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02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@AndyD273 I just want to say before I forget, I have been reading The Name of the Wind, and am greatly enjoying it. I wish to thank you for the recommendation.
Q: Space flight vs space ships?

JDługoszThere are tags for spaceflight and spaceships. Many questions are tagged with both. I think this is confusing; people might use one or the other and questions don’t show up as a uniform category. Many use both; if reaching the limit you’ll have to leave off one. Should they be merged, or what?

2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Wow, you never know what answer the masses will like, vote-wise! The coconut thing I thought was stupid and answered just to teach how to figure things out like that (read the wikipedia page and do some arithmetic).
BTW I learned how to spell that in 3rd grade: A rat in the house might eat the isc cream! complete with an illustration on the chalk board.
3 hours later…
@DaaaahWhoosh At least you got some spare after you rubbed some.
2 hours later…
@Shalvenay Maybe they have the kind of hydrophobic coating that lotus leaves have. Their scales are so slick that dirt can't even stick to them.
I'm gonna throw a small question here as it might not be about worldbuilding. Could magnetism be used in melee weapons? I can't think of any way to have magnetism based close ranged weaponry.
@Sky The only way I could think of it being used is as an electromagnetic accelerator to make a blunt trauma weapon (such as a hammer) hit that much harder. However, this approach requires precise timing and high amperage power supplies.
In the head of the hammer there's a giant coil that induces a magnetic field normal to the face of the hammer. When the hammer sense that impact is imminent, the coil energizes, pulling the hammer towards the enemy armor. Depending on user preference, perhaps the hammer stays attached for a fraction of a second.
This approach isn't possible with typical medieval tech levels. We could build one now, certainly.
Another use of magnetism would be as a fouling agent on enemy armor. If the magnet is stuck across a joint, it may impair movement.
@Green would the magnetic force add to the force someone placed into swinging the hammer?
@Sky I think so.
You could use it to 'aim' a flail type weapon
@Sky What would be really fun though, is to use induction heating to cook the enemy in their armor. If you're already putting power electronics in your weapons, make a kind of limpet mine that uses induction to super-heat the enemies armor.
Dang, what a gruesome way to go. Cooked to death by your own armor.
@Green 0_0
or just use it for localised heating, then blow through it.
@JourneymanGeek Yep. That's some proper WB s*** right there. HAAHAH!
@Green wouldn't be more efficient than a chemical heating weapon tho
@JourneymanGeek Wouldn't shaped charges be more useful though?
say something like thermite
@JourneymanGeek That'd be fun too!
@Green assuming the shaped charges could punch through
@JourneymanGeek I doubt they won't.
@JourneymanGeek Shaped charges will punch through WW2 tank armor with ease. I'm not worried about the armor that a knight would wear.
@Green there's tricks tho...
maybe a medival version of chicken-wire anti RPG appliques..
or heck, paper armour
the greeks did it
@Green so someone could conceivable disable all the Knights equipment?
@JourneymanGeek HAHAHHAHAHH!!! Yes, chicken wire would help.
@Sky With simple medieval level tech? Yes, if they were really really careful about it.
I mean, sure, you would look odd but I'm sure having your enemies laughing so hard they can't see straight
@Green would only really work on iron plate tho
@JourneymanGeek No one was using copper plate or bronze plate. Was anyone using anything other than iron/steel during that period?
@Green well, plate mail was likely for the rich
Chain mail?
you'd have had people in leather armour, or normal clothes fighting
That's still iron though.
Gooood morning!
@JourneymanGeek Ah good point. I was envisioning knight to knight combat, not knight to commoner combat.
Sup @NexTerren!
Is there even any point in leather armour? I feel like I might as well wear paper
Do not underestimate the sneaky gits.
@Sky Padding or dull blades.
@Sky leather's actually pretty good in many cases, treated correctly
The linothorax (pronounced /ˈliːnoʊθɔːræks/) is a type of upper body armor used by the Ancient Greek States, as well as other Hellenic kingdoms including Macedonia, from the Mycenaean Helladic Period through the Hellenistic Period. The modern term linothorax is based on the Greek λινοθώραξ, which is an adjective meaning "wearing a breastplate of linen"; the actual ancient term for this type of armour is unclear. The term "thorax" was the word for breastplate during this era and was traditionally made of metal in most contexts. The experiments of "linothorax" were made of linen glued in layers with...
paper armour?
Really? I saw a few weapon documentaries where the weapons just teared right through.
and you'd be able to move a LOT more freely in light armour
I mean assuming we're talking Middle-Ages Europe (since it's often used as a baseline), what part? During the Barbarian era warfare was rather... crude. Dull and chipped blades were certainly not uncommon.
Ah that's true.
I won't continue over there, @Sky (don't want to get too chatty in the comments) but it's true that peace-lovers are too often disregarded in both fiction and real life. In fiction they often don't even seem to make appearances, except in lip service. Of course I don't like it on the other hand where peace-lovers rip those who defend others a new one and then are praised as heroes.
I wonder if it's feasible to have a javelin that can thrown and returned via magnetism. Is it possible? Something that can pull back that javelin would probably attract every neutral object within a 3 m radius.
@Sky I'd say that's a good call about the problem with pulling it back with magnetism.
Hm. What else could you do...
@Sky I'd say not really.
@Sky I saw something to me very briefly but then you deleted it!
@NexTerren it seems truly impractical to try to have a peaceful world
I messed up my sentence
@Sky Gotcha.
Well, we can likely achieve upwards to peace just not reach it entirely. Like reducing automobile accidents to zero; we can't do that (even with self-driving cars) but we can certainly take steps to near zero accidents. As we should take steps.

Of course the easiest way to reduce the accidents to zero would be to remove all cars, but that wouldn't be something we'd want...
Oh wait. I just realized that the a magnetic hammer might be able to pull the guy in armor towards the hammer as well. That might be diastrous for the poor soul.
@Sky Quite!
@NexTerren I once thought that to solve global warming, we had to remove all cars. Then I start using one.
Guessing you can't handwave it as magic, and you really want/need the hammer to return to his hand?
No, I was thinking about having some form of magnetic melee weapon but doesn't have to return to the hand. The robot wielding it can probably get an extra one in a few seconds
@Sky Well if we can A) build up alternative energy power sources and B) significantly improve battery technology, we can start moving to electric instead of gasoline/diesel. I imagine air traffic will be slower to move (since refined oil has a fantastic energy-to-weight ratio) but that's pocket change compared to cars/trucks, so we won't have to worry about that. Oil will continue to be extracted in some manner for plastics and rubber...
@NexTerren I read a science book which said we would run out of oil around 2050-2060. I have no hope in the world to turn to alt energy sources until it's too late really.
So what I've read was that before fracking and horizontal drilling were discovered we were going to run out fairly soon, but with them combined we'll run out in 40-60 years, give or take. Of course if fracking becomes illegal, that number will sharply be reduced.
We need nuclear power sooner than later. It's a shame it's gotten such a bad rap from the few fools who tried it before.
who's going to make fracking illegal?
Well, I won't feel safe if a certain neighboring country of mine tried it on their own. One nuclear meltdown and that would be 1 more country with a nuclear accident and 1 dead island country with no survivors.
@Sky "You say a medieval world isn't full of crappy political struggles? How nice!" Hahaha, too much Game of Thrones?
@DaaaahWhoosh Well Oklahoma State ordered 31 fracking sites to be shut down just last week after the Earthquake. It certainly could happen.
@NexTerren I actually haven't watched Game of Thrones, was that a reference?
@Sky Game of Thrones (book series and show) are basically the epitome of what you described, almost comedically so. I haven't watched/read them either, but I have heard about them at length.
@NexTerren I do know what it. Thought part of what I said is due to a biased view
on political stuff and the nobility and royalty thing
Good night people
@Sky Night.
Take care.
Whats up peoples?
@James Excited about the podcast.
@James Have a main topic in mind?
Hello, .0
@NexTerren Well the original plan was to chat about what got us all into WB in the first place.
@James Riiiight, I had forgotten.
And I think I may change the warm-up conversation to "If you had one magical ability what would it be?"
Clearly I would be able to shoot fireballs out of my hand...cause...well...fireballs.
telekinesis would be pretty nice
I don't think I'd be able to throw fireballs in my apartment, but there's often things just out of reach that I need to stand up to grab
Summon Bigger Fish!
@DaaaahWhoosh Glad you're enjoying the book! It's a bit of a double edged sword, since the author is taking way to long to finish the third book. Not GRRM levels yet, but still... I really like the magic system that he has set up for it.
@AndyD273 yeah, so far I'm liking how the magic is so weak, you need to be smart to use it well
though I was hoping there weren't going to be sequels...
@AndyD273 How about Duke Nukem levels?
Whatre you reading?
@James The Name of the Wind
good book, so far
Is that like Gone with the wind? cause I don't really feel like reading anything like that.
Title wise, Gone with the Wind could totally be a sequel.
Like. She met the wind. And it was a crazy summer of love. But then things get real and her dad gets mad and bans them from meeting, but then the wind is all I'm wind, and its the 1800's so I know your place isn't wind proof so she and the wind decide to run away together and it gets all dramatic where she climbs to the top of a light house or something to meet the wind and her dad shows up with a shotgun...then she jumps off and the wind takes her away
@James If you make me laugh like this at work I'll get fired.
Just turn the snorting/laughter into a cough
@DaaaahWhoosh Yeah, basically the inn keeper/main character is telling his life story to the writer over the course of 3 days. The first book is the first day, the second book is the second day, and the upcoming book is the third day and conclusion.
@AndyD273 yeah, I just realized that I'm nearing the end and I think it's just about dinnertime. Kvothe must talk really fast
When you get caught up to the end of book two let me know. I really like the story, and I want to talk to someone about a couple things, but no one else I know has/will read it... Being the only real sci-fi/fantasy fan in my group is a bit of a burden.
@AndyD273 I can't promise it won't take a long time for me to get there, but depending on how the first one ends I might read the sequel before starting Green Mars
It's fine. I read them several years ago now. I've been waiting this long
And Green Mars is good too. I usually try to break up epic story series just to give my brain a chance to rest.
I have now committed to a ~50 hour audio book at the request of a friend. Anyone hear of The Way of Kings?
Yeah. Is that Brandon Sanderson?
I haven't read it yet, but I've enjoyed the other books of his that I've read.
Mkay, that's good to hear.
I'm currently working my way currently through Charles Stross' "Merchant Princes" series which I'm really enjoying too. Making staining the deck a bit more tolerable. It's one of the few series where I've finished the first book and moved on to the second without a pallet cleanser in between.
I think what I need is some one-off books. Pretty much everything I've read recently has had at least one sequel
hmm... how about something that is in a series that can also stand on it's own?
eh, maybe. I guess that's the best of both worlds
actually... Have you read 14 by Peter Clines?
nope, you think I should?
It's a stand alone book that doesn't end in a cliff hanger, though there is another story set in the same universe, it doesn't have any of the same characters except for one very small cameo.
Read the synopsis, but it's a otherworldy mystery in the spirit of Lost, with some Lovecraftian undertones.
I liked it, and it gets recommended frequently on the audiobooks.reddit.com sub.
well, I guess it'd be as good as any book to try in audio format
I still haven't tried that yet
Haven't tried audiobooks? It's currently my preferred method of reading, mostly because if I sat down to actually read a book I'd be hounded all over the place by people wanting my attention and for me to do stuff. With audiobooks I can do those things and still get some reading in. Plus it makes dull tasks a lot better. Also commuting.
yeah, I've been making some gloves for HEMA sparring, and lately I've had to choose between them and reading, it'd be great to do both
Only down side, figuring out how to spell peoples names. I'd have to look up how to spell Kvothe for instance
Data structure meetings are painful...
@James You should try audiobooks. Makes boring things much more enjoyable.
@AndyD273 I have the opposite problem, I can spell the names but I don't know how to pronounce them
Kvothe even said how to pronounce his, but I've forgotten
@AndyD273 Yes I am sure headphones during meetings would be well received.
Besides, I am still trying to figure out how to personify the wind.
I am leaning toward naming the wind Eduardo
I was actually going to go with Reginald...
Technically there are four winds...so Eduardo could be the south wind, I'd say Reginald would probably be the west wind
If I was ever going to go with a body tech implant, I'd get a wireless bone conductive headphone implanted.
and I would stream Brittney spears into your brain until it exploded.
Only if you knew the pairing code, which I'd take to my grave.
that can be hacked
Plus a lot of the time you have to do something to the device itself, and I think I'd notice if you walked up and grabbed my head to put it into pairing mode.
...depends on what you are listening to ;)
And I'm pretty sure no jury would convict me for Brittany Spears related man slaughter
I can't argue with that.
Hey, .0
@AndyD273 Is that a "goodbye?"
How are you today?
@NexTerren Oh, I thought his was
Like, hey, you just got here, why are you leaving?
@dot_Sp0T How? Well, it was 27 years ago, some time in the early Spring. As I understand my mother and father had something to do with it.
@NexTerren You know, there is that song.. First of may... First of may.. Outdoor.....
@dot_Sp0T I do not actually know this song.
@NexTerren believe me you do not want to
First of May, Jonathan Coulton
I am actually more interested in sth completely different. You lasses and lads here represent some quite broad demographic, thus I wanted to ask what laptop/tablet-computer you would recommend me to acquire
What do you want to do with it?
And what's your budget?
@AndyD273 the same things I did with my last one: Excessive coding, Terrible drawing with a touch pen, browsing Worldbuilding se, watching movies, using it for class (e.g. designing PCBs), take it anywhere, work on the bus/train, do some writing, some lightweight videogaming, stuff like that
Budget would be no more than some 2.5k
How do you feel about the Microsoft Surface Book? Has pretty much all the features you want, including a (reportedly) nice pen input, and works as a tablet or laptop
@AndyD273 That is a very, very sexy machine. Overpriced, though.
I'm currently thinking about either the Surface Pro 4 or the Surface Book actually; had previously a Surface Pro 3 which I had a guarantee case on, they can't fix it, got the full original price credited..; Now I need a new device and was hoping for some different angles
Also I want to ask a question about Angle Angels now
Like: If Christian Angels were heavily geometric creatures, what would permit them to have more than 3 Angles?
@NexTerren He has the budget for it, and you're gonna be hard pressed to find a laptop with a quality drawing input for a lot less
@dot_Sp0T I don't even know how to begin answering that question.
@dot_Sp0T If they were 4th dimentional
@dot_Sp0T I guess if they were pyramids?
or higher
Pyramids have 4 angles.
@NexTerren that IS the most beautiful answer I ever heard
@AndyD273 Indeed. I mean if you have the cash to burn it's my favorite laptop on the market currently.
@AndyD273 Yeah, either the book or the pro probably
Even ignoring the pen input.
@dot_Sp0T I don't think the Pro supports drawing-level pen input if that's what you're going for. It's like... 1/4 the number of pressure levels of the normal Wacom drawing tablets?
Book is better, but I can't remember by how much better.
@NexTerren idk that; I mean I had to update the NTrig drivers on the pro3 anyways, but it did the job and I had no need for more granularity
Which is pretty much a requirement of their job. A higher dimentional being would be able to move around outside of our 3+1 dimentions without being observed, unless they want to interact with us.
My main thought is the keyboard, since you mention coding
@dot_Sp0T Well never mind me then! This is second-hand from reading tech articles.
Yeah the keyboard is currently an issue; bc the store where I got the money credited only offers QWERTZ
I haven't tried coding on one of the touch cover, but it seems like real buttons would be better if you need to do a lot of typing... THough you had a 3 so you'd know better
and I prefer QWERTY
the surface pro's touch cover is sufficient for coding
the main thing is the size
13'5" is just sweeter than 12"
Where do you find a QWERTZ keyboard?
German speakers :)
Ah, k
Can they special order you a QWERTY?
I'm about to find out; I mean since I requested QWERTY touch covers for the SP3 two years back they started stocking these and it seems they are bought by others as well
so idk
issue is that the Book is sold with the keyuboard unit, not separately
Hmm, well, I hopefully they can order you what you want. I mean, it doesn't seem like it should be hard if they can get the right kind of touch covers, but stranger things have happened.
Well yeah
Since I started coding it has become pretty normal for me to only use US-Int keyboard. Way easier to use
@MolbOrg While I'm flattered to have just received Worldbuilding's first 500-point bounty, I think it might have been better if you had waited a bit to award it. There were still two days left, and other answers might have come - and I've been working on a major edit to my answer.
@HDE226868 You can still post it...
Can you message someone in chat if they haven't been on chat in a while?
@AndyD273 mods can
@AndyD273 Oh, of course I will. I just wanted to point out that my answer wasn't that good yet.
What are we talking about?
@AndyD273 I can mod superping someone for you if it's related to moderation purposes.
@HDE226868 I don't need to, I just was curious if worked that way. Makes sense that mods can, though I'd love to have a way to send a message to someone in a less public way.
There have been a few times when I've wanted to message something to someone that didn't use chat, but wasn't question related
It could still be visible to mods to reduce abuse
If we start a private chatroom with them, are they notified in that case?
@NexTerren sounds like something that can be easily tested
Private chatroom should notify iirc
But it has to be with somebody who doesn't partake in the chat.
So it can't be one of us.
So I have to randomly ambush somebody on WB.
We need a sacrifice
Bowlturner? Haven't seen him in forever...
@AndyD273 no, he's important. As the top 1% we need to choose one of the weak ones
Do we really need to include the peasants in this?
what about AndreiROM? Haven't seen him in chat in a while
@AndyD273 Wot, wot. Sips tea
Actually besides Whoosh @ HDE I cannot see anyone from the old guard
I am kinda getting a chuckle reading the starred comments from bottom to top... almost reads like a story
@dot_Sp0T wait, what old guard am I a part of?
I've been around about that long
yeah, I think Andy predates me.
@DaaaahWhoosh the pre-graduation bunch
my bad then
I don't really care... It's not like recognition matters... I'm not mad...
I've been watching this with interest and I'm now very curious about just how the ducks are involved
Are those the hacking ducks?
@DavidZ He speaks!
A week or two ago I was trying to figure out if you actually talked in chat or were a phantom that haunted WBing.
@NexTerren well now you've scared him away again
@DaaaahWhoosh It's a natural result.
@NexTerren yeah, I think I noticed that
I only seem to be always here because I run a chat bot that keeps me logged in all the time
David Z, the watcher. Fear him or perish at the hands of Glarnak
@MolbOrg Okay, maybe now my answer's bounty-worthy. But I still haven't addressed the question of how the laser would change things.
@HDE226868 You have high standards.
@NexTerren or you have low standards, Pheasant
Yes, I do mean the bird
@NexTerren I've done better.
@HDE226868 I feel that's a weak argument. Usain Bolt didn't turn down the gold just because it wasn't his PR.
@UncleTres I've never seen such a fowl insult in this chat
@DaaaahWhoosh get out
@DaaaahWhoosh That's terrible and I have no words.
I have no egrets
@dot_Sp0T I am probably the oldest regular user, I was in the first group to help define the site on area 51. The whole thing was actually briefly closed by one of the mods over there.
@James You old fogey.
I know right
also I haven't heard the word fogey in a really really long time.
@James And technically that statement remains true.
@DaaaahWhoosh ugh.
this chat needs moa puns
@James Forgive me if the answer is "yes" but did we decide on a specific recording time?
@NexTerren Not yet no,
@James Mkay.
actually does anyone have recommendations for brands of headphone/mic combo sets? I am searching amazon right now.
pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2492543,00.asp ? Or is that too expensive/cheap?
Logitech makes decent mics. All I've tested/used have clarity but they sound... cold? For lack of a better description? Not like a studio mic.
I got this for a friend, and he's really happy with it: amazon.com/gp/product/B00JJNQG98/…
But it's a gaming headset that clamps on your head. Don't know if you care about the looks.
Or... let me find the wraparound my father uses.
@NexTerren I think I got the better version of that one, and I've been liking it
Hm. Can't find it.
I had used this in the past, and they have fantastic quality on both the audio in and out, buuut they broke repeatedly.

On the plus side the company provided absolutely no harassment *whatsoever* about returns (they didn't even ask me to justify why it kept breaking), and were really fast about turnaround. Like really fast. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008O515CK/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Well not returns, fixes.
I like this one, but it appears I would probably need a power supply as well? Not really familiar with audio work so I am not sure. smile.amazon.com/…
Oh wow! A legit mic.
@ArtofCode Yo! You around?
@James It looks like it comes with a cord for a normal power outlet. But it doesn't come with an arm/spit guard.
Sorry, "pop filter."
Did you see the price on it...freaking good deal.
Oh, I lied.
@NexTerren I knew it.
See the top answer for "Good for a Home PC with an audio card?"
Looks like you need the power adapter. The cord just allows it to plug into the adapter?
@James I use the Razer Megalodon and am Happy with it
@NexTerren I have no idea, I was hoping art was around
he does sounds stuff if I recall.
@James I recall that as well.
@HDE226868 Mind bugging him for me?
@James Bugging who?
@HDE226868 ArtOfCode. It's for the site podcast.
@HDE226868 What Nex said.
@NexTerren Sure. @ArtOfCode ^^.
...I wish there were a font that expressed the sort of dark, ominous, booming nature of Gandalf's voice when he is intimidating Bilbo...I would use that when I entered a room due to someone pinging me.
$$\mathfrak{You shall not pass!}$$
oh, it's you lot
@ArtOfCode Had a sound equipment question for you
I am tempted to get this:
but I don't really know what else I would need for it to work with my PC
PC specs/OS?
spec wise...
oh hang on, you need a phantom supply for that thing
lets see here, is it enough to say I don't have a dedicated sound card?
which you don't often find outside of mixing desks
What are you looking for, just something that you can connect to your PC for recording yourself?
the crew informed me that the sound quality from the headset/mic combo I bought for 12 dollars like 6 years ago wasn't great
So mainly just setting up for the podcast.
@James got a sample of it?
@ArtOfCode The audio from the podcast? @NexTerren might, I didn't actually record anything
so that mic I linked, you would hook the mic into the power supply and then the ps into the pc?
You need a 48V regulated supply for that, which your PSU probably doesn't give you
...and by the looks of it, that 48V needs to come down the same line as audio out
So I would need something like this: smile.amazon.com/…
so, simple answer: not likely to work
@James in theory, yes, but that takes an 18V supply which your PSU is also not likely to give you, and it only works with XLR I/O, which that mike isn't.
Try something like this: amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01587Y4QA
That would just be plug and play into a USB port?
I've used a very similar model to that one for live radio broadcasts, and it's been awesome
@James should be, yeah. The USB is the power supply for it, you also need to plug the 3.5 mil connector into your mic in socket
@ArtOfCode that should work...but the other one is so shiny...
stupid function beating out form...
@James it's also intended for use with professional grade equipment :)
@ArtOfCode ...there's a joke in there somewhere.
Honestly, the only expensive mikes you want to be looking at are XLR mikes. Those are mostly decent; those with quarter-inch connections are all too often terrible
@James i.e. of the type that you likely don't have :)
@ArtOfCode how does this compare to what you shared?
@James very similar
@ArtOfCode and last question, if I were to be lazy and just get a headset/mic combo would you have a suggestion there?
@James those are way more variable
I don't actually have one, so your best method of judging headsets is gonna be reading the reviews :)
sweet. Thanks for the help
This chat is awesome...I can get advice on studio sound equipment, writing, coding, wood working...heh
@James At work, so I can't send it now, but I can later tonight if it'd help.
@NexTerren huh...what?
oh right the audio
(im guessing)
@NexTerren sure, that'd be useful
I might be able to do some wizardry with it to clean it up
@ArtOfCode were you still up for doing the audio editing?
sure, if it's needed :)
just be aware that I'm moving off to university the weekend of the 19th, so most of that week is gonna be pretty unproductive for me :)
@ArtOfCode Alrighty. Probably good for us to share the sound test with you anyway then.
would be useful, yes
@HDE226868 I might forget about it, so I decided to do it now. If you feel to much obligated you might consider it like investment I gave to you, until you will feel that obligation are fulfilled. I personally got what I want from that 'lile experiment. If some one else will post same form and better content - just notice me and I will give another 500 bounty, not a problem at all.
reading it now, but for comment you have posted - gravity mechanics, it was like Lawson criterion force*time_it_affects.
Like that graph part, like buffalo.edu link
Overall you are a bit off in direction of you little science work, in therms of OP's situation.
definitely useful answer for those who may look for HS answer in that situation. Hard to expect competition of such answers, so in fact probably it is the best op's could get for free points. Next stop 12 beers and snacks.
@ArtOfCode Since you seem to know some about mics, what are your thoughts on USB microphones?
@AndyD273 not as good as 3.5 mil or XLR mikes, but they have their uses
@James Sorry, yes, you guessed right.
@HDE226868 and I like that implementing theory and try to show things numerically, applying theory
Interesting. I know with XLR you need to have a mixer. Interesting that just a 3.5 jack is as good.
@AndyD273 it's not - XLR is best, 3.5 jacks aren't quite up to that but they're not bad
@HDE226868 also might be nice to notice tool you have used in making plot, because it is no obvious if it is pseudocode or real code
@NexTerren prefer that duck's story newer to be disclosed))
@ArtOfCode Like amateur podcasting...
@James Amateur?! Amateur?! I already quit my job for this!
@MolbOrg No promises.
@James depends how good you want it to be :P
@NexTerren That was a really really good idea. Run with it.
02:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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