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I like calrose fwiw, but it's probably more available here
and I really like the texture, I use it in a lot of cases where I would've used long-grain rice
5 hours later…
@Catija there's a bit of science there
basically different types of rice have different hardness based on a protein
adding more water makes it mushy not softer
.... this feels like I need to ask my mom
also, rice cookers pretty much make it impossible to make rice wrong :D
Mom says add more water
Normally its 1:2 ish, but you can go up to 1:5
(by volume. )
Yeah... I’m talking more water as in... I make three cups... I fill the bowl a little bit past the line for 3... so possibly within the margin of error. Just... a hair over.
Oh, that's probably hardly a difference
trying to write an answer but part of it is in a National Geographic article I read years ago, and we probably threw out :/
It seemed fine. I didn’t rinse it and used only water and salt and it got about the right stickiness.
(I'm too lateeee)
... salt?
Still useful to have.
Unsalted Plain rice is gross... good for curry or with other stuff but as a dish... meh.
Well you usually have it with a side
or mixed in with stuff
I have heard that Americans salt all sorts of weird stuff.
salt is so good
Well we feed our babies rice and yellow dahl. or Rice, milk and sugar
I had undersalted food growing up but I have learned
I eat white rice at Chinese restaurants with soy sauce on top.
@Catija we went the other way
we salt stuff a lot and cut back
Our pickles though...
I like salty rice.
Oh, we salt it later
I made a pasta salad with a bunch of stuff but including salted capers and yummmmm
@Cascabel high BP in the family so... we kinda slowly tapered back
I do...sometimes... sneakly....
yeah that is fair
We had Thai for lunch. Great green curry. Lots of sauce. I put the rice into the curry.
ughhh curry is good too
there's this thing. Its chillies marinnated in butter milk and deep fried
the commercial one is salty.
You fry em in ghee and its kinda the whole "Its so damned sinful you feel guilty but totally worth it" atop yogurt rice :D
I was on a medication for a while that gives some people salt cravings and I don't think it really did that to me but it was a handy excuse sometimes :)
oooooo fried chilies yes
I wish the Thai here were a bit better, though. It was amazing in Seattle growing up.
@Cascabel If you can find a tamil-run store...
I wish my favorite thai place hadn't closed grrrrr
oh ffs
OF COURSE its on amazon
> Try a delicious 4-cheese Italian Risotto (made with Urban Platter Arborio Rice) and top up with a dozen of Fried Curd Chillies. YUMMA-MIA!
There’s a vegetarian Indian place here I got amazing okra ... better than southern fried okra.
.... whut?
Oh, .in
do they cross ship?
well there's a zillion indian stores around here hopefully one of them has tamil stuff
@Catija We love our okra :D
okra okra okra
@Cascabel I'm not entirely sure if the obsession with yogurt rice and toppings is a tamil bramin thing.
(which may be easier or harder)
(small subcommunity of a linguistic subgroup. But... pretty passionate about our food :D)
It was part of a platter of some sort... 4 little bowls of different veggie dishes, paratha, soup?
they always serve stuff with sides. All the sides :D
I would suspect they'd server paratha with some kinda kurma?
It was a meal, though.
Not like Korean side dishes.
In the south we call that meals :D
(short for set meals. Yes. in english)
Hee hee.
ooo thali ooo banchan
I like the potato chunks... with the sweet sauce they’re soaked in.
I haven’t been to Korea House in way too long.
I used to live pretty near there!
A long long time ago
Oh yeah?! Nice! That’s the best Korean place I’ve found here. They were closed for renovations for a while but reopened. Looks a lot nicer.
A bit off of spicewood springs just on the other side of mopac
We went to the Serrano's over there way way more than Korea House though, I missed out
I'm not sure if that's directions or a recipie ._.
It's cool it's still there!
@Cascabel nothing worse than losing a restaurant that's been there for ever ._.
I knowwwww
both of the pizza places I grew up with are gone
We lost Happy Realm a few years back :/
I don’t think I’ve been to serranos.
not that I'm there ever anymore anyways, but
Was this old chinese place with anchient aunties as waitresses who spoke little english and monks as cooks
I remember it being reasonably good tex-mex, not incredible, but affordable and good
I’m not sure Swad is still open. They were so good but really hidden.
(Serrano's that is)
they demolished the building it was in and everyone retired
That’s too bad.
Yeah :/
place was literally unchanged since the 80s
Andy is worried about the coffee roasters he goes to getting closed because the owner retires.
3 hours later…
@Catija he could switch careers? ^_^
2 hours later…
@Cerberus Cerb <nod>
4 hours later…
@ElendilTheTall Hi! I‘ve been wondering all day what an appropriate phrasing with regards to Brexit may be. „Condolences“? Not „congrats“, of course.
5 hours later…
Stephieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hellooooo!!!!!!!!!! That's my first attempt at Pad Thai. hmm I didn't have any peanuts and shrimps ... Went with just chicken ...
@AIQ that looks gooooood!!
I appreciate how much green there is too
@Cascabel Oh thanks very much. :D I am on a mission to learn how to cook thai and vietnamese food at an okay level.
1 hour later…
@Cascabel Well, I am on a budget, I can't afford all the necessary items/ingredients now. Spinach is sooooooo expensive. And they become so little when cooked haha. I used spinach, broccoli, and green onions. I forgot tofu.
I also couldn't find any dried shrimp - may be I should have gone to a different grocery store ...
@AIQ I know I've seen those in a lot of asian stores around here (not specifically Thai)

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