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8:26 AM
Morning 3 after the incident.
Life has distinct camping vibes and we spend a lot of time outdoors - when we are not scrubbing and packing up stuff.
The decision has been made to replace the cabinets as well fronts are plastic faux-wood and apparently there is some weird chemical reaction of sorts that makes it impossible to remove the smell. And we need to dismantle the whole setup anyway to get to the walls etc., so we can just as well rethink what we put back in.
Of course this doesn’t make cooking logistic any easier.
14 hours later…
10:28 PM
Mistakes were made... I started a 65% dough at 16:00 pm high protein flower, 10 minutes in the pounder. Lots of garlic powder and fresh parsley. (I've learned my lesson not to use fresh garlic, well not in this situation anyways).
I have a Bridge game I need to attend to, so of course the pounded darling goes in to the fridge.
It rises in the fridge like it is Mount Vesuvius at 79 AD. Now after 3 hours waiting for a sign, I'm just going to throw it in the oven. I'm going to score it mostly to see if I have a wooden log or something more alive. You live and learn.
11:01 PM
Ok, not a wood log, I'm reasonably happy with the result.

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