I mentioned earlier
Why will my dream go so far to simulate the feeling of "forgetting something" is still not clear to me, but over the years, a lot of emotion and sensation details from waking life started to show up in the dreams, as if the dreams are trying to simulate reality itself
@Secret It didn't simulate it. There was a detail in the dream that you forgot.
Well, in some of my past dreams, I can actually felt the wetness of the water in swimming pool scenes, the pain when being stung, the temperature and the roughness of touching something. But there are also scenarios where there are no sensations because e.g. I was never being shot in the head by a gun in reality, or experiencing drowning
Some dreams also have smells in them, which are probably drawn from my past experience or memory
All my dreams, are however visual and coloured, thus I belong to the norm which has coloured instead of black and white dreams
@Secret In those situations your brain is probably triggering its standard packets of memory about those things and then simulating the nerves firing because it thinks they should be. Stuff it doesn't know how to react to it will either ignore or possibly make up a sensation based on what it things would happen.
Dreams are weird. Studying dreams would be a career I would like to go into.
I have been studying my own dreams for 7 years using a dream log I kept. I think there was one website which mentioned that dream interpretation may not universally apply and is specific to individuals. Inspired by neuroscience, I often try to find activities in waking life which might have inspired a certain dream scene
The main reason I study my dreams however is for finding unusual ideas that I can use, but idea dreams are not as common as movie like dreams so most of the time the log is more like a storybook than a idea repository
> Stuff it doesn't know how to react to it will either ignore or possibly make up a sensation based on what it things would happen.
This point is actually used by me to handle some of the very strong nightmares which I called entrapment nightmares. They are those which I felt I am actively being trapped by them and the scenes will do a lot o things to convince me I am not dreaming
It is always strange to me how convincing dreams can be.
Particularly when I sometimes wake up but still believe the dream for a few seconds.
An example of an entrapment dream I had in the past is this one: secretlabsultraviolet.blogspot.com.au/2017/10/…
I once had a dream which after waking up, caused me to search for a folder at my bookcase, only to suddenly realise that the folder never existed
This is because the dream uses the same bookcase in one of the scenes
The relationship of space and time in my waking life and my dreams are also interesting:
In waking life, I rarely get the venue of an event wrong but my memory on when it starts will often be off by +- 1 hour
In dream, the spatial extent of familiar places tend to be 2-4 times bigger and more white coloured themed, but memory on the time is often crystal clear that I can remember dates and times exactly
Some of my dreams also involve time travel, but all clocks read normally. There are also dreams where I can read some book or pamplet consistently which it does not change its content after revisiting it in some later scene
Other strange thing is that in some dreams, I am simultaneously the audience of a show and a character within the show. It gets even more confusing when the dream is lucid, because I felt I have control and no control of the dream at the same time
Other structural things about my dreams may include: Multiple false awakings, multiple repeats of a scene, hierarchy of in dream memories (e.g. in the dream I recall having a brother which I don't aware I don't have in reality, but at the same time I recall what I have ate yesterday night in reality), various instance and level of lucidity (where I am lucid in one moment but not in the next)
I also had this one dream in the past which caused me to question about freewill in the dream, because it felt like everything including how I respond to it, is all scripted by the narrative in the dream
With the place/time bit I know that in long term memory words and numbers are recorded differently. That might be why you can remember places accurately (words) but not times (numbers). Humans are also normally better with words than numbers.
In short term memory sight/spatial awareness is processed separately to words and abstract memory. That might be why your spatial memory and the colours are a bit off but your memory of times and places is pretty accurate in dreams.
Interesting, so that spatial expansion and time accuracy in my dreams might be saying that my dreams are mostly based on short term memory, which is consistent to how when I analyse my dreams, often most scenes can be traced back to inspirations roughly 3 hours before sleep and more broadly, within the last 3 days
As for waking life, well, I am not really a number person, I like to deal with abstract concepts more than long strings of numbers
1 hour later…
@Secret Just curious, the nights you have nightmares, do you tend to sleep longer than normal?
not necessary, for example, most of my nightmares revolve around my computer getting a nasty virus, and my duration of real time sleep is more or less routine
Both dreams and nightmares, however tend to be more vivid and consistent the longer I slept. So for late night sleeps where I literally only slept for 2-3 hours, both are relatively short and daily life like
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

SecespitusWould the diet of a human have to adapt if he suddenly had a ~1 metre long foxtail? If I genetically modified a human to have a foxtail of roughly 1 metre length through the use of handwaved genetical engineering - would this have an effect on his diet? Of course an additional appendage means t...

1 hour later…
Hmm, why do peoples' conception on magic tend to be pew pew stuff
Because it is more fun.
@Secret Because it's easier to quantify. If you're creating a fantasy game there's little mechanically different between shooting someone with a bow and shooting them with a magic missile. It's much harder to have magic effects that are actually magical.
I see. I am more interested in magic behave in a magical fashion rather than physical though, because that's the uniqueness and strength of magic compared to the analytic and reductive nature of physics
Try designing a system where if you're pure of heart the faery in the well won't curse you for stealing its water and turn you into a mushroom for a year and a day for impudence. Try making that fun to play.
@Secret because magic is most often "power at a distance". The further you can project power and the greater the power at that distance, the more appealing the magic.
@Green Did you ever read Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell? There are many other forms of power than hurling fire.
@sphennings I haven't read that book but I agree. There are many different forms of power than hurling fireballs.
@Green But none are better.
I <3 Fireballs.
@Green It's something I think about a lot when trying to design magic systems for roguelike games. How to design an interesting playable magic system that actually feels magical.
Any ideas how to get more attention to this - can't bounty it yet
@sphennings what else do you try to include in your thought process?
@dot_Sp0T I suggest paying people to walk around town with sandwich boards.
@Secret It's visually interesting too.
@James great, how much do you charge?
@Green I look at how a lot of independent roleplaying games do their magic systems, Don't Rest Your Head's discipline, exhaustion, madness, and pain dice system did an excellent job of tying it's mechanics thematically into how magic worked in its world it but is entirely unsuitable for a computer game.
@dot_Sp0T Michael Irving's answer looks pretty good to me. I couldn't do better.
@dot_Sp0T At my current rate plus a roaming fee you're looking at... $55.00 and hour
The Force from Star Wars is an interesting magical system in that you have some power at a distance, being able to move things, grip things, throw lightning, etc. potentially from very very far away.
oh and then a $100.00 dollar "Its colder than a Nazgul's nethers fee"
@James Wow, you're worse than lawyers.
@Green don't need to do better, just look at it and raise the viewcount :)
@HDE226868 I'm not done yet... :'(
@James that's quite a lot, what are your qualifications?
@dot_Sp0T I've done my part then :)
@Green A lot of it is I'll get a little scene in my head and start to wonder how to construct a system that would allow it mechanically. "On the first full moon after her granddaughter's birth she ventured out into the woods to collect wood and herbs to make a talisman to protect her from the attention of the faeries."
@Green thank you
@dot_Sp0T I can walk, and spin, AND wave around my arms.
@James I'm quite amused how it's been colder in Florida than it has been in Anchorage Alaska.
@James can you swear at the homeless?
@dot_Sp0T I can swear at anyone and to suggest otherwise I would consider a grave insult.
@James anyone, or.... everyone? Also, how about diversification? I am considering hiring you to wave around a sandwich board in the streets, but what if I need, let's say, a huge wall built along a border or similar, would you be up to that task?
Definitely anyone I prefer my profane rants be targeted, more effective that way.
@sphennings thanks for the insights. I don't design magic systems so it's cool to see how other people do it.
@sphennings pepper
@dot_Sp0T Eh. Walls make it harder to swear at other people. Its just not personal from the other side of...or even on top of a wall. So no walls for me.
@James that's... unfortunate. We will be in contact.
@dot_Sp0T You can't find pepper in the woods. At least not in a generic anachronistic psudo-medieval setting.
@sphennings I like pepper.
do you have pepper?
@Green say, I hear you like building worlds. How would you feel about building walls?
@James I disagree. The high ground can be a huge advantage
@sphennings yeah, but ferries hate pepper
@James I do too. I'm quite happy that they can be grown outside at my latitude.
@sphennings You do know that pepper comes from trees?
@dot_Sp0T Most ferries I know of run on diesel. :p
@AndyD273 I was talking about members of the genus Capsicum.
@sphennings they run off diesel, but they will run from pepper
@AndyD273 And a star for you Sir.
@sphennings Hmm, you could probably get wild pepper plants
@AndyD273 They would die in the winter.
@James The bountapalooza's done, and I added the final stats. Total bounties/questions were down (26 from 28 last year), as were the number of users who added bounties (11 from 16 last year), but we increased the total value of the bounties from 2800 rep points to 2850 rep points.
@sphennings Well you'll never solve your problems with that kind of latitude.
@HDE226868 I blame the new tax plan and its lack of respect for charitable giving.
@AndyD273 Ouch.
...I miss Wooosh...we need more bad puns.
Yeah, what happened to woosh?
I haven't seen him in months....I think.....I actually don't remember
I think he's still active on the site, just not chat for some reason
I bet it's @Green 's fault he ran away.
Also, no one is going to comment on @James saying he misses DaaahWoosh?
@AndyD273 His last comment was in September :(
@James Yeah, well . . . well . . . well, okay, maybe.
Also, his name was hard to search for because I didn't know how many a's it had
@kingledion that's why we love whoosh...
If only someone had the power to summon him... It's one of the many reasons I really wish that SE had some kind of messaging system.
@AndyD273 To bo honest, that would just lead to people harrassing each other. The internet is a mean mean place outside warm fuzzy chatrooms like this
@kingledion I can think of a dozen ways to fix that problem
I believe that whooosh will eventually return and tell us of his adventures
@AndyD273 I suggested that on MetaSE once. I do not recommend it...I felt like I had called down all the biblical plagues as well as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and probably the whole noah/flood thing at the same time.
@dot_Sp0T Ooo, I like that, thats optimistic
@James They're just lazy.
@kingledion ...your mom is warm and fuzzy.
I tried not to press enter on that...
@dot_Sp0T how much machinery do I get and what about robots?
I don't know what you're talking about but no robots for you.
@Green depends on the budget leftovers after hiring James for the billboard thingy
@dot_Sp0T then likely you can't afford me.
@Green You know we could team up and sell packages to rip peop...errr save people money. Just like cable!
@Green see, that's the issue we got with Trump-Merica. With Obama it was all "Yes, We Can!". But now noone wants to build a wall anymore!
I don't deserve that star
@dot_Sp0T This shouldn't but funny but damn. Bahahahahahahaha
I love election slogans. I'm with yes we can make America great again!
@kingledion Sorry about the "your mom" joke. Its a reflex. :D
@James would a joke about gag-reflexes aim too low?
@James Its okay, my mom's dead, and I didn't have the heart to tell you that you are going to hell. Plus, you probably know that anyways.
@kingledion .......annnnnnnnd coffee in my sinuses.
@dot_Sp0T Gag-reflex jokes about my mom might elicit a strongly worded response
@James I hope it was really really hot coffee
@kingledion Medium hot. Like just cooled off enough to drink without it burning.
Literally a dozen.
1. Ability to block users.
2. Whitelist only.
3. Let it be semi private, so mods can monitor.
4. Abuse reporting and banning.
5. Messaging is a high rep unlock.
6. Have to complete an internet niceness course first.
See, literally half a dozen ways! And the advantages are huge.
@AndyD273 Send me your e-mail address then, I'll have my crazy aunt add you to some mailing lists
That joke is so old though, everyone does oversharing on facebook these days
@kingledion That's why I want a messaging system. Who knows what spam bot is monitoring this chat, waiting for me to tell you what my email is. If I could just message it to you then it would be less of a problem
@AndyD273 Potentially evil spam bot monitoring chat? Hmm.....I feel a WB question formulating
@AndyD273 A bot of spam am not I
By the way, total aside, I looked at that starred post from @Mithrandir24601. The Interpersonal Skills chat is named Awkward Silence?!?!?!?! That is so great.
@James But maybe you bottle spam? Or maybe you spam bots?
@kingledion Nice answer btw
@Mithrandir24601 I just pictured throwing cans of spam at the battle bots arena in the middle of a fight.
@kingledion Yep :) They seem quite good at naming things over there
@kingledion Anyone can view the chat, even without rep, and you can see the transcript without even being signed in, and without showing up in the active user list.
@James Oh thanks, on the forging? I didn't know if your actual end goal was lots of armor or giant mechanical hammers. They each have their own value.
@James Spamming spam bots with spam?
@AndyD273 Speaking of summoning though, @Mithrandir24601 showed up in about 30 seconds after I tagged him.
@kingledion End goal is simply more armor. I feel like a good sage/scientist would tell the smithmoot they are dumb if it was appropriate.
@kingledion Yeah, but that only works since @Mithrandir24601 has been in chat recently. I think only a mod can summon someone that hasn't been on since September. The mod just didn't get the hint...
Foolish mods
@James btw did you just not know about automated smithies or did you want to explore other venues?
@dot_Sp0T I use an automated one actually...didn't realize how far back they went apparently.
@James well, you would be surprised about how much automation actually existed back in the day then :D
@James Wait...you use an automated smithy? Explain.
@kingledion I'm a blacksmith...did you not know that?
I did not know that.
We have three powerhammers, belt grinders, all sorts of fun toys.
Do you have one of those gas powered furnaces?
way easier than charcoal...and cleaner
I was actually a farrior's assistant for a couple months once, so I know about horseshoes and horseshoes only
Where do you keep all that stuff?
I spend most of my time making blades.
Do you ever go round to Ren fairs and sell them?
@kingledion Oh its not mine. I rent shop time. I would love to have my own but at a bare minimum I would want to spend like 25k to get a shop set up...
Oh renting, that is cool
@kingledion Not personally but a lot of the people do I have sold a couple knives they took along for me
@James How did you get into that?
@James Oooh... You don't sell to the UK do you?
@kingledion I always talked about how cool it would be to be a blacksmith during movies and stuff and my wife found an intro class.
@Mithrandir24601 If you want something I could ship it no problem.
I just sent a knife to Guam for an Air Force buddy of mine.
@James have a look at that map of a town near where I live from 500years ago. You'll likely not understand much written on it, but the top two pseudobridges are little but connections for mills powered by waterpower
@James Do you have a website or a list of stuff you have/make?
@dot_Sp0T Starred for later use :)
@Mithrandir24601 No, I've been thinking about putting things up on etsy or whatever but I never seem to be able to build up an inventory...
I can make simpler stuff like coat hooks or door handles or pretty much any general use items/decorations
and then knives.
@James do you at least have pics to show off?
yeah, let me see if I can get them to upload from work...
@James Fair enough. You don't happen to make jians do you? It's not the type of sword I'd want most, but it's the type of sword I'd use soonest
@dot_Sp0T That's an awesome map.
@sphennings just for the disclaimer, it's not made by me. It's an official map from 1829 that recreates a map from back in 1504
@James Ok, here comes the real question bombardment. In my last house, I built a brick wall that had a drainage hole cut into it. I wanted the hole covered in a fancy manner, so I spent three years looking for someone who could make a cast iron gated fitting to cover the hole. It would have to be hinged so I could clean out the drainage pipe once a year. I never found someone who could make the iron parts, and eventually sold the house. Could you make something like that?
@kingledion I don't do cast iron cause we don't smelt (although he does have a smelter) but I don't see why I couldn't forge something like that.
Well, now its too bad I sold the house. I was offering metal workers hundreds of dollars at art shows but no one was interested.
@Mithrandir24601 Double edged weapons are tough to get even, I am working on it but haven't become proficient yet. Symmetry is a pain in the ass.
@dot_Sp0T I'm a sucker for old maps. Thanks for sharing. Her's one of my town showing rebel emplacements during the the American revolutionary war. (1770s)
@kingledion Odd that doesn't sound all that difficult. What were the dimensions?
@James That's fair. Also quite interesting
@James Maybe 6 inches diameter. One insert part to attach to the wall and a somewhat decorative grate on a hinge to open up.
@sphennings is that Boston MA?
@dot_Sp0T Yes
@sphennings my fav place since I played FO4
@sphennings Boston is so unrecognizable in old maps. There is so much landfill. All of back bay and the seaport and most of south boston were underwater back then.
Not to mention the entire airport
A lot of land has been filled in over the years. Here's an overlay of downtown Boston today and how it looked back in 1775
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Joe BloggsHow well will interstellar bulldozers work? The Humern empire uses Photonic Railways to transport its unimaginably vast cargo containers from one planetary system to the next. These ships can reach truly staggering velocities (>0.8c for even short journeys) before finally stopping their accele...

I've managed to find one of where I live from 1611, but I want to find a recreation of a much older one...
The Washington DC map from Fallout 3 is pretty cool. Went there last summer and it's kind of surprising how much they got right
@kingledion My dad did a lot of surveying of downtown Boston in the 80s. It's great fun to get a few drinks in him and wander around hearing stories of how things have changed since then.
@dot_Sp0T Fallout 4 was a fascinating case of geographic uncanny valley for me. All the setpiece locations felt right but they condensed the map down so that the space between the key features were missing.
@sphennings as is usual for openworld games
@dot_Sp0T It was my first time playing an open world game trying to be a real place I knew intimately.
@Mithrandir24601 Where I live now, in 1611 was heavy forest.
Ah, the joys of living in the US. Everything was forested, plains or desert in 1611.
@Green there's an area near where I live that dates back to the stone age :P Finding a blueprint of what the archaeologists think it looked like is proving challenging though
@Green Yeah, kind of make time travel a little less attractive... go back just a little bit and probably be eaten by wolves.
When I was little, my aunt and uncle got me a map showing what a small British city would have looked like over the course of 3000 years, moving from the original inhabitants through the Roman occupation to the medieval era to the Renaissance to the present day. It was absolutely fascinating.
@Green Actually......(here come the pedants!)....you know most of the Eastern US was kept as savanna by the Native Americans. They seasonally burned to reduce forest cover to make more open lands while are better for hunting. In doing this, they replaced the effect that mammoths and mastodons and giant sloths used to have before.
@Green Not exactly there were the mound builders in the south eastern US that ended in the 1600s.
@Green It wasn't until smallpox showed up from Mexico in the 1550s or so that native populations plummeted and most of the land reverted to forest, which was its appearance when the Europeans showed up to colonize
@Green Correction 16th century not 1600s.
@kingledion I'm going to dock you pedant points for not starting that sentence with 'Well'
@kingledion That I was not aware of. Pretty cool.
@AndyD273 Oooh, 'Well actually', yes, I failed there
@kingledion Do you have a source for this? I'd like to read some more on that.
The eastern savannas of the United States covered large portions of the southeast side of the continent until the early 20th century. These were in a fire ecology of open grassland and forests with low ground cover of herbs and grasses. The frequent fires which maintained the savannas were started by the region's many thunderstorms and Native Americans, with most fires burning the forest understory and not affecting the mature trees above. Before the arrival of humans about 15,000 years ago, lightning would have been the major source of ignition, the region having the most frequent wind an...
The whole 'living in harmony with nature' thing is a bit of a modern idea... Humans always adapt nature to meet our needs.
Slash and burn baby!
@kingledion Yeah...not that it helps you now but that wouldn't have been to big a deal
Hmmm is it too early to already write a follow-up question to my train question? :(
@dot_Sp0T I usually wait one week before posting more in a series but thats just my personal preference.
@James yeah but that would be a very long week :/
@dot_Sp0T I thought nearly all weeks were a similar length.
@Bellerophon Haven't you ever heard of leap weeks with 8 day?
@sphennings Yeah, the leap day is always a Wednesday. Some weeks have a lot of wednesdays.
They were implemented in the 1500s to compensate with variation in the lunar cycle.
@Bellerophon boy you're in for a surprise when you find out about subjective time
1 hour later…
Guess I killed the chat - hurray
@dot_Sp0T Few will mourn it.
After months of being away Wooosh comes back to find chat a smoldering ruin. The only evidence he finds is dot_Sp0T carved in to the remnants of a wall.
@sphennings A bloody knife lies on the floor. Bones are heaped in a pile beside the wall. Whoosh looks closer and sees that the name of dot_Sp0T is carved in blood.
I'm not able to comment on the question about medieval dropforges (worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/101282/…) but I wanted to point out that the Texas Rennaissance Faire has a working water mill hammer which is cool to see
its not used in the same context of armorsmithing, they use it as a coin mint, but it's functionally the same tool. Unfortunately, this is the only picture I could find of it: ourlifewithaview.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/…
@HDE226868 He wanders through the once active halls of chat. Remembering all the horrible puns he had made. Nobody would hear his groaners again. Grief drops him to his knees.
@sphennings "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN", he does not know why he shouts this name, he just does.......
@JDReese Thanks for sharing and welcome to chat.
Yes, welcome to chat. Do ignore any howling, bad puns and other strangeness. They're occupational hazards of dropping in here, it seems.
@HDE226868 Yeah...that totally happens in here...
@HDE226868 noted and ignored
2 hours later…
Yawn...man today is dragging
you're dragging the day
Is anyone still contributing to the group story? It has been nearly a week since anyone posted.
What the heck is people's conception of Worldbuilding? My legit question is getting ganged and shut down. worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/101368/…
is it off topic to ask about universe building or something, or questions involving real science are frowned upon?
@Bellerophon I am trying to think something up, but it's exam season so most of the time goes down for prep right now...
In my experience, the worlds based on real precedents, whether mythological or scientific are the most satisfying--a big part of why Tolkien is Tolkien and everyone else is in his shadow.
(just my two cents)
lol--thanks the the extra downvote
As I read it your question is asking about a universe that (for the purpose of the question) is the same as our own?
Analog is the key term. It has the same physics, but is a different universe
@DukeZhou It sounds like you're asking how astronomers divide the formation of stars into eras. Why don't you ask astronomers?
To me it sounds like a question of existing terminology.
I tried over on physics, and will go to Astronomy next, but this is first and foremost a Worldbuilding question, to assist me in building a universe.
I notice that people with deep knowledge of scientific fields come over here to give solid answers, and I'd rather ask it on the proper forum, since my usage is worldbuilding, than on the forum for the scientific field
@DukeZhou So it is about real science. If the universe was our universe the answers would be identical.
But that doesn't make it not a worldbuilding question!
I'm looking for expert guidance in constructing my universe.
Yes but "In my world people do math like they do on earth what does the average person think the answer to 2 + 2 is? " is just a math question.
@sphennings oh boy, that's a nice one
@DukeZhou tbh I don't even get what you're asking about :/
So, in otherwords, this forum cannot be used for people looking for information on building their worlds, but only for creative input?
@DukeZhou What do you want to know?
I'd posit that the breaking up of the timespan into 3 or 9 groups is a creative act
so that's where the experts can exert their worldbuilding creativity + scientific knowledge
@DukeZhou Not really. In the [help] it says historical events of or historical facts about the real world are not to be asked about. I think that should probably be reworded to just say facts but the point stands.
@DukeZhou If you just want 3 eras that seems pretty arbitrary. I posit the era of the formation of the first star, the era of the formation of the last star, and the era of the formation of every other star.
@DukeZhou Welcome to chat. In general we leave it up to the poster to choose which site to post on. So if you choose to post here that is fine. We usually just caveat that with, "You may get a better answer on xxxxx site."
@dot_Sp0T I get that a lot. I'm usually thinking about highly complex subjects. This one relates to a 3D representation of a 4D game, with a cosmological backdrop
If the question is purely a question of what currently exists we sometimes move questions, but only rarely.
@sphennings it's not arbitrary in the construct I'm crafting
@DukeZhou no, I mean what is the goal you want to achieve with your question. What is the desired content of an answer?
So in your world stars are formed like they are in ours?
@dot_Sp0T Early Universe has these kinds of massive celestial bodies, mid-stage is a different distribution with possibly different objects, late-stage is similarly distinct
@sphennings yup. but this is for a grid based game, not a physics game. The celestial objects are game tokens for my universe
I want it to be educational as well as super cool
so I don't want to just make sh#t up, or proceed with only my only limited understanding as a non-physicist
@DukeZhou And the understanding of astronomy is equivalent to our own world?
@sphennings mostly. There will be actual Einstein-Rosen gates
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