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08:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@SerbanTanasa You survived being a mod - congratulations back down on Earth with us mortals
I can now vote on questions again, without the modhammer loomer over my head, haha.
@SerbanTanasa What? Are mods not allowed to vote on questions?
although with 40k rep, dunno if losing the diamond will really make much of a difference, besides losing access to all the secret stuff*
@SerbanTanasa do you remember anything? Can you tell us how it felt like?
If i vote(d) to close, question is locked.
@NexTerren I think it's about VTC and stuff like that
@SerbanTanasa Everyone's so used to you being a mod, they'll see your name in the VTC list and assume it's already closed :P
Got it.
@dot_Sp0T Aren't mods memories wiped out to not spill all the secrets?
@Secespitus I heard it's like coming back after being clinically dead
Do we have Mjolnir here? 40k rep doesn't seem to make much difference otherwise
@dot_Sp0T "I've seen the light - but I made it back"
All SerbanTanasa had of those moments were fading memories, but he knew that it had felt like dying, to let all his towers of thought collapse and become only a highrep user once more. It had felt like dying, he remembered that much of the WhiteMiceLounge even if he remembered little else.
But we might finally get to see more of you in here again :D
And now I think I'll allow me some Fallout4
cheers o/
Just a question: how many of you are decent enough to work with rockets?
Because I was wondering: if you were Earth and you had to fight a war using spacecraft that could make a trip to Mars in 6 months assuming 100 tonne payloads, 1 year to Jupiter and 5 to Saturn, how long could such a war last?
@FutureHistorian 5 pounds of flax.
@sphennings? Is that a joke?
is confused
What I mean is this.
Say for example, I am leading Earth's military forces and reinforcements to my troops stationed on Mars could take six months before arrival.
if it is a surprise attack, about 10 seconds
1 Year of travel time applies to the Galilean Moons and 5 years of travel time to Saturn's moon system.
@FutureHistorian It's a reference to a Buddhist koan. When asked "what is the nature of the Buddha?" some wise old monk answered "Three pounds of flax."
How long could such a war last, given reinforcement time?
@SerbanTanasa? A surprise attack? Did someone forget there IS no stealth in space?
@DaaaahWhoosh Can't have four confirms. No game.
@NexTerren can you have three confirms?
no stealth, but there are decoys, inertial guidance, chaff, diplomatic deception, sabotage, sensor blinding, etc
But there is still going to be infrared issues eventually.
@FutureHistorian Who is earth fighting? What are the belligerents equipped with? Where is the conflict located? When is this conflict occurring? Why did this conflict start?
@DaaaahWhoosh Yeah, Auto and the Wheatons haven't confirmed or denied yet.
@NexTerren well, you can count me as a 'meeeehhhh, I'm sort of fine now but I think it's just because I've run out of fluids'
Mars, Belter colonies, Galilean Moons, Saturn Moon System. Belligerents are mostly insurgents, former UN force defectors with native origins to their world, see answer 1. Timeframe: 2372 (unofficial)/2392 (official), and last question: a series of key factors influenced the outbreak of war.
These are the factors that resulted in the outbreak of war:

1. Cultural divide between Earth and various colonies, thanks to advances in genetic engineering.
2. Failed negotiations between Earth and autonomists.
3. Growing secessionist sentiment in light of human rights violations by the UN's military.
4. Earth trying to directly control the supply of phosphorus, which is necessary for fertiliser and life support systems on human colonies (mainly to keep people on Earth from starving, since Earth had run into peak phosphorus).
The last one is the big trigger and caused the colonies to directly try to become independent.
So, given that, how long can I expect the conflict to last?
@FutureHistorian It depends the 6 day war, and the vietnam war occurred simultaneously. However one lasted 6 days the other lasted many orders of magnitude longer.
Depends on what?
And why reference the Six Day War when the distances we are talking about would require months or even years to travel in the Solar System?
Knowing why people are fighting gives you the best idea of why they might stop fighting.
@FutureHistorian It's possible that the conflict could be over before troops could be deployed.
In this case, it is fighting for control of phosphorus and independence.
@DaaaahWhoosh So in the past I've had drama for counting a semi-confirm as a confirm.
So, colonists want independence and a more favourable stance on trade with Earth (but mostly independence) and Earth wants the phosphorus to sustain its 12.9 - 13.1 billion people, and make sure global famines do not ruin their day.

This... isn't on topic, right?
@NexTerren It's almost on topic.
@NexTerren looks like it should be tagged
@DaaaahWhoosh Oh, fair.
@sphennings? Given the motives, how long for conflict to last?
Assuming a prolonged change in battle lines on Mars, the Belt and some Outer Solar System moons?
And the occasional stalemate?
And what about asteroid-hopping?
would there even be battle lines in space?
Not "in space" per se.
@FutureHistorian As long as you want it to. People in my hometown are still fuding because someone's great aunt sold land to "them hippies" back in the 70s.
More like: on the surfaces of these worlds.
@sphennings "The South will rise again"
Surface dominance is one thing, but orbital dominance is another thing.
from what I read of Red Mars and Green Mars, wars are won by whoever has control of the skies
As far as fights that are still... well I guess not hot, but warm, at least.
@NexTerren The commune went defunct 10 years later. It burnt down in '88.
For now, when I say "battle lines", I refer to surface combat operations.
Which applies to air combat, ground combat and naval combat.
Orbital control can be dealt with later.
So, @DaaaahWhoosh? You understand me now?
I'm not entirely convinced you could have a conventional war on the surface, orbital assets would be too effective
Well, it depends on how effective orbital dominance could be.
Well, remember, @DaaaahWhoosh. Space is BIG. Extremely big.
Besides, if we are talking of space combat, we are referring to hundreds of km of distance between you and your spacecraft.
So, orbital dominance needs to be achieved by either side, while surface forces move in to deal with any opposition.
Still, @DaaaahWhoosh. How long could this conflict last?
Both in orbit and on surface operations?
@FutureHistorian hundreds of kilometers can be covered in a minute at oribital speeds.
So correction: hundreds of thousands of km.
@FutureHistorian Not if you're in orbit around earth.
That is more on the Jupiter and Saturn end of things.
And not if you are in Martian orbit either.
@FutureHistorian If we're talking about controlling the skies to bombard the planet. Jupiter and Saturn don't matter. With mars the math is roughly similar to earth.
Honestly, that is true. But Saturn's moons and Jupiter's do.
So, you still have some moons to deal with near Jupiter and Saturn.
Point is if you're near enough to an object to bombard it. You're near enough to it that anyone else in orbit can mess with you too.
Same for asteroids in the Belt.
In fact, 99.9% thumb-twiddling is the basis of space battles.
So, how long is this war likely going to last?
@FutureHistorian It depends.
What factors do I have to consider?
Besides travel time?
Because that I am still stuck with.
you need to consider how nice both sides are being to each other. If one side can completely annihilate any civilians near to the other side, that first side can move a lot more quickly
as I understand it, that's why the US doesn't just nuke North Korea
Well, in this case, the colonists are trying to fight a bitter, brutal war against the UN in order to obtain independence.
They aren't nuking Kim because the generals are steering against it with all their might
And military bombardment from orbit is a thing to a limited degree.
This war is not going to be won by those with the bigger guns, but those who can win the hearts and minds of the people.
So, what do you think?
Could this factor in into the overall conflict?
That is?
like I said, if you have no qualms about collateral damage, you can steamroll through the entire resistance as fast as you want. Otherwise, it becomes more a matter of supply lines
if the colonies are dependent on Earth, Earth should be able to starve them out
Well, the colonies are not dependent on Earth per se.
But Earth is also going to need that phosphorus.
Even though it has THE largest economy in the Solar System.
so that's another question, do the colonists have an actual army? Or is it more of a guerilla war?
@DaaaahWhoosh Gorillas are pretty devastating
Well, it is mostly a guerrilla war, but the colonists later on do get their own conventional armies.
@FutureHistorian it seems like you know where you want to go, so rather than asking how long it takes I'd say you should focus on how you're going to get to where you want to be.
Well, still, how hard is it to fight a guerrilla war.........IN SPACE!!!!!
In a realistic scenario.
Remember: hard science fiction here.
Speaking of which, I think I have a problem.
2 months of travel time to Mars, 7 months to Jupiter, and 1 year to Saturn (not counting the return trip to Earth).
2 years from Saturn and back to Earth.
1 year to Jupiter and back to Earth.
5 months from Earth to Mars and back to Earth.
what's the problem?
Well, more like........how long before one side can break.
@FutureHistorian However long makes narrative sense for your story. Exactly that long.
I'd say you're going to want the colonists to have a relatively decisive victory in their home planet/moon/asteroid/etc before Earth has time to send reinforcements. How they achieve that victory really depends on a lot of factors
the actual fighting really shouldn't take long. If possible, it should be mostly over in a day, with the rest of the time taken to siege/mop up
but given the nature of space combat, the longer you wait the more time the enemy has to drop asteroids on you, and nobody wants that
I'd say read Red Mars for an example of a revolution that fails, and Green Mars for an example of a revolution that succeeds.
(that was a spoiler, but not one that I think takes away from the story)
@DaaaahWhoosh (yeah, I'd say the political stuff is only a small piece of the story in those cases. Just a macguffin to move the story along.)
Who challenges my dominion of the pun
not I; I am, as previously mentioned, only a humble dachspund
So, basically, several years of space fighting would = one will drop an asteroid eventually.
@TrEs-2b I'd kinda like to see a pun-off Tres and Whoosh...
Being bullied by a bird? Want revenge?
Go to www.ToucanPlayAtThatGame.com
@FutureHistorian If you want another good example of realistic interplanetary warfare, check out The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey. It has pretty realistic space combat.
Call of Funny: Pun Warfare. Available on November 8, 2018.
What do you think?
About what?
Call of Funny: Pun Warfare.
Slight spoiler... they do talk about how to actually hit a planet with a rock when the people you want to hit has a lot of ships armed with nuclear space torpedoes.
It's alright, most puns rely on a double meaning or having word sound very similar as in: Call of Booty 2: Big Red One
Still, you get the point.
Now, if only I can pun my way out of this one.
drums play in the background
Q: Why would my vote totals for the day not by adding up?

AshThe Vox Populi vote meter says I have cast 34 votes but I'm being barred from further voting today because I've used all 40, is this a 24 hours versus UTC thing or what?

3 hours later…
Hey, new here. Is there a way to find stories that have been finished from questions asked here?
A: How should we implement "share a glimpse into your world" week?

Monica CellioI'm starting this answer, and marking it Community Wiki, to collect links to whatever people want to share from their worlds -- stories, descriptions, game modules, fact sheets, etc. Wherever you've posted it, please add a link and your name here once you do. This should make it easier to compi...

It's a bit outdated though :/
For a full list of blog posts, see:
A: New blog post: Comically Wrong: What can happen when you ignore physics (and, previously, Eclipse double-header)

Monica CellioPrevious blog posts Previously on Universe Factory... Edit this post 2017 August Look Up! by Heather At the End of the Day by Monica Cellio Boltzmann brains and entropy by Heather Building the world of The Juggernaut, Part 2 by Monty Wild July Taking into account quantum encryption (par...

@Mithrandir24601 @Mit Thank you!
@idaWHALE No problem! :) There might(?) be other things outside of the blog, but (if there are) I don't know about them
hey there @Mithrandir24601
@Shalvenay Rytsas!
how're things going?
@Shalvenay Pretty good, thanks :) I've had a few days off work and am heading home tomorrow for a few more weeks off work :) How about you?
alright here
you mind giving me a 2nd opinion on something btw @Mithrandir24601?
@Shalvenay I can try, depending on what it is
so...how well or poorly would a two-handed sword with the slenderness of a rapier work? (it can be rapier-length)
@Shalvenay It would handle exactly like a rapier, only it would have a slightly worse guard, which makes it worse. Why? Because you've just created a rapier. Only, with a less complex guard. The advantage of a less complex [yes, this is a technical term] guard is that it is easier to grab the handle quickly, but at the cost of considerably less hand protection.
This decrease in hand protection means that you shouldn't fight with it further away from your body due to the increased risk in getting your hand hit (and therefore loosing, which is bad) and so, you'll have to have your hand closer to your body. However, one of the big advantages of a rapier is reach. Fairly obviously then, as the less complex guard gives you less reach, you're at a disadvantage to a rapier. Hence, a rapier is better than your rapier-like two-handed sword
I am assuming that you mean a longsword, which is held with two hands but not technically called a 'two-handed sword' (as opposed to the greatsword, which is a 'two-handed sword') but generally what people mean when they say 'two-handed sword'.
As a longsword is only slightly heavier and within the same length range (different swords vary slightly, but they're [rapier+longsword] close enough that it would be common to have one as long as the other), giving it the 'slenderness' of a rapier essentially turns it into a rapier, only with a less complex guard :)
alright, makes sense, thx.
Does that match with what you had before?
(No problem!)
08:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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