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A: Sandbox for Proposed Questions

Monty WildWeapons for a civilisation-destroying giant robot. [science-based][weapons] An assortment of alien adolescents accompanying adult aliens on an alcubierre-drive ship just happen to have been passing near the Sol system. Having noticed that there is lots of EM radiation coming from the third pla...

3 hours later…
Q: Case Study #4 - overactor

overactorPart four of the case study series. Part 1 - Tim B Part 2 - Daaaah Whoosh Part 3 - James I submit the following for review. These are my 5 most popular questions order approximately from less to more popular. (though the last on would more likely lend on place 2 or 3, but has been put as l...

3 hours later…
I really need to find time to properly go through those case studies
I've not done it because I don't want to do a half-hearted job of it
I already got mine out 1 day late :(
yeah... exactly what I was thinking some minutes before
the problem is the more I wait, the more I'll have to read...
I think for the case studies to be useful rather than picking most popular we need people to pick potentially contentious ones
although some that are clearly in are helpful to have too I guess
well the advantage of taking the 5 most popular, is that it takes away any subjectivity of the OP in picking some questions
true enough
but I agree with you, for example most of DW's questions are spot on, so hard to trigger much discussion
yeah some examples of "on topic" are helpful but in general case studies are more interesting when they are closer to the line
@bilbo_pingouin That was my thinking mainly
I also think popular but off-topic questions are the main problem
Yep. I'd like to keep popular questions, but we need to draw a line and say no matter how popular it's not worldbuilding any more
yes that's my view. Popularity isn't bad for a question, but it does not save it neither
hard to implement though...
In a way, we need to be extra hard on popular questions, they are the kost prominent examples new users will follow.
that's one reason I submitted mine in as case studies
we need to be extra hard on popular questions from experienced users
considering how many thousands of people saw the facebook one for example
oh well, a day and a half and the election is over
give the new mods a day or two to settle in and I'll start a more structured discussion on the whole on/off topic thing
@bilbo_pingouin judge the question, not the one who asked it.
there's an innate tendency not to close questions from high rep users though...
well, I tend to be more lenient towards new comers. But experienced users should know better.
@TimB exactly. And that's the wrong way to be biased.
@TimB that's true, doesn't go against what I said though.
well, the tendency does, which is why it's not a good tendency
with the election, I completely forgot about the mythical creatures challenge... it should be stopped today... and calling leap years... or did the plan change?
sounds like a reasonable plan
@bilbo_pingouin the challenge would be calender right?
I wonder if maybe time-keeping would be a better, more general name for that tag
@overactor sounds plausible...maybe a meta post be worthwhile@?
@TimB I'll go for it
Q: Should the calender tag be renamed time-keeping?

overactorIn light of an upcoming topic challenge using the tag calendar I wondered if this tag would benefit from being renamed to timekeeping. Calendar might be a more common word, but it rather arbitrarily excludes some topics that would be covered by a timekeeping tag1. I'd suggest renaming calendar t...

2 hours later…
@bilbo_pingouin It's not my fault I'm so good at this :) But seriously, for my two cents on that conversation, I think it's good to see 'good' questions, because then we can realize how useless 'bad' questions are. We need to know that not everything on WB is off-topic
@TimB synonymize
1 hour later…
I am playing with codecademy today.
what language?
jk python is apparently good for learning
over the weekend I was learning to program in Unity, it uses C#
which is like Java, only you have to pay for its IDE
I can spell C#, thats about it.
@James The cool thing is that the 'sharp' is actually just four '+' signs
nevermind I spelled it wrong
so if I just want to type python in notepad++ whats the easiest way to run the scripts i write up?
since python is interpreted, you need a python interpreter
@DaaaahWhoosh actually there is VS Code which is free, for C#
@bowlturner WHAAAAaatt? Oh, I need to find that. But the other problem is that Unity opens all cs files in Visual Studio even though I don't have a license, so I still need to figure that one out
I can't tell if it's an OS thing or not, I have cs files set to open in Sublime but there doesn't seem to be an options menu in Unity
You can always set files to open with a specific program by extension in windows
right-click open with... and then 'always use this program' check box
yeah, so I did that, but if I open a cs file in Unity, it opens Visual Studio. So I think Unity is just assuming I want to open Visual Studio, and I haven't figured out how to set it straight.
ah, yeah that's a different problem
so don't open .cs files in Unity...
@bowlturner That's what I've been doing, but with the editor, the tutorial, Sublime, and a folder window open all at once, I'm running a bit short on real estate
need more monitors!
yeah, I have been wondering how hard it would be to set up a third...
I mean, going from one to two was great, two to three must be incredible!
not bad, it depends partly on if you need another video card or not
I'm enjoying 3
But what I thinkwould be better would be just one 50" monitor!
I think eclipse supports C#. Just google for C# IDE. If you're doing any serious work in it you'll probably need the microsoft tools though
I'm running off a laptop, I assume it's not built even for two monitors. Especially since with three I'd probably try running Minecraft, GIMP, and Netflix all at once
one reason I prefer Java :)
ok why does python treat 15 / 100 differently than 15.0 / 100?
or is that just a codecademy-ism
@James implicit type conversion
@DaaaahWhoosh wha?
if you divide integers, it does floor division to give you integers back
in other words 15/100 = 0 because it's all done with integers. 15.0/100 is done in doubles since it converts the 100 to 100.0
@DaaaahWhoosh My laptop runs 2 monitors + the laptop screen, tis very nice....not a cheap laptop though
@TimB I get what you guys are saying but it doesn't make sense to me...at least at this point...I am sure there is a reason it is necessary
@James You don't want to divide integers into a non-integer answer, but if your 10.0 is already not an integer, there's no worries
@TimB My laptop isn't cheap, but it's not gonna run Crysis any time soon. I got it when my old laptop's cooling fan broke
@James What's the difference between an Integer and a Float (Double being a type of Float) ?
All I know is integers = whole numbers, not familiar with the term float for numbers, keep in mind I haven't taken a math course in..12 years.
float = floating point number, it basically means it's not a whole number
float is a computing term not a mathematical one
that i would refer to as a decimal...
@TimB that would explain why I am not familiar.
decimals are different from floats. Decimals can store any value exactly but they use more memory and are a lot slower to work with
a float can store a number in 32 bits (64 bits for a double)
but it can't store it exactly
@TimB it can if it's in binary
a certain very select range of numbers can be stored exactly
that's a very limited set though
ask python whether 1.0 == 0.8+0.2
that's not the example I usually use, I expect it will say not equal though
there's an SMBC comic about this...
anyhow we're off topic....basically computers are either working in integers (whole numbers only) or floating point (can handle fiddly stuff that isn't whole)
if any part of a calculation is a float (i.e. 15.0 is a float) then both sides are converted to float and it's done in float...so 15.0/100 = 15.0/100.0 = 0.15
but if both sides are integer the whole thing is done in integer 15/100 = 15/100 = 0
note that 99/100 will also = 0 in integer as it always truncates
I wish they'd taught integer division in school
who cares about remainders, we only use them when computing mod!
@DaaaahWhoosh lol
Thank you guys for the explanation
hope it made sense :)
@TimB Alot more than it did lol
Yeah. Just remember that computers have no common sense. They do exactly what you tell them to, no more and no less.
a human sees 15/100 and automatically switches to float. A computer is happy with zero.
you'd think, as human creations they would think like us...
I'm glad they don't!
If there is a God/gods/god I am sure he/she/it has uttered the exact same phrase
I sometimes wonder if God is more like a computer, and created us because the universe needed more spontaneity
either way, the universe can be seen as a sort of algorithm
we have a bunch of rules and an initial condition, and it's been running ever since
humans are just so complex that we can't comprehend our own algorithms
@DaaaahWhoosh Error logging and a cache clearing are in order
turns out black holes are just the universe's garbage collectors
So they don't make new universes? But we haven't even sent a probe or astronaut in to see if that's not true yet! Not surprising that we know jack all about how the universe actually functions. Why would we? Humans have only been industrial for like, two centuries and only had science for five. We don't even know what life outside earth is like for that matter.
Q: Would a dragon be useful in a space program?

Thomas JacobsNASA has received a new employee: a dragon! His name is Firewing and he's there to help NASA with its missions. He's not an astronaut himself, mainly because of the logistical issues of launching a dragon into space (and because NASA knows that if they did that they might as well close up shop be...

What do people think of ^?
It seems idea generation for a plot.
But I didn't vote one way or the other on the VtC
"It is too popular to close" was the first I thought. Then I realized that was no a good reason. Not sure.
@Hohmannfan Yep, popularity didn't stop us here.
@HDE226868 -- LOL -- apparently whoever wrote it forgot that NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
...they'd be all over a specimen like that like white on rice anyway!
@HDE226868 I have to read through that one
I passed on answers when a smaug sized dragon can fly as fast as the space shuttle....
@bowlturner I wonder not only if that's possible with wing power, but also if it is, what kind of wind it would cause
@DaaaahWhoosh the turbulence would be incredible, on top of the huge sonic boom.
the wings would probably create sonic booms every time they flapped
@DaaaahWhoosh they would almost have to by default
and at that point there'd be no material strong enough to build them out of
but, of course, the dragon may not get by on wing power alone. Perhaps the fire breath doesn't come out the front...
for that recent 'Moon occasionally appears much larger in the sky' question, I want to say that the moon is part of some sort of binary moon system, but I don't know the math, and it feels kinda like idea generation
not that the question is idea generation, it may just be too broad, but the answer seems to be generating an idea
@DaaaahWhoosh Regarding the math: It's not too bad. The formula for angular diameter isn't bad, and if you use a binary moon system of approximately equal masses, then the distance to Earth can be easily found. The tides would be messed up because of the extra mass, but maybe you could fudge the density a little so the moons are each the same size as the Moon, but only each have half the mass.
Also, it sounds a lot like this question, so that would be a good broadness comparison.
I was mostly saying it'd be hard to find a way the moons could be orbiting each other and the planet in such a way that one of them appeared larger at some times but not at others
especially if you wanted to completely hide the second moon somehow, that would be a tough one
What do you mean by "difficult to hide the second moon"? Nobody has found that one I hid yet.
@Hohmannfan Well, no one was looking for it... until now
Now that I'm thinking about it, though, shouldn't the atmosphere act as a sort of concave lens, magnifying our view of space?
or does that only work for solids?
Does a gas lens work? I guess yes. (atmospheric refraction and stuff)
...Especially "stuff"
so, then... the moon would appear bigger with a bigger/denser atmosphere?...?
@DaaaahWhoosh You speak optics? Me not want participate. Me thinks optics scary.
covers eyes with hands Yeah, me no want to see more optics
seriously though, optics are complicated and counter intuitive. This what if shows how you have been wrong about optics for you whole life: what-if.xkcd.com/145
my mind has already been blown three times
I say it again: Me thinks optics scary
ok someone doesn't like me today, I have gotten downvotes on my lemming question and on my answer to "The perfect zombie apocalypse refuge" answer...
no comments...
I've been getting some random upvotes recently, I assume because of the election and the case study
which reminds me, @Green, you should be doing your case study tomorrow
@James You got an upvote at about the same time, though. A net gain.
Oh, also, I'm working on trying to explicitly prove that your moons configuration is stable. No promises, though.
my moons configuration? Or does someone else have one too?
@DaaaahWhoosh I meant @James's setup.
ah, interesting
What I was trying to get to with those questions was enough mass between two moons that when they line up right it causes...problems on earth.
This was the follow on:
Q: Making doomsayers right - a moon(s), planet alignment that matters

JamesConsidering our topic challenge, and the fantastic eclipse last Sunday a question came to me. Could there be a stable (relatively speaking) planetary system where a(n) eclipse/alignment would actually make a noticeable difference on an earth like planet? The eclipse/alignment should cause one o...

posted on February 15, 2016 by Tim Boura

This is one out of a series here on Universe Factory, where we look at the people behind the Worldbuilding. We present a number of short… Continue reading on Medium »

1 hour later…
@bowlturner Did you read my suggestion for that moon question, or are you really just me from the future?
@DaaaahWhoosh um, which?
which question, or which suggestion?
both! :)
or which future?
that might be better
I think there's some future where I'm using a computer in a rainstorm, and get struck by lightning, and suddenly get smarter and better at answering questions. And make bowls, apparently
but earlier, I was talking about how the curve of the Earth's atmosphere may act like a magnifying glass, making the moon appear larger
Hohmannfan scared me off of optics, but I think your answer poses the same possibility
Well, if I'm your future you, I'd make some wiser choices in your life!
@bowlturner Yeah, tell that to teenage me.
Well as I said in the answer, I actually experienced an illusion like that, it was kind of freaky actually, I was in Middle school.
I guess that's proof we're not the same person then, I have no such memories
Well I do forget large parts of my past for years at a time, so you still never know...
yeah, as long as you remember stepping into a time machine I think there's still a chance
I must have! I could have sworn I just graduated from college last year!
Sampling from the user pages, worldbuilders are not very old. Here are active participants in chat I could find numbers on:
A few of the high-profile users are missing though
that's actually a lot older than I was expecting
I have no numbers on @Samuel or @MonicaCellio
@Hohmannfan what is it showing? you found the profile of 9 users and those are their age?
@bilbo_pingouin Yes.
I think I have figured out the age of Samuel too
Nine users recently active in chat
small sample analysis
fair enough...
but it is usually presented in histograms... with age in x-axis, and frequency in y-axis :)
Is it OK to post the age of someone that has not written it in their userprofile, but provided enough information anyway?
wow, I just realized I'm on the low end of that graph... that hasn't happened in a while
I'd say as long as you haven't written any name... it should be fine
@bilbo_pingouin A histogram? really with a so small sampling size
if you intend to write names, you should ask the authorisation
I like histograms :-)
but also it's more readable that your plot, IMO
you can play with the binning to make the plot not appear too empty
If you want to keep your age secret, do not mention your identical twin. Just saying :P
and also you don't need to start from 0... as I see it, your younger users are 16...
I can not find any chat-active user younger than that
he probably don't have a problem with it, but nevertheless better to ask if you intend to name him
@bilbo_pingouin Yeah, but starting at ~10 or ~15 on the graph makes the differences look greater than they actually are.
and it makes the younglings feel bad
true, but I doubt you'll find many 1 year old around SE
start from -10 then?
@DaaaahWhoosh I prefer "worldbuilderlings".
@bilbo_pingouin Your age is not available. Do you mind telling it? No pressure.
35 :)
it's not like if someone really wanted they couldn't find it on the web :-)
I can't tell if it's a complement or an insult to tell someone you thought they were younger
I guess it depends on what age they actually are...
it usually depends...
the further you are past from 20-25, the better it is taken ;-)
for younger ones, it usually goes the other way around
unless you thought I was like 10... ^^"
I think that it is OK to show data about persons if it is purely collected from information on SE. Protest quickly if it is not OK.
@bilbo_pingouin No, I think I just assumed you were the same age as me. Or, like two years older, I think that's my default assumption
@DaaaahWhoosh so how old do/did you think I am?
The moment of truth in 30 seconds unless somebody says NO:
wait, I miss information on you @PavelJanicek
Wait, why?
no is OK.
Publishing the rest then
What is on x axis?
users sampled from active in chat
it should be written ;)
@bowlturner It depends on if you're me from the future or not. I'd say you're older than pingouin, but the data is showing that's unlikely
@DaaaahWhoosh what's unlikely?
But if you want, my column should be as long as bilbo's
most worldbuilders are in their 30's
@bowlturner nevermind, I just saw that the bars were labeled
I was right!
yep I'm one of the old guys.
Does flagging only call local mods? We may not want to have it permanently transcripted.
@Hohmannfan depends on the flag
it may send the post to the review queues
@Hohmannfan Do you mean a chat message?
@Hohmannfan there's a gap between overactor and Serban
@HDE226868 Some users may not like the data sampling
@Hohmannfan see, that was the idea of asking them before... ;)
but for those who have it in their profile they are probably ok with it.
@Hohmannfan I know; were you asking about a chat flag or a flag on the main site?
Chat flag, but it is probably OK
and those who wrote it directly in a public chat or posts (election, for HDE), they are also probably ok with that
@Hohmannfan Ah, then yeah, every mod in chat sees it (and 10k users, too, I believe). This sometimes leads to a flood of mods into a chat room, if things are interesting/funny/important/etc. enough. Although some of us just check the transcript, so we don't actually enter. Entering tends to make bad situations worse, and okay situations awkward.
@bilbo_pingouin Then, there are nobody left
The graph should maybe start on 13, because it is lowest possible age to join AFAIK
I'm also pretty sure there have been a couple users of that age on WB
yep, and I think some might still be around
Not if it has gone more than a year :D
New users can join :D
Did I mention that I work as software tester? :)
Gah! The dreaded QA!
@bowlturner Dreaded? I love QA! I never have to test my own programs!
though that did actually come back to bite me recently, we had a production issue because we didn't allocate QA resources for a part of the project I'd worked on
No QA, no bugs. No bugs, quality software. Quality software, happy customers. Happy customers, bonuses. Get rid of QA and you get bonuses ;)
Actually, I've never had a QA on any of my projects. In truth I'd prefer someone else doing the testing. But they do have a reputaion
I don't write bugs, just undocumented features!
Lol, exactly
The terminal has humor!:
One my friend told me that he was required to call every bug "undocumented feature"
I use it as a joke, it's sad if someone is serious!
And one day they managed to release something that didn't work. Like if you ship email client that cannot receive emails
I suppose the 'feature' was it kept your inbox clean! :)
"tired of spam? Try our client!"
So the communication apparently was: This feature will be removed in next release ;)
Obviously everything is gossips
And urban legends
But I believe it
Ha, I've seen to many odd things not to believe it's possible.
I found a piece of code that used a random number generator to make up numbers for error codes
That is hard to find when you search the code base for that string! I tell you
Ha, once again I have an answer that has a comment with more upvotes than my answer!
Recently we promised to compile list of possible error messages to get from the app
And realized that most errors are hardcoded deep in the codebase
Best. Refactoring. Job. Ever
yep, that's been pretty common until fairly recently (last 5-10 years)
Including the retests of whole app to see if something didn't get broken
That could be fun, depending on the code base you start with.
Pretty huge. With lots of business rules
$>repeat 5 fun
Ha! Kids are asleep. Time to good night
@Hohmannfan are you just collecting chat users, or all users (who provide an age) on the site? You could get the latter from SEDE.
I haven't published an age. But you would have to expand your X-axis. :-)
ohh! someone older than me!
There are lot of good stuff at the SEDE, I did not think of the possibility that an age query existed
It seems like the average worldbuilder is 24
from the SEDE or from your samples?
24-26 seems to be universal for all sites
@Hohmannfan well, you might have to write the query yourself, but the data is there. Looks like you either found it or wrote it.
@Hohmannfan what's N? (That is, how many worldbuilders give an age?)
Wait, I am slow at writing queries.
There are 9012 users that have not provided an age
(on WB)
out of 12825...
N of 3813
now to check out my biases, what SEs do I think have very young or old users?
@Hohmannfan wow, we are a secretive lot. :-)
Meh. Most people just do not care about providing it
I mean, we have more registered users than the total number of Q&A
I put Douglas Adams' birthday into the field when I first joined SE, but then I looked at the results and it was just weird.
@Hohmannfan Not surprising. Many will never post.
SO has one user that is -973 years old
@HDE226868 true. A more-interesting query might be ages among those who have at least one post (question or answer).
@Hohmannfan I wonder how that happened.
You have to enter a birth date (not age), and if you try to enter an age that would put you under 13 I think you get blocked.
@DaaaahWhoosh Any guess that moves towards 20 from their current age is generally taken as a compliment...rough rule of thumb :)
@MonicaCellio Could be a test user.
@TimB maybe, though I'd be surprised to see one on the production server when I know they've got dev servers to experiment on.
Sometimes you need to test in prod - even if just to reproduce problems there to then take back to the dev servers
It should be pretty simple to get the age of all users with a number of answers > 0, but I am just messing up the syntax
Q: Number of Voters Betting Pool

Tim BWe can see how many people have voted in the Worldbuilding election by looking at the number of Constituent badges awarded. This is a little friendly contest for no prize at all. Lets see who can post the number closest to the final number of constituents we have. The rules are simple, post an ...

@TimB I love my yellow!
@TimB that's true. And we don't always remember to clean up the stuff we test in prod. :-)
@Hohmannfan Muhahahaha. If you get the answer right your prize can be yellow back.
@Hohmannfan this isn't that, but has similar intent: data.stackexchange.com/worldbuilding/query/117103/…
I would ditch the age ranges from that; why limit it to 10-70?
(I started to write it, but reduced to a previously-solved problem. :-) )
as long as it is not null, it is fine
That query pretty much covers it
Right, and this query checks for that.
Yeah. That query is looking for users with 10 posts, it looks like, but you could tweak that.
In fact, for bonus points, you could parameterize it.
post floor 3, rep floor 2, age floor 1
Somehow I don't believe that far-right data point. I mean, I believe it's in the data; I just don't believe it's truthful. :-)
5 users are 96 years... possible but unlikely
The earliest birthdate you can give on SE is 1920-01-01. There are people who do that just to fill in the field without revealing their actual ages. meta.stackexchange.com/q/2307/162102
That explains it
And the comments on this answer :D meta.stackexchange.com/a/2345/312068

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