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8:28 AM
@Stephie it only happened because I happened to be here when a question I happened to know the answer to happened to pop up :P
@ElendilTheTall Heroic post because you were there :D
i just googled it tbh
how's tricks?
So what?
@ElendilTheTall Meh. Pretty meh.
Lots of things I’d like to do and too little overlap with the things I have to do.
Have to catch a few grasshoppers and feed Bruce.
@Stephie life in a nutshell!
Here it's illegal to touch a bat
let alone feed them fresh grasshoppers
@ElendilTheTall why?
8:40 AM
search me
endangered i guess
Although the grasshopper would agree with the last part.
haha yes
sure I just heard a chirrup of assent from the garden
Here, you can’t take in a wild animal, except for emergencies and only temporary. And a bat pup on the lawn in broad daylight qualifies as such.
He could be a Chinese spy-bat
and you fell for his ruse hook, line and sinker
Ah. That explains it. He’s a _sleeper_ .
Most of the time and often enough on my palm.
8:48 AM
i have the mind-numbing task of copy and pasting text from Powerpoint slides into an e-learning package
it's just fiddly enough to be damn annoying
oh, you want to copy and paste something with bullet points? Well, I'm going to indent each one more than the last one, so you have to use 20 more clicks to fix it!
Get an intern...
That’s how I tend to approach tasks like that.
i'm the bottom of the heap, I have no hiring power
You don’t need it. Just explain how your superior abilities could be put to better use.
8:52 AM
they couldn't, without a second computer :)
Grasshopper 2...
nom nom nom
i can't remember the last time I saw a grasshopper
how are you catching them?
hello @LSchoon o/
how's quantum physics these days?
Still doing its thing
any chance of the universe fundamentally unravelling and consigning us all to instantaneous, blissful oblivion?
I realised I hadn't had time off since January so I'm letting quantum be quantum for a week
@ElendilTheTall Yes. Although vanishingly small
8:56 AM
@LSchoon i hear it does its best work when unobserved, so probably a good plan
@ElendilTheTall It’s just like with toddlers - you need to catch the moment when they are awake, hungry yet not ravenous. In all other cases, grab the bottle. Or syringe.
@ElendilTheTall Which does pose a problem for people like me! ;-)
have you tried kinda sneaking up on it? :D
<whistles nonchalantly>.... AH HAH!
<Muon looks embarrassed and flustered>
@ElendilTheTall Are you talking to me or to @Stephie here? ;-)
8:58 AM
Oh, muons. That's me.
"I wasn't doing anything until you observed me!" <closes laptop hurriedly>
I mean, there is a line of research in quantum physics where people kinda-sorta-almost don't look at things to see them better
and there was me thinking i'd invented a whole new field
there is nothing new under the Sun
Above it, on the other hand...
There is a subreddit called NoStupidQuestions which I like to answer questions on
there was a grown adult on there yesterday who A) thought the sun revolved around the earth and B) thought the seasons were down to distance from the sun
not like a loopy flat-earther
just flat out ignorant and had never been taught otherwise
9:02 AM
A scathing indictment of the education system wherever this person lives
I suggested he get a torch and a ball and point it at different angles
and watch a video
he was amazed
oh, the level of ignorance is astounding
people don't know anything, and moreover they don't care that they don't know anything
@ElendilTheTall I do like to follow "There are no stupid questions..." up with "...only stupid people", so I should probably not spend too much time there
there's a books subreddit of course too
the number of "I just read my first book at 27!" posts is incredible
That hurts me
schools turn kids off reading with bloody Shakespeare and allegory-stuffed 'classics'
i fkn hate allegory and symbolism
I read fiction for escapism
if they read The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter at school I suspect things would be different
9:05 AM
Ha. Minor 2’s teachers chose “valuable” books. Urgh.
@ElendilTheTall I think there is a place for them but a story should work nonetheless
@ElendilTheTall No symbolism at all in LoTR, of course
Minor 1 was lucky so far. Most of the time.
well, not that has any bearing
symbolism isn't the point
JRRT specifically said he disliked allegory in any form
I read mainly because my mother bought me books
despite school
Was there such a thing as 'reading levels' in school when you were younger?
I distinctly remember reading tons of books that were supposedly well beyond my age, and being forced to go back to a lower level "because I'd otherwise finish the school library by the time I'd get out"
7-year-old me was not amused
9:09 AM
probably, I don't even remember
i was always good at reading, and terrible at maths
something that continues to this day
my code is thus a great read and mostly dysfunctional
Hahaha at least it's a good read
Can't be said for most
const aVariableRepresentingTheFundamentalYearningInTheHumanSoul = 1
a very common variable in web dev
Facebook famously got rich by setting it to 0, no?
so, what are you doing with your week off?
waxing some cheese? carving some shoes? other stereotypically Dutch things?
I can only imagine what other stereotypes you had in mind, but no. Spending some time at my SO's pad in London, exploring the city and sending out job applications
9:17 AM
well, my grandmother was Dutch
trying to think back what she did
made sandwiches with those little chocolate sprinkles in
I hesitate to try and spell the word
Those are fantastic with peanut butter
@ElendilTheTall What, hagelslag?
ok, I'll go phonetic
Saying it's worse than writing it
Ohhh muisjes
9:18 AM
that's it
Those aren't chocolate
They're aniseed
hmm, well, the ones we had were chocolate
blue box with a cubist harlequin on it
Definitely hagelslag, I may even remember the brand
To Google!
i'm sure you're right
maybe Grandma colloquialised it
i clearly remember the box to this day
tall, oblong, royal blue, with a metal spout you pulled out to help pouring
Metal! That must have been a while ago
It's cardboard now
9:21 AM
yeah, 80s 90s
we would get those and big blocks of Verkarde chocolate
usually more hazelnut than chocolate
so yes, it was that, and a deep dislike of the Japanese - she was from the Dutch East Indies and spent the war in a camp, lost 5 siblings and her father
refused to have anything Japanese in the house
lots of Philips electronics
@ElendilTheTall Oof. Some complicated history there
oh, you don't know the half of it
she was my grandma on my mum's side, but I have no Dutch blood.
She met my grandad when he liberated her camp
they came over here
20 years later adopted my mother
who was from Hungary, but grew up in Austria in Displaced Persons camps
spirited out of Hungary to get away from the Russians
never knew her real father, mother died when she was 12
it's a mix!
by contrast my Dad's side is just English all the way down
By the way (and sorry for interrupting): these boxes? i.pinimg.com/originals/43/53/d8/…
9:27 AM
but now I live in Scotland and see myself as a New Scot anyway :D
@LSchoon YES!
wow, that's a blast from the past
I remember those, not with a metal spout though.
a folded metal stainless steel spout with a couple of holes in, and i think serrations on the pouring edge
That got optimised out before I could walk, I guess
don't make 'em like they used to
they say if you haven't tasted metal-poured Hagelslag, you haven't begun to live
Who's this "they" and why are they spouting (pun intended) nonsense
9:30 AM
in fact, most of the world's current problems are probably rooted in the lack of metal-poured hagelslag
"Metal-poured hagelslag. Everything 5G isn't."
Very probably the cure for COVID-19
You can probably write a paper on how the quantum doodads in the cocoa butter interact with collapsing wave functions of the carbon in the stainless steel to produce an anti-viral of world-changing potency
but not this week
I could. But I still hold the perhaps unreasonable hope that my papers contain a grain of truth
ha, that's a mug's game!
have you never heard of blinding with science?
what's more scientific than quantum doodads?
you can split the Nobel prize money with me
The physics prize, the peace prize, or both?
9:41 AM
if your paper is good enough, literature too
and medicine of course
we're going for the quadruple here
go big or go home
I'll crank up (again, pun intended) the old nonsense generator
This all reminds me of a recent paper demonstrating room temperature superconductivity: arxiv.org/pdf/2003.14321.pdf
Ground-breaking stuff
> If one examines dialectic desituationism, one is faced with a choice: either
reject neocapitalist cultural theory or conclude that the task of the observer
is social comment, given that culture is distinct from truth. The subject is
interpolated into a predeconstructive discourse that includes art as a paradox.
But Lacan uses the term ‘dialectic desituationism’ to denote not theory, but
ah, Celebrations. A cornerstone of good science for many years now
at least until they got rid of the Galaxy Truffles
i hope heads rolled for that travesty
Never had one of those
I pity you
another hole in an otherwise complete life
don't get me started on metal poured Galaxy Truffle celebrations
ho-lee fuck

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