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09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

How do I add new tags?
1 hour later…
@TheoclesofSaturn You can add them when you edit a post. When you have a higher rep, you can also edit the tags directly.
1 hour later…
@TheoclesofSaturn with low reputation, you can't at all. With higher reputation, you can create new tags, by simply writing the new one to one question
Q: Am I time travelling?

T3 H40I just could not believe my eyes, seeing a question of mine as got meta post just now. I know that it was one before, but I could not figure out why now? As of this popular meta post, the aspects considered during calculation are: Votes [aka Score] Views Answers Answer Votes [aka S...

In light of our upcoming design
Q: A way to turn the design of SE sites

overactorworldbuilding.SE is in the process of graduating. As part of this graduation, it will be receiving its own design. A first iteration of this design has already been presented. The response to this design has been largely positive, but some are concerned that it will stand out too much. (1, 2) An...

nvm, it was a dupe, I just didn't find it before asking
then again, the questions it's a dupe of got wrongfully closed as a dupe itself before getting any answers.
too lazy to click the link
Warning: Troll mode detected in Pavel
I should maybe leave the chat until I feel less trolololo
Q: Switch Stack Exchange site's interface to the beta theme

user1306322Is it possible to switch a certain Stack Exchange site's interface (as a personal preference) to the theme used by beta sites? Some sites have flashy decorations or unreadable fonts (I prefer to disable antialiasing on fonts). It would be nice to have an option to see a site with the "beta" them...

Quick question: I've been reading all of the meta stuff re: idea generation and what-if questions and it's become increasingly clear to me that I've only ever assumed I knew what the actual detailed purpose of this board is. Has this been clearly stated anywhere (like a WB charter or manifesto: "This is what we are here for"), or is this a conversation worth starting up? There appears to be a significant grey area in terms of what WorldBuilding actually entails.
I kinda like the proposed worldbuilding style
@IStanley I believe that will be the outcome of current discussion
But I feel that discussion did not end yet
See that's what I was worried about: the current discussions are just talking about the symptoms and how some questions are "Off-topic". Noone seems to be stepping back and clearly defining where the definition of off-topic is coming from
Now I get it
but to me, personally, I am not really sure what should be inside Worldbuilding Manifesto
Q: Switch Stack Exchange site's interface to the beta theme

user1306322Is it possible to switch a certain Stack Exchange site's interface (as a personal preference) to the theme used by beta sites? Some sites have flashy decorations or unreadable fonts (I prefer to disable antialiasing on fonts). It would be nice to have an option to see a site with the "beta" them...

The original question has been reopened
@PavelJanicek, look at it this way: There is a list defining what's on-topic in the WB help here: worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic, but that list implies that idea-generation questions are valid
I feel the answer will be> Use custom userstyle
@IStanley There you are wrong. Idea generation is one of close reason
@PavelJanicek, Sure it is, but that help lists "How to achieve a specified effect in a defined world, including by the use of biology, technology or magic, while maintaning in-universe consistency" as a valid question
so If I said "I want this effect on my world, but I don't know how to go about doing it in a consistent manner" it would be a valid question, even through there could be multiple acceptable and wholly different asnwers
@PavelJanicek But then you have to start installing userscripts on a pc where you don't want stand-out site designs on your screens
But yeah, that could be
@TimB It seems like I lost all my rights to the colour y*****:
@Hohmannfan what's your solution?
@MonicaCellio Yay! Feature creep!
Everyone needs to upvote meta.worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/a/3164/49 so he gets his badge for winning the pool and then I'll return your yellow :)
been there, done that :)
@IStanley Don't worry, that discussion will be coming Soon[tm] we had a similar discussion early in the beta but the site has grown a lot and learnt a lot since then
We've got some ideas for how to handle it in a more structured way but we're waiting for the election madness to be over etc
@TimB, thanks, just wanted to make sure the point was out there before irreversible decisions were made!
hi everyone
congrats to our newly elected mods!
@AndreiROM Thanks :)
@TimB - got both your question and Overactor's reply to 10 votes :P
@AndreiROM Thanks, good job :)
@overactor Basically to replace the annoying features like unreadable fonts in the style-sheets. That works if you do not necessarily want everything to be like a beta site.
@Hohmannfan How are unreadable fonts getting into themes anyway? This shouldn't be happening with a properly designed theme by a professional UI developer.
Changing themes make sense but the themes should be usable to begin with. ....but every them isn't useable to all people....so, yeah, that make sense to be able to change a theme. </rambling>
Personally, I do not like delayed gradual button high-lightning either, but that is less of a problem
But I am already disqualified in terms of having a good taste. I mean, I often use openbox as my DE.
@Hohmannfan It's been a long long time since I looked at Openbox. Crazy minimal DEs...:)
I installed OpenBox on my old EEE PC. It's fun :-)
and it scares people ;)
@bilbo_pingouin Holy crap! That machine is so old!
But, in good form, if the software doesn't have high demands, old hardware works perfectly well.
the main problem of my eee pc was that with 12 GB, one can hardly get anywhere...
I mean for most web-browsing and such, it's more than fine... anything else is a pain. And OpenBox is a good way to save precious GB
I have one question regarding elections: Once you become elected Mod, you can be Mod as long as you wish
So, is there a way to "rebel" against Mod?
@PavelJanicek I assume they can get kicked out if they're doing a bad job
you mean as if people don't like a mod, can they get rid of it?
In meaning: A person remains as a Mod, but does not really do much (as example). Is there a way to report tem?
If a mod isn't doing their job, or are abusing their privileges steps can be taken to have them removed
yes, it has happened... the SE staff can push a mod out
And way to find out the Mod is not doing anything is on Site owners?
The other mods should be monitoring each other too
(I am not planning any rebellion, really. Believe me :) )
Elected mod is not for a fixed term
I'm now your friendly dictator for life
Rebellion will be crushed with the iron fist of tyranny
All hail to Tim B! :)
Good man, you can be my chief assistant rabble rouser deputy understudy
actually on a more serious note. Mods can monitor each other and are also monitored by the CM staff. Use of mod tools and access to private information is logged etc so we do have oversight
Remember, remember the 5th of November
if the community has a problem with a mod then there's a procedure for raising that as well although I don't know how much that procedure has actually been used ever
@TimB Hey DFL (you need to change your profile name) what about
@James Would people find that if they were creating a new question and went to type in the tag. That's the key thing that makes a tag useful. People need to find that tag when they try to use it
why wouldn't they find ? It should show up if they type 'history'
fictional-history would not
or at least might not
basically the tag has to be clear, obvious, and automatically found by most people who want to use it. If it isn't those things there's no point doing any further discussion
I don't see a real need to change the history tag tbh
I think is a problem because History SE exists
we don't want to steal their questions, our history questions should relate to worldbuilding
so, since we don't want people to ask questions just about history, we should add a modifier
so? physics.se exists but that doesn't mean we can't have a physics tag
questions about history are fine so long as they are also about worldbuilding
what was wrong with tag?
@PavelJanicek alternate history is specifically for altering earth's history (per the tag wiki)
@TimB Physics is about laws, whereas history is about events. The only case I can think of where we would be able to use history for worldbuilding would be for finding historical precedents for events, to ensure that they fit a given scenario
If that's what the tag is for, then I guess I'm fine with it too. Maybe I should read the tag wiki
@DaaaahWhoosh Sure but like we were discussing the timeframe specific tags are more useful for that imo
@DaaaahWhoosh "How many blacksmiths would be in a 15th century medieval village of size X" is on topic for both worldbuilding and history
@TimB fictional-history would work, when I search tags and type in history, alternate history pops up
for example
So you want alternate-history to be questions about our history modified. history to be questions about our history unchanged and fictional-history to be about the history of an imaginary world?
@TimB I don't know, would that really be on-topic here?
you should look at the conlang tabs, that's the closest analogue I can think of now
@DaaaahWhoosh Yep, not even borderline. What criteria would you judge it off topic by?
@TimB It just looks like it's about our world, not about building a new one. I've had questions closed before because they were about the future of our world, rather than a fictional future. By that criteria, I would say asking about the real past is worse
I have, like, three closed questions, and I don't really agree with any of them, because similar questions remain open
Then vote to reopen them!
well, I guess it's not so much that I disagree, but that I am bothered by the inconsistency. I'd support the closures if the reasons behind them were agreed upon
stuff about our world with nothing changed is off-topic. Agree or disagree?
To me it depends on how it relates to building your world, but mostly I think they are fine
because understanding your starting point is an important thing when building soemthing new
in the next few days I'm going to start a site scope definition process
hopefully we can bring a lot more clarity and consistency to the whole thing
@TimB Sure it's important, bur I just don't think it belongs on this specific site
just because something can be on topic on another site doesn't mean it's off topic here
is a question about plate tectonics off topic? That's asking about the real world.
@TimB If we have a better-suited SE site for it, maybe. I see your point, pretty much every question we have could be on-topic somewhere else too, I just feel like we shouldn't just accept any question that might help build a world
I feel like if we did that, our scope would be just too big, and maybe that's contributing to the other problems
I mean, how often do we migrate questions these days?
I tend to disagree, if it's an answerable world building question, it's within scope.
Well I guess that could be taken to extremes too.
SE answerable might be a little better
It just seems to me like you guys are saying that if I have literally any question relating to building a world, I should just ask it here rather than asking it at a site that specializes in whatever field I'm asking about. That doesn't sound right to me, but I respect your opinions enough to stop arguing about it if no one else agrees
@DaaaahWhoosh I think the problem is that a lot of the other SE sites take their subject matter very seriously
a lot of questions which might get you a quasi-scientific reply on WB would be outright closed on Physics SE
Well I tend to be more willing to accept questions than most, so I certainly shouldn't be the final word. I expect the line will be more restrictive than I'd accept which is just fine with me.
not to say that you couldn't try to ask those aspects of a question which relate to a different SE site on those sites, but your odds of getting an answer are still best on WB
Right! there's no uncertainty in physics!
@DaaaahWhoosh Good questions are valuable. Why give them away? (Bad questions on the other hand they're welcome to). Yes if a question would be answered significantly better on another site or is off topic on ours it would be worth considering migration. If on the other hand a question is on topic on both our site and theirs and is likely to be answered here then keep that precious shiny good question like the special snowflake it is.
@DaaaahWhoosh It's a question of the required answer if you ask me. A question about the physical viability of something might be answerable on Physics.SE, but you would get a highly technical answer that may not really address your question - would it work within the setting of my world.
"The last message was posted 1 hour ago." Does now permanently float at the bottom of this chat. Anyone else?
@Hohmannfan nope, not here, try refreshing?
@bowlturner The only thing that is a little annoying about it is that I can not edit my posts because they are an "hour" old.
sounds like a system's issue. Ctrl+F5 ?
maybe a javascript issue?
that's what I meant be refreshing...
some people just hit the refresh on the window, which might not fix a javascript thingamaissue
@TimB I like good questions, but I thought the whole idea of migrating was to make sure good questions get the best answers. I'd rather share them with sites that might answer them better than hoard them 'till judgement day.
@TimB Well alternate history is already about modifying earth history, and we seem to have plenty of that flavor of question to validate its own tag. But yeah that's pretty much what I was recommending.
Back again. I closed the browser and restarted. Issue fixed. There are only one problem in the world: Cache
@James I am a little confused about the proposed history-tag definitions. As I see them now, I could easily have used them wrong. It is not very intuitive.
@IStanley I agree with this, if your question is about worldbuilding then keep it. But if it's specifically about some aspect of physics or history or whatever, independent of a world other than our own, I think it should be put somewhere else
@DaaaahWhoosh, agreed, I just think that in the vast majority of cases people posting asking for hard science answers aren't necessarily looking for the pure science answer, just the pure-enough-for-purpose answer which they wouldn't get on the pure science board.
@Hohmannfan I agree, part of the reason I wanted to discuss it
Ok what if we changed the name on the era specific tags to , , etc etc etc, then add and
or rather rename alternate history to history-alternate
I'm OK with that. But then my expectations for tagging seem to wrong as often as right...
i don't mind ancient-history being that way around. What's the reason for changing it?
they'd sort together?
tags aren't alpha sorted anyway
they can be. default is use
BTW I don't have a strong opinion on this one way or the other
standardization is better than non-standardization and it helps people identify that they are similar tags/grouped
I posted an answer to the meta question with my recommendation if anyone wants to voice an opinion there.
A: What shall we do with the history tags?

JamesOk I have been thinking about this and I think I have my final recommendation (pending you all slaughtering it with red ink/sheep's blood) Eliminate history it's simply too generic to be useful in categorizing Rename alternate-history to history-alternate to support a new convention (Ill elabor...

I don't see how moving history to the start is any more standardised than having it at the end.
Overall I'm ok with the proposal except for the mangling of the names
I commented on the answer though, let's keep the discussion in one place
I'm contemplating writing an answer to the history tags discussion. How do you make tags show up in a post?
do tag:history in square brackets []
Thank you!
you're welcome :)
There, @James, I contributed my two cents. :) And now I'm going to propose a new topic challenge because Industrial History is cool.
Q: Why don't I have the Mortarboard Badge?

XandarTheZenonThis badge is earned by earning an excess of 200 (What are they?) points in one day. According to the timeline on my account, one day I got 212 points, 100 of that because I was trusted on other sites in the community. Is that why it didn't give me the achievement? Note - It's not that important...

@TimB Beginning or end is irrelevant I guess. It just makes more sense to me to have the category come before the specific topic.
@Jerenda Thanks, the more input the better
@James I think that only applies if we're imagining the tags in categories. But usually people use them one at a time, so they should be considered separately
sure but what I am trying to get to is a set up where if someone starts to type history into the tag field when submitting a question that these all pop-up so they can grab the correct one.
that should happen either way
@DaaaahWhoosh right. as long as we get to that I am good.
so guys ... i'd like to ask your opinion
Xandar commented on it overnight saying that I was insulting people's religion by saying "for Christ's sake"
I thought he was joking .. apparently he wasn't.
@AndreiROM Xandar does seem to be easily offended
It's not insulting people's religion
but the capitalization did stand out to me
People with religion are insulted, it's very different
well .. Christ is technically a name of sorts
hence the capitalization
It's a title actually.
agreed. Name was a poor choice of word
But, I suppose that's part of a name.
the point being I'm not crazy to think it's not a big deal, right ?
Still, I agree you're in the right.
I very rarely make those sort of comments anyway, I was just very frustrated with the OP's post
and saying "for fuck's sake" seems worse :P
anyway, thank you for the input. Always good to know I'm not crazy
It's the internet, not church, there is no requirement to try and please everyone. If you're not being intentionally offensive, then I don't see a problem.
@AndreiROM Yeah, I think the phrase is more insulting because you're trying to be insulting rather than because of religion
Well first point, it was a brand new user.
also, I gleened it from one of his comments of chat posts that Xandar is 13, so yea
Cut them some slack
However, I do see the comment as overly harsh in tone. As @James said.
i think I actually said "sorry" to the op later in the comment thread
second its the internet, the usefulness of getting frustrated with people is completely non-existent
@James while that may be true it does feel good to vent every once in a while
so the use of christ aside my problems with the comment were related to the way a new user first experienced the site which we cannot do to new people if we want to continue to grow
now that I think about it, I actually am more offended by 'for Christ's sake' than I think I should be
@AndreiROM Yeah, I'm not one to speak against that. I mean, did you see the election?
@DaaaahWhoosh what do you mean?
@Samuel what do you mean, too ? :P
and case in point it appears that the account of the op has been removed/deleted? so we can't be doing that to people.
It's now well documented that I'm fairly well hated, and it's probably not for being too nice.
@Samuel "well hated" might be going too far
@Samuel on a positive note its why I find you entertaining
@AndreiROM I don't know, it just seems worse than some similar phrases. Like 'for God's sake' seems more like 'man, you should've done this differently', but 'for Christ's sake' sounds like 'there is a man getting crucified right now because of your stupidity'. I guess it's just a less common phrase to me, so it has more bite
@AndreiROM, the comment could be written in a friendlier fashion :)
but i do admit that before we spoke in chat I sometimes noticed that your replies were spectacularly sarcastic/critical.
I think you may have been my inspiration to start being a little more blunt/mean to people :P
As a person of religion, I would argue that "for chrissake" might be a better phrase, as it's a step removed from invoking the actual person of Christ.
"For christ's sake" I think is a very common phrase here in the States. They say it on television for Christ's sake.
@Jerenda interesting input
@Jerenda I second this, the capitalization makes it sound super-serious
#wordsmith :)
technically I'm Orthodox, but actually I'm hard-core agnostic, so to me it doesn't seem bad/mean/evil. Also, in both Romania / Canada saying things like "for God's sake", or for "Christ's sake" is very common, even in polite company
as for the capitalization ... it's just the way I type it
but anyway, point taken
@AndreiROM, perhaps "by Einstein's ghost' might be more agnostic-appropriate?
Shall we not say Holy Cow then? Maybe Holicow is less offensive?
@Samuel Holy bovine
but I think this will be insulting to Indians
My point exactly.
@Samuel I'm just saying don't capitalize it. Holy cow. Otherwise, you'll look like someone who's so serious about God that they capitalize His pronouns
Just about Yahweh.
I just wanted - and got - some feedback
One of many gods.
1) Be less mean to silly new commers - message received and understood
@SerbanTanasa I support "by Einstein's ghost"
2) try to not insult people's religion - easy enough
@SerbanTanasa By Einstein's freaky hairdo!
"Holy cow, Einstein!"
@Jerenda somehow this reminded me of Scooby-do
Jee-wiz, gang!
@AndreiROM I was thinking of Batman & Robin, but sure. XD
@Jerenda also that? :P
good talk :)
I would like to mention that I'm not actually religious. I always feel like I come across as really religious, I think I just like the idea of it
@DaaaahWhoosh that statement was extremely humorous
no offence intended
@AndreiROM I'm so offended right now, I'm gonna downvote all your posts >:(
@DaaaahWhoosh Your father was a hamster
@DaaaahWhoosh not my precious reputation!!!!
and your mother smelt of elderberries!
@bowlturner woah there! bringing out the big guns
never bring a gun to a knife fight! it ain't fair...
...I think I got that backwards, I think its "Your mother was a hamster"
You might be right. So what were YOU smoking?
Crack, its wack
This is getting weird, fast
The mother is the hamster, aka a fast-breeding rodent, and the father smells of elderberries, which when fermented turn alcoholic.
Bowlturner and I share some regional familiarity...
For example. @bowlturner did you save big money yesterday afternoon?
and sense of humor...
/me pushes up spectacles XD
@James yes, because I covered my eyes when I walked past the tools
@bowlturner Sarcasm is is my favorite -asm
@bowlturner I want to buy a router, and biscuit cutter, and a large planer but haven't had the spare $$
it's cheaper to buy one at a time.
Worst part of the internet is that sometimes you cannot really tell if someone is being sarcastic
Oh and the screws from a kreg jig are HARD and will ruin the blade of a biscuit jointer and cost $30+ to replace
@PavelJanicek that's OK, even in real life people don't know if I'm serious often.
what. the. heck. is a "biscuit cutter"
I was imagining you know .. a tool for cutting biscuits
for whatever reason
i mean .. i just eat my Oreo's the good ol' fashioned way
then I realized it might be referring to something else
While they have tools to cut biscuits I'm assuming he meant a biscuit joiner amazon.com/DEWALT-DW682K-6-5-Plate-Joiner/dp/B00002232S/…
I'm disappointed that it has nothing to do with actual biscuits :(
Yeah I already have bisuit cutters in the kitchen, I need the kind for the woodshop
man I forgot i need to get a kreg jig too...
and yeah those would break a blade.
so where are you guys from?
since you speak of the same mystical biscuit tools
I'm in Nebraska currently
when I followed that first amazon link I got flashes of Ron Swanson
room topic changed to Worldbuilders' General Chat: Main chat room for worldbuilding.stackexchange.com [balloon-whales] [bewildered-gods] [mystical-biscuit-tools] [reasoned-discussion]
we should make a tag for that
I may or may not have added to the chatroom topic list
Califo-- no wait I moved
it's there. Things seem to keep pushing 'reasoned-discussion' farther down the list
I live in Ontario
I lived in minnesota for a couple years in college as well so I know the twin cities pretty well.
I shoveled snow for 40 minutes when I got home yesterday
I'm a software developer
shoveling snow is not what I signed up for
It's good for you
Builds character
Tell me about it. When I moved to Canada I thought we ended up at the North Pole by mistake
And sledding is awesome
Ontario is still south of me! ;)
I have become an avid snow boarder .. since it's easier to travel on the snow than to shovel it
@bowlturner which part of it, lol
So your life looks like this, @AndreiROM? youtube.com/watch?v=3t-cd4vMq6E
@Jerenda can't access youtube :(
@AndreiROM the populated part! ;)
but we have access to amazon ffs
tells us all a little something about my boss's priorities :P
@bowlturner oh, boy
:( It's the opening song from Frozen, Frozen Heart.
@Jerenda lol. It's been a pretty decent winter, except the last couple of weeks
but last yr was basically a frozen apocalypse
I used to think that all-weather tires are fine. Now I know why very smart people went through the trouble of inventing snow tires
@AndreiROM I'm currently in the Duluth area. I think 80% of Ontario residents are about even or south of here.
and why not all snow tires are created equal
@bowlturner I do not envy you
I'm in the GTA (greater Toronto area) and it's plenty cold down here for me
For a second I thought that was Grand Theft Auto...
that's an awesome game
09:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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