@MonicaCellio I was initially puzzled, but after discussions with @Secespitus it was obvious, not completely but enough to make sense, that this was so. Thanks for confirming it.
A question about Meta Tags: should [discussion] and [feature-request] be used together as was done here? I always thought you should choose one of these standard tags for Meta questions, which in this case should probably be [discussion].
@Bellerophon Maybe if you post a "Teaser-script" here in chat you could find someone who could help you with that? (Certainly not me, as I have no idea about this stuff - just interested in what idea you came up with)
I want to discuss the usage of the 4chan tag on Meta, as I think it is unnecessary.
While looking through our Meta tags I found the 4chan tag which belongs to this question:
Is there any section of 4chan that is suitable for worldbuilding questions?
The question itself looks like it would be ...
@WorldbuildingMeta Sometimes the chat bot is pretty fast. That weren't even 10 minutes. I remember seeing some questions pop up more than an hour after they were asked. How come the time can be so different?
@Secespitus It scans the newest questions page and posts any that weren't their last time it scanned. So if you post 1 minute before it scans it posts instantly but if you post a straight after the scan it takes ages to post.
@dot_Sp0T If there's no light then there's no light. It has to have something to see by, whether that's IR, radar, etc. There might not be enough ambient light at night, especially on a world with no moon (or small useless moons like Mars), for a robot to navigate without some artificial source, which would run the battery down faster.
So that was a very late reply...
So, I really hope that the photonic fence trials go well, I want a laser bug fence for the back yard. engadget.com/2017/06/26/…
@dot_Sp0T Assuming there is enough air. And sonar will still take some small amount of power, both for emitting the sound pulse, and processing the echo return. Assuming you want something more than "there is nothing immediately in front of me" sonar might not be great, especially since it is a very processing intensive process.
The TOF values depend on the speed of sound, while digital signal processing techniques have proven to be a necessity for compensating the speed variations due to temperature or other atmospheric conditions.
Some physical phenomena pertaining to ultrasonic propagation have made the development and the use of sonar sensors for obstacle reconstruction more difficult, compared with laser or infrared sensors.
In particular, the impossibility of correctly detecting an obstacle presence, when the reflecting surface is not orthogonal to the direction of wave propagation, is an important deterrent for the use of this type of device in robotic applications. This is mainly due to the wide sound beam propagated, which is responsible for unexpected TOF values owing to several factors, such as specular reflections and scattering.
protip: if you're having massive keyboard lag and you recently tried cleaning your Shift key, you probably enabled a setting that waits half a second before taking any keyboard input.
(@HDE226868 you should confirm my above statement)
@James it seems like a cool idea. I like in Paradise Lost how Chaos is just some dude who has his own kingdom, and was around before God even did anything
Sorta kinda like the world in Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality universe. Basically you have Chaos, and God (mostly) took the Chaos and wove it into reality. Fate also spins Chaos into threads to measure peoples lives. The world is basically a big sorting engine to take the chaos and sort it good from bad, to determine what the ratio is.
@DaaaahWhoosh So think of the elements being free as constant natural disasters. Eruptions, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Tornados, Lightning, Earthquakes etc etc.
Then chaining them allows life to flourish because things calm down.
but their power builds up and squeaks out of their prisons on occasions
anyway, so the Earth imprisoned the elements and thus allowed peace. So, one might reason that by harming the Earth, you allow the elements some measure of freedom, which cause bad things to happen
@James They could even war with each other, to the point where Gaia is mostly on the side of order, since nature mostly needs order to thrive, but it's not a hard rule. Fire and Water might be enemies, but occasional allies.
so, in terms of deities, I'd say order vs chaos is my favorite binary. Mostly because it's a sort of corruption of good vs evil
it's much more fun to imagine God as the ultimate old man, and Satan as the ultimate moody teenager; it makes them both fundamentally flawed, and allows everyone to question which side is actually better
An avatar (Sanskrit: अवतार, IAST: avatāra) is a concept in Hinduism and it means "descent", and refers to the appearance or incarnation of a deity on earth. The term also generally refers to "alight, to make one's appearance" and is sometimes used to refer to any revered guru or human being.
The word avatar does not appear in the Vedic literature, but appears in verb forms in post-Vedic literature, and as a noun particularly in the Puranic literature after the 6th century CE. The Rigveda describes Indra as endowed with a mysterious power of assuming any form at will. The Bhagavad Gita expounds...
@DaaaahWhoosh Reminds me of Ra Vs That big ass snake...whats his name
A universe in Total Chaos is an inferno where nothing real can exist, while a universe in Total Order is a frozen, unchanging place where nothing can live.
So it could be that certian gods want to move the world closer to chaos, and others want to move it closer to order, so they work to check each other to keep things from going to far one way or the other
@AndyD273 Actually in my mythos most of the gods wanted to destroy reality which through a series of events empowered early mortals to stop the gods...
basically for the gods to impact reality they have to become mortal and enter the physical realm...which leaves them mortal...though still super powerful.
@DaaaahWhoosh They die...though I have considered an option where their spirit lingers mostly powerless and they can be restored by ill advised mortal cultists.