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At last: here is the video that was giving me such a headache, finally uploaded.
I think Adobe Premiere had a little hiccup. But the older saves still show the same (incorrect) settings, so why did it work properly on earlier videos in the project?
The current settings dialog box has something that doesn't agree with what's actually displayed (unless I then save it without making changes) so I think that's not the real settings it was using, and it's in some inconsistent state.
@dot_Sp0T Are you sharing your writing efforts?
7 hours later…
What the heck is a salt vampire and why do I have it in my WB notes to add one... e_e like, that's literally all it says and it's at the bottom of an otherwise very detailed document...e
It's on a disease document too, which is why I'm so confused. Like, did I mean work this into a disease of some kind or...
@JDługosz You write stuff. Interested in joining the Worldbuilding collaborative story?
I can't post in the story room. Will someone put the below paragraph in for me?
Hmm, can't post it here either. Never mind.
@Secespitus I actually wrote it in the chat window, not off-site :/
@Bellerophon very werid
@JDługosz see the top starred message
@Secespitus as it seems it ignores max chars if you have a linebreak in the text
@Bellerophon have you tried just retyping it..?
3 hours later…
I am back.........
Hmmmmmm. I wonder which game is better for space combat simulations: a modded KSP or Children of a Dead Earth.
@dot_Sp0T I tried it on a different computer and it worked.
@Bellerophon very weird indeed. Also nice work. I think this is going places!
oh boy oh boy, anyone else wanna take part in the writing?
2 hours later…
@James it feels like you're the last one noticing :/
@dot_Sp0T Don't make me kneeCAP you.
...where is @daaaawhoosh I need some puns.
Haven't heard of whoooosh in quite some time...
Yeah he hasn't been around...
which is unfortunate.
@James? I have an idea. Spain's unification changed the world how?
@Gryphon? Is there an equivalent to the Challenge of Stone in real life?
@FutureHistorian Uh....what?
@James Somehow I got three secret hats already
I think I got two of them instantaneously when Winter Bash started
They're almost frustrating not knowing what they are for
@James Also thanks for cleaning up that T-rex question. Everyone's got an opnion, and most of them are hostile.
@kingledion Yeah that was getting out of hand.
@kingledion ...Now I'm jealous.
That was my most downvoted question of all time! I think
Hey are you going to take a stab at the story-go-round?
I am just asking, @Gryphon if the Challenge of Stone has some real life basis.
Oh and asking you, @James about how things would change if Castille and Aragón still existed, rather than unify as Spain.
@Green Must resist turning velociraptor comments into chat window....
@FutureHistorian Well you probably woulnd't have had a Catalan independence movement recently as they would have stayed independent as well...o
I meant as in: how would that affect the world starting in the 15th Century and all the way to 2017?
off the top of my head I would also say it would have been more likely for the Moors to keep large swathes of Spain...but I'm no expert in Spanish history so those are guesses and not particularly well based.
@FutureHistorian Nope, just something I made up. I have some ideas for it, but someone else will probably do something completely different with it. That's why the story-go-round is fun.
@Gryphon. Is there a basis though?
As in: a real life inspiration?
Because I wanted to make the challenge based on some Old Earth tradition.
I'm not even sure if our characters are human, to be honest.
And, nope, the inspiration was partly my brain being weird, and partly the Jedi Trials from Star Wars.
So, nothing real-life.
Well, I have an idea.
@HDE226868 Hey, have you seen our community story? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/70113/story-go-round
Perhaps they THINK it is from an Earth tradition?
Do you want to contribute?
Because Earth (to them) has faded into legend or myth?
@FutureHistorian If you've got an idea, write it up.
@kingledion check the stackexchange meta obligatory hat post :)
@kingledion Huh, I hadn't! Yeah, sure, let me take a look.
@dot_Sp0T Oh, I got the three most obvious secret hats. Boooooring.
@AndyD273 do you have any idea how we could catalogue all the references from the sgr in a concise way? Mostly for future writers and general keeping an overview - it'd also make for nice material when, if ever, writing a blogpost on how to keep a story consistent
@FutureHistorian I've still got like five hours till I can post again. :( I probably won't be able to describe the actual challenge.
@kingledion I appreciate that clean up too.
Well, @Gryphon. Remember: it is based on Star Wars, right?
So, who knows? Perhaps some of the early colonists born on the planet believed that the Force was an actual thing (hence the challenge and rumours behind the origins of the five challenges)?
Okay, new paragraph posted.
This is quite the cool idea.
Basically, the trope of Earth being a legendary or mythical world is a thing......at least for now.
@FutureHistorian That was just where I got the idea from. Not necessarily anything to do with Star Wars.
Still, they do have some evidence that a planet resembling the mythical Earth does exist, though because their space telescopes haven't really been focusing on studying the Sol System, they are still up for debate.
Do you want to take a stab at adding to it?
Also, Star Wars had 4 challenges
I know. That is why I said it was probably skewed, since the majority of Earth's knowledge that the colonists had were lost.
@kingledion sure!
@FutureHistorian Darn it. The "required agility and stealth" part just vetoed my idea. :(
Basically, this varies depending on the settlement, but in the case of the early colonists of Upsilon Andromedae d m VII, or as the locals call it, Dellingr, which is a personification of the dawn in Norse mythology.
Just remember, if it doesn't get into the story, it's not canon.
So don't make too many plans.
That makes sense.
Except I already implied that aspect with my post.
I even mentioned a "planetset" earlier.
@Gryphon. Do you still like the idea or not really?
Ideas are great. Just remember that not all of them will necessarily get into the story, even the ones you think are amazing. Other people will have their ideas, and somehow the whole collection of ideas will hopefully form a cohesive storyline.
@James? Are you telling me that the colonists would still have an air myth/legend around Earth even if the colonists detected Earth using their space telescopes?
It is a cool idea, but just remember that it might not work.
Fair enough.
I think that a challenge - and a fun one - of the story-go-round is internal consistency. With a whole bunch of people writing, contradictions are probably going to spring up, which could mean some good practice for ret-conning.
Q: The second annual Holiday Bountapalooza

HDE 226868 Greetings, worldbuilders! It's been a long year of creature-designing, map-making and society-building, and we're now in the throes of Winter Bash. Last year, to commemorate the holidays, we had the first annual Bountapalooza. I'd like to propose a second one, starting today and ending probably ...

@HDE226868 we'll eventually have to create a wiki or a meta question where names and events are indexed
@dot_Sp0T Probably. I'm hoping the Singularity arrives before then so the computers can take care of it for us.
@FutureHistorian Very likely, yes.
or at least given the scenario you put them in they could look at it and not have any idea what it is...
@HDE226868 You're a paragraph.
I don't know why I do that...
@dot_Sp0T I would say a meta question with three wiki answers, one a list of important objects, characters, locations etc. One a summary of the story so far and one a list of contributors.
@HDE226868 thanks for the bountypalooza post, pushed 2 fat fishes
@Bellerophon sounds neat. I'll coordinate with @AndyD273 once he shows up
Now, @Bellerophon? Question: was the mention of "Old Earth" good?
Uh oh, we already have a continuity snafu in our story.
@kingledion do we?
Bellerophon has the party going into the forest together, but HDE and dotspot have them just finishing their run across the plains
Ack, what do I do to resolve this!?!?!?! So much pressure!!!
@kingledion Drunken group story telling. :D Makes me think of DnD
@kingledion Meteor strike. Whole party dies.
BAM. Fixed.
@James Never mind, I'm recinding my invitation for you to contribute to the story
I'm a freaking wizard with words.
dang I missed out on it, I am sosorry
I'm willing to have a mod edit mine.
@Bellerophon That takes all the fun out of it.
That is a very interesting issue
@dot_Sp0T You're welcome. Blame it on It's all thanks to James, for last year.
@HDE226868 I'm a PM, taking blame is like... 72% of my job.
@kingledion AAACK! I misread @Bellerophon's and thought it was still referring to the desert walk. My bad.
@Bellerophon would you mind if we retconned your part to referring to the desert-walk / a less foresty part of the forest?
Alternatively, I could retcon mine to have him move off from the group after entering the forest to get some water.
We could keep @dot_Sp0T's exactly as is and reinterpret it to imply that his companions found another person in the forest.
I would be fine with that too. @Bellerophon as your post is the earliest you are free to choose what we do :)
@kingledion Contribution registered.
I have an insight into how WB works. Others probably know this already but it was new to me. I think that my velociraptors question is less popular for two reasons. 1) It follows very closely on the tails of the T-Rex question which differs in relatively minor ways. 2) The T-Rex question was new and I don't think anyone has asked that kind of question before. The velociraptors question is "old-ish".
@dot_Sp0T Yo
@Green you know, in that specific case it might also be because raptors are smarter than humans
Question: what ever happened to the podcast
Did that peter out some time ago?
I was barely on the site for like 8 months in the middle of the year this year, so I'm not up to date
@kingledion It's still going. I published our fourth (new) episode. We aren't using YouTube anymore. The production costs/time were too expensive.
@kingledion We've kind of rebooted it. monkeylords.com/podcast
Get the podcast at m.....what @AndyD273 said.
@Green Hey, have you tried going to monkeylords.com ?
Nex has been offline for a few months so we keep going without him. Officially, he's "On Vacation".
With the www in front
@AndyD273 I haven't. I'll have to fix that sometime.
@Green and inofficially noone knows..? Don't have to answr
@kingledion we are looking for guests, if you're interested in participating.
@dot_Sp0T All we know is "Family Stuff and Work".
@AndyD273 salut, missed that somehow.
@dot_Sp0T The story so far: docs.google.com/document/d/…
I'll try REALLY hard to keep up on it every day
As to the continuity error, I vote that we not worry about it at all. It's going to need a really good edit at the end, and things like that can be worked out.
@AndyD273 I was thinking that too. If we get stressed out now, imagine how many continuity errors will be popping up in each post by page 10.
None of us lowly non-mods can make changes, and I'm sure @James has much better things to do than fix those.
@kingledion Right. Get the story down, then fix the problems in post.
@Green Oooh, I'd be in principle interested but 1. Finding the time would be... Hard and 2. The WB stuff I can do is extremely niche, even within WB contexts
@Mithrandir24601 If you can laugh, come up with marginally good ideas and support them, then it should be fine.
@AndyD273 well, get to it :D
If you cand hold a conversation with me, @James and @AndyD273 then you're good to go.
@Green I can laugh I think :P But the other two? Not so much
Besides, we can dedicate an episode to the areas that you specialize in. That's easy.
@Mithrandir24601 OH! On your recommendation from earlier this year I bought a copy of Ancillary Justice.
It's really good thus far.
@Mithrandir24601 Also, James and Andy have that whole work, wife and kids thing going on so we're used to scheduling things to accomodate schedules.
Hey, @Green what did you mean by "she was making too much noise". Does the pit thing respond to that or something?
Because that's what it looks like.
@Green Hah! You say that it; could be adapted to fit; what I do: I say "?"
@Gryphon The requirement of the Stone pit was stealth. If she's making too much noise then the lip collapsed and she fell in.
Ah, I see.
@Mithrandir24601 What do you specialize in.
@Gryphon Much like in alpine settings, if you make too much noise, you'll start an avalanche.
@Green I think we can set up hangouts to take a phone call from Google Voice, in case any guests don't have a microphone...
@Green :D It is - I think @AndyD273 (?) told me about it first :) I'm now on the Shining, then Green Mile
@AndyD273 that makes getting a good Audacity recording a bit trickier than I'd like but I suppose that could work.
@Green Well I can set up one of my other computers to capture the audio from hangouts.
@Mithrandir24601 I haven't read Ancillary Justice yet, so it probably wasn't me. I'll have to put it on my list to look at
@Green hardcore physics (as in, I get money to do real physics), martial arts (including swordfighting and basic military warfare of that sort of time-era) to a limited level, tea and chocolate (yes, I'm extremely serious about this one), High Valyrian and not much else
@AndyD273 Ahh, it was @BESW (who's not pingable :o :/ )
@Mithrandir24601 Hmm, well, we have a partially Japanese inspired half otter half platypus people that use martial arts... Could probably use some input on that...
@Mithrandir24601 We have lynx people and otter people who are going to need some martial arts to fight with. Perhaps you may be useful there.
@AndyD273 I'm super curious how we're going to merge Polynesia with Japan.
@AndyD273 ... I've never studied Japanese martial arts :/ although I have read The Book of Five Rings for what that's worth
@Mithrandir24601 I love that book.
@Green Just take the parts of the cultures that we want. From Japan you get the sense of honor, the martial skills, the arts and importance of history. From the Polynesians you get heroic discoverers of new lands for the benefit of those who voyaged with them and who will come later.
@Mithrandir24601 Good book. Art of War is worth a read too.
@Mithrandir24601 Well, just having knowledge of some martial arts would probably help out. They don't have to specifically be Japanese. Being semi-aquatic, they probably have their own styles that work underwater and on land.
@AndyD273 do we want to cut the story into chapters as we go, or do you wanna wait until a certain point in time/events?
Do users get a notification if a suggested edit is rejected?
You know at some point the co-written story needs to be set in the world of the monkey lords....
@James Yeah, I've read through that as well
@James I'm down!
@James Wanted to ask you something, if you're not busy.
@Johnny Ask anyway. There's never a time that he's not busy nor a time when he doesn't want to get pinged in chat.
@James Wondered if James was still looking for answers on that modern cavalry question, or if he's satisfied with the ones he got. I didn't see anyone talking about Afghan cavalry ambushing the USSR, or the cavalry warfare of the Afghan and Taliban forces.
@Johnny I'd be curious to read about that since calvary since WWI has been pretty ineffective.
Well, the later case is covered in a book, last I checked, called Horse Soldiers, by Stanton.
Not sure what I could recommend for reading on the Afghan USSR war, though. Not unless you read Russian.
Also, the cav in WW2 thing was largely German propaganda. The Polish horse never charged tanks. I recall reports of them ambushing a couple of German infantry units, and I think they were fairly successful--but they lost the war so quickly it was a drop in the bucket.
@James I'm thinking if this works then story-go-round #2 could be set in the world of the monkey lords. As is we're still working the kinks out, and there isn't enough fleshed out with WOTML yet.
@Johnny I suspect the Germans would have adapted quickly if cavalry became a credible and enduring threat to their tanks.
The USSR didn't. Not by much.
There is little way to adapt to ambushes--aside from not being ambushed.
It could be the same universe anyway... And I might work to bring some of the elements in, like the anemone trees...
Can't remember a credible account of cav harming tanks in WW2, though. There wasn't much of a clash between them.
There was also a terrific anecdote from I believe the first world war, on a charge of horse into rifle fire. The men being charged were terrified, because the horses were grievously wounded and about to die, but were still charging at them strong, huge and bloody and wheezing and frothing. Like fast four-legged zombies. Cavalry charges are darned unpleasant for all involved. Horses generally foremost.
@dot_Sp0T Probably not, unless it makes sense because of a scene change or something. And even then Just using --New Chapter-- as a place holder makes sense.
@AndyD273 Pardon me for asking, but I was wondering about how the chat rooms work. Are you speaking to someone in another chatroom, and your messages appear here as well?
No, you're messages appear in the chat room that you're in, but if someone has been in chat recently you can ping them with \@ like this: @Johnny
Oh, sorry. Thought you might've been talking to another person, and I just couldn't see them. That could make for a cool feature.
@Johnny If you mouse over one of my posts, or hit that little arrow, it'll show you the message I'm replying to.
@AndyD273 Nice, I see you can also reply to specific posts rather than just people.
@Johnny It makes it much easier to follow who's talking to who and the threads of conversations. Their use is strongly encouraged :)
Will make use of them. Thanks for pointing this out to me.
@Johnny Yup. Makes it much easier to keep track of conversations, and hit on other points that you missed.
I had a question about whether a question seems applicable for world building stack exchange, if that's OK.
go ahead
@Johnny Go! This is what chat is for (and lots of other things.)
I was wondering if the infamous "tentacle monster" could be reworked to be more interesting and less.... eugh.
But while the concerns are specific, the possible answers may be too broad.
@Johnny Well, if that was your question, then no. But questions involving tentacle monsters would be fine if you can make it about world building.
Yeah, just can't think of a more specific one at present.
For instance "How do I make tentacle monsters less gross?" is not a good question.
Something to think about
I mean, I don't think that octopus are all that gross. They are pretty cool really.
I might be overthinking it in general. There are a lot of tentacle monsters in games that eat people.
They hardly raise an eyebrow.
Oh, that's right, I was trying to think of how to make tentacle monsters more horrifying before, and less sexual.
@Johnny Can you identify what makes tentacle monsters so gross? Also be aware that there's a non-neglible portion of the population that find tentacle monsters to be very erotic (don't google it.)
Was referring to that pornographic side of it, actually.
The eroticism of it annoys me. It makes me want to not use them in stories.
@Johnny Hmm, more barbs, hooks, spines, and teeth?
I was thinking the same.
@Johnny I'm not sure you can stop how people interpret a tentacle monster. I'd think it would come down to how you sell the monster.
We tried this a year or so back, but it turns out we're unable to have a reasonable adult conversation about anything directly related to sex
The conversation degenerated?
Comparison to a tentacle monster as a cosmic horror might help.
It might be worth another go if you can word the question well enough, but it could still end badly
Might be better to chat about it for a few minutes here, I figure.
@Separatrix Oh, this was a question on main? Yeah, that could go sideways quickly if you're not really careful.
not really
Q: Story-Go-Round Background & Info

dot_Sp0TAs some of you have already noticed, over the last days a collaborative storytelling effort has been started here on WorldBuildingSE. This question is meant as a means to keep everything surrounding the story organized. Community answers will provide different kinds of information & data on the ...

Q: Experiment: More aggressive review queue indicator

Jon EricsonOver on Meta Stack Exchange, I announced an experiment that would: Turn on the review queue indicator whenever there's a task available in any queue. All queues with at least one task will be marked with a red dot. There are no grey dots: This will mean you'll be notified of outstanding tas...

It's OK for me to mention adult subjects here, so long as I don't get graphic?
@Johnny absolutely.
Yeah, I really think it makes a lot of difference how the story is written. I've never heard anyone hear a description of Cthulhu and think "Hmm, I'd like to get me some of that..."
You'd be surprised.
Adult subjects are real. They exist and need to be grappled with.
@AndyD273 You know someone is going to write that now. ;)
Lovecraft does a good job of letting readers know that this isn't something nice at all...
But anyway, I figure one way to desexualize the tentacles, is to make them unlike their intended parallel (penises).
A: Should questions requesting help creating a terrorist attack be answered?

GreenDeath, Destruction and Violence are On-Topic Every so often WB.Meta gets a post like this where someone is worried about encouraging violence, pedophilia, racism, etc. and I believe these should be addressed. However, keep in mind that the content covered by WB is the entire universe of which v...

@Green Sure, and I'm sure it's been done, rule 34, but you won't get that from a real lovecraft story.
@AndyD273 true.
So, the tentacles would be soft, flexible, cold, and nettled with barbs.
I've been so free to work through the story so far and gather the things that have been created into a meta-question: worldbuilding.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5678/… - please feel free to update or reorganize it if you see fit :)
That description seems chilling, to me. Nettles are the worst. Cold nettled hugging-plant must be worse still.
Try sharkskin, something closer to sandpaper to the touch
Like a cats tongue? Still nothing to nettles. Or porcupine quills.
@Johnny or strongly acidic. Sure it looks smooth but AAEEIIIII!!!! THE BURNING!!!!
Depends how you want people to interact with it
I'd avoid fluids, for this creature.
@Johnny "Slimy, and smelling of month old dead fish, the barbed tentacles stretched out, questing for my hiding place. The smell was almost enough to cause me to retch, but the idea of those poisonous spines or rotting green flesh finding me was enough to help me hold it in..."
I'd even avoid odor. It might smell like pine.
For some reason I like plant-based ones.
What about a tentacle sheethed in mini hypodermic needles that inject burning to the touch.
I was thinking of a kind of sea anemone that grabs you.
That's pretty much nettles, Bro.
Bramble thorns
It's like grabbing fire.
I can't find the link but I read about a place in Australia where the plants are covered in a worse version.
Bramble thorns are arguably real world barb-wire tentacle monsters.
@Johnny I have no experience with Nettles. Happily!
You will seriously get tangled in brambles, and starve to death.
@Johnny That'd be terrifying!
Yup. So rather than ripping you apart, most of these monsters would probably just try to entangle you.
Rather than lightning quick, a slow, graceful movement.
@Johnny That idea is not sexual at all. I'd imagine the set of people where that is sexual is approaching zero.
but importantly you're not going to be wanting to make physical contact
No way.
@dot_Sp0T Very cool. I like it.
@AndyD273 could you add a link to the meta-question to the SGR room description? I don't get how you do that :D
I might want to have some more monstrous tentacle creatures, which do tear people limb from limb.
Strangler fig as a basis?
@AndyD273 thank you
The sea anemone version mostly uses poison to incapacitate its prey, meanwhile, then gently pulls them in to be stung by more tentacles.
@Separatrix That's an interesting example.
@dot_Sp0T Yup
I might want to do a Q&A about war-time population and goblins.
@dot_Sp0T About the challenges... I'm thinking they are a throwback to astronaut training, where you might have to survive in the wilderness for a while if you happened to come down off course, until help arrived.
@AndyD273 oh that is sweet! How do we want to handle such ideas / decisions?
@AndyD273 Andy gets some pretty great ideas.
@dot_Sp0T I just put it into the meta post... Though maybe that wasn't how that's supposed to work? I guess if someone contradicts it then it can be removed.
@AndyD273 lets see how it works out, if it doesn't work well we could add a 'suggestions/ideas' post, although giving a platform to write down ideas will offer fertile ground for fights and conflict... BUT I ALREADY ADDED TO THE IDEA POST THAT IT WORKS THAT WAY, NOT THE WAY YOU CHANGED IT NOW!
But I still love the idea and will support it
It just makes sense
@dot_Sp0T Call it theories. Ideas of why things are the way they are without having to actually mention it in the story.
I am so looking forward to seeing this thing unfold
@Johnny Its not my question but yeah if you have a solid answer write it up. :D
@dot_Sp0T I added a new section for theories, and move mine down there to keep things neat.
@AndyD273 just saw it, I'll add it to the index
Well, I'm out for today - thank you all for a great 1st day of the Winterbash and a great 1st day of the SGR!!
@dot_Sp0T Is the consensus that we don't worry about minor continuity errors until the end?
@Bellerophon to my understanding so far we've agreed to disagree and just keep going unless it's too glaring and big to ignore. So I'd say yes, we'll ignore minor breaks and sort them out when we assemble the first chapter/blog-post (when, not if. I am positive we can do it!) - if that is fine with you as well
Fine with me.
I'm going to write into the story, if no one else is now
Go for it.
@AndyD273 I am glad you added the creative commons tag to the story, it would be horrible if we had to ask each and everyone for permission once we create the first blogpost
@Bellerophon Yeah. One bit of writing advice I've heard over and over is "don't fix your mistakes until the story is done." Otherwise you can spend all your writing energy redrafting the first page over and over.
@dot_Sp0T Well, hoping to avoid hurt feeling or misunderstanding. SE as a whole is CC I think, so if it became a legal issue that would probably fix it, BUT it's best to put a little extra clarification so that people don't get the idea that we're stealing their hard work when it comes time to do something with it. We'll just have to keep track of all of the people who have contributed, so they can be attributed later.
@kingledion You forgot to reply to the message above in the story room.
From the Legal link: You agree that all Subscriber Content that You contribute to the Network is perpetually and irrevocably licensed to Stack Exchange under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.
@Bellerophon Gah! I did that last time too
Hopefully a mod will clean up my mess.
@AndyD273 just did that
Shoot Hemdul is becoming a very interesting character
I think you deleted too many messages. We need the last one in the room.
@kingledion I moved the deleted messages out. Feel free to write it back up again.
2 hours later…
@James Wrote up the answer.
@Bellerophon Maybe.

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