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04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

good morning
3 hours later…
What do you think of questions about spirit-animals?
4 hours later…
so much happening here
That's due to time differences across the world.
I know
Also I am sorry they don't work like the beetle
Did the site just died or is it just me?
It's working fine over here in europe
@NexTerren Was today a no show as well?
so how's life treating you all worldbuilders?
I'm treating it well.
Btw, can anyone explain to me how this is not opinion-based? I am trying to learn being a good community member but I fail... worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/56713/…
@dot_Sp0T As far as I can see, it's story based. The OP is asking people for input on possible storyline outcomes or reasons why the wizard won't act against the king. an opinion based question would be "what colour should the wizard's robes be?"
Oh, I like your booze rats, nice idea. Something you might want to use at a later date is cannibalism. I used to have Arabian Spiny Mice as a kid - when food was or one of their number was weak and old, they used to eat the weakest. Sometimes late at night, I used to hear the chewing and crunching...
Well I hate to admit it, but the booze-rat is mostly a rep farm... The idea of an animal producing alcohol and using it to intoxicate/kill other animals was really interesting to type up though
@dot_Sp0T You're right, it's too broad/story based/opinion based. Pick your preference :)
@TimB you know, that doesn't help me in becoming a better person at all
Why not?
Because I was hoping to be wrong and someone explaining to me why I was wrong :)
@dot_Sp0T Thursday evening is the time, so there was nothing to miss yesterday.
But you were right, so you get to bask in your rightness.
But I don't wanna be right :(
Also I'm the closest to reaching the 200rep a day cap I've ever been on this site
Morning WBers
@James Afternoon.
@Pete How's the future treating you?
@James Hellu
Hey dot
@James It's fine thanks. I'm eating all the marshmallows. None for you, sorry.
Are there hoverboards?
@James Hellu
@James We're beyond hoverboards. We have robots to hoverboard for us and tell us what it's like.
@dot_Sp0T Huh. Guess I'm lucky. I've hit that limit twice in the past ten days.
@Pete I could say very mean things now :)
@dot_Sp0T ... and I hit 195 yesterday.
I'm looking forward to the window between no hover boards and robots on hover boards should be fun. :D
On the bright side we didn't go over, it's wasted at that point
The day only just started in the US, right?
@dot_Sp0T - Try uploading an avatar picture. With the default pattern square, you look a bit like a noob.
@dot_Sp0T its 9am central time
Might help with the reputation building if you look more like a regular contributor.
@Pete now that hurt. I am proud of my default avatar pic even though it has been resetted in that bewitched reset that happened some time ago; I miss my grassgreen
there's nothing wrong with the default avatars, as long as yours doesn't look like someone else's
like dot_Sp0T and Shalvenay
Quit partaking in avataricism. You're better than that.
It's the guys with the 'user1234567' names that get me, have these people no imagination?
Those are celebrities hiding in plain sight. user103755 is Robert Downey Jr, but you didn't hear that from me.
@DaaaahWhoosh do you mean my default ava looks like Shalvenay's?
@dot_Sp0T at some point it did/does, yes
both appear as the same color in chat, though as I recall on the site yours is grey now
or... green?
I don't see any default avatars in chat, for some reason. Probably have the avatar generator blocked.
Mine was light green back in the day. Now it's some sort of babyblue/turquois as far as I can trust my eyes
A bunch of ghosts.
Geez, my "how to kill the thought-crime killer" thread has been up for almost a week now, and no one has really got to a decent solution yet, despite a healthy bounty...
@rek try gravatar.com
@Pete if you want to I can attempt to write sth up, shall I?
Feel free to add an answer.... Open for all.
@Skye You can go over, most I've had in a day is about 400 I think. The rep cap is for upvotes, accepts and bounty can go over that
Yeah, I got up to 285 once.
@Pete It's made impossible by the phrasing. By definition anyone trying to kill him (whether by proxy or otherwise) dies before attempting to. It's fairly easy logic to then prove that the set of successful killings is zero (accidental death being different but that's not what you asked for). There are lots of tricks you can do like hiding your intent, using intermediaries, etc...but as phrased even doing that as soon as you first think of it you drop dead...
@Pete @Tim B - unless, of course, you had some sort of pshychic blocker?
a-la magnet's helmet
damnit *Magneto
@TimB it's not impossible. It's a nice thought experiment, but not impossible.
It's impossible. Murder/assassination/etc whatever you call it by definition requires intent to kill. Intent to kill = instant death for the person with the intent. Time in which to turn into into action = 0.
Your question essentially says "I have an unclimbable wall, how do I climb it". The only possible answers within that premise are "knock it over", "fly over", etc...none of which actually answer the question as phrased.
The key thing really is to try and prevent Joe from killing others as much as possible. You don't have to kill him immediately, or even put plans in to kill him.
So, @Pete - would you say some kind of psychic inhibitor might work?
@Pete how do you prevent an ability with no limits from triggering?
Well your question title and premise was "how to kill him", "how to prevent the threat" has already been well answered. "New identity" followed by censorship of all references to his existence being the one I would go with.
In a world where there's someone with telekinetic powers like that, is it more/less likely that other people may have the same or opposing powers?
I did put "mutant" as one of the tags, it's right there at the top of the page....
If that failed I'd just put him in a medically induced coma (permanent vegetative state) and then start performing non-lethal brain surgery until his ability stopped working.
@Pete You can't seriously say that the correct answer is "Neo will be born and come to fight Joe"
I'll post that as an answer if you like :)
Tim, that's as good an answer as I've seen already.
@dot_Sp0T Yeah, that would be a bad answer. Answers assume our world except where specified otherwise. Without that you could just invent any opposing mutant you like, way too broad and opinion based.
dot, this is WB. Implicit in the questions is asking people to collaborate on your stories. You don't have to post a question already knowing the answer (which I guess more than a few do).
I plead guilty. I often have at least one solution in mind when asking a question on here. Then I mostly ask to see if my solution is common consensus or if there's obvious (for others) things that I haven't thought of
yes, and that's fine. it's when posters post up questions and reject everything until someone posts the "right" answer...
right, posted it for you
Sweet. And has some nice dramatic effect as well.
Didn't know that happens
Right, I'm making like a tree. Adios for now.
just tweaked it a bit to show how you can test the ability without placing anyone but the guinea pig at risk
I am tempted to add an answer discussing eating joe
lol, wouldn't eating joe constitute killing him? even if that thought is unconcious
@Raisus I am glad you mention this. The answer is: No it would not. The person eating joe actually thinks they are freeing him from his earthly shackles, releasing him to become a newborn angel
@dot_Sp0T - quite " But he's still killing - everyone who benevolently wishes to end his solitary suffering"
Eat Sloppy Joes. Far better for everyone involved.
It's the same as with lie detectors: If you do believe that you are telling the truth, it is the truth
@dot_Sp0T - I'd consider another mutant, one who has a psychic inhibitor such as Magneto's helmet; he can't kill them with his telepathic and telekinetic powers if he can't receive the telepathic response
But that's not half as much fun as is religion
This is true, but religion is a murky topic, well, that and politics
That's why we love it here on WB
One of the starred comments for a long time said something along the lines of "For a site about building worlds we sure end up destroying a lot of them".
Isn't that the point? I don't feel I've done a day's work unless I've stripped someone's world bare
Anyway. I'd actually come on here to introduce myself to the chat community, so "Hi everybody" and to ask anyone to check my answer on worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/56648/… - I just want to make sure I've gotten it all right and I haven't missed anything glaringly obvious
Does anybody by chance know when the 'day' is over? I don't want to put a follow-up for the booze-rat before my repcap is reset
In 9 hours 13 minutes.
thank you
SE runs on UTC, doesn't it?
I asked bc I don't know
however keep in mind that you can most likely go over 200
@TimB care to elab?
you only have 140 today, I think you're safe
accepted answers, bounty, etc lets you go over 200
only rep from upvotes counts
although in this case all your rep is from that
@TimB well consider that america has only just started to wake up and I've only got rep from upvotes so far today
but you'd need mroe than 10 upvotes on a Q to even get close so I wouldn't worry too mch :)
also there is badges for hitting 200
although you need to do it more than once
@TimB I do not doubt that the booze-rat question will go near the 30s in the next 10hrs
it tends to follow a diminishing curve over time
anyhow gotta go, talk later o/
unless it hits the sidebar
if it hits HNQ then you spike, then diminishing curve from the spike
cthulhu stayed in HNQ for over a week and even then it was getting a steady drop in upvotes over time
Well I can't type up the follow-up before accepting an answer, so there's no hurry
The day is officially over when you're not allowed to upvote any more posts.
I never had that issue
You should do, I upvote a lot. Helps to bring the good questions and answers up to the top.
Passed 1k views, I am a very happy worldbuilder today
@Pete I took a swing at your question.
Oh I do upvote the questions and answers I consider good
Thanks rek. Still a few more days until the bounty expires. Interesting idea about the computer. Although in doing that, you're going against Asimov's laws. It's the same thing as killing a dog in a blockbuster movie - it's just not the done thing on SE.
But it's a solution....
Asimov's law is no requirement for robots
Yes, but it's traditional.
on this note
Would this quesiton be too opinion-based?: Is there any reason for a sane psychopath to programm the three laws of robotics into his mass-murdering creations?
@dot_Sp0T yes, and no
Asimov's laws are easily subverted by layers of substitution within the programming. Just don't let the AI know it's talking about killing a human; swap out the relevant variables when inputting or outputting the data and orders.
or just wait for the ghost in the machine
@dot_Sp0T Are we talking about robots as we more or less know today, or robots surpassing the singularity and becoming human-like in their thought?
Why would a psychopath intentionally limit a mas murdering robot?
@Pete self-preservation is pretty much the only option
If we're talking about "robots" as a concept more or less we know today the three laws of robots can't be programmed in as laws. The theories and concepts they provide and imply can be used to guide coding the robots, but they can't directly be inputted.
@dot_Sp0T What is a "sane psychopath"? Sounds like a black shade of white.
@rek - thank you
So if we're dealing with modern robots the question becomes "would a psychopath value the principles as a way to guide and limit the instruction set/learning algorithm he codes in?"
Psychopaths see themselves as exceptions to the rules of society, but they still need everyone else operating by those rules. That principal could be extended to the Three Laws of Robotics; he wouldn't want robots programmed to kill him, or to upset the social order of the people he preys on.
In which case I'd say that'd be like trying to design the concept of water repellant into a sprinkler system. I mean... I guess you could, but you're going out of your way to make things harder on yourself to no foreseeable purpose.
if you programmed the three laws with a backdoor, it'd be a great way to pretend like the robot is safe, until it isn't
though these days no one trusts the three laws anyways
Thought crime just got a 30 answers auto flag...that's a rare one even on worldbuilding :)
I think you're mixing up terms. Psychopath/sociopath is not the same as serial killer
what's an auto flag?
@Pete A banner you attach to your car.
@Pete If a question gets more than 30 answers it gets flagged by the system.
@TimB psychopaths don't have to be serial killers, but want to be? Sociopaths just don't care about other people?
@Bellerophon Oh. I see nothing on my side for that question. I guess that means I should hurry up and choose an answer?
I think they used to be more different terms, but as the medical/psychology world drifts away from the terms they've blended together. Traditionally, most psychopaths are sociopaths, most sociopaths aren't psychopaths. However like I said their meanings have kind of melded together over time.
@Pete That was the exact question
huh, is there really not a difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? I thought they were separate terms, but wikipedia is making it sound like they're synonyms
@DaaaahWhoosh but that's wikipedia for you
I think sociopath is the preferred medical term these days.
I definitely thought that psychopaths were some sort of step above sociopaths
@TimB I told you it'd keep on rising
@Pete No, it's nothing to worry about. Basically more than X questions on an answer is unusual so the system flags it for a moderator to take a look at and make sure nothing untoward is going on.
hey guys
long time no see
Hitting the 30 answers threshold is pretty rare though
Lo Andrei
Thanks Tim. I'm a pretty rare guy. Almost blue, in fact.
@DaaaahWhoosh No, they're essentially synonyms
how is everyone?
but psychopath has a lot of emotional loading (due to the film psycho etc) so people tend to avoid it these days
what did just happen
@AndreiROM good to see you
billions of stars exploded all over the universe. A bird fed a chick. 13 squirrels ran across a park.
You might need to be more specific in your question, I could go on for a while.
@dot_Sp0T thanks, it's been a while since I've been on WB. Missed it
Please don't let me interrupt you
@AndreiROM I know the feel, go upvote my latest question now ;)
@dot_Sp0T hahaha - some things never change!
I'll look it up
@dot_Sp0T I have to say,that's one hell of a question
also makes me think of Vermintide, which I might reinstall after reading your question
I'm getting an itch to slaughter some rats >:-)
@AndreiROM Play shadow of mordor instead...lots of orcs need killing. It is very satisfying.
@James I tried that game a while ago
liked it, but it became a little too .. grindy?
@AndreiROM I'm glad you're back haha
every 15 minutes or so I had to take out another orc chieftain or captain or whatever
@dot_Sp0T it's good to be back
my work got a little crazy there for a while, but now things have settled a bit
@AndreiROM I can see that. For some reason stabbing orcs through the face doesn't get old for me...
...should I be concerned about that?
@James not at all. It's perfectly normal.
backs away slowly
Then again my go-to method of relaxation is shooting people in the face in counter strike, so maybe I shouldn't be one to talk.
@AndreiROM Yeah I like to do that in warframe when I have an obnoxious day
@James heard good things about that game, but I haven't tried it yet
life's been so hectic lately that I haven't had a chance to play much of anything
I think I might finally be ... becoming an adult
I have to admit, I never thought the day would actually come when a video game would be released, and I wouldn't be one of the first people to try it
Intellectually I knew it might happen .. but it felt surreal, and distant, kinda like knowing that I'm going to die one day.
then ... WHAM, responsibility, right in the kisser
I used to feel so young
Yeah...I don't think I have played a game on release in probably 8 years give or take
which honestly saves both money and the frustration of playing games that need 6 months of patches before they are stable.
locks dot's rep
@dot_Sp0T careful what you wish for, lol
I think my rep was 12345 at one point
I think I have the screenshot somewhere
I think I remember that event
@AndreiROM I hit that recently, good times
@DaaaahWhoosh greetings, mr. whoosh
@AndreiROM yes, and the same to you as well. You have been... missed? Not in chat? Presumed dead? One of those at least
@James these days I wait about a year before I buy a game - steam Christmas sale
@DaaaahWhoosh almost dead, lol
I did not get a promotion, as such, but I got suckered into leading the design of a few new systems
more hours, a ton of meetings, and a heck of a lot more stress for no extra pay
I have not written one line of code in two months .. and I'm saying this as a guy with "software developer" written under his name on the cubicle
all I've been doing is writing reports, creating documentation, flowcharts, mockups, and other fun things like that
this morning, after finishing one particularly colourful flowchart I decided that I needed some sanity and clicked the link to WB
I do not regret it in any way
this is a great place for sanity. Well... maybe that's not true...
I have learned a thing or two about psychopaths this morning
Aahahruaehuaetuant only 25 rep to go
it's not the sanity we deserve, but it's the sanity we need
@dot_Sp0T I'm going to interpret "Aahahruaehuaetuant " as a sign of excitement, and not mental breakdown, ok?
Up to you
I am torn between creating a new question for quick rep or waiting and hoping
tough one
I'm not a questions kind of guy
I have a question I've been sitting on, I want to ask about the plausibility of pneumatic rifles. I just haven't had a chance to write it up yet.
@DaaaahWhoosh isn't that a fancy term for air rifles ?
@DaaaahWhoosh DO IT
@AndreiROM probably. It's what they were called in the Metro games
@DaaaahWhoosh Metro was the first thing I thought of :D
God, I love those games.
the books aren't bad either
but yes, they're air rifles
don't tell me about books, I have a book backlog almost as big as my video game backlog
@DaaaahWhoosh that's a surefire sign of a severe breakdown in your priorities, my friend
although .. I have both a book and videogame backlog
but books are so big! And they all have sequels!
@DaaaahWhoosh I swear to God, authors these days churn out sequels at a rate of once a month
the good ones release a book every 3 years, while the "bad" but guilty-pleasure ones never seem to let up
I just finished reading all the Monster Hunter International books two days ago :D
not exactly the highest quality action novels I've ever tried, but not bad
If you want some excellent books, check out the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. Pretty big books, but so well written that you can't put them down.
I just finished reading the latest Peter F Hamilton one, really good :)
@Pete that's actually the very series I am currently reading, I second your recommendation
@Pete heard of "kingkiller" before. .. I should totally read them
@TimB Peter F Hamilton is a God. Which book did you just finish?
the one that came out a day or two ago, latest one in the commonwealth saga
I did try some Peter F Hamilton, but I found it pretty tedious. After an hours worth of reading, I still hadn't found the plot. Sadly, I gave up and moved onto something else.
omg, it's out ?!?!?!?!?!
I know what I'm doing this weekend
i pre order them, so they just pop up on my kindle as soon as released
he was the author I had in mind when I said that the "good ones" release books rather infrequently
try Pandora's Star Pete, it gets moving faster than Night's Dawn
The Commonwealth universe is simply ... amazing
every detail thought out to impressive levels
it's actually my go-to universe as far as WB is concerned ... my example of a pretty much perfect ecosystem
lol. Pandora's Star was the one I tried. Just confused me entirely. just not my thing. I'd rather have something I can pick up and just read.
@Pete in that case check out John Ringo
that guy is a good mix of brainy and ACTION <- yes, in capitals
The Expanse Series was a good favourite of mine, just waiting for the last in the series now.
Thanks for the Ringo recommend. I'll add it to my list.
which one of ringo's many series would you recommend first?
@Pete np. he's a very prolific writer, if you like him you'll be busy for a year or two just catching up on the books he has released so far
quick, someone think of a memorable yet unique phrase to use so I can search for these recommendations like a year from now when I need more books to read
@Pete he has a recent ones about zombies which is pretty darn cool - a take on the whole zombie angle which I found a little bit refreshing
Paladin of Shadows is probably my fave though
@DaaaahWhoosh i have notepad file with series titles and author names
It took me a while to burn through the Omega Force books. Pretty simple stuff, but enjoyable.
Peter F Hamilton is the guy with the forever war isnt he?
@AndreiROM that would be the rational solution, yes
No, that's joe Haldeman. That's one of my favourite books from my childhood.
i occasionally open said notepad file, and promptly lose a month of my life as I read a whole series while I'm supposed to be sleeping.
@dot_Sp0T i'm actually uncertain. His main series is the Commonwealth saga
ah, pete had already replied
Haldemann, true
It's almost 1 PM, and thus time for Coffee Cup #2
And time for more upvotes. Remember kids: Upvotes are good
Maple Hazelnut flavor, because plain ol' dark roast is sooo passe
I'm here to upvote, and close questions, and I'm all out of upvotes
Also for some older Sci-Fi, but not as well known, try "Star Hunt" by David Gerrold. Published as "Yesterday's Children" in the USA.
Interstellar cat and mouse, all written in the present tense.
it's dangerous to get one of these "good book" conversations going on WB chat
before you know it you're neck deep in books and haven't slept in 3 days
Yes, gets expensive when one-click is enabled on the kindle.
yuck kindle. It's paperbacks all the way down!
you boss is calling your home trying to find out where you are, your family has declared you missing, and you've eaten more mcdonalds than any sane man should
@Pete I'm a big fan of torrenting that sort of stuff :P
but lately .. I've been buying books
I have to use a kindle, I read so much, I've had to give away so many books to charity chops.
another sign of adulthood ... yuck
@Pete I agree 100%. If I had physical copies I would need a much, much bigger place
Actually on the subject of Rothfuss' books. I haven't yet read a single one of them
@AndreiROM - I buy all my books, authors do deserve paying for the work they do.
@Pete I buy my books .. eventually :P
on sale
@dot_Sp0T You need to.
@Pete I will if you get Andrei to type up an answer to my booze-rats
@dot_Sp0T you sir, are devious
Anyhow. I gotta run real life has emerged and is cooking dinner.
@Pete what's your secret? life doesn't cook me dinner :(
Now that's a question...
@Pete anyway, take it easy, pleasure making your acquaintance
@dot_Sp0T I'll see what I can do about that booze-rat answer :P
coffee always gets my creative juices flowing
@AndreiROM good boy, I need to get it back on the mainpage
1 hour later…
Just 15 rep left
so clooooooose
@dot_Sp0T you need to answer a question for someone ;-)
I did
I bashed an answer onto the 10billion ppl city question
@dot_Sp0T now the OP must accept it. You need to bash him next :P
You need to upvote!
I mean, I need to get better at answering
@dot_Sp0T LOL
gimme a link to the question, I haven't seen it yet
I actually like the question, or rather the premise
Which means I might type up some questions about cities such as Tantor (Asimov) and Coruscant (Star Wars) :)
tantor sounds soooo familiar ...
C'mon man, I even gave you the author
I read a lot of Asimov's works when I was a teen .. I don't remember much of it anymore
I find his style annoying now-a-days
Tantor is at the heart of the Empire
I actually just read I, Robot in some 2 days
@dot_Sp0T I was just reading the Wiki page, lol
I've been meaning to re-read the Foundation series
I remember reading I,Robot about a year before the movie came out. I hated the movie
The movie only loosely adapted the stories, and even then it did a horrible job
@dot_Sp0T taken on its own i might have tolerated it .. but trying to mangle Asimov's work just made me dislike it deeply
Well it's a difficult premise anyways
Another question: Has any of you ever read Kevin J Anderson?
@dot_Sp0T you know, I think i might have read one of his Dune books
I didn't recognize the name, so I pulled up his wiki page
and I distinctly remember reading a Dune prequel book
so it must have been his
Holy smokes, I didn't even know he co-wrote them with Herbert
I was rather referring to The Saga Of The Seven Suns
@กุเอง hey there, how can we help you? :)
@dot_Sp0T never heard of it
@AndreiROM originally I read a german translation of the second book that I bought from a box of remaindered books at the super market. Then some years back I bought the complete series in english and since then I am on the verge of reading them
One more vote and I get populist!
Q: Suggested steps for creating a new race?

CybersonFor one of the novels I am writing, I want to create a race based off of the Chinese Zodiac. However, I don't know exactly where to start with creating said race, so I was curious to see if there was any tried and true way to go about creating a new race. Clarifications: What I mean by "creat...

^ totally shameless begging ^
@James you scratch my back ...
the answer above yours on that question is absolutely scary
@AndreiROM Steam (to catch up) is evil. They got me last week by putting shadow of mordor on sale for like 12 bucks or something
how did Churchill put it? "This paper, by its very length, defends itself from ever being read"
@James I seriously considered picking it up when I saw that ... I somehow abstained
Hey Andrei, have you seen mine and bilbos cooperation about 30k rhinos and some 500 Antonovs?
Definitely worth it. Lots of fun massacring orcs en masse
@dot_Sp0T afraid I have no idea what you're referring to
@James i may have to spend some money ....
There are these areas on the map that are "strongholds" where orcs continually roll-in to gang up on you. Sometimes I wander in and just see how long I can last before I die.
I got to admit that I didn't really have much patience with Shadow Of Mordor
@James i played the game briefly on a friend's machine
I liked it, but ... I got too caught up with collectibles and all that
the latest game I've played is DOOM, and OMG, did I ever love it
blowing up monsters with almost infinite amounts of ammo and an unrealistic number of guns reminded me of my childhood.
those were happy, bloody, and simpler days
5hrs for 5 more rep, should be doable
@dot_Sp0T why the 5 hr restriction? max for the day?
well I am at 195 today, and it's UTC 7p.m. right now, so yeah
@dot_Sp0T done
04:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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