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@QPaysTaxes probably got linked somewhere :)
5 hours later…
@Green what does the -A stand for?
2 hours later…
@HDE226868 I wouldn't interpret that answer this way.
1 hour later…
@dot_Sp0T Assertiveness. It's a proxy for confidence.
Where did you do that test?
I only always get 4 letters, no additional mumbojumbo
@Green missing link
@Green with 'link' I meant that I added another message where I mentioned you, so you'd know that the two above were meant in answer to your information
Oh my, this is the first time I ended up with something other than INTJ. I am an INTP-T now, sounds like an identifier for some robot
You're just like Green
@dot_Sp0T Hey now, lets not start the day throwing insults around
That escalated quickly
I haven't even gotten around to watching that podcast yet
@dot_Sp0T Slacker. Go do it now. NOW! NOW!
@James I gotta prep for japanese classes !
It's not like I'm hanging around on here because I've got nothing to do!
@dot_Sp0T lol, that's probably true of all of us.
the podcast does make for good background sound while doing things though :)
@James so do whales
I prefer whales in that case
I like whales
I'll be back
Whales are the teddy bears of the ocean.
I want to hug a whale.
you're gonna need some really long arms for that
I'd settle for hugging a manatee
@James I not sure they are as fluffy as a teddy bear. I'll keep my teddy bear.
@Skye Whales totally have fur
Someone needs to make that a question. If it's possible, I'll invest in a furry whale.
@Skye What exact question?
@dot_Sp0T oh ha! Got it.
@dot_Sp0T Welcome to the INTP club!
Anyone have an opinion on this article? phys.org/news/2016-05-space-three-dimensional.html
It feels like, if you could (by magic) get a high enough energy density, you could get a universe with higher then 3 dimensions.
@Green I feel dirty; I wanna be INTJ again!
Also, watch Blue Origin blow up a rocket: blueorigin.com/#youtubebqUIX3Z4r3k
@dot_Sp0T Well, take the test again and try to be a little more Judgy. You are the master of your own destiny!
On a completely unrelated note: Soylent Green is people!
@Green actually why don't you do that one?: scottmunson.info/myers
@ZoltánSchmidt Better phrasing: TV Tropes can very quickly eat up your time.
@Green Is that live?
@HDE226868 it is. I'm watching it right now.
Currently 3 minutes into a hold with 73 seconds to go.
@Green Me too.
@HDE226868 They haven't said what the delay is for and the announcers have stopped talking. Weird. A pad abort is not what they were planning.
@Green I can't find any official info elsewhere about the delay.
Oh, "flight readiness" is what they're assessing.
@HDE226868 SpaceX does a better job of describing what's going on.
@Green Absolutely.
@HDE226868 'the hell does that mean?!
Hey, it's possible.
They "revoked control from the booster"?
@HDE226868 makes sense. If the booster thinks it's totally in control, it may go if the conditions are right (regardless of countdown). Without launch authorization, it shouldn't go.
Though a pad anomoly could happen.
Ooh, we have countdown again.
"We are a go for launch."
wait, how do I see this? I want to watch the fireworks
@DaaaahWhoosh oh the hu-manatee's
52 mins ago, by Green
Also, watch Blue Origin blow up a rocket: https://www.blueorigin.com/#youtubebqUIX3Z4r3k
@HDE226868 ah, the video is live. That's not how my brain understands that symbol
Ah the Factory Floor, where I can gather with other insane people to watch things blow up
Ack, another hold.
@TrEs-2b Pretty much.
@HDE226868 Feels like it's in the same place as the first hold.
Hold is off. Yay!
Ah, we're back on.
One minute.
1 minute!
30 seconds.
hope it blows up, would be pretty satisfying
wait nah im not doing that
And it works!
No explosion. I'm both impressed and disappointed.
Where was the earth shattering kaboom?
@Green The booster could still explode on reentry.
@HDE226868 ...with any luck.
well, that's not fun. I was so looking forward to explosions!
To aswage our aching souls: youtube.com/watch?v=wNsJUmFrUCA
Welp, that video is banned in Canada :C
@Green I know that each one of those temporarily ruined the lives of a bunch of people, but it's amusing nonetheless.
Maybe it's the music.
@HDE226868 Tut tut, don't let your empathy get in the way of enjoying a few really big booms ;)
Awww come on now. On hold? But we finally got some good answers in there
Aw no you're describing what I cannot see!
@LCIII sorry but the close is valid
go on....
too broad?
primarily opinion based, the answer are all valid and thus a best answer is impossible
sorry, try editting the question
@LCIII It looks too broad to me. My girlfriend works in animal research and you haven't touched on the effects of the loss of those animals. If I can write up an entire book on the impacts on just one industry of many, the question is too broad.
Also, medical science slows down a lot in many areas and completely stops in others. Mice and rats are well understood proxies for humans. Without them, we would need to test medications on humans (I for one, will not volunteer for that duty).
Not using animals raises a ton of ethical questions that I don't think the politicians are prepared or able to grapple with.
@TrEs-2b An example, with my sophisticated annotations:
I genuinely laughed at that
@HDE226868 "if this end points up, you are not going to space today."
@Green That was my inspiration.
@HDE226868 I love this place! Everyone has read "Up Goer Five"!
@Green Whats that
@James It's the result of the author of XKCD trying to explain really complicated, modern concepts with a restricted vocabulary of the top ten hundred words used in English.
@HDE226868 absolutely, that's absolutely true.
@James You can try it yourself here: splasho.com/upgoer5/#
@QPaysTaxes You might be able to find out through google
@Green Oh right. I'm familiar but haven't actually ready it
@QPaysTaxes No idea though I'd like to find out so I can post my questions there and gets tons of views.
just search for that URL - any page that links to it contains the URL
I go!
remember me!
@QPaysTaxes Damn. That's a great place to share nerdy stuff.
Got a link? Can't be bothered to google :)
Yeah, had a quick look
at work so no time for more :)
Q: Why is the map projection question too opinion based?

Tim BThere is a recent Map Projection question: Which map projection would result in an accurate visual depiction of a mega crater? It seems quite clear to me, how does the asker map a large physical shape on a spherical world onto a 2 dimensional map with minimum distortion. But it's been closed a...

comments on this question are getting a little off-topic worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/57604/…
@QPaysTaxes you really need to provide a link to that plugin
@QPaysTaxes As a coder, that plugin would destroy the Internet for me.
@QPaysTaxes RIP copy and pasting from Stack Overflow.
Can someone do me a favor and upvote this answer? worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/a/30952/10364
Oh, you can do that? That's a nice feature for a non-utility extension.
@Green Is it a good answer?
I'd love to see this guy get to 100 (and the gold star). This answer is just so good.
I think it is.
@Green I'm sorry, I have reverse OCD. I can't stand round numbers.
But don't upvote because I asked. I'm just drawing attention to what I think is a good answer.
> Can someone do me a favor and upvote this answer?
> But don't upvote because I asked.
Blerg. I iz caught.
Call me Sherlock, and sell me to Hollywood.
oh yeah, that's the answer by the real-life mercenary
@MikeNichols Thanks for letting me know.
@DaaaahWhoosh Contractor.
@dot_Sp0T, I finished the quiz you mentioned earlier. I'm INTP.
@NexTerren yeah... but still
mercenary is such a better name
Contractor or mercenary. They mean the same thing (though the connotations are obviously very different.)
I should start calling QA people hackers...
@DaaaahWhoosh As a former QA guy, that name would make me very happy.
And having done a little security testing on a product, I'd say the name is apt.
yeah, see? Job names should be exciting.
@DaaaahWhoosh Except when you get a really long title like "understudy to the sanitation engineer over weevils, roaches and beetles".
@dot_Sp0T Stop using like in a grammatically incorrect manner.
plus its only 1:34 ish.
That is perhaps the single most annoying thing millenials have done to the English language.
@James Like, dude, are you, like, sure, that you, like, think that?
But yes, I concur.
@HDE226868 I think that you will look good on fire, you will look like the torch on the statue of liberty.
There I am trying to integrate with native speakers by applying there lingo
@dot_Sp0T *their lingo.
@Green that was on purpose
@dot_Sp0T Hard to tell. Hard to tell ;)
Does anyone have a query for the highest rated WB questions that were also closed as "too broad"?
@Green probably, somewhere
I have this one
but it doesn't have upvote counts
(if you know SQL it should be easy to modify to your needs)
((and really, giving someone code is always best when they get to write some of it too))
@DaaaahWhoosh Having a look. Thank you.
@DaaaahWhoosh how do you pronounce it?
@dot_Sp0T sequel
@DaaaahWhoosh I don't know you anymore
@Green good boy, have a cookie
well, I do pronounce PostgreSQL as Postgres - queue - ell
but sequel is faster
@DaaaahWhoosh postgre s q l
@dot_Sp0T but... how?
@DaaaahWhoosh same here.
@DaaaahWhoosh I don't know man. I guess I just had a really hard day
let's just compromise and call it 'database code'
that's even worse
It's a query language, not a control language
database code is most likely written in C
'code' doesn't imply control, does it?
it's just something that needs to be decoded
@DaaaahWhoosh Here's what I came up with: data.stackexchange.com/worldbuilding/query/edit/551165
We have lots of options for popular, too broad questions to discuss on Episode 2.
@Green This is technically the correct pronunciation, since there was a query language that proceeded SQL called SEQUEL.
@NexTerren I think I remember reading about that but don't know anything more about it.
Basically SQL but for a quasi relational database, and it... Ahem... Ironed out some wrinkles for modern SQL.
is @DaaaahWhoosh active?
Good night WB crowd
Good night Moon
@TrEs-2b you mean currently, or in general?
@DaaaahWhoosh when you have some spare time, I could use a query that rates users based on question scores
I've been told you're the one to talk to about query's
@TrEs-2b so, like, the most rep, but only on questions?
select userid, sum(votes) from users join posts where posts are questions
there is a way to do it on the users tab, top askers, but it is only for specific tags
I think I can do it, not sure if I have the time to though
If you don't have time then don't worry about it
thanks :)
aaaaand now I've added some things to it
Nice! I've most most of my rep from answers! I like that ratio.
I'm trying to remember any of my professors in college pronouncing it Ess-Queue-Ell. I do sequel as well because that's the only way I've heard it said.
Maybe it's a regional thing, like pop vs. soda
I prefer 'carbonated beverage'
or, "I'll just have a beer, thanks"
@AndyD273 /ignite-flame-war Nope. Soda is the correct word for it.
At least we're not one of those backwater places where everything is called coke. "I'll have a coke." "what kind?" "root beer"
@AndyD273 No kidding.
@AndyD273 Pepsi must be pissed about that
What if you want a coke? Could you get into a recursive loop where you can't tell if someone wants a coke or a Coke?
I'm sure they have some kind of code. Maybe they call it classic, or diet, or whatever
@AndyD273 Oh well.
Or they end up with a lot of cocaine.
@AndyD273 AHAHAHHAHAH!!! Yeah! I was thinking the same thing.
@DaaaahWhoosh When I've talked to people from those benighted regions it seems like coke has become very generalized there, like bandaid, kleenex and xerox.
one of the dangers of being the market leader for a long time
Hmm, I missed the whale conversation...
I got to hug and ride a dolphin last week
@AndyD273 which one was that?
I missed it too.
@Green Just looking over the recent stars, seeing what interesting things happened
Dolphin skin is really soft and smooth. Apparently they renew their skin every 2 hours.
@AndyD273 That must frustrate parasites to no end. There's nothing to grab onto.
@AndyD273 So cute!
Yeah, it was a lot of fun
No, a dolphin swim place down in Cozumel Mexico
Nice vacation!
How long were you there?
Just an afternoon. We decided to do a cruise for our 10 year anniversary, and that was one of the stops
Happy anniversary!
Thank ya!
The thing I figured out about cruise ships is that while they look like fairly cheap ways to go, they could teach smart phone app makers a thing or two about in app purchases...
the thing I figured out about cruises is that the best cure for seasickness seems to be vomiting
@AndyD273 Ha! I'll bet. Having a captive audience like that seems like ripe pickings for nickel and diming.
Wow...I missed some major nerding...and dolphins.
@James dolphins are the second most intelligent species on Earth
also, whoa, there's a chat warning when you have 10 seconds left to edit something
@Green No kidding. So they have a photography department, and every port, every night at dinner, and on a few elegant nights during the cruise they are taking your picture. And there's no sales pitch at all, which is interesting. They just have an area where you can go and look at all the pictures. And then they charge $15-25 each if you want them. Then there's the spa and shops. Thankfully I don't gamble or drink, or we'd be in big trouble.
All right, time to head home!
@AndyD273 I've never been on a cruise but this kind of marketing makes me want to go even less.
Drive safe.
@Green Why would you assume he doesn't have a jetpack?
@Green The nice thing is that there's no pressure, except from the wife wanting the pictures. And the free food was good.
@James Because if anyone were to have one, it would be me and there aren't too many people with jetpacks. If he had one, I know about it.
@Green You fell for my trick AGENT Pistachio now you will never find out about my secret....wait...you almost got me there. Well played agent.
@James Oh, I know all about you AGENT Jimbob. You are no match for me!
@Green Bwahahaha, you only think that is my agent name because I WANT you to think that is my agent name.
@James My bad. Your name is actually Agent in Training Jimmy-Jim-Jim-Jim-Bob!
Just remember ill be asking the question during the next podcast (insert evil smiley here)
Im out. Have a good evening all
except you @Green
I hope you step in dog poop
@James Don't be mad just cause I know your real agent name.
@kingledion are you available to talk about the chromatophores in humans question?
I just learnt you can close your own questions, I saw that it gave me the option and all I could think was "For science"
Platypus bountied the star cluster question.
There goes my Wednesday night.
@HDE226868 was that the question where I did Hand-wavey dark matter solves everything?
@Green Indeed.
I will, as Matt Damon once said, "Science the %&$# out of this".
This will require a Google Doc.

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