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03:00 - 19:0021:00 - 23:00

I didn't expect to ever have a cooking question that hasn't yet been answered on this site.
@Informaficker Why not? We don't have that many questions yet, and cooking is boundless
Well, all my questions I had until now (and I actually did search the site for) have been answered to my satisfaction.
And my cooking style is too uncommon to answer questions here to other peoples satisfaction.
The whole last year I fried without owning a spatula ;)
@Informaficker Tongs?
Nope, just a simple fork :)
Or a knife …
Or a simply flipped the stuff using the pan itself
Cast iron pan, so a good arm workout, too
@Informaficker I see. You did stuff the hard way because you were too lazy to do it the right way? Happens to me all the time.
Haha, exactly, one visit to the supermarket would have resolved it… actually it did, two months ago or so
Hear, hear!
@Informaficker I was imagining deep frying, and the thought of flipping something by giving a good jostle like that to the deep fryer is, well, umm, let me first make sure I'm nowhere near when you try it!
@derobert Hehe. I never deep fry, a small sip of olive oil is all I use.
@Informaficker you're missing out!
Ya well, with never I mean 'not regularly'
Ah, OK. Regularly isn't required. As long as you do some frying on Friday.
My biggest problemI'd have with frying is that I try to watch Calories atm, and I have no idea how much oil actually is absorbed when frying…
I know that Friday isn't actually named after frying, but it doesn't matter. It should be. I think I should found a religion based on the idea.
not that I really care, I still eat fast food and stuff, but at home I try to stay healthy
I like the idea of fryday
@Informaficker Weigh the empty pan, then weigh it again when you have removed all your food from the pan.
Yes, just need a name for this religion, I suppose. Then I could get a web site :-P
@Cerberus I did mention I lack crucial cooking equipment and you expect me to own a scale?
Or simply weigh the oil bottle before and after adding oil, if your food absorbs most of the oil.
@Cerberus well, not empty, filled with oil pan. That won't quite work though, as the oil picks up e.g., various crumbs
@Informaficker Heh, well, perhaps it is time to buy one? Costs about € 15 here I think. Indispensable for dieting.
@derobert It won't be 100 % exact, but it will be close enough.
Yeah I'm already checking amazon, not sure which to go for though
And 1 gram of oil never killed noöne.
I have the simplest Princess scale.
@informaficker I recently got a scale for about 5 Eur + 5 Eur shipping, it works OK
Works perfectly and is accurate up to the gram.
@rumtscho Oh nice price.
@Informaficker The easy way is sort by best selling, usually that finds something reasonably good in the first few results. At least on Amazon US it does.
Just get a digital one, the analogs are not worth the trouble.
Of course, it must be electronic/digital!
I'm thinking about getting one thats accurate for 0.1g simply because I probably never max out the 2kg, but more accuracy is always nice to have… and not that expensive either
@derobert I'd just go for cheap by a brand that is at least known.
@Informaficker Is that really not much more expensive?
I have a 5kg scale, 1g precision and a 1kg scale, 0.1g precision. 5kg scale was around $25, 1kg scale was around $10
And I have a 500g calibration weight.
known brands are my problem, I have never heard ANY of the brands… only those for industrial scales… and I don't put >200€ into a scale
@derobert Huh that's cheap.
If you look up calibration weights on Amazon, the reviews are hilarious.
@Cerberus I was amazed, but that's what scales cost nowadays...
You don't need a known brand for a scale, they are a very simple thing
@Cerberus American Weigh Scale makes some nice cheep scales, and they do work. At least according to the calibration weight they do.
Works OK.
Well I think I better stay away from glass, my kitchen is really small and I always drop stuff
but checking bestsellers is a good idea, thx
ah, the one I had in mind is position 10, so not that bad I guess
I'm glad that no one else seems to shop by just changing the sort order to best selling, but because of that, it works really well :-P
argh what is happening here
Well, I don't always. When I'm shopping for something I know a good deal about, then I actually look through a lot of items. So I do contribute to the crowd's wisdom sometimes, when I'm most qualified to.
your conversation today reminded me that I had been thinking of getting a Clonezilla image of my system partition, just in case
@rumtscho ?
and now I installed Clonezilla on a stick and tried to boot from it
well, I just saw Grub booting my normal system
only difference is that now the stick partition containing Clonezilla is booted as sda1
ok, it probed USB first before hdd... odd, but... shouldn't be an issue
and all the partitions from my primary hard drive are mounted as sda2
wait, as sda2 ...?
you mean sdb ?
@derobert Hmm good. Not sure we have that brand, though.
@Cerberus Possibly not, but I doubt we have access to exclusive extra-cheap load cells. So someone probably makes it there too. Of course, our prices don't have VAT, so yours will be a little higher.
@rumtscho Noted.
@derobert Oh, yes, your vatless prices.
@rumtscho what's weird about that? looks pretty normal
What's next, vatless wine?
@rumtscho I dare say sdf is probably your flash drive. Guessing from the size and name.
@derobert The 44.2 GB under SDA2 are my system partition on the internal SSD.
sdf is the SD card in my printer
I use it to scan documents without turning the PC on
@rumtscho yep, using LVM. Looks normal. sda1 is your boot partition
Hmm, the flash drive is the sdb. So why does it appear again under sda1?
@rumtscho Errrm, it doesn't. I bet you actually have a /boot partition, and that's on sda1
@derobert I don't remember having such a thing. Let me restart without the stick to see the difference.
Also, I can't see the Clonezilla stick partition in Dolphin. (I see the other partition on the stick).
Maybe I do have a boot partition which is exactly 500 mb and just got freaked out by the coincidence.
yes, I do. Silly me.
what tool did you use to create the stick?
You almost certainly have a /boot partition, usually you have one if you're using LVM, as its easier to get LVM running after Linux is booted... grub has some LVM support, but its fairly recent, and I'm not sure its complete. And of course the BIOS has none at all.
I tried to create a liveCD on one usb stick and it refused to work
@Informaficker partitioned with kde-partitionmanager, then copied the Clonezilla live on it and ran its own bootable-creating script.
then I changed the tool and it worked… one year late that one refused, too and I had to switch the stick …
ah OK, I used windows to create bootable sticks back then
I'd run lsblk on a Kuyou to freak everyone out, but it'd take at least four screenshots to get the entire thing, and apparently squeeze doesn't have that utility :-P
what is a Kuyou?
@rumtscho The machine where Oracle runs. It replaced Ryoko, after that blew up one too many times.
ahhh it looks like partitionmanager created a GPT
@derobert do I want to know what made it blow up? Also, if you say "a Kuyou", it sounds like a brand, not like a special machine :)
ah yeah, that was a mistake. I rephrased the sentence in the middle of typing it. That 'a' should be struck.
It blew up because the 3ware card apparently had issues. Or maybe something else on it.
Well, that was part of it. Oracle had issues, too... But those were minor compared to the 3ware card's issues.
We actually have a new Ryoko now, which just has Oracle issues. But no hardware issues.
you reuse machine names?
@rumtscho well, we re-used a lot of the parts from the machine, so...
Now I think of it, I reuse them too.
Depends on whether I think of my machines as the "same" device
I even mostly re-used the bootsplash...
so my current desktop computer has the same name as my old desktop computer even though I exchanged 100% of the hardware
but my new phone has a different name from my old one
All my desktop machines have gotten different names, even when I move the install over.
Its so bad at this point that I have a Google doc with all the names I've used for my personal computers, and those of family members
there are 28 so far
argh now I can't unmount the stick partition so I can't reformat the stick
fuser -vm /path/to/mount
Hmmm. Come to think of it, my brothers and I got our parents a Nexus 7 for Christmas. So I guess I should insist they name it :-P
You got your parents a Nexus for Christmas? Maybe it is worth having kids after all
I'm glad I haven't started naming wireless APs. That'd be another 8 names or so, so far.
I don't see what any of these wants with an empty partition on a stick
@derobert how do you keep them apart then?
I dare say you didn't feed fuser the mount point. That looks like what you'd get if you gave it rootfs.
I said fuser -vm /dev/sdi2
@rumtscho mount point, not device
@rumtscho they're numbered, after the SSID. So I have MargeryAP and BosworthAP-1, -2, and -3.
And the SSIDs aren't named after anyone. They're just random less-common names.
Well, I name my SSIDs
With the Nexus 10, I now regularly have as many devices on the wifi network as I do APs :-P
Actually, a few more.
even more mysteroius
odd, it should unmount then. Does umount on the command line say its busy?
yes, it does
ah, wait, command line - I only tried from inside partitionmanager
oh, you may need to run fuser as root, I'm not sure.
Now I unmounted it and the partition manager doesn't see it at all
not exactly what I wanted :(
well, success... I guess?
eject the usb stick and put it back in, that'll probably get partition manager to see it. Or just use cfdisk, etc.
the stick gets mounted every time I put it back in
@rumtscho echo Reason \#`perl -E 'say int rand 100'` to turn off automount
Hah! This time I could unmount it from inside the manager, and it stayed visible after that
Appears to be reason #40 over here.
> Create a new partition table (type: msdos) on ‘/dev/sdb’
Job: Create new partition table on device ‘/dev/sdb’
Create new partition table on device ‘/dev/sdb’: Error
Create a new partition table (type: msdos) on ‘/dev/sdb’: Error
Ahhh that sucks!
I bet parted, cfdisk, fdisk, or sfdisk would all work.
fdisk maybe worked
it said that it couldn't re-read the partition, but that it will be fixed when I reboot
I am rebooting right now
and I made my new partition 512 MB so I won't mistake it for the boot partition :)
hey what happened here
prays for Rummy's puter
now I have a 512 MB partition... and there is a Clonezilla image on it
shouldn't it have been deleted when I wrote the new partition table with the new partitions?
or does fdisk automatically change partitions without deleting the info on the device?
I don't know. It is possible to resize partitions without erasing data.
@Cerberus But I told him to delete the old ones and write a new partition table, from a different type (dos instead of gpt)
there was no talk of resizing
The old data?
@rumtscho No, you didn't zero the data
@rumtscho the new partition apparently lines up well enough with the old one
@derobert yes it does, both started on the first available cylinder
but oh wonder, it worked! Now I have Clonezilla booted
I read two different tutorials before starting - I wonder why they didn't mention how to format the partition on the stick. They just said to create one and write Clonezilla on it.
the probably assumed you knew how to do that, or would look it up elsewhere.
well, I knew how to do that. Only I used the default settings, and Clonezilla doesn't work with those.
Does this mean light is shining at the end of your tunnel?
more likely, your BIOS doesn't :-P
@derobert Maybe, I don't remember. Doesn't it need GPT for certain drive sizes? Because I have 1 TB disks.
GPT is needed over 2TB, I think.
Extensive comparison of disk-imaging programs.
They recommend EaseUs ToDo Backup Free.
Clonezilla was for some reason excluded (probably lacking some features or reliability?).
I dispute the 'genius' in the site title, since it seems Clonezilla was too hard for them.
"We excluded CloneZilla because we found it too complicated and not user friendly."
3 mins ago, by rumtscho
well, I knew how to do that. Only I used the default settings, and Clonezilla doesn't work with those.
@derobert This may have to do something with that.
Oooh! Time to go home.
Bon voyage.
ah, I should have foreseen that part.
> rate: 1.08 GB/min
goodbye @derobert
03:00 - 19:0021:00 - 23:00

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