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09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Q: Surviving the world of zombie mosquitoes

FrostfyreSome Details Suppose an Earth-like world with the following changes: Atmosphere: 67% nitrogen, 31% oxygen, 2% other Average surface temperature: 16.7° C (62° F) Day/night cycle: 20 hours Gravity: 0.86 g This world is inhabited by genetically diverse creatures that are equipped with sugar-lad...

Is that too broad? ^^^
I live in the UK, down by London...we've basically had zero snow this year
I think a few flakes a couple of times and that's it
@TimB I envy you
I prefer snow to miserable rain tbh
and we've had a LOT of that
@bilbo_pingouin zombie mosquitoes - surprised there isn't a TV show about them yet
@TimB in Ontario we still salt the roads. I'll take rain over a car crusted in salt any day
I got some friends who were in London over the previous week end... they said it was raining and cold all the time ;)
@bilbo_pingouin ok, that's pretty bad then
it'll be 8 degrees (celcius) this friday in southern ontario
weird winter
+8°C? is that warm or cold?
it was negative 20 (celcius) 2 days ago
@bilbo_pingouin Hmm, not had a proper look but at a glance I think it's maybe ok
oh, it's practically beach weather considering that it's winter :P
@TimB it appeared in the review queue... I had to consider it for some time... and I am not yet entirely sure
24 Celcius is basically beautiful weather ... T-Shirt and shorts, you could hit the beach
30+ ... it's pretty hot
at around 10 degrees you can forego a jacket if you're not out long
so 8 degrees .. i'm lovin' it
might leave my jacket in the trunk and just walk around in a sweater
Romanians would call me crazy
Canadians, conservative
as you will see ppl in shorts and flip flops in -20 degree weather
ok, it's close enough to us here...
Question, when an 'old' question is answered, does it always go into the 'Late Answers' Queue, no matter who answers?
I don't know that that queue works right honestly...
@bowlturner no. Only for low rep users
@bowlturner I don't think so. It's for neqer users.
it used to be a special case of first post (as an answer), but they extended it...
So any of my new answers to old questions have very small chance of being read then
I don't remember the details, but I believe it was like 150 rep
well, the questions gets promoted to the first page
I was hoping that at least 2 people would look at it. Oh well.
@bowlturner From experience, I can say that you might have luck.
@bowlturner some weird ppl like myself might go around reading old questions and lol-ing at the answers
@bilbo_pingouin yes, but as generally the '0' up vote answer it's at the bottom.
today, just got a +1 on an answer from July... you never know :)
@bowlturner I did not say it was easy ;)
I've gotten +3 the last couple times I've gone after old questions.
But if it was in a queue it 'would' get a couple looks
@HDE226868 it helps when they get mentioned in talk. I had one make it to 5 for my Necromancer badge.
review is supposed to be for risk of mistakes/spams/etc. not for promotion ;-)
And the +13 on the bountied question. Bounties help. A lot.
I can go and flag it if you want :D
@bilbo_pingouin looking at like that does make more sense.
the risk part I mean
I'm working on the Archaeologist badge but only doing a couple a day to not flood the queue
Keep looking for a question that I can get a Revival badge for and one I'm willing to actually answer...
What is this massive vtc thingy going on?
@Hohmannfan What do you mean?
there have been 10? questions vtc today
@bowlturner I've tried a few times to go for revival... but there were often a reason why the question didn't have a good answer already...
@bilbo_pingouin exactly
i haven't actively badge hunted before. . but maybe I should get into it ;)
perhaps it is just more traffic
We do seem to have gotten quite a few new folks the last week or so
@AndreiROM when I'm bored I look for things to gets badges for.
And sometimes I try to 'bump' several badges with one or 2 posts/edits! ;)
@bowlturner the only one I actively tried to get was the fanatic badge .. and then Valentine's weekend rolled around ... and now I'm back to 2 days
@AndreiROM revival is the only I actively tried to get ;-)
@HDE226868 , funny thing, I've gotten more downvotes in the 2 days i've been a moderator than in the entire calendar year before
@AndreiROM ok, and that one. But I was disappointed not to get a platine badge for 250 days in a row ;)
@SerbanTanasa Bowl is punishing you for beating him
Still at 200 reputation for the day, heh :D
they gotta try harder
@SerbanTanasa challenge accepted.
@bilbo_pingouin i hate you
@bilbo_pingouin I've considered writing a script to just visit the SE pages each day - even if I forget
@SerbanTanasa well .. i have some time ... flexes down-vote muscles
@bilbo_pingouin and you don't get it twice even if you get 100 days multiple times.
@Samuel ha, I'm happy I've made it to 32!
@AndreiROM well, I have kids, so I often have some time with not much more to do in the evenings... and I installed the SE app on my phone for it... a quick visit a day is enough
@bowlturner isn't that a shame?
whenever I see a user with 5+ gold badges I get insanely jealous
[flashes gold badges]
[drops gold badge, still has 5]
picks it up <- I wish
it would be so awesome if you could trade in bronze and silver badges for gold :P
I expect my next gold badge will be either the close review badge or copy editor. Both a ways out there
What would the exchange rate be?
@AndreiROM, I'm patiently waiting for my Humans-as-pets question to pass 10k views
@SerbanTanasa Ah, I see the purpose of the tie in now.
@SerbanTanasa you do have some great questions
I've not asked a single one yet
@SerbanTanasa and you shamelessly drop a link to get closer to it ;-)
@Samuel, keepin' it real, keepin' it cheap
[weaves his web, patiently]
heck I've been tickled the Mosquito Assassin has made it to 7000 views!
I've noticed that Serban always masterfully ties his questions together
it's pretty damned sneaky
shameless, it is.
I'm taking notes
Expect a deployment schedule of inter-related questions, coming to World Building soon :P
thing is, nobody really answered the ~10k view question, so I've tried to clarify the question
I should go edit out his cross-linking, then I'd get that much closer to Copy editor
apparently, the clarified version is making @Samuel feel it's too broad
Yep, I stand by it.
dunno how to fix it, the meaning is not about being happy, it's about keeping them content
you know, "give your employees a raise to keep'em happy"
doesn't mean they're actively ecstatic all day
I'm not seeing whatever difference you're suggesting that makes.
well, hapiness is a philosphical question, but "keep'em happy" has no such ramifications
I'm reading it as "being happy in life" which to me is fairly synonymous with "being content"
I also pointed out that what makes any one person happy/content, won't work with the next person and so they need to 'get to know' their target
yeah, i liked that answer
@bowlturner Basically, you answered that the question needs to be found out by the AI and can't be answered by us.
i like the idea of an AI having a model of its bonsai
and trying to trim it just right
Which is exactly why I see it as too broad of a question.
I need 11 more 200 rep days to get epic
@bowlturner Yeah, that does help.
just deleted some dino poop
Why not ask for an optimal algorithm for determining the contentedness of Alice?
@SerbanTanasa Strange. A nice welcome to the job.
@samuel i leave that for code golf
@HDE226868 sorry what helps? not sure where you are in the converstion.
is Morpheus going to visit Alice and offer her a way out of the "Matrix" ?
I mean, bound the binary search somewhat. What % of oxygen between 0 and 100 makes her happy?
@bowlturner Your message about a post being mentioned in chat.
ah, yes.
Hey, is anyone here familiar with the Foundation series? I have a question idea.
I've read them
go ahead
been a while since i read that
I read them when I was about 12, still remember the premise but not details :p
I was going to ask something about the plausibility of psychohistory - although a few other ideas buzzed around in my head.
@HDE226868 I read the books at one point
I've read them.
I'm pulling a @SerbanTanasa . I tried answering this old question. worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/22648/… then I read one of the other ones that was so much better. I almost deleted mine.
i always thought so, but now I know for a fact that I'm in good company :P
Okay, do those who read them remember Hari Seldon and his ability to use psychohistory to predict the future?
@HDE226868 the broad strokes actually have some merit
chaos theory says no
@bowlturner, no, i like the answer
@HDE226868, if you're a believer in the Longue Duree it is
@TimB Even the idea of simply prediction about when an empire will fall, for instance? Seldon crises are way too specific, IMHO, but other things might not be.
@SerbanTanasa thanks. You seem to like a lot of my answers! I appreciate it! I knew there was a reason I voted for you in the primary!
@SerbanTanasa Interesting.
@bowlturner, also like @Thucydides answer
@SerbanTanasa yes, his was the one I thought was great
although it is unclear whether IQ would ever apply to AIs
after all, do submarines "swim"?
Nixing the psychohistory question; more researching has convinced me that it's controversial and not definitively decided.
I would consider psychohistory to be more like weather forecasts.
and we are shaking bones to make predictions
Seldon's predictions sometimes fail - and fairly spectacularly at that
so yes, akin to weather forecasts sounds about right
but even more vague
@AndreiROM Spoiler!?!
@HDE226868 uhm ... I guess ? Maybe ? The books are awesome and you should still read them?
@HDE226868 Please don't ban me? :P
Has it ever happened that a high-rep user has been banned?
Not on WB.
On other sites, yes.
if only we had some moderators to hide the spoilers
@SerbanTanasa outta luck
by the way, did we just miss the calendar challenge fitting with the leap day, or did I miss the discussion about it?
@James I think your question is very opinion-based.. and possibly broad
@bilbo_pingouin Why do you say that?
@James well, "great people" sounds very opinion-based. different cultures have different opinion on the same people... some might see them great, when others, terrible
and asking to fill various profile people is quite broad...
"great" people might include religious figures, kings and knights, philosophers, scientists, etc.
Great and terrible are the same thing in this case.
@bilbo_pingouin I agree, I specifically mention that in the question
terrible in the sense of horrible
@bilbo_pingouin I think no-one started it so maybe someone not aware of the discussion just picked the top
@bilbo_pingouin i know. but they alter history just the same
I can define great people to make my meaning more clear. brb
that would remove the opinion-based part
but the fact that you want all kind of profiles, makes it very broad
and hard to answer without know much more about your world
@bilbo_pingouin Well again, I am looking for a process, does the setting particularly matter?
@bilbo_pingouin updated btw
you're the second one to ask about setting so it very well may matter, I am actually asking.
well the 21st century western world celebrate their scientists... Middle Age Europe very little... even Renaissance ones...
they tended to use them to warm their palaces up
New grammatical/spelling pet peeve: people spelling "rogue planet" as "rouge planet".
the religious figures reflect the religious philosophy
when you say "rouge" I think "red"
@HDE226868 they may mean mars ;)
@HDE226868 Hey, if planets want to wear makeup who am i to judge
. . . I should have seen those jokes coming.
yeah for sure lol
for example, Suicide is wrongly viewed by the catholics, whereas martyrs (a form of suicide) isn't that bad for muslims. And Bouddhists essentially celebrate someone who starve himself to death.
so the "great" people of religious profile is really dependent on the religion
@bilbo_pingouin yes, but this will be determined by the story's context
yes, but how do you generalise a process to make great people of all type?
@bilbo_pingouin I posted an answer on that question, lemme know what you think
I think the question is way too broad ;-) but going to read your answer :) and James' update while at it
@bilbo_pingouin please be gentle, lol. I made that "system" up in 3 or 4 minutes
I went even simpler. I think sometimes answers to questions depend on your point of view
@bowlturner of course. Most WB answers are pretty subjective
Okay, the psychohistory question's up. @SerbanTanasa, if you want to turn your link idea into an answer, be my guest.
@HDE226868 question for my English... be my guess or be my guest?
@bilbo_pingouin Typo on my part. Thanks.
As I've said before, I'm a terrible typer.
@bilbo_pingouin guest
fair enough... not wanting to nitpick or whatever, but that would not be the first time that I am using some expression... wrongly ^^"
@James, I still see your question as too broad. But I might be tired, so I'll see how I feel about it in the morning. I would really prefer you to focus on one type of profile. Note that many "great" people actually organised their own image... so "great" might be a results of propaganda.
And I think @AndreiROM's answer somehow shows that broadness
anyway, good night all :-)
@bilbo_pingouin night
doh, several upvotes have now put me where I'm hoping to 'make' 200. I don't have a problem with ending at 150-160 in a day, but it really irritates me to be 180-190 or worse, 197! (I think that happened twice!) Just needed to speak out. Anyway mostly done for the day. Later folks.
@bowlturner that's when those sock-puppet accounts come in handy :P
take it easy!
@HDE226868, there, answered and w/o obvious spoilers
@SerbanTanasa Thanks. Upvoted and commented.
1 hour later…
Ok, I've replied to the case studies. Only quick replies but I think that's enough, time is limited :(
In the next day or two (hopefully tomorrow evening) I'm going to post asking for suggestions for risk factors. The first step is identifying those.
goodnight all o/
09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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