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Q: Handling Off Site Hostility

WyliaA recent question focused on a certain term led to some confusion for those trying to answer it, as the way the term was used in the question made it unclear what the user was asking. The user replied to the comments on their post in a bit of a hostile manner since the term wasn't immediately und...

7 hours later…
@Hohmannfan you should get to like histograms... ;-) there it gives the impression of a linear progression between 68 and 96 yo. So about 3-4 users who are 84... ^^"
1 hour later…
We discussed a few time some webcomics. There is a proposal on Area51 for comics
I am following it now.
4 hours later…
I just had a look at the stats of our ad running on sci-fi and rpg
Aside from the open bounties ads, it's the best performing ad on both sites.
how do you do that?
There's a link at the end of the body of the questions
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2015

Grace NoteThe dawn of a new year, 2015, now approaches, or has already approached, either way it means that it is now time to reset our Community Promotion Ads! What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-vetted advertisements that will show up on the main site, in the right s...

people are designing community specific ads. It might be worth some effort... on our part there...
Q: Case Studies - Green's Highest Viewed Questions

GreenWhat would it take to build a ship capable of crossing the Pacific? About Worldbuilding? This question asks if building a trans-Pacific ship is feasible using only merchants as the shipbuilders. (They die horribly in one way or another.) Off topic? Nope. Idea Generation Not IG since the quest...

@PavelJanicek, your post already made it to the HNQ... :)
In other words I have really interesting dreams
I dreamed about scavenging bottle caps all around Fallout world just to be told by BoS "we don't accept it now"
hot dreams... er. wait, sorry... ;-)
@PavelJanicek I scavenge bottle caps in real life...
Preparing for the apocalypse? :D
I guess so... I've also been considering making an NCR trooper costume
not sure why, I just saw the armor and though "I'd like to own that"
Link to picture please
Can also work
I already tried to Google that
Sadly, with Fallout I ended on the Fallout 2. Then I either had slow PC or small kids ;)
I've been playing it on consoles since 3
Well, I did go with Nintendo Wii :D
And then, NotEnoughMoneyException
yeah, that is a very difficult bug to fix
Especially when you want to have two instances of Kid running ;)
oh man, yeah that's gotta be tough on your CPU
It's not that hard. It just means that I am not really playing any games
I've got the opposite problem, I've been trying to teach my parents to play video games for years
I would say that Wii could be good start
@DaaaahWhoosh Mine kinda got me started, but these days mum isn't much for them and dad just constantly plays Heroes of Might and Magic IV
And bear in mind that even solitaire counts as computer game
@PavelJanicek Well sure, it counts, but nowadays since I'm off in another city and they're at home just watching TV, I'd like to find something we can play together.
I've been trying to get them to set up Minecraft, but getting a server going apparently takes more than I thought it would
Start with simple games
We have one Wii in our company kitchen, so usual coffee break comes with one match of Wii tennis
It's fun, easy to understand and easy to play variant
Minecraft is quite hard to get into
Sorry to interrupt you, but I just wanted to tell you that NINTENDO WII IS THE BEST CONSOLE OF ALL TIMES!!!
Uff, now I can move along
OK, I think I answered another question by 'that should never happen', this is how it should be...
actually I think I did it with both the questions I answered this morning...
hopefully it was not my question about the bottle caps
@PavelJanicek No, that was @bilbo_pingouin and I just upvoted his answer! :)
OK @SerbanTanasa you got answer 700!
i need to write more answers I think, silver and gold tag badges need a stupid number of answers
200 more score on science based is easy enough but 101 answers will take some time
I don't think anyone has a gold tag badge yet?
@DaaaahWhoosh Realms may be the way to go, you have to pay but you don't have to manage the server
@TimB I have a couple bronze thats it
@TimB no, a couple are getting close in upvotes, and I think I'm leading in questions answered.
@bowlturner, thanks! Sorry for rolling back, I modified it a bit to make it clearer what I meant
@SerbanTanasa I was wondering if you just felt you had to do all the editing on your posts! :)
No, no. It was that I meant to say "growing towards a Dyson sphere, not already one"
I didn't think it was 'unclear' more like you had extraneous words that didn't add to the question
it was unclear in the original format
yes that is more clear
I have a more, um, verbose style
Not a problem. I tend to be too terse
as the chrysalis slowly opens towards the morning sun, so do my words slowly converge towards the point
It added the change to my Refiner badge, but I expect it will remove it later when it catches up.
oh, I see now
the "and" removal didn't make grammatical sense, for instance.
in the first sentence
@SerbanTanasa you have no idea how many times I write an answer, read answers that follow mine that get upvoted and think "that's what I said" but not as verbose and obvious
the two highest rated answers on that powering nanobots question are basically each half my answer but expanded upon
I'm very good at finding extra words that don't need to be used in other peoples writing...
@TimB isn't that a great feeling! :(
Well, they did go into rather more detail so I don't really mind
but it is a bit "bah" :)
Sometimes I think my answers are the 'baseline' and everyone else feels the need to do 'better' and often they do...
@bowlturner You're like the advance recon, everybody else moves in based on your reports
But now and then I do that. I see an answer that is in the right vein, but I fill it out more
@DaaaahWhoosh that at least sounds better!
I'm still hoping to get some attention on my answer to the question that basically asks." We went on a picnic to a far flung island in the lake and discovered there weren't picnic baskets waiting for us. What do we do? Just seems like poor planning to me.
yeah, it seems odd to go to the trouble of sending a trillion-dollar ship to an uninhabitable world
do these people not have space telescopes
especially with no back up plan
Q: Fortnightly Topic Challenge #27: History

JamesNow begins our Twenty Seventh topic challenge! Topic: history Dates: 15 Feb - 29 Feb Proposed by: While the history of a world isn't always directly relevant to the story, it can add flavor and extra realism to the setting. You can use the history of a world to figure out how it will evo...

but still, it may have gotten wiped out by a massive asteroid, etc
So...would a question asking "What is a good process for developing historical persons" be on topic?
the world still there, but rendered useless for the nextthousand years
Well I have extreme doubts we'd send a ship to land and directly colonize a planet with the expectations they HAVE to have the planet to survive. They made the whole trip over there, they can think through some worst case scenarios and have back up options like find a moon or asteroid
@James depending on how you put it together.
@bowlturner It would be another of my "Lets define a process" questions
@James we might already have one of those.
I don't recall a creating great people question but its always possible.
Like the delicate petals of the amaryllis opening under the morning dew to reveal their true splendor to the unsuspecting world, so did Worldbuilding Stackexchange grow into a popular stack, now boasting four thousand nine hundred and fifty three questions (0 unanswered)!
@bowlturner translation: Def. hittin' 5k Q soon
you forgot the 'Woot!'
So i just made an edit to
let me know what you think, I have essentially made history a tag for made up histories, and mentioned that should be used for earth but different and should be used for real world histories
I think that invalidates half the questions it is tagged for now.
(the time period one could be, , , etc
@bowlturner I agree, if you all think its a decent idea I was planning to go through and do some question editing...that or just go with it from now forward...thoughts?
ah, sorry I missed the Law-as-Program question. too late to answer now
I think you'll have to constantly update tags if you really want 'history' to be only made up stuff
@bowlturner we can't change the name of a tag can we...?
@James yes, I think mods can do it, but if you change every instance you can change it that way
@SerbanTanasa which question is that?
Q: Could the law be implemented as a computer program?

Gnuffo1The laws would be defined in code written in a programming language. Maybe it would be in two parts, the actual rules and then a library that could run them (like how a form validation library is separate to the actual rules that a developer can write), but that's not important. Some of the bene...

@James, History should be able to cover the history of a dwarven clan as well as Napoleon's successful conquest of Persia
I mean, we have alternate-history, but I think history is meant to deal with setting, whereas in alternate history, the change in historical fact is the main focus
Someone upvoted my answer to the lost picnic and then someone else felt it was unwarrented and downvoted it. While the title asks one question the body asks something more specific. I still say they way the question is framed it means very poor planning for the trip.
I'm leaning toward @SerbanTanasa point. I think you might want a different tag for 'made up world history' if you want that.
@bowlturner, I had upvoted
ah, thanks. Well someone disagreed with you! likely the OP. but you never know.
haha, someone just downvoted my Happy Petz
plus an upvote and downvote on an old question about mechanical computers
I feel like our history tags are convoluted and redundant...
The happy pets, could simply be someone offended of that thought of people not apex and pets of someone else...
@James that could be, but you don't want to make things worse by arbitrarily changing one of them...
If we come up with a better scheme, you'll get help
@bowlturner Arbitrary means without reason, I had a reason! :p
ok...so I will go ahead and roll that change back...if I can and open a meta discussion.
Well I didn't use random! ;p~
I think any tag that has more than ~50 questions should be more than 1 persons decision (in general) If it's a good idea, it will get implemented and you'll have others backing you.
based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
"his mealtimes were entirely arbitrary"
@james My pets tag needs editing :)
@James ok but random does sound worse! ;)
lol arbitrary is a good word
ok I changed the tag back...gonna open up a meta post.
btw, was it possible to nominate someone else during the nomination phase?
or did you have to nominate yourself
speaking of random
I think you could nominate anyone. But no one did
@bowlturner Yeah we only had self nominations this time around.
@James I thought about waiting to see if anyone would nominate me, but couldn't wait any more than 24 hours! :)
@bowlturner I had the same problem.
@James and see, if I'm running I don't really want to put up other qualified candidates!
at least not more than spots available!
@bowlturner Well after 24 hours pretty much anyone I would have nominated was up and running already anyway.
Okay, I might not be able to be here at 1 to run the results. If anyone here is interested, they can set up and run github.com/undo1/electionbot :)
off to lunch, see you all later.
@Undo what does your bot do?
@bilbo_pingouin Runs OpenSTV on the ballot file, posts results to chat.
Meant to be run right after the election ends.
Q: What shall we do with the history tags?

JamesSo I was sifting through tags today and what I will refer to as the history section seems like a mess to me...ok maybe that is too harsh, but I still think we can make it better. :) We have: history alternate-history and then a whole host of era specific tags ancient-history medieval renai...

for pro tem you could nominate each other. For this you nominate yourself
I think the official results normally only take 5 or 10 minutes to happen so you'd have to be super-keen to worry about the bot :)
2 hours later…
hmm, it's going to be another 8 days until all the case studies are posted. Do we want to accelerate to one per day?
@TimB we could, we haven't been getting a ton of feedback as it is though.
Yeah, I'm going to respond either today or tomorrow
probably tomorrow now
@TimB I am behind as well, going to try to look at a couple today.
well that's the problem, with 10 volunteers, that's 50 questions to look in details... that needs a bit a of time
Maybe from now on each person should post 3 questions instead of 5, and try to select among the popular ones for ones that aren't 100% clear? We want edge cases to refine the scope, not no-brainers.
@MonicaCellio we discussed yesterday (IIRC), the problem is that choosing, means biasing.
@MonicaCellio Seconded.
and it's also good to see good questions, as a comparison
Yes choice means some bias, but if our goal is to be scientific, not self-promotional, can't we count on people to choose interesting cases to discuss? We want ones that end up being both on- and off-topic, and we want things that are interesting enough to talk about. And I'm still recommending sticking to your top few -- maybe choose 3 of the top 7-8, something like that?
Why not choose a few and then have someone else write the review?
I thought the idea was that everyone should write their own reviews?
I'm just suggesting anti-bias methods.
the problem is choosing amongst your questions... is intrinsically biased... people tend to be more lenient with their own production
I'm willing to let someone else choose when it's my turn in the hot seat. Anybody else up for that?
Unofficial results: Winners are Tim B, HDE 226868, Monica Cellio, and Serban Tanasa.
OpenSTV version 1.7 (OpenSTV.org)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file votes.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 309 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 309 non-empty ballots.
@MonicaCellio bwahahahahaha, errr I mean sure happy to help
@James that's the spirit!
Well since I don't have to be on my, want to be a mod best behavior I can let out my inner super villain a bit more now.
Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonWorldbuilding's first moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 4 new moderators are: They will become you moderator team shortly. Please thank them for volunteering! Also, please join me in thanking Vincent and Michael Kjörling who served as moderators ...

and for the record I lied about the other candidates being illiterate. Except for @bowlturner ...that was true.
@James "I lied yesterday, but today I speak true..."
@bowlturner This is why it's fun to mess with you. Well played.
oh and for the record I got more first round votes than you.
but I came in 5th!
in the end...
@bowlturner Oh you totally pulled ahead.
I was catching Serban but he started WAY to far ahead...
@bowlturner you probably had more second and third choices vote... but he had quite a lot of first votes
Exactly. I wasn't even first choice for myself! :)
Do mods have the same time limitations on changing their votes on questions/answers?
Congrats @MonicaCellio (and the other folk, but I've interacted with Monica before) :3
@Samuel Yes, last time I checked.
@Samuel yes. Voting rules are the same for everybody.
@Keen thanks. There was no combination among the ten on the ballot that would have been bad; we had an abundance of good choices.
@Keen Thanks.
@MonicaCellio Always a nice 'problem' to have.
I was just considering the new moderators and recalled some spiteful downvoting. But I guess the new position doesn't allow the correction of that.
@bowlturner I do admit that I voted for myself. I was too afraid not to get any vote otherwise ;)
@Keen indeed. Large field, way more good candidates than slots, and everybody was unfailingly polite and mature. Awesome job, everybody!
@bilbo_pingouin I assume that all candidates voted for themselves, and usually but not always in the first position.
@bilbo_pingouin I voted for myself 2nd.
@MonicaCellio Man I was going for bitter, rude and self-centered.
@James sorry, let me amend that. Everybody was unfailingly polite and mature except for James, who tried to be bitter, rude, and self-centered, though he didn't really manage to pull it off. Better luck next time, James. :-)
OK everyone, back to work. I still need an upvote today! chop chop. Review queue is clean!
@MonicaCellio Thank you for clarifying :) :p
Oh! seems like I have missed the results. Who was number four?
Congrats, @HDE226868, @TimB, @SerbanTanasa and @MonicaCellio
@Hohmannfan, thanks!
@Hohmannfan thanks!
Well, either you four are going to guide us into a new level of quality and perfection, or the apocalypse of the world is in progress. Both actions would be good and on-topic on WB
@Hohmannfan Why not both?
@MonicaCellio That can work for my post. One of my top five is closed, anyway.
@Hohmannfan Thanks.
user image
@Hohmannfan cool!
But since the whole community helps us create our dreams, maybe you want a border of lots of smaller avatars?
The rest of the evening spent on collecting profile pictures
Which is faster, collecting them or writing a script to collect them? :-)
Takes about the same time I think.
But scripting is more fun
except the script can be reused!
I think it really depends on what you do.
if you want to take the 100 top WB users, I think the script will be faster
But then we can have feature creep. You are going to lay them out in an aesthetically pleasing manner, right? :-)
or you use those shadow format where you reproduce one photo from plenty of small one...
that would be fun to see the 4 mods made from all users ;)
wait a minute, 3?
4 mods :)
what are you talking about? :D
@bilbo_pingouin For a presentation, my group tried making the Mona Lisa out of a couple of Renaissance works of art (don't ask). It turned out to be easier to do it physically, by hand, than on a computer.
there are some software to do it for you...
and that was the last time I checked, which was like 10 years ago
Yeah, but we were under time pressure, and none of us knew how to work it, or download it on the school computers.
fair enough. But I'm sure it's possible to find something...
and anyway, Hohmannfan was considering to spend a whole evening on it! ;-)
BTW can 50 people just try and fix their questions for reopen votes? Ya, that would be great...
@James If you're still interested, I ran the numbers for a $[2:1](2)$ resonance for the moons and found the system to be unstable, but it seems that a higher resonance (like $[9:1](2)$) should be stable for most eccentricities.
why are you always attacking my questions bowlturner?
@TheoclesofSaturn I'm not attacking and the changes you made to the last question made it much better.
I thought I gave you a good answer on that one two.
@HDE226868 I have to run right now but absolutely.
And what ever it may feel like, it isn't personal.
But now I have to vamoose. Got to stop at Menard's and pick up some replacement parts for a trailer...
@bowlturner Enjoy...save big money.
well , thanks i guess @ bowlturner
2 hours later…
@TheoclesofSaturn I'm not aware of the specifics there but I'm fairly sure any comments on the questions are meant to improve them not to attack them :)

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