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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

if you had the comet slam into you at its top speed (and survive), couldn't you ride it out until it 'stops', then turn on your engines and drive away with much less gravity to worry about?
you'll be moving at the rocket delta v plus whatever oberth effect you can get
@DaaaahWhoosh, interesting idea. Any volunteers
Right, you can escape, but you lose the same amount of speed as you climb the gravity well. It just is big enough now to never reach zero.
@SerbanTanasa I was thinking a giant pinata full of monkeys
yeah. you're not moving in interstellar space at the 0.2c from the comet, you're moving at whatever delta burning the comet gave you
<<<< 0.002 c
The delta v at peri is the olberth effect. Or as I said, fuel is more valuable at the bottom the gravity well.
yeah, the sun's speed is about 200 km/s
you can get that at most
by definition, you cannot get more from the oberth effect
that's like 0.0007 c
If you hang out at say 40AU with near 0 speed, your rockets fired away from the sun will give you speed X. If you fall to the sun like a comet and do nothing, you eventually end up at the same point again at the same speed. If you fire the rocket at peri, when you reach 40AU distance again you will be going faster than X.
@JDługosz that makes sense
@SerbanTanasa no, you’re confusing it with a slingshot, a 3-body interaction.
but how much faster cannot be higher than the speed of the sun in the galactic medium
maybe I am
@SerbanTanasa that's why a launch rocket burns as much as it can early: it's wasteful to carry the fuel uphill to use it later. That's all there is to it.
@JDługosz I thought it was because it looked awesome.
Sun’s orbit around galaxy: that would be a slingshot effect. It's complicated by the fact that the galasy is a disk not a single central mass, but you can understand it by looking at flyby of Jupiter. Totally different idea.
You're right, this is pure kinetic energy
Is there a good source for calculating the multiplier effect for a sungrazer?
assuming you can somehow do a huge burn as you're at closest approach?
wait, there's a wiki page :)
How would one worldbuild Pluto?
@BillyS What do you mean?
I was thinking about a story I have, where a group of aliens are worldbuilding (or terraforming) Pluto. Is there a reasonable way to do this?
@BillyS just to be clear, worldbuilding is not a synonym for terraforming, at least not the way we use it
also, it depends on what kind of planet the aliens come from
@DaaaahWhoosh Thanks for the heads-up. I already found out how, though. Thanks for the thought.
@BillyS Basically to rephrase one of the points DW said and to others: It depends on the alien's requirements, resources, and technologies.
Annnd he left.
lol that was an overall useless encounter
I want to know what he found out
wait... he asked a question about it 5 days ago...
this makes both more and less sense now
...random question. Given modern solar panels, how quickly could a space shuttle sized craft make it to Mars. Or could it not make it at all? Basically are our panels efficient enough to facilitate both existing in orbit and thrust?
solar panels generate thrust?
@James "Existing in orbit?" I mean. The moon exists in orbit (almost perfectly, if not perfectly) and it doesn't use solar panels.
@DaaaahWhoosh I think he was suggesting translating the energy collected by the solar panels into thrust via... shoot. I know "ion engines" are real, but I can't recall how practical they are...
@NexTerren So take something like the ISS. Is it able to provide life support and maintain its orbit via solar panels or does it require fuel shipments>
@DaaaahWhoosh They generate energy which can generate thrust...wiseass...
@James Maintaining orbit is just the initial push, unless something is slowing you down. Orbit is just a specifically positioned, continuous fall.
@NexTerren you probably need to make constant minor adjustments
Right but I recall (and I could be making this up) that the ISS requires regular adjustments to maintain its orbit.
Q: What propulsion methods does the ISS use for station-keeping?

StuThe International Space Station is constantly losing orbital energy due to atmospheric drag. How does station-keeping work for the ISS? What sort of propulsion system is used to keep it in the desired orbit, and where are these thrusters located? I imagine it could be as simple as pressurized nit...

Oh, it does face atmospheric drag? I thought it was higher up than that.
So 2 m/s increase for the rough ratio of surface area to mass that the ISS is. Okay. And it appears that Electrostatic Ion Thrusters are "highly efficient." So... 80% efficiency? As a guess?
So we need to take the mass of the supposed object, find out how much energy is required to increase the acceleration by 2 m/s over the course of a month, and figure out the efficiency of solar panels. I guess.
I didn't know enough to ask this question on main (nor do I particularly care enough to look it up) but it was in my brain
If anyone wants to flesh it out and ask it on main feel free to steal it.
So it'd be:

Energy per m^2 solar panel per month * 0.8 * power requirement to accelerate 1 kg 2 m/s per moth * mass of the object = Surface area required for the panels

I think?
Wait. No.
So it'd be:

Energy per m^2 solar panel per month * 0.8 / (power requirement to accelerate 1 kg 2 m/s per moth * mass of the object) = Surface area required for the panels
There we go.
Ahoy hoy!
the solar panels would also have mass
@TrEs-2b DW is making me do math!
They would. Hm.
@NexTerren James started it!
@NexTerren You wanted it and you know it
also, since you're counteracting drag, you need to factor the surface area of solar panels into the cost of accelerating
@DaaaahWhoosh Except that you would have less drag on a trip to mars
Energy per m^2 solar panel per month * number of m^2 of solar panels * 0.8 / (power requirement to accelerate 1 kg 2 m/s per moth * (mass of the base object + number of m^2 of solar panels * weight of 1 m^2 of solar panels)) = 0
Is that right?
@NexTerren 7
@DaaaahWhoosh If we guess that the rough ratio of colliding surface area and mass is in equal to the ISS we use the 2 m/s number in my formula.

If we DON'T guess that we need to map the drag, and that's way, way above my paygrade.
Sorry, what were we talking about
@NexTerren yeah, drag is such a drag
What's a dictionary you guys trust?
@James how @NexTerren is a dirty boy who loves doing math
Im not entirely sure why I am laughing right now but something up here ^ is funny.
...Hey wait a second, that avatar looks familiar...
Speaking of which I really need a new one, but I don't feel inspired.
@NexTerren I suggest something featuring two shades of blue
perhaps they are spiraling around each other
@NexTerren watch this for the domestication vs tame; youtube.com/watch?v=wOmjnioNulo
@DaaaahWhoosh It's purple, not blue.
@TrEs-2b Are you trying to be funny?
Because that's the EXACT same video the other guy linked me to.
Yeah, watch it again
is it the CGP Grey video?
I didn't watch it. :P I'm at work, but I honestly can't imagine an argument he puts forward that throws aside my common sense definition, as well as the definition from two dictionaries I trust.

The Youtuber can feel free to repurpose the term as he wishes, but that doesn't redefine the term for English at large.
No, he makes a pretty good argument, one of the points litterally coincides with mine
So since I'm at work and can't click, what's his argument as to why the dictionaries are wrong, and he's right? Or does he not mention the dictionaries' definitions?
@NexTerren give me a sec, i'll write them down
@TrEs-2b If I'm making you do undue effort ignore my request, naturally. I figured it was a quick argument.
Domesticating is to specifically breed the animal to our purpose; horses, cows, chickens, etc. Taming is to make an individual animal okay with humans (like circus animals); lions and elephants
One is over the span of generations the other is not
Okay, so that's redefining a word. What's his counter to the standing definition being wrong?
What do you mean?
Those are the definitions
@TrEs-2b i agree with those definitions
@DaaaahWhoosh thanks
...I can't tell if it'll be taken poorly if I suggest not thanking me
@DaaaahWhoosh probably but I recommend doing it anyways.
So let's Bob wants a single word for "starchy vegetable." Bob decides to repurpose the word "potato." The next time I hear you say "potato," I say, "Keep in mind that refers to any starchy vegetable" you go "What? No it doesn't," and dig out a couple of dictionary, and find the definition. The dictionaries support you in defining a potato as specifically... well a potato.

I then link to Bob's awesome Youtube video defining "Potato" as "any starchy vegetable"

Is my argument sound?
that would be circular/self defining
consider the definition of a theory, and how people say that the layman's definition and the scientist's definition are different
So unless the Youtuber sources some external source that trumps a dictionary definition, the dictionary definition should trump the video.
I'd like to suggest we don't use the verb 'trump' any more, at least for the next four months
Okay, I won't use it as a verb. But I will still use it. And you just wait... my use... is my trump card.
anyway, I agree, go with the definition provided by the more authoritative source
but don't just discredit an alternate definition because you've never heard it before
So okay. You're right. I mean I haven't watched the video so maybe he does cite some highly authoritative source that... bests... multiple dictionaries. If he does, correct me.
But if he doesn't it seems silly to use his as the almighty definition.
I defer to Google
Also I didn't start any argument over semantics, it was Cody. :P
Sure it wasn't Zack?
is that a Disney Channel reference? And if not, forget I said anything
Man, that show came on about a year after I stopped watching Disney.
Kim Possible, I shall miss you.
*Disney channel. I mean I still watch their movies.
@DaaaahWhoosh I have so many questions...
What year did Z&C come out?
not the least of which are 1. Do you have a moustache? and 2. Do you drive a van with blacked out windows?
Wait. How did he jump from not knowing Disney show references to pedophillia?
@NexTerren you can't not watch the movies, they connect all living generations. also 2005
they made a spinoff where they're on a boat
yeah no one knows why though
Man, Kim Possible stopped airing in 2007?!
No way it's been that long.
I suddenly feel very old.
@NexTerren I would've guessed longer
I refuse to accept this reality.
wanna feel old
@DaaaahWhoosh Well it started in 2002. They brought it back after a fan-base protest and made a final season.
@NexTerren Why the hell else would we be on a world building site...of course we don't accept reality.
So in a strictly non-creepy way, how old is everyone?
@James I told you to stop it.
the release of Little mermaid is mermaid is closer to vietnam than modern day
@NexTerren in a moderately creepy way, 23
@NexTerren I've already said it, almost 17, still a wee little baby
@NexTerren Thank you for clarifying the non-creepy nature of your request.
Cleopatra died closer to the moon landing than she did the construction of the pyramids.
omg I am old...when the hell did that happen
Oh, forgot to say for myself. 26.
speaking of time...
The T-Rex is closer to modern times than to triceratops times
@James Why the edit?
it felt better consolidated.
The editor in you.
Example: Peanut butter is good. Jelly is good. But put them between bread and man...mind. blown.
Actually a grilled PB&J is an amazing thing
Speaking of old, my mother recites little mermaid scenes (not songs, scenes) when she is bored
I can stand grilled PB&J. I haven't had a normal PB&J since gradeschool and I no desire for this to change.
@TrEs-2b Man, people who recite scenes from the Little Mermaid are just the oldest!
...my wife has been known to do that on occasion. She also busts out the songs when the kids are being really loud and obnoxious.
...me, I just quote Wayne's World a lot.
@NexTerren Never had PB&J
I don't quote movies, but characters
@TrEs-2b I'm just not a fan. The jelly and PB just become this goo and make the bread kind of soggy, unless you waste good bread on it.
Making one and having it in your lunch bag all day for lunch and they turn into...
Speaking of grade school, who here has watched Stranger Things?
I prefer eating foods ingredients; I don't understand how you people can eat different food groups in one food item.
Yeah see take some tasty marble rye, put pb&j in the middle, then butter it like a grilled cheese and cook it til its crispy on the outside...its amazing
@TrEs-2b You'll grow out of that little guy. I used to do that too.
@James See, you weren't old until you said that.
No! I eat what I want to!
Now there's no going back.
Missed opportunities: Being born the older twin, and saying "BACK WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE" and follow it with what you did five minutes ago.
@NexTerren I suddenly wish I was a twin...
Missed opportunities: being a creepy kid; saying I hear voices, why do I hear screaming, play with me....
As a kid everything can be easily creepy
@TrEs-2b You can totally still do that.
@TrEs-2b You missed that opportunity? I so wouldn't have called that.
It works better as a 6 year old
...and you should video it and share it with us
@NexTerren I didn't say it was my missed opportunity
Speaking of creepy kids.
@NexTerren Oh lord here we go...lets hear it...
Today's company newsletter (email) rolls in, and this is at the top:
Not that creepy
Take it away
It's SORT of creepy for what I assume is supposed to be cute.
Those eyes say "I just burned down your house with your animals inside"
This isn't some sort of random kid in the park, either. This is a kid that some corporate somebody thought would be a lovely picture to mail out to the employees across the globe.
The shadows do something strange to her face...like a bat...or the devil is going to jump out of her eyeballs.
Also time to see if anyone can figure out what company I work for from the newsletter.
@NexTerren be careful with your complaints, for all you know it could be the kid of the CEO
@NexTerren Do we need a repeat of Gaston
@TrEs-2b Think of the children.
@Ghanima If it is, I understand where the kid's receding hairline comes from.
I am such a Machiavellian Super villain
@TrEs-2b Wait, how does Gaston connect to the company I work for? Do you know something I don't?!
Never forget Gaston....
@TrEs-2b how could I...its burned into my retinas
...and on that note I am the hell out. Have a good evening all.
Noooo ooooneeee issss assss.... blockedfromyourmindasGaston!

Later, @James T. Kirk.
not a kid, but created by a kid
@TrEs-2b That looks suspiciously like it was drawn by somebody in photoshop trying to make it look like a kid's drawing. Also that is the strangest ruled paper I've ever seen.
true, hope not though
Here is one I found for a baked beans advertisement;
Aw, Jimmie looks like he'll try his best to develop as a normal member of society but devolve into psychopathic tendencies!
damn it nex...
I can't resist
I'm out. @TrEs-2b. Podcast. Make progress.
Or videocast. Or whatever it is.
Cast things.
We still need software and a time
but we'll talk
Microsoft Word and high noon.
My work here is done.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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