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Oh my there seems to have been happening a lot over night
Btw. anyone an idea how I can provoke more science in the answers to my question? worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/56710/…
1 hour later…
@dot_Sp0T Put a bounty on it and ask for more science. Be specific about what you want more specifics about.
I don't wanna lose my rep :(
Then just edit your question, I guess.
5 hours later…
@dot_Sp0T Saga of Seven Suns. Terrible terrible books that were nearly good
The writing was ok, some interesting ideas. Absolutely no grasp of scale (bad in someone trying to write space sci fi) and unfortunate plot holes that you could drive a train towing a hot air balloon through....sideways.
@TimB I really really like the space battles
I might give it a shot
I don't really remember them tbh.
I am a sucker for space battles
I just remember spaceships skimming over the surface of a sun and freezing it
like wtf
and I vaguely remember the number "thousands" being used
they did similar with a planet too which was already vaguely improbable
and a lot of very contrived things that didn't really make sense
@TimB I find good scifi/space opera writing tends to focus on one ship and her crew
(honor harrington for example)
or the RCN series
like the initial idea of the ignition of the gas giant provoking aliens who lived there was decent....but the friendly aliens would never have allowed that. They knew the whatever they were called were in the gas giants
the author tried to retcon an explanation in later on but it was incredibly feeble and just made it all the more improbable
Nights Dawn trilogy has some epic space battles
Oh hey Journeyman
And it's got cool robots
@TimB got ISBNs?
@JourneymanGeek as you are here, would you care explaining me your answer on the booze-rat question?
Before we flood the comment section there
@dot_Sp0T I figured you would ask
that's the first one
be warned it gets dark at times
sounds good
Basically, the rats would have really poor food sources - while animals like cows have a multi stomach processes for breaking cellulose into simple sugars (yay!) these things eat basically the things nothing else would eat, and breaks it up into somewhat nasty booze...
which the break down for energy
@JourneymanGeek I'm in an electronics class, thus I might not insta-react
it starts off at pure sci fi...then half way through gets fantastical/horror elements...then over time all of that is explained back to pure sci fi
And since their food is so poor, when they start starving, one of them lets itself get eaten, and the poor drunk predator gets swarmed and eaten
@JourneymanGeek so you are referring to the fact that it would be hard for the booze-rats to create alcohol from the food normal rats eat?
and it has epic "close escape" moments where you feel genuine peril and then they pull off an amazing escape that feels real...like all the mechanics used are fore-shadowed and already there and then the good guys put themtogehter in a way that feels real...if you know what I mean?
@dot_Sp0T basically they live somewhere with few food sources
no problem->technobabble->solved
kinda like koalas being stoned out of their mind all the time
why stoned?
Let me break your answer down:
cause they eat somewhat toxic eucalyptus.
Alcohol is actually a pretty energy dense substance. However, why this would be preferred to simple sugars would be interesting - perhaps the gut flora of the rats efficiently breaks down 'poor' foodstuffs like grass into Cellulosic ethanol. << the first phrase followed by the second phrase, it makes absolutely no sense to me; it feels like there's lots of information missing that is assumed by you to be there?
@dot_Sp0T simple sugars are a great food source
yes so far I follow
but then i get lost
But converting that to booze is dumb
Now, take a cow
Why don't you write it that way
the cow eats grass. Runs it through multiple stomachs over a period of time...
cause its overcomplicated, and people get confused when I do that
I get confused by your answer
they do not consume alcohol
This is what fuelled my answer to the booze rat question. youtube.com/watch?v=50tlF3kGbT4
they produce it to kill predators to eat them then
Why would the predators eat them?
Unless you propose them also living from alcohol
Because Weasels and others eat rats
Ok, lets start with grass, paper, old books...
stuff that's REALLY hard to digest
but instead of breaking down to sugar, they happen to break it down into booze.
then they kill the predators and feed on them to produce more rats
naw, I was considering a constant state of near starvation
The question the was: How could these rats produce the alcohol they use to stun predators
If predators are constantly getting killed they would avoid the rats
Naturally there will be an equilibrium or similar
@dot_Sp0T they eat cellulose, break it down to ethanol. Then convert that to energy
as opposed to eating sugars and converting it to energy
Maybe the rats use pheromones or similar to attract predators
or they just look vaguely edible, and a large hungry predator eats it, gets drunk on an empty stomach, and feeds the swarm for a few weeks
Spot, if you're after rep points, why not answer more questions. Looks like you've only answered one person's question in the last two months. Or do you only want to ask questions?
(tbh, I randomly pop in, answer stuff... and don't look at my reputation ._.)
@Pete I am not necessarily after rep: I am primarily here to have good discussions and get issues in my world-building-process resolved
And sometimes I have an idea I wanna think through and then I either think myself OR I ask the community here because I have too little knowledge/time to get into the answer
The booze rats feel quite contrived tbh. There are much more effective ways to be poisoness
And the booze-rat sorta exploded
and something that is poisonous (as opposed to be venomous) uses it as a defensive strategy not a hunting one
I wanted to create animals that produce alcohol
So I can ask questions about how to farm that alcohol
@dot_Sp0T Oh, I thought I remembered you saying that the booze rat thread was a rep farming question. Maybe I read it wrong.
the only way booze rats would work is if there were enough non-booze rats so they could hide among the population
And create a group of people that get drunk on animals
and even then they'd get better calorie returns just digesting the alcohol than from the predator
@Pete well it became one, so it's a farm now
@TimB I can create a plausibility question if you'd like to put these elaborations into prose
@JourneymanGeek Imagine a whole colony living inside a dead animal for weeks
I didn't actually consider that
I was thinking something like a naked mole rat
they swarm, tear apart their prey, and quickly carry away the evidence.
@JourneymanGeek it would be advantageous if you'd refer to the message you're referring to by clicking the respond sign on it - thus one can follow the conversation more easily
@JourneymanGeek well that would also work
@dot_Sp0T I know how that works. I just don't bother in a continuous conversation
I've been on SE for... a while
@Pete the booze-rat question sorta exploded, hence I am rooting for it getting on HNQ
@JourneymanGeek I am used to have multiple conversations at a time and stuff like that, thus it's useful for me
@dot_Sp0T It was there yesterday, and it's there today.
@dot_Sp0T I do that if there's multiple conversations ;p
@dot_Sp0T I even have an extension so I can colon and then up
@JourneymanGeek See, I am way too lazy to make my life easier
@dot_Sp0T I don't actually remember what extension it is
@Pete indeed, I only look at the sidebar normally
Can we get it to 10k views today?
Maybe the viewcount turns green at some point?
@dot_Sp0T I doubt you'll get it to 10k views today. My monster of the thought crime killer question isn't there yet and it's a week old now.
@Pete but your though-crime question does not have *booze-rats*<sup>TM</sup>
most peculiar
@Pete soon, it's only about 150 views before it reaches 10k. Though I always get a bit sad when questions reach close then die.
@Skye Yeah, I think it's finally run out of steam. I think there's only about 9857 users on SE, so maybe that's it.
if you get close enough then the steady trickle means it will hit sometime
I got a gold badge for a 2 year old question recently
2 in fact, one for views and one for 100 upvotes
that was on stack overflow but the principle is the same
@dot_Sp0T Up to you :)
Yeah, I'll award the bounty either today or tomorrow. Hopefully people might visit to see who got the "right" answer.
@Skye Sorry about the bolas. Seemed pretty obvious to me.
@Pete The hot network questions generally make those views increase like hot cakes, that's how dot_spot's question raised that fast. Just hope people from other stack exchanges come look.
It's nothing much. The bola idea came about when I was writing anyway
@Skye I used to read the hot questions a lot when I used to look up answers on StackOverflow.
I still remember when I got so confused seeing my own question there. It's hard to know what interests the world building community.
I think there's been cases where Roman gladiators have been tethered together so that they're able to clothesline their combatants. I can't readily find examples on the interwebs for that though.
@Skye bolas?
That reminds me of the legend where a idiot general tied his wooden ships together. Guess how it went up in flames.
@TimB SO is a bit of an outlier IMO ;p
hmmmmmmm, monomolecular-booze-rats
@dot_Sp0T That won't end well, they will light up like Christmas trees at the slightest sparks.
@Skye or what about boola-booze-rats ? The possibilities are endless
@Skye That's fine if their predators don't use fire. And super fun if you use a flamethrower for pest control.
@Skye Sorry, couldn't resist my last answer to that question. I can delete if it's too stupid for words.
flaming booze rat flails
@Pete just add it to your answer, I got confused when I saw two petes
It's just there for giggles and generate a bit of traffic, I'll delete it in a while - doesn't really fit the "reality-check" tag anyway.
Molotov bola rat. It has become a new sport after natives learnt to tie their tails together, set them alight and throw them at enemies. It binds and explodes in their face. Twice the fun! Buy them now for $1.99 while stocks last.
If booze-rats have flammable tails, then it's a winner. Otherwise, where do you put the wick?
They are the cocktails.
wicks can be stuffed in their mouth.
I don't promote animal cruelty of any kind
I actually just had a mini-daydream about posting a question regarding what animals could be used as weapons and how....
Maybe that's a bad idea...
Snake whip!
I seem to remember that rotting horses used to be loaded onto catapults/trebuchets as ammo.
Soooo I guess I'll have to accept the most upvoted answer on the booze-rats.... for the sake of asking more questions on them
You can ask more no then link them to the current booze rats question
This means your other question can enjoy some publicity
@Pete During world war 2 , I think the us died to put bombs on bats. It didn't end well. In ancient times, corpses were actually launched over wars sooo...
@Skye that was the plan; same as for the BOB
@Skye And I seem to remember the Russians loaded explosive warheads onto the heads of dolphins and trained them to be friendly to shipping...
@dot_Sp0T You don't have to accept the most upvoted answer, just the one that best suits your opinion.
I think they trained pigeons as a early bomb guidance system.
explodingkittens.com <how is this name legal @Pete Humanity has comed far...
I have about four of those games at home. I helped fund the project on kick-starter.
And Russian bomb dogs in ww2 :(
@JourneymanGeek Ok, what's next. Kitty bombs?
If someone really tried that...
I've heard of kitty-litter bombs, but not kitty bombs.
Has anyone ever read a sci-fi book where one of the characters has been reading a sci-fi book as part of the plot?
Not really. I have read about characters who read books. It's that question right? I can't really make sensse
Of it
Neither can I, I don't really get it. Maybe I've not had enough coffee yet.
"So how can I have a future nerd read science fiction without having him read science fiction?" is the bit that makes no sense to me. But the question has two upvotes, so I guess people understand it more than I do.
It's like that mirror question I couldn't make heads or tails of, but people understood
maybe the idea is what science fiction would mean to characters in a science fiction setting?
like, what would a fantasy novel look like in a world with magic and centaurs?
@Skye the russian idea failed cause the dogs kept going towards their own tanks
@Pete why not?
Well, I'm pretty sure lots of sci fi quotes classic sci fi
and there's always going to be dreamers
oooh, wait, that question is about immersion. They don't want sci-fi reading to be self-referential
I think it's more of the core question in that question that I can't really understand. And probably how the question is worded - if it's not clear to me, then I can't really engage.
there is a book I read recently where one of the characters is reading a childrens book to their sun - the "reading the book" is used as a chapter intro
the bat bomb idea was basically timed incendiary devices attached to bats. Drop a bomb full of bats over a city, they all fly out and look for somewhere to roost (house eaves for example) then the bombs go off and set fire to the city. Pretty horrific really.
Oh, and the plot of "Princes Bride" is essentially a book reading, isn't it?
@Skye Exploding kittens actually is the kittens accidentally blowing up people, not people blowing up kittens.
tho I was thinking Trip from the monster hunter universe series
During World War II, Project Pigeon (later Project Orcon, for "organic control") was American behaviorist B.F. Skinner's attempt to develop a pigeon-controlled guided bomb. The testbed was the same National Bureau of Standards-developed, unpowered airframe that was later used for the US Navy's radar-guided "Bat" glide bomb, which was basically a small glider, with wings and tail surfaces, an explosive warhead section in the center, and a "guidance section" in the nose cone. The intent was to train pigeons to act as "pilots" for the device, using their cognitive abilities to recognize the target...
@Pete It's more of a framing device. The true story is the book inside. The boy and his grandpa is there to frame the story and provide a narrator etc.
Yes, I guess so. I never read the book and only saw the film the once.
I consider it the ultimate geek date movie ;p
Morning wibbers
@Pete sadly the most upvoted is the best one so far, because the others don't really go into actual detail on how to produce alcohol in an animal
@dot_Sp0T I think he/she deserves it as well, unless someone comes up with a better answer with more details.
@Skye I am still hoping for someone else actually understanding the question itself instead of nitpicking things that are not part of it
2 hours later…
I am aiming to create a whole array of conlanguages and yet I struggle in japanese beginner classes
1 hour later…
Another three hours of driving.
I'm looking forward to 4 hours of driving this weekend
but at least it may or may not be in a new car
new car?
my car recently turned 5 yrs old
I have to do a whole bunch of maintenance this weekend :(
@DaaaahWhoosh vacation, or work?
He's visiting some relatives or something I believe. Or maybe the people that created him as I have a suspicion he is a cyborg
Awww, I missed a psychopath/sociopath conversation.
@AndreiROM Nope, recruiting trip for my place of work. Unfortunately not fun driving. :P
@AndreiROM What sort of car? Is this 5-year-birthday maintenance or ahhhh-no-things-are-falling-apart maintenance.
@James What sort of cyborg are we talking about? Bio first, then machine, or machine first then bio?
@HDE226868 Give it a few hours. Every conversation is a sociopath conversation when DaaaahWhoosh has joined in.
@NexTerren ...that's a tough question
@NexTerren mua ha ha aww I just don't have the time today
Huh. I just got a chat related badge. Didn't know those were a thing.
the only one I know of is for stars...which did you get?
@NexTerren the sort who doesn't like people who ask too many questions ...
@NexTerren Mazda 2. I keep it well maintained, it's nothing that I didn't know was coming, thankfully
it's just cheaper if I do it, as opposed to taking it to the dealership
it's a bit of a learning experience, and it might get messy, but i'm saving 200 bucks ..
@AndreiROM Okay, well that makes it sound better.
I'm not sure this constitutes an answer so much as a series of assertions; what do you think?
@rek It does not answer the question which is how did they evolve.
@rek yeah, I don't see how that answer is at all helpful
Yeah; commented. Thanks.
@rek I'm working on an answer for your question. How negotiable is the requirement for the snake to be terrestrial? For instance if the answer proposes that the snake develop sapience and tool use underwater, and then at some point left the water for the land for unspecified reasons... because I couldn't think of any reason why it would... Is that enough?
That should be fine, as long as the end result is a sapient tool-using ophidian at home on dry land.
4 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

JDługoszSpace mega-shield needs an Achilles Heel science-fictionweapons Sandbox note: I’m starting this Q to help newbe Xxy after this earlier question and his sentiment “i[sic] still want to hear ideas of destroying something with my wrong vision of the black hole.” I point out that he must describe...

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