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Strange it has come to my attention that Netflix has a movie called Akira Live action this is not the Anime Akira that I have refered to here. imdb.com/title/tt0094625
hasn't that been stuck in development hell for like ever?
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek If your refering to the Netflix one usa.newonnetflix.info/info/80119428/s :) I had no idea it was a "thing" until it showed up on the "recently added" list and I was rather put out about the name and didn't even bother to see what it was about. Now that I read the link that I posted I will see what the basis is.
6 hours later…
Someone just posted the same answer twice, as one of the questions he answered was marked as a duplicate. See here for the duplicate question and here for the duplicate answer. Is something like this encouraged? I would think the first answer on the duplicate question should be deleted, but I am unsure about what the preferred way here is
Flagged the original answer on the duplicate question for moderator attention.
3 hours later…
Good morning peoples
@James I thought there was a way to accept an edit or is it passive by not rolling it back
@EnigmaMaitreya I think it depends on the status of the user making the edit. For example my edits are automatically applied without anyone having to accept them.
I also have a new research topic - "The meaning of Sol and what that has to do with Solar System as in there Will Only Be One" :)
@James Tis ok, SRM made an edit and most were minor spelling errors. AND the distinction of "Solar System" tis quite alright by me just thought there was a way.
That made me think of a Solar System v Solar System death match ala Highlander.
@James Working as Intended
Then I thought...well how would our sun win...its so tiny
then I realized I may need to ask a question about how a less massive star could destroy a more massive star...without just waiting for the more massive one to die out...
Not to get peoples dander up this seems another Pluto is a Planet type thing where Solar System was used when people seriously thought Stars were just Points of Light
I am old enough to have experienced this view point about stars - "The only star we know of that has planets is Ours. So there is no proof of Planets other than the ones orbiting our star."
@Bellerophon It works for me...
I'm lost. What's confusing about my question?
@Bellerophon And no, it doesn't really build on itself at this point so watch in whatever order you like.
Q: Anatomically Correct Thor

LCIIISo in the Marvel universe, Thor and other Asgardians are not Gods. They are simply very advanced human-like beings that have used science and tech to become harder, better, faster, stronger. Thor lives about 5000 years longer than us and is physically super-superior in every way, but he is, as O...

@LCIII "harder, better, faster, stronger" and "is physically super-superior in every way, but he is, as Odin so emphatically puts it, not a God" are pretty unclear. How much harder, better, faster, stronger, ...?
At least that's my take on the question after a quick look
@LCIII Is your question: "How do we make a human as fast, strong and durable as an Asgardian?"
@LCIII Just my 2cps on this "How might human anatomy and/or biotechnology progress and evolve to become like Thor?" is ... from my point of view .... a specific question. Why the Anatomically Correct? To me it is just a red flag begging to be questioned.
So if I remove the reference to the anatomically correct stuff then we should be good bruh?
Also I totally did NOT time this with today's release of the Thor Ragnarok Trailer. But it's good timing
Doneski. Hit me with your reopens, dudes!
....and dudettes. But probably not as many of those here.
I voted to reopen.
@LCIII My opinion is that if you do remove the "anatomicaly correct" it is a standard question about how do we become better. In this case your target is a known quantity
@James That's what the super massive black holes in the center of galaxies are... the current champions.
our sun could eat a couple smaller stars until it got enough mass to take on the red giants. Then keep eating stars until it can rival Sagittarius A. The impending collision with Andromida is one SMBH coming to challenge another.
Gravity waves are created when two black holes face off, until one consumes the other.
In the end, there can only be one.
@AndyD273 Ah but what side would the planets take? Eh are you sure Jupiter stands with SOL?
@AndyD273 Is the new "Planet X" a spy for a rival "Stellar System"?
@EnigmaMaitreya Planets? They're just uncaptured mass. You might be able to disrupt one of the larger stars by throwing a lot of iron heavy planets into it, since iron wont fuse. you might get it to go nova that way
@AndyD273 Will we sue the Farengie(sp) for copywrite infringement? Oh way did we register "Solar System" with the Galactic Authority?
@AndyD273 Ok, then on a serious note, how could you predict the 2 Gas Giants (Jupiter and Saturn) will infact end up supporting Sol?
After the final show down, when only one singularity remains, then you have a new big bang, and the next tournament begins.
@AndyD273 :) I have recently been assured that can not happen but sounds good
@EnigmaMaitreya We still don't know for sure if dark matter/dark energy will be able to cause a big crunch. That's just the human term for the final show down.
@AndyD273 I forget who it was but they pointed out the thought that all of reality just formed all at the same time so there is no direction .... so there is no Big Bang etc. I chose not to inject the Deterministic vs Free Will aspect of things into that.
@EnigmaMaitreya I think the idea is that currently all the galactic clusters are moving away from each other faster than the speed of light. So that eventually the only galaxies we will be able to see, even with the best telescopes, are the ones in our local galactic cluster. The idea is that space/time is like the skin of a balloon, with the galaxies like sequins glued to the outside. and it's being inflated, so that the galaxies are moving farther apart. There is no center.
However if down the road this reverses, the galaxies might begin moving back toward each other, until they all form a new super singularity.
And that's why scientists are trying to figure out dark matter
If you look at brane cosmology, there is the theory that our universe is just one brane among countless others.
Brane cosmology refers to several theories in particle physics and cosmology related to string theory, superstring theory and M-theory. == Brane and bulk == The central idea is that the visible, three-dimensional universe is restricted to a brane inside a higher-dimensional space, called the "bulk" (also known as "hyperspace"). If the additional dimensions are compact, then the observed universe contains the extra dimensions, and then no reference to the bulk is appropriate. In the bulk model, at least some of the extra dimensions are extensive (possibly infinite), and other branes may be moving...
Just my opinion but this is SO "World Building" -> "Wild Interstellar Flight System Is Among 22 Futuristic Ideas NASA Just Funded" - space.com/36393-nasa-interstellar-flight-niac-space-grants.html Now that is a NASA that I can get behind /onboard with.
And really the idea that they are moving away from each other isn't actually correct either... It's just that the distance between them is growing.
@RedactedRedacted on the off-chance that there really is a goal you are pursuing by just spamming questions but not even caring about making them feasible for the format or about good answers - what exactly is your goal?
@AndyD273 I am ok with all those theories and do what I can to stay current with where they are. And yes they are (believed) to not be technically moving apart but the space between them is being stretched such as a balloon / bubble would be while being expanded. Leading some to conclude that the Universe is in the process of being destroyed
@EnigmaMaitreya Yeah, so the big question is, what happens when a brane pops?
The day when scientists figure out that our universe is just an 11th dimensional beings party balloon.
@AndyD273 He he and do tell, what is the force causing the expansion? That is of course rhetorical or to continue your analogy are we hooked up to a hydrogen cylinder?
The kids dad blowing up the balloon of course. The kids like "Daddy, I want the one with all the pretty stars!" so the dad pulls that one out of the bag and starts inflating it by hooking it up to the dark matter cylinder. Dark matter is much lighter than hydrogen. When the universe first starts expanding there is a lot of heat, but as it is getting closer to it's maximum size it cools.
@AndyD273 So daddy is full of Hot Air and as you say the more it expands the cooler it gets.
Sounds like a perfectly plausible explanation to me :)
Thats why everything was so hot in the beginning.
It's only logical.
@AndyD273 Agreed
@AndyD273 Oh Oh we can work Time Dilation into that pretty easy. The expeled hot air from daddy accelerates us.
@EnigmaMaitreya I had a thought on that, but I don't think It'll work because it's backward
my thought, not yours
@AndyD273 But Daddy's Universe is the Anti-matter Universe and we are the .... well our Universe so yes it can be backwards, we discover this when we ask .... well why does there need to be anti-matter, then we understand it is coming from the outside.
So, WB chat... I made another WB ad, I want some feedback on it. The idea was this one would be for RPG.SE
user image
@DaaaahWhoosh See, the problem is: your artwork is just so good, I can't not like it
I am actually pretty fond of this ad series, I don't usually use color.
But the colours - they just work. Like, they just feel right
I'm glad you think so, I've been trying to match the main site's palette
Color theory is something I find interesting, but I don't think I actually understand it yet. Plus I'm colorblind
@DaaaahWhoosh Thats fantastic
@James can you be more specific? Also... you're an awesome.
I mean... a fantastic
My brain is slow today... I do not like flying
@DaaaahWhoosh This statement just broke my brain
@DaaaahWhoosh Very nice.
@DaaaahWhoosh Nice art. What kind of colour blindness do you have? (when seeing it, I felt that colours were unusual before reading that you said that you are colour blind, but considering that WB is about making unusual worlds, unusual colouring is actually a bonus)
@DaaaahWhoosh Nice ad
@DaaaahWhoosh I really like it too... I kinda want to pick on your by asking "Did you mean to use that shade of red though?" but that would be too mean.
@Mrkvička Thanks for the edit on my answer, it does look prettier. It takes getting used to as I have been on forums where the grammar/spelling 'police' are frowned on. link I do understand that this site likes things a certain way, and I am trying to learn it. It is still a bit strange though!
@AndyD273 i want to say yes, but I also want to say 'where is it red?'
@Miech I think it's a bit of both, I was trying to match the site design, but also I can't seem to see certain shades of red/green
(Which is why @Green has such a cruel avatar)
@DaaaahWhoosh That was the joke (and why it would be mean) since there is no red on the picture.
Oh... right...
I should put more faith in RGB values
2 hours later…
@DaaaahWhoosh Doesn't my avatar just show as gray?
@Green Maybe it would, all i see is a little square hole through my monitor

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