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01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

In other news, I just found out how to format code in chat.
@HDE226868 That's a really great point. Ctrl+K to format code. Nice!
import insanity

if name(room) == 'Factory Floor':
    for inhabitant in room:
? Python? Insanity?
posted on July 25, 2017 by Jasper McChesney

Peter Brugel, The Harvesters, 1565Medieval peasants were not kings, and their lives weren’t governed by the same systems or traditions. But in the popular imagination, everyone in the middle ages is a warrior. Let’s sort things out. (I am most familiar with medieval England, and will use terms and make generalizations that work there. As with any bit of historical summary, be aware that there

3 hours later…
@HDE226868 As mad as cut snakes, to use the well-known Aussie expression.
"Well known"
2 hours later…
@a4android You guys are weird.
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Well now you know, so that makes it well known.
... Good morning
@Secespitus And somehow you're not.
@Hannah Good afternoon to you. How's the luminosity business getting on?
Uhh. i've just woken up so its in the same state it was when i left the chat
but, i have the energy it would receive calculated for all the star types in my spreadsheet, so i'd say its going pretty good
(by that i don't mean size but regular, P-Binary and S-Binary)
@Hannah That's good. People should always sleep on their problems. Gives them clearer heads. Strictly speaking, it's not afternoon anymore. The Sun has set, so I guess that makes it evening. By now, you will guessed I'm on the other side of the planet.
@a4android Yup
its only 10am here
06:37 pm here.
@Hannah Sounds like a cool use of spreadsheets.
huh, i thought timezones worked on hourly slots,
@a4android Yeah, i'm putting all the equations i'd need for worldbuilding on there, so i can adjust it easily. I did initially try to do it by hand, but i ended up without a habitable world - so got really frustrated
@Hannah They do. I looked at my clock radio and that was the time, well, then since the digits have marched on.
@a4android i was going to say, its only 10:10 here
@Hannah Nothing like chronological precision.
@a4android Yup! ... Does Green still have my spreadsheet open? as i can still see that the anonymous anteater is viewing my spreadsheet
There is an internet database of stars that includes the distances from the primary star from their habitable zones. If I take a moment I might be able to chase up its URL if you're interested.
@Hannah Phooey! Another typo. "primary star for its habitable zone". One 'from' too many.
@a4android Nah it's fine. I have habitable zone calculations on my own spreadsheet.
@Hannah It sounds like you've got it sewn up. Is it possible to get a copy of your spreadsheet? That's the sort of thing that can really come in handy.
@a4android Sure. Its still a work in progress but i'll give you a link to it, which you can make a copy of for your own purposes if you want. It will be deleted a few moments after
@Hannah. That's fantastic! When you think it's ready.
@a4android do I? How mad would the snakes be? Where are the snakes cut? If they are alive, would they be madder than peta?
@a4android Now both an anonymous anteater and an anyonymous dinosaur are viewing my work XD
@Hannah Your worldbuilding spreadsheet is amazing! You have really put a remarkable amount of detail and structured information into it. It's just a fantastic resource. Thank you a thousand times.
@a4android Thank you :) Most of the information i compiled from Artifexian's videos, though there are a few things i've added and expanded to it
@a4android Yeah, we are definitely normal ;)
@Hannah An anonymous dinosaur! Google knows more about me than I'd care to admit.
@a4android Definately :D The last thing i added was the overall energy received from the star - and that was last night. I've got a few more things i might add but for now thats where i'm at - and i've just realised that i didn't do that for he habitable moons section... now how do i figure that out
@JourneymanGeek Have you eve tried to cut a snake? Then you'd know how mad they can get.
No, and I have no desire to...
so, that means I would not have any idea how mad they are, or how mad you would need to be to cut them
@JourneymanGeek A very wise move. The smart ones know it's better not to. :)
@Hannah Building on and improving resources is always the way to go. At work we always tried to find good resources or examples of what someone had done in areas we were working on. Initially we thought they were fantastic, then we discovered we could improve on them.
@Secespitus Surprising how many weird people think they're normal :)
@a4android Yep! I think for now, until i know someone who can help me refine it, i'll put the same equations as for the habitable planet. But i'll make a note to double check when i have the chance with someone
@Hannah Double checking is a good idea. Taking things on trust can be a trap. One I've fallen into more times than I care to admit.
@a4android It just depends on your definition of normal.
@a4android Yeah, It's more along the lines that i don't really understand this sort of stuff instinctively, so i need to ensure i'm not mucking it all up somewhere. i mean, a week or two ago when i was building the calendars section i realised i had some of my orbits all wrong - as my moons were going unnaturally fast, which led to me fixing a bunch of mistakes i hadn't noticed. Even now i have one or two things i don't know how to fix but know they are slightly wrong/need another look
@Secespitus So fifteen hours ago, it seems you wrote: " You're weird. You will fit right into the community!" This explains so much.
I try to avoid defining normal. Blink and you find it's changed again.
@Hannah Carefully checking is an essential part of the process. Even people who should know better can make mistakes. It's always good to have a yardstick to measure results. For example, the way you spotted the moons were moving too fast.
Meanwhile it's time to shuffle off. There's stuff that needs doing at this end. This has been a fun chat.
@a4android Well yeah. And yes it has! Thanks, and will talk to you another time :)
@Hannah Once again many thanks for your generosity in sharing your utterly superb spreadsheet. I am deeply in your debt. have fun!
Q: Is "check out my world" on-topic?

MichaelSI recently saw this question and this related question which give a map of a fictional world and ask "how realistic is it?". The first concerns city and country placement, while the second is related to geography. Certainly, these are useful questions to ask about a fictional world, but I was pre...

... So... what are people up to at the moment?
.. okay then...
... i should probably backtrack the chat to see if they's useful stuff i haven't added to my spreadsheet yet
Q: Vote counting on questions/answers

L.DutchUpon accessing the review list, we can choose i.e. between closing a question or leaving it open. Are both types of vote counted until the threshold, or not? I mean, once N users vote to close a question, this is put on hold. Does it also happen that when N users judge a question to be OK this i...

@Hannah currently at work, reading papers to find up-to-date parameters of qubits... Not particularly interesting or exciting, for once
1 hour later…
@Hannah just waking up.
1 hour later…
@Green Ok that armor is pretty sweet looking
@James Ah, you can see my motivation then.
I know I have a couple books, but they are more focused on blade design...one of them may have a chunk on armor, I will check this evening.
@DaaaahWhoosh Yeah its been four weeks or so...almost anyway.
@James Thanks.
@James , sometimes I both love and hate the US patent system. Today is on the side of love it.
That's a patent for measuring how much skin stretches when moving.
wow, looks like they spell out the whole process
@DaaaahWhoosh It's way better than that crusty old German anatomy textbook from yesterday.
I hate things that are so 3 hours ago...or something.
@Secespitus I found a better source! See Google Patent link from a few lines up!
7 hours ago, by Secespitus
@a4android You guys are weird.
@James Don't worry James. I won't let anyone ruin your curmudgeony morning :)
@Green Already looking at it. That one is from 2015 and in english, so it's definitely better
@HDE226868 This is WB. How can we be anything but weird?
@Green Yeah its sorta part of the deal
19 hours ago, by Secespitus
@Hannah You're weird. You will fit right into the community!
@HDE226868 I didn't realize until today that I use this word so often. My name comes up quite often in that search.
these are especially weird out of context
May 8 at 18:41, by DaaaahWhoosh
that's the weird thing about the Internet, you can't scream and you can't whisper
...What we really need is the percentage of messages in which weird shows up.
but I don't feel like doing simple math.
there's been 1.1k messages this week, and 506 (make that 507) messages containing 'weird' in the whole history of the room
huh, there's been 4.5k starred messages
Thats a lot. We are all probably pretty mediocre employees...
I'm about to be even more mediocre. Getting pulled off the project I was most productive on.
My name shows up in 4641 messages
(I still have you beat)
@DaaaahWhoosh StarWhore
3302 for me.
What are the odds that is an already existing porn parody name?
@James Someone else can search for that one.
I was going to say it'd be a decent name for Barbarella if you didn't like the film
My guess is, "Probably pretty good." Especially in the 80's.
Yeah its my second day at work I am not googling that
@DaaaahWhoosh That movie was so bad. Just. So. Bad.
@Green yeah, I feel like it was a lot of wasted potential
Protip: Don't look at smut from work before you have completed your benefits enrollment.
(or ever really)
lol oh yeah @James have you gotten a new job?
Yeah PM at another insurance company
and this one gives me more money
like...significantly more... :D
@James Would you like congratulations or consolations for that one?
@James win!
...speaking of whores
Oh, more money. That's good!
@HDE226868 Bit of both really...
@Green I have so many things I want to buy :D
Speaking of buying things there is a bundle on the play store for the three Hobbits extended and 3 LotR extended editions for like 45 bucks
@DaaaahWhoosh re: your comments on hands. I found this quote on making gloves.
No special provision existed for any detailed hand solution. Thus, a very
simple application of the lines of nonextension to the hands was used. Since
the number of joints in the hands is considerable, it would take almost as much
detailing for an extremely mobile hand as for an entire body.
yup, hands are tricky
@DaaaahWhoosh That's what she said.
I have just read this comment:
"Abuse may substantially increase if a Necronomicon is involved :) "
What is a "necronomicon"? It sound like a book of necromancy but the question is about sci-fi.
a necronomicon is usually a book of necromancy, if it's about sci-fi there could be a sci-fi object called a necronomicon that does something similar
oh, I guess it's a Lovecraft thing, Lovecraft is kind of sci-fi
The comment was in this answer. It isn't related with necromancy.
huh, yeah I'm as confused as you are
Ah, I thought it was a translation barrier.
I guess it's possible the other guy is trying to make a pun that doesn't translate into English
or it's just generally a nonsensical joke.
1 Parts Weird, 1 Parts nonsense. Stir and bake for 500 billions years. Worldbuilding.
someone put that on a shirt
...do you think the recipe needs eggs?
Hrm i dunno,
@James Not eggs, but it does need a healthy dose of throwing huge rocks at planets.
Perhaps instructions to knead with large rocks from outerspace.
@Green thats better
I enjoy our long tradition of solving problems by throwing big rocks at a planet's surface.
And if that didn't work: Magic!
@Green plot twist: the rocks are eggs
@DaaaahWhoosh Can we make them special panspermia eggs?
as long as that's not what we call them
@DaaaahWhoosh Urghh... you've just reminded me of the doctor who episode 'Kill The Moon' - Which doesn't exist to me
@Hannah I'm so sorry, I was already thinking of it
I can't stop thinking about it
@DaaaahWhoosh Thinking about what? There is no episode called "Kill the Moon"
@EnderLook What? why send me to a blank Tardis Datacore page?
@EnderLook I have no idea what you're talking about - Intentionally oblivious
@Hannah ... that page isn't in blank, it has text.
all I see on that page is an alien in a suit, and... hold on, what was I talking about?
@EnderLook No idea. You probably have an arm full of tally marks now though
@Hannah What?? Sorry... I am quite lost, what are you talking now? Have I said something that have offend you? Sorry.
@EnderLook Nah, Shall we move on?
@EnderLook you've stumbled upon a series of jokes which rely on being vague to work
Those are good jokes.
@DaaaahWhoosh I didn't think we were being very vague at all
¿? Now I am more lost than before. What are you talking about?
@EnderLook They are talking about Doctor Who. And nothing after the panspermia eggs makes sense if you haven't seen it
@Hannah maybe vague is the wrong word? There's definitely a subtext going on, that would be hard to comprehend without a solid knowledge of the source material
@DaaaahWhoosh I guess so. They're Whovian in-jokes talking about the alien species known as 'The Silence' who you only remember about when you view them. Tally marks are used by the characters so they know when they've see one.
either way, I enjoyed them. Helped me forget about whatever it was we were talking about before
what was it, Water on Mars? I think it was Water on Mars.
@DaaaahWhoosh "Waters of Mars", Probably - now that was a good episode. Oh the character developmnt
yeah, there's much talk of companions, but I like it when the Doctor is alone. Gives the red-shirts a chance to shine
@DaaaahWhoosh I know, Episodes on their own really let the Doctor explore facets untempered by their companion's personalities. I mean, "Heaven Sent" was definitely Capaldi's best episode, and "Midnight" along with the christmas episodes in Tennant's era really explored The Doctor as a character outside of his companion's interactions
yeah, after Capaldi's first season I stayed away from the show, but I've been meaning to get back into it
I've never watched, how are you all that do feeling about the new Doc they announced?
@James Still not a ginger.
I've been trying to imagine what a female Doctor would be like, and have found it difficult. But that by no means means it won't work, and I look forward to seeing what they do with it, regardless of how it turns out
@sphennings huh?
we're making in-jokes again
@DaaaahWhoosh Theres one or two things i worry that they won't do well writing/showcasing a female doctor - such as when traveling to earth's past. Secondly - She's still not ginger
the world isn't ready for a ginger Doctor. The Doctor-Ginger, if you will
@Hannah oh yeah, I never considered the past. But I guess if they can turn Sherlock Holmes into a lizard woman married to another woman, then they can do pretty much anything.
@James Series 2 (i think... its either episode 1 of S2, or the christmas episode of S1) near the end - The Doctor complains that he's never been ginger
@DaaaahWhoosh No its more along the lines of that in some periods in history (such as ancient greece) women weren't allowed to be Doctors, and in other periods she may struggle to be taken seriously (mainly by the elite) due to their apparent gender
huh, yeah, I mean the Doctor is usually pretty good at leading people around, but I guess she may have her work cut out for her as a woman
she can't just flash her psychic paper and imply she's the health inspector
@Hannah Or by contrivance of the show she is taken seriously because she is The Doctor. Any sexism that exists in the show is there because of deliberate action of the writers.
@Hannah Think about it as a worldbuilding exercise. "How do I make a [insert time period here] setting that isn't sexist?"
@Hannah The answer will always be in the form "Just don't make it sexist."
@sphennings I know, but i dunno how to say it right, but that kinda just skirts around the issue if that makes sense
@Hannah What's wrong with that? The show isn't historically accurate to begin with. Adding sexism to the script wouldn't change that.
@sphennings I'm not sure how to explain what i mean, I don't want sexism for the sake of sexism, but i also don't want the issues people had in different time periods to be marginalised or ignored. I know its not a historically accurate program (i mean they tried to be initially, but quickly realised it wouldn't work) but that doesn't mean it cant be a platform to explore these issues within the storyline.
I think for the most part, the Doctor gains respect by being the only person in the room who knows what's going on. If she continues to do that, they should be able to gloss over historical sexism (like they've done with companions), but it would be nice to at least have a couple of sexism-based obstacles, since the Doctor probably hasn't met them before
@DaaaahWhoosh Thats what i mean!!! Not like a huge dump of 'em, but as in it'd be a different view/experience for The Doctor!
yeah, I think it's something they could handle well or poorly, and either way I'm curious to see it
@DaaaahWhoosh Me too.
Urgh. Stuck on my binary star equations. - I'm trying to figure out the change in brightness caused by eclipses, but i'm pretty sure in most cases i can't just subtract their stellar luminosity from their overall brightness
maybe it's more of a divide than a subtract
@DaaaahWhoosh maybe... i'm looking at a webpage on the exoplanet transit method which might be useful... not sure - i'm not good with the terminology, but i understand a tiny bit more now then i did the last time i looked at this stuff
but then again i think it's talking about finding exoplanets... so maybe not
I probably know much less than you on the subject, all I can hope for is to be a reasonably proficient rubber duck.
@DaaaahWhoosh Don't worry, i'll figure it out eventually - if not i'll post a question on Stackexchange if there isn't already one on the subject... i dunno, i might have asked that already so i should probs double check... Nope, thats on binary star orbits around a barycentre
@DaaaahWhoosh further info on how to measure skin strain
interesting. Perhaps I'll try reading it eventually, it does have pictures so that's a good sign
@DaaaahWhoosh For some reason, I can't get the Google Patents site to show me the images. Could be any number or reasons.
yeah, I couldn't get to those either. I was hoping it was a work network thing
I notice that the Lines of Non Extension don't cover the neck or skull at all. Geez, I can't imagine doing these kings of studies for the face. That's at least as complicated as studies for the hands.
luckily, helmets can afford to be big
@DaaaahWhoosh True. Doesn't help me work out that intricate neck armor. Ah, well. I'm sure I can get someone to draw circles on my neck then take pictures....you know...for science!
just make sure you keep a mirror handy
@Green I am thinking 1" metal plates backed by a kevlar fabric weave
yeah, I am starting to wonder, even after you have the flexion/extension data, what is the plan for implementing it?
@DaaaahWhoosh Not sure yet. Something along James' metal plates attached to kevlar weave.
The trick will be the correct shape and placement of the plates to constrict range of motion as little as possible.
If you are including a helmet it probably makes the most sense to include the neck as part of the helmet.
@James Good point.
I'm planning on 3D printing the smaller plates since that's way easier than machining or casting things from metal. And much to my disappointment, I don't have access to a selective laser sinter printer.
Although, @James how about with your newfound wealth, you buy me one? eh, eh? What do you think?
@Green How much are we talking here?
@James Easy tens of thousands. Possibly hundreds of thousands for one printer.
Small potatoes to you now, I'm sure :)
oh yeah, I'd like one too
as long as James is offering
They're in the mail.
@James The check is in the mail too? Sweet!
Yeah no problem, have fun, I expect a suit of armor in the mail.
Hah! The "How to buy" link is the blackhole of "send us your marketing information and we'll have a salesman contact you".
I have a garbage email account for situations like that.
it actually has the word garbage in the address
Yep, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I want to work in safety wiring and bolts to the armor design.
Not sure if that makes sense or not.
the underappreciated art of adding unnecessary stuff to make things look cool?
for the past few months whenever I see some cool-looking machinery I take pictures of it. That way I can add the cool bits to space ships
@DaaaahWhoosh For my project that's absolutely the case. I'm not doing anything with my armor that will require safety wiring. However, including safety wiring does add a "this is serious stuff" feel. Anyone who knows anything about safety wire knows that you use it when those bolts absolutely, positively cannot come undone.
@Mithrandir24601 What? It seems like a cool idea! And where it makes sense of course....and maybe it doesn't make sense anywhere.
@Green Yeah, bolts are great on armour at the places where they make sense, which is exactly nowhere :P
shoulder pads don't make much sense on modern armor either, but that didn't stop the space marines
That's the inspiration. Maybe it needs bolts, maybe it doesn't.
@Mithrandir24601 you could use bolts to make studded leather...
@DaaaahWhoosh Nor the Tau Fire Warriors.
@James punches the air furiously in the place I imagine your head to be
@James I'm trying to come up with a response to that, but the idea is so ridiculous that I can't think of anything :P
Sorry but could someone help me with this homework?
"They are particulary interested **in/on/at** food processing companies which could use local farm produce"
What it would totally work. Punch holes in once piece of leather, punch the bolts through it, sandwich the bolt heads between the first piece of leather and a second, hardened piece of leather.
@EnderLook Whats your question?
in, on or at???
unless 'they' refers to the food processing companies
They refer to Calais and Dover (cities).
Yeah, situationally at could work as well
Farmers are producing a lot of crops, which is causing a lot of local interest. They are particulary interested at food processing companies which could use local farm produce.
Farmers are producing a lot of crops, and are looking for places to sell it. They are particulary interested in food processing companies which could use local farm produce.
If the subject (they) is a place the answer is "in"
Farmers are having trouble paying attention in school, so the school has begun teaching in unorthodox places. For instance, on top of buildings; for some reason, farmers start listening when on buildings. They are particulary interested on food processing companies which could use local farm produce.
If the subject (they) is instead say the owners of the plants then at could work.
@DaaaahWhoosh Nice
Don't worry, I can ask to my teacher.
@EnderLook the answer is 'in', almost certainly.
I'm just exploring the unlikely alternatives
unlikely is also an understatement.
'interested in' means people are showing interest, and the subject of their interest will be explained here. 'Interested at' means people are showing interest, but these people are specifically located in an area which will be explained here.
usually, you explain what people are interested in, not where people are interested at.
(I'm somewhat fascinated by trying to explain English, because it's not something I tend to think much about)
You never understand something better than when you try to explain it to someone else.
If you really want to be an expert in something, teach it to someone who knows nothing about it.
especially if they're five years old
@James I think that's called the Feynman method of learning?
a couple times I've tried to teach the basics of longswords to people. But both times those people never came back, so I'm either really bad at it or I have no data to tell how good I am
@DaaaahWhoosh Or you just buried them really well
the first rule of longswords is: you should have blocked.
Random person - 1977-2017 - Tis but a flesh woun
I really wish the people I taught would come back. They all seemed like normal enough people, and the main problem my teaching suffers from is that I have no confidence in anything I say
@DaaaahWhoosh That is kind of crucial to teaching. You have to exude competence
ugh, yeah, perhaps that really is a big problem with how I do things
It takes practice man
keep doing it, youll get better
@DaaaahWhoosh What you need is a captive audience that you can practice teaching over an extended period of time to build confidence. I recommend hobos. No one ever reports them missing.
@AndyD273 Did you just go all hobo murderer on us? I should have known...
@James No, the whole point is to keep them alive. You can't teach a dead hobo new tricks
I wonder what the effects on society would be if the homeless knew how to effectively use longswords
and I wonder, if I started to pay homeless people so I could teach them how to fight, would that be illegal? It feels like it should be
@DaaaahWhoosh I think it would be ok, so long as you didn't pay them to fight each other.
@AndyD273 Just don't give them a name and call them a militia and you should be fine.
@James I was thinking more of it being ethically wrong to start paying bums to fight each other while others bet on the outcome...
Archer is hilarious.
... when painting doesn't help you get over your maths confusion... :'(
@Hannah Does it usually? I mean, other than getting your mind off of the problem, not sure how painting would help.
@AndyD273 Its paint by number :D
@AndyD273 Well, i was hoping that by moving onto a different task, my brain would relax a bit so i'd feel ready to go back over it
and i hadn't done any work today on a commission i've been working on for the last month or so so i figured i'd do a little on that
@Hannah do you paint for a living?
and/or do you have examples of your work? I've been looking for someone to paint something I saw in a dream once
I've actually been looking for someone to create a picture of some characters from a recent dnd campaign as well.
@James ooh, you should describe them so I can try, even though it won't look good
@DaaaahWhoosh No, this is my first commission, I can give you a pic of where i'm at at the moment, but i also have some digital work on DeviantArt - though i've not been doing much digital work (which is primarily what i post on there) the last year or so so its not really representative of my current skill level
@Hannah hmm, that actually sounds a lot like the current state of my deviantart account. I need to get back to drawing more things
hannahdoodle100.deviantart.com is my deviantart account
That's what i'm currently doing. The paint's still wet here, as i just snapped a photo on my phone, which is why she has a smudge of blue on her foot
@DaaaahWhoosh My character is a male half elf sorcerer. He wears half plate armor tinted black. He wears the cloak of many stars and carries the staff of power (there are pictures of those items in the DM's guide (or probably online...or I have the book and can share). Brown hair, brown eyes. uh...what else...he rides an adult black dragon as a mount. Youngish, say 40 (for a half elf) is the chosen of Mystra and glows with purple fire (from the weave) when casting high level magic.
@Hannah I really like your style.
@James Thank you :)
@James what is half plate, anyway? What does/doesn't it cover?
@DaaaahWhoosh Thats a good question...
@Green You're the armor guy, any ideas?
I always thought of it as the armor where the back is just a harness, so it would cover the torso and the shoulders but not the arms/legs/back
but honestly that is just an unjustified assumption on my part
@James works for me
it seems there's also chainmail and an aketon included
Looks like heavy armor on the side you'd block with, and light armor on your sword side
@James I don't. I just just got dumped on at work. I'll be back shortly.
@James I think you're going to have to check on that cloak or describe it to me, I can find a similar-sounding robe but then I'm not sure if you'd wear it over or under the armor
hmm, okay, yeah I guess that works
@AndyD273 Oooh pretty
"Half plate consists of shaped metal plates that cover most of the wearer's body. It does not include leg protection beyond simple greaves that are attached with leather straps." So it covers the top half
yeah, but where does the 'half' come from? If all you're missing is thigh armor, that's like 4/5ths plate
@Hannah From the looks of it, something like that would fit with your art style...
"inspired by" anyway
@AndyD273 Yeah... I don't tend to do stellar patterns, but i think i know how i'd do it digitally.
I wish HDE 226868 was on... I'm so confused
@Hannah Just @ him with your question. He might get on the site and see the notification and then pop into chat
@DaaaahWhoosh Thats the robe. @AndyD273 Thanks :) and it would be over the armor I guess.
when I think of 'robe' I think of like a dress. But if it's more of a cloak then that's less complicated
@James Sorry, I was in a hurry. What was the question you wanted me to look into?
@AndyD273 Super cool looking.
@Green We were just discussing what half plate entails. No worries
@HDE226868 I'm struggling to figure out amount of light received from my binary system during eclipses - I don't know how to figure out the change caused by one star eclipsing the other, as the closest i've come to finding an equation for it is the planetary transit method, but i don't think thats right. Help!
@James Ah. I don't know but that picture Andy shared seemed to cover it.
@Green That's the cloak my 5e character had. The six stars can be pulled off and thrown as 5th level magic missiles
they regenerate 1d4+1 per day
Off to work again.....busy afternoon.
that sounds really overpowered
@DaaaahWhoosh The regen or the missles?
both. But I'll admit I consider most spellcasting to be overpowered
5th level MM is 7d4 + 7 damage so max of 35
whereas say disintegrate a 7th level spell is 10d6+40
but disintegrate can be saved against for 0 damage
well, either one of them would be overpowered for a level-1 PC.
@DaaaahWhoosh Uh yeah absolutely. My character finished out somewhere near level 50, he was an immortal chosen of mystra who had fought (with the party) titans, ancient dragons, a whole bunch of demons (and a lord) a dracolich, 3 gods and the terrasque
@James Level 50? How long did you play that campaign?? :D
oh and some old PCs from previous campaigns.
@Secespitus three and a half years give or take.
That's a long time
Yeah it was a good campaign
two of the other guys took godsparks and became actual deities.
Having only played levels 4-6, I find it hard to comprehend what you'd even do at level 10, let alone 50
I am currently preparing my third session. They will probably be up against a handful of goblins :D
@DaaaahWhoosh At level 50 my character literally re-ordered the cosmos.
what's the roll for that? Athletics? I imagine there's a lot of running involved.
@James How did you beat the Tarrasque? That thing looks essentially invulnerable.
@Green Its literally unkillable.
We beat it into a passive state and then I used a wish spell and what essentially happened is that it was pushed through time into the future...though that wasn't exactly what I intended...things get weird in Carceri when the walls between the planes are collapsing.
@James I don't think I've seen an AC 25 before.
@Green My AC was 32.
@Green I don't think we fought the out of the book version of the Terrasque it was some weird combo of a 3.5 and 5.0 plus DM specific mods...
You could have beat on the thing forever and it wouldn't have died...it just can't
@James I thought that thing goes back into some sort of sleep the moment you "defeat" it
@Hannah Let me think a bit on that.
@HDE226868 Do you want access to my spreadsheet, so you know what you have to work with
@Hannah Sure. That would be helpful.
@HDE226868 most of my equations dealing with light received can be found on the 'Planets' section, but the Star info is on the 'Stars' Page
@DaaaahWhoosh @MonicaCellio I've been doing some thinking about chat sessions and a proof-of-concept one to start off with, as DaaaahWhoosh suggested. My current thoughts are that we could try one with a specific worldbuilding topic in mind - maybe just chat regulars, if nobody shows up.
@Hannah I just saw it.
@HDE226868 I think that'd be awesome
That's a detailed spreadsheet. I'm quite impressed. Out of curiosity, what did you use to get the habitable zone radii?
@Secespitus Yeah it sort of slumbers for a time before returning to wreak havoc on the world.
@HDE226868 I can't remember at the moment... But i used Artifexian's youtube videos to get the maths for most of it. The exact equation there i think is SQRT(Star Luminosity), though the inner bound is 0.96*(Habitable Zone) and the outer bound is 1.36*(Habitable Zone)
@Secespitus We just started a new one a couple weeks ago, we are level 4...I think, I am creating a barbarian monk...it should be interesting, I can rage and flurry at the same time.
@Hannah Wow, that's quite a large eccentricity for the two stars. 0.41. . .
@HDE226868 I suppose so. I think its as eccentric as i could make it while still remaining habitable...
By the way, an eccentricity of 1 (I'm looking at the S-type data) means that one of the bodies will escape the other. So that's throwing off your min and max separation.
Which star does the planet orbit (in the case of the S-type system)?
@HDE226868 its not specified... as i haven't really built a world for that system yet
Okay. That would be an important part of your calculations for eclipses.
@HDE226868 Yeah. I need to test that out at some point, so anyone using that set of equations isn't hugely confused. - aka, myself and whoever i share this with
-this is what happens when an art student tries to compile a spreadsheet of worldbuilding info because she got frustrated with doing it once and coming out with an uninhabitable system
- despite having no background in orbital mechanics
-or other mathsy things
@HDE226868 Also, the 1 is just a placeholder, I didn't like the error signs... i suppose i should change it to 0.1 or something
@Hannah Ah, that makes sense.
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