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Hey @hobodave, when I was searching for those Pyrex articles on Consumer Reports, I happened across a cookware comparison; did you know All Clad is near the bottom according to them?
sorry all, got distracted with a meeting - @gabe, that is my puppy, but that was 3 years ago, she's a full grown german shepherd now. @aaron, i got very lucky, for some reason our cat has no idea he can get on counters!
@yoss, i think we talked about this before, but i'm the opposite - i actually taught my wife to cook :)
benefit of growing up in an italian household where we were always cooking
Lucky you @stephen. Mine not only has discovered counters, but has discovered that if he slams into a door hard enough he can force it open.
that's right. She eating vegetables yet?
wow, impressive! growing up, we had a dog that could open the back sliding glass door by jumping, twirling, and pushing against the handle
@yossarian, actually, i have been able to get more and more into her. i taught her about mire poix and how much it helps the depth of flavor in the soups i've been making this winter
and she's still eating around the veggies some, but at least shes getting the nutrients that leeched into the soup...and she is eating at least half of them :)
@Aaronut I didn't know that. I usually go with Americas Test Kitchen for cookware recommendations
Yeah, I think CR's criteria were a little simplistic, but just something I noticed.
Personally I love my All-Clad stock pot, I could never stand those "stainless steel" pots that seem to weigh the same as aluminum.
But I was surprised by their low rating, compared to Kitchen Aid or Cuisinart.
Both brands that I have always considered to be "premium cheap".
yea, I have checked them out in retail stores and been not impressed
You know it's funny @stephen, I think I just realized why my mom's chicken soup always tasted so different from mine... I think it's the mirepoix.
most of my pans are All-Clad, a few cast iron, a cheap restaurant quality non-stick egg pan, and a cheap aluminum stock pot, one of those big bastards
@hobodave, I don't think I've ever found decent cookware except in specialty stores.
Mine looks the same, although I've been eyeing the All-Clad copper core line lately; I just have to try to make some storage space.
All of my stainless steel is pretty old, and while that's not a terrible thing by itself, it's also cheap. The 4 qt copper bottom sauce pan actually warped.
The All Clad products are expensive but they last about 5 times as long.
I still use a cast iron griddle from the 19th century
lol... yeah, cast iron lasts forever too, mine aren't from the 19th century but they're over 10 years old.
though I guess it could be early 20th, I'm not sure
I got it from my grandmother when she passed, supposedly it came from her mother or grandmother
In fact one of them was sitting in storage for 3 years, almost never being used because I lived at home during that time. Didn't even need to re-season it.
I'm not surprised @hobodave, those things were built to last.
Probably cost a bloody fortune back then.
Had to come from an actual blacksmith, lol.
I cook burgers on it mostly
I think it makes them taste better, at least I tell myself that
What about steak? Or you have a BBQ?
it's too small for steak, it's about 8" round
very little lip
so only 2 burgers fit, and even then it makes a bit of a mess
I use all-clad for my steak
8" around? Or diameter?
sorry, diameter
Oh, ok.
8" circumference would be laughable
That would be like an egg pan, I think.
My cast iron skillet is only 12" but it seems to be good for steak, and anything that needs searing.
I figured if the thing's going to weigh a ton anyway then I might as well get a big one.
I had a hand me down skillet but it finally cracked a few years ago
that was from grandma too, but not as old as the griddle
Come to think if it, I don't think I've even seen a cast-iron griddle.
They're always non-stick now.
the surface of this thing is ridiculously slick
It's probably jet-black after all this time.
I've never washed or seasoned it
Did your ancestors ever?
Even if they didn't, after that much cooking it's going to be naturally "seasoned". My skillet is way blacker than it was when I first seasoned it.
I'm sure it was originally seasoned
my grandma would "season" it by putting it directly in her fire place
then rubbing it down with shortening
I don't think you generally need to re-season cast iron, unless you scoured it or burned something onto it.
which I'm surprised never cracked the damn thing
Haha... why would it crack?
you don't need to expose it to that much heat to season it
fire coals can get 1500 F easily
and cast iron just cracks sometimes
True, and it's usually thermal shock that cracks 'em; plain dry heat might melt it, but you need to cool it very quickly to crack it.
my skillet cracked without a shock
No impact or anything?
I put a room temperature steak on it, seared it
flipped it
when I took it of the pan fell in two
Well, that had to suck.
maybe in its past sometime
I'm always careful not to bang those things around
because whatever they hit, loses
I'm careful not to bang them around because I'd probably break whatever they hit.
that's what I meant by loses :)
Oh, I thought you forgot to finish the sentence.
I kept thinking "loses what?"
The cast iron's really great in general but I used to think it cooked evenly, and over time I've realized that it absolutely does not, it's worse than even the non-stick skillets.
I use win, lose, and fail in bizarre contexts
So I only use it for searing these days.
And burgers and so on - anything that would normally go on a grill.
I have an all-clad non-stick grill that I have mixed feelings about
I use it for grilled vegetables mostly
but it just doesn't do well enough with steak, you have to heat it past what they recommend to get a good sear
fish is ok
What is it aside from the coating - steel?
you know, I'm not sure
I didn't know All-Clad did non-stick at all.
was a gift
they do, ATC rates them very highly as well
usually with a caveat that you can get amost as good for much less
It doesn't seem to be mentioned on All Clad's site...
Probably Cast Aluminum, like the one I bought a few months ago.
Tried it for steak - went back to the cast iron skillet shortly thereafter.
Remember, when I mentioned that I made a steak and part of it was perfectly done and another part was not even close?
That was the cast aluminum, looks exactly like that All-Clad one (except it was a cheap one).
yea I remember
I think I might have answered it even or commented
It wasn't a question, it was something I talked about in one of the chats.
I did ask a similar question, but that was food safety related.
When the smoke alarm went off and I dropped it into the plate that was holding the raw steak juices, lol.
oh that one
where I looked up the life span of salmonella under heat
Yeah, something like that. Although beef contamination is usually e.coli.
people flag the dumbest comments
yea, I couldn't find e. coli data
our question flags are usually good, but random crap gets flagged for comments
I think there's a good reason for that.
The click target is ridiculously tiny for comments, plus it disappears. I think people want to hit upvote and miss it, and hit the flag instead.
Most people probably see the confirmation and cancel out of it, but other people might panic and hit OK or press enter instead.
hm I never thought of that
I've done it myself, accidentally hit the flag when I meant to hit upvote. I've also upvoted the wrong comment in a long thread.
It's really not that easy to hit the right spot, especially for people with even slightly decreased mobility.
Bob finally hit 3,000
I nudged him up about 70 pts last night
Good for him. He got up there fast.
he seems to be doing a lot of flagging etc.
now he can finally vote
Yeah, hopefully he'll be, I think, the 3rd person who will actually vote to close questions.
Aside from moderators of course.
there was one that baffled me, the fork tine one
where stephen said he was "waiting to see if the community" closed it
I thought... you are the community
lol, came back just in time, yeah i don't know what i was thinking there
Haha, that was weird.
i was at work and shouldn't have been on the boards as distracted as i was
it's all good
that's why I asked for clarification
i got home and thought, that had NOTHING to do with cooking
I guess that's four then. Who are our closers? There's justkt, yossarian, bob, and I guess stephen (sort of).
immediately signed in and voted to close
yeah, i don't have a very heavy hand with closing, something i have a hard time with in real life, not a very forceful person in general
in the sense that i don't make a lot of 'final' decisions when i can help it
well your hand isn't nearly as heavy as ours
i still feel like too much of an amateur to effect a whole community, though i guess my rep kind of refutes that :)
@stephen, I believe that's called being indecisive.
if everyone waits and sees then nothing will get closed :)
hahaha, i am VERY indecisive when it affects others, but i bring down the hammer on myself, go figure
good point dave...i'll start stepping up my close game :)
i guess i'm trying not to offend people by closing their questions, which is a stupid way to look at it on a site like this
It's not like we're getting too much drama (aside from the Aaronut impostor yesterday), but it's always less disputable when the community closes something and not the moderators.
i missed the imposter! what happened?
is that the account you merged?
lol, check the compost user. I merged the accounts, but some unregistered user was using my name.
And if you look at the comment, apparently he actually managed to fool someone.
ah lol
I didn't understand that comment when I saw it
I thought "why would someone hate on Aaronut for deletingi this post"
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
darn, i dont' think i can see it since i'm not a mod
i see the user, but 0 under all his info
I'm happy to see that people take so much interest in my activities, hah.
Yeah @stephen, all his posts are deleted.
Well, all "its" posts, since it's not a real user.
you do something egregious you get merged into that
and you're banned until 2035
ahhh, nice :)
Yeah, web site is "horriblefood.com", haha
I could speculate as to who made that account, but I'd better not.
when you get 10K rep you can see the deleted stuff
yeah, i had the ability for a while in beta when i hit 3,000
i was one of the few people actually using mod tools that complained about losing them during the graduation :)
that was my main way to navigate the site for a while
btw I can't believe someone posted "i want to fuck a turkey" as a question
how long did that stay up
hahahaha, agreed!
that one looks like the community actually shot it down
it was at least an hour or two, i flagged it right away but it was late at night i believe (EST) so i think it survived for a little while
I never saw the question, myself, before I noticed it had been deleted. It must have been flagged pretty fast.
ah, it looks like it took 90 mins
actually it was probably just about an hour
asked Dec 6 at 6:37
oh wow, you guys can see that, awesome
locked by Community♦ Dec 6 at 8:10
too bad they didn't have an account with rep
Anybody over 10k can see the deleted posts.
Although right now I guess that's just me and hobodave who can see them anyway, and Michael who would never care.
daniel is approaching
but still that's gonna take a while to get there
Yeah, but he's gotten busy, so he's not climbing that fast anymore.
yeah, i was very sad to lose that ability, i've got a long way to go to get to 10k
I still think of him as roux
Papin was going up quickly too, but he disappeared over a month ago.
me too :)
I want this guy to come back
so he can accept my answer to the knives question
and then I just need 2 upvotes and I have a silver badge
Oh, that.
Great dave, always thinking of the community.
hahaha, nice
I worry about people like Papin who make amazing contributions and disappear... you worry about the guy who can give you a Guru badge. :P
I was being a bit silly :P
eventually the banana question will get there
Pfft. Don't remind me.
anyone know what happened to darin?
@hobodave Uh huh. hobodave now entering CYA mode
i miss his contributions
@rchern :P
maybe he got tired of us?
Nobody knows for sure. But he left during a time when the site was getting really slow. I think he was bored.
makes sense, very likely
still, if i were him i'd stick around, i mean if i lived where he's located, i'd totally have looked him up for some cooking classes
we just live 1,000 miles apart
Fortunately things have picked up a lot since then, and we're getting more google juice. Although darin might not come back, others will eventually replace him.
but i could see as the community grows he could get some 'clients' from here with his obvious expertise
Yeah, I always figured that part of his motivation was a bit of publicity; nothing wrong with that of course.
more people of his ilk would be a good thing
oh, random: restaurant.com (who is always running some kind of promotion, so i don't know if you guys are interested at all) is running another special, 80% off final price using coupon code JOY
I think Darin was a bit unique in that he actually teaches cooking. We do have other professionals.
$25 certificates come to about $2 each
i know there's restrictions (no liquor, for example), but i can easily spend $25 on food alone
It appears to be U.S. only, sadly.
wow, i did not know that :(
if you live in the US why would you bother to find it out?
@Sam: Well, the fact that they ask for a "ZIP" code is a dead giveaway
cause i have friends on facebook that i recommend this kind of stuff to and they're not all US-based :)
Every international site would either say "Postal" or "Postal/Zip"
good point. i guess being in the US i don't even think to look at that kind of stuff, i should start though so i stop giving out bad recommendations ;)
@hobodave, ha. I thought you had enough votes on the banana question. That's the only reason I accepted the answer. Had I known you needed 5 more, I wouldn't have accepted it. ;op
Haha, well I can't speak for your friends outside of North America, @stephen, but Canadians are used to this, it doesn't bother me.
@stephennmcdonald: my point exactly
@yossarian lame! :)
You should un-accept it, @yossarian.
you can always go back and unaccpt and acceptr a different answer can't you.
Otherwise it's dishonest.
@hobodave LOL
I'm sorry, what was that @hobodave?
It sounded like you had something important to say...
heh. I accepted it as the best answer. Although, I'm not 100% sure, it sounds reasonable, and outside of a way for me to be certain, I decided to accept an answer rather than leave it unaccepted forever.
After all, if I can't accept an answer, should I have even asked the question?
Well, somebody might eventually have an answer that explains what's really happening.
I was just kidding about the badge (although I did think it was enough votes for the badge)
Well, if a better answer comes along, I can always change my mind, right?
I caught little hints at various other sites like chowhound.
True, true. But hobodave still gets to keep his Guru badge if you do that, so you'd better hold off, just in case. ;)
unaccepting now....
I will find you
Hahahaha, he must be away from the computer, otherwise I think he'd be suspending your account right now to prevent it!
Whoops, never mind, pretend I didn't say that.
I'm not scared. :op
2 hours later…
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