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And... first rep cap :D
8 hours later…
@Jolenealaska do you leave your sous vide unattended?
@Mien she is a reckless devil, I'm wagering yes
morning all
@TomW morning
@Mien Yep. It shuts off if the water gets to low, and there is no fire hazard, so let 'er rip
2 hours later…
@Jolenealaska see? reckless
Hi Tall
aarrgghh posted simultaneously with him leaving AGAIN
@Jolenealaska pull your finger out and respond pronto! I'm a busy ma-ahahahahhaha sorry I couldn't keep a straight face there
2 hours later…
@ElendilTheTall AARRGGHH
1 hour later…
Hi @Phrancis, it's morning, after a very long hard night. I had been up so long (36 hours or close to it) that I laid there for a long time without sleep. I ended up taking a sleeping pill to break it. And I hadn't had any caffeine or anything, it was just adrenaline.
Ah wow, sounds rough
I know the feeling...
Why does sleep always have to be so difficult?
It was a bit on the extreme end of the range for me, but somewhat less extreme bouts of sleeplessness are not unusual for me. I try to stay on a semblance of a schedule, but I routinely fail.
Hi @Cerberus
I wish I knew.
@Jolenealaska Ditto.
Last night I slept from 0:30 until 3:30, then from 8:30 till noon.
@Cerberus and I are kindred insomniac spirits.
And with us half of SE...
I'm kind of doing that now. I've been up and down since midnight (it's 7:30 am now)
The only reason I went to bed at 0:30 last night was because I was exhausted after very little sleep the nights before. Of course I woke up after three hours, that always happens when I go to bed "early".
How many spells or bouts of sleep have you had so far?
3 I think
Long ones?
I struggle with insomnia as well... feel you all.
@Phrancis Yay! Join the club!
weird vivid dreams
Are you at all stressed?
2 hours ish each
A little stressed
Maybe take a tranquillizer?
That works for me, when stress is the reason.
I always know the reason.
the holidays..wanting to do more than I can afford, failing again to have nice cards...that kind of thing...I'm still trying to get funding for the PT bike thing...just stuff
I did eventually take an Ambien yesterday, when I couldn't fall asleep after straight 36 hours up.
I hate doing that though, cause I wake up groggy.
@Jolenealaska I understand. Such things are worrisome.
@Jolenealaska Is waking up groggy really bad?
I've never taken a sleeping pill (that's what Ambien is, I presume?).
If I don't sleep well, I will wake up horribly anyway. I'd much rather wake up groggy.
That last question, is this flag the kind of flag that helps mods?
No, not awful. I just really relish those rare times of mental clarity.
(Too broad)
What question?
yep, the comment is appropriate too.
@Jolenealaska Right, sure, waking up well rested is good. I happened to me a few weeks ago.
"how do I bake?" is definitely too broad.
Ok, thanks for the feedback
I saw a flag "you are worthless in this conservation".
I validated that.
Comment flag?
@Cerberus :) Yeah, something to celebrate
And the one about rectal hair.
No, chat flags.
Oh, lol.
I hardly ever validate flags, because they are usually from uneducated censors. But these flags were personal.
Yeah those are network-wide, bet it's a nightmare to maintain
Only personal attacks and spam deserve flagging, in my opinion. There are exceptions.
I only aware of one small event in this room that involved flags.
How long ago?
^^ Thought that may interest you ;-)
we're pretty tame and tolerant here
Is that you?
Oh you remember! :) You were a part of it!
Congrats on your gold badge.
@Jolenealaska Oh, with that...person?
Years ago?
Yeah that's me. Took me less than a week here to surpass my SO rep!
It started with a conversation about movie ratings
Well done!
@Jolenealaska Huh?
I don't remember.
months, I've only been here for about a year
I don't remember any discussion about movie ratings...
I starred a line of yours: "a few fu...s aren't going to hurt a kid"
it got deleted
Jun 4 at 3:51, by Jolenealaska
The fuck fuck shit shit thing. When we were discussing movie ratings. Funny pulled out of context, but absolutely non-offensive. (IMO)
what?? look at the context!
Ahh that.
Which started a bit of a thing about language in chat.
I don't even remember getting flagged.
Jun 4 at 3:51, by Cerberus
Ohh that.
1 min ago, by Cerberus
Ahh that.
I see a pattern.
yeah, one of more "observant" users didn't appreciate the language...he and I argued back and forth a bit
Right, so annoying.
"Don't restrict the freedom of others unless doing so is the only way to prevent serious harm."
Should have been in the Bible.
We're pretty liberal with language on CR (in chat, anyways).
Do you all have a memes page on Meta?
Did you see that, @Phrancis?
@Jolenealaska See what?
<bangs head>
<bangs heads>
What is a memes page?
I don't think I have a page on Meta.
Q: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon André ForsbergWhat is a Zombie? Why are Code Reviewers so violent and talking about killing Zombies all the time? And what ammo are they talking about? What is a TS? What does RSA mean? And what other Code Review-specific memes are there? (As the number of memes grows and grows, and Malachi's wish to vote fo...

Lots of funnies there!
Are you watching, @Phrancis?
Watching what, @Jolenealaska?
Duly noted
> Q. I Get It, I’m Black!:
Last week, I was at a work event with a group of colleagues (I was the only black woman in the group). We were meeting a lot of people that night and some of them shook hands with everyone in the group except for me. Instead, I was treated to a “fist bump” and a “What’s up, gurrrrl?” This happens frequently enough to be annoying and incredibly embarrassing for me. I’m sure people do not mean to be offensive, but it is! How can I gracefully get them to just speak normally to me?
This is a funny title.
How weird! People are funny. My advice to that woman would be to try to be patient. The people are obviously out of their element. They're not trying to be racist, they're being weird by bending over backwards to prove they aren't racist. Appreciate their efforts, they'll get better.
All "isms" have a segment of people accustomed to the "ism", and trying to change, but not quite sure how.
I think there would be a tactful way to say, that the intention is acknowledged but it would be more appropriate to just shake her hand like everyone else
If the woman is comfortable doing that, great. Not everyone is. The important thing is to not take offense.
@Jolenealaska I suppose they are, and I normally loathe people who take faux pas related to race more seriously than other faux pas. However, in this case I understand why it is annoying, and I think just sticking out your hand for a handshake instead of participating in the bump is an appropriate response.
Prudence suggests taking the offender apart and telling him you would appreciate a normal handshake. I think that is an overreaction.
I agree on both counts.
There are also reactions from other readers on that page.
@Jolenealaska Good.
This is a faux pas, not an intentional slight.
@Jolenealaska Of course. And I would even file a slight slight under faux pas as well, deserving a moderate reaction.
If any.
Howdy y'all!
Jefromi, I wouldn't have recognized you if I wasn't paying attention!
Everyone enjoying their hats?
hello @Jefromi, how are you?
Huh, I'm still default-gravatar here...
Yes. I like hats :)
Oops, now I'm not, must've been stale cache.
@rumtscho Doing great, you?
You folks know how to get the secret Hairboat hat? ;-)
I'd think it'd be something about having great hair (in sufficient quantity) but I don't have it, so...
@rumtscho I'm glad you're here. In my sleep deprived state yesterday, I may have unintentionally given you a mistaken impression.
This has gotta be an inside prank to completely destroy her inbox... — Mysticial 15 hours ago
OMG who is that thing.
It bugged me hours later as I was trying to fall asleep.
A: Winter Bash 2014 Secret Hats

ɥʇǝS You get "Hair Boat" by commenting on one of Abby HairBoats' posts. I did this: and I got the hat. AFAICT everyone else who has gotten the hat (1, 2, 3), has commented on one of Abby's posts.

@Jolenealaska an impression of what? I didn't notice anything special about you yesterday
@Jefromi the usual. work, dissertation... very happy that there will be holidays soon.
Good...like I said, weird sleep deprivation stuff. I just wanted to be sure that you understood my incredulity regarding the old document as what it was, just "wow" because it was so outside of my experience.
Not any kind of disbelief at all.
@rumtscho Yup, I'm ready for 'em too.
Now I am feeling super guilty about putting an animated gif in chat.
it'll move up :)
@Jefromi why?
It's distracting me!
@Jefromi Did you have that avatar during hats last year?
@Jolenealaska Nope I just awkwardly wore them on my default gravatar.
There's a guy here who put as his user photo that gif of a dog jumping up to the camera, going in and out of the frame, and your user photo shows up down in the bottom corner on video calls instead of a thumbnail of your video when you don't have a camera (or it's disabled)...
@Jefromi REally? I have a vague memory of seeing you wear an avatar for the sake of hats. But maybe I got it wrong.
@rumtscho I suppose it's possible, I didn't recall doing it, but I did have the image uploaded already so maybe I did!
Me too, but the memory is vague...
Now I have to go home, and then to the Weihnachtsmarkt. For the sixth (!) time since beginning of the month. Socializing is hard.
Well, I used my moderator powers to look at my own history, and I don't see an image change back then, so I don't think so.
@Jefromi Is it shown in history?
@rumtscho Yeah, it says "user switched profile image to imgur"
(or "user switched profile image to gravatar")
Interesting. I just opened my profile and I saw "being ignored by 1 user". I wonder if I can see who it is.
@rumtscho I bet the "ignored" is a random typo
@Jefromi Indeed! I just saw that I had changed mine last year to a creepy head, again for hat purposes. I had forgotten it.
@Jolenealaska I've annoyed several people in my years here. I can imagine that some of them chose to ignore me.
I suppose, ignoring is just a rather extreme response, you're not exactly viciously combative.
That is a creepy head!
@rumtscho Is that on chat profiles?
@Jefromi Yes. Can you see it on mine?
Oh, I can! Wow, and I thought I was the hostile one!
I don't know if non-mods can see it. But it isn't giving me any info about who's ignoring me.
I guess it's there as a warning to moderators who want to know how abrasive a person is when they see he's flagged on chat. But they don't want to enable tracking of people who decide to ignore somebody, to prevent retribution.
Well, whoever it was, if he wanted me to know, he'd have told me.
@Jefromi I want to make a funny reply to that so bad, but I'm afraid it would take waaay to much explaining to folks out of the loop.
@Jolenealaska Sorry, probably shouldn't have even mentioned it!
That's OK, just channel my smart-ass comment...you can probably guess it!
I am so terrible. I hate, HATE unexpected knocks on my door. I'm just that way. My landlord just knocked on my door to drop off a nice Christmas package. I responded to the knock as if my rent was late.
Hey @all. One of our mods wrote this query on SEDE, it breaks down users and badges by badge "colors". Thought you may like to use it.
@Jolenealaska are you secretly a crazy cat lady?
exchanging the cats with...I dunno, bread or something
No, I'm just weird. I like my place to be "just so", and my hair brushed and my socks matching...and I'm in a "just rolled out of bed" state, and my apartment is a mess.
@Phrancis Sigh, the top gold badge user (all but one from "famous question") is someone who might've been reposting questions they found on another site...
That sucks. Well, if you ever want a bunch of very handy queries on SEDE, check on rolfl's profile on SEDE, and just change the site to Cooking
This one is especially useful for activity graphs!
@rumtscho FYI cooking.stackexchange.com/questions/51614/… (I think probably a non-issue, and I'll just be cleaning up comments in a while, but in case he does escalate.)
He seems the type. I'll be watching the nut flour question with interest.
He downvoted me and is arguing with @Jefromi. I knew it!
@ElendilTheTall don't disappear this time!
@Jolenealaska Sorry, I'm out of votes for today already :(
HA! It's ok, I'm going to win anyway :)
@Jefromi I think that's diplomatically handled, kudos
@Phrancis That's the job; if I'm not diplomatic that's when it's probably more important to tell me!
@Phrancis but he tends to get hostile.
(just kidding, look at Meta if you don't get it)
Hahahah, found the post
We had some similar "offended" user pretty recently, though not due to moderator "hostility" but rather by their question being closed.
Q: What to do with bitter disappointment?

rayman may put on hold as off-topic by 200_success♦ 15 mins ago This question appears to be off-topic for this site. While what’s on- and off-topic is not always intuitive, you can learn more about it by reading the help center. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: "...

Great title, I must admit.
You should have been here a couple of weeks ago. Actually, you wouldn't have been able to see it 'cause it really got absurd after it was deleted.
Nov 29 at 21:33, by Jolenealaska
@Jefromi WTF??
He got a time out.
@jolenealaska you ain't the boss o' me!
Hi Tall!
I've been playing tag with you for hours!
You're it <runs>
It's unfortunate; generally these are people who've made valuable contributions and could continue to do so. It's really best if we can manage to defuse things rather than just poking fun.
(But I'll admit that's easier said than done.)
@ElendilTheTall I am just now feeling human after a 36 hour marathon on the computer.
That makes for weird dreams.
And I couldn't fall asleep.
All matrixy no doubt
actually, my ex husband was in all the dreams.
and Fiddler on the Roof
Musical theatre?
So it was a nightmare
Kind of. It always seems in dreams that I am unsuccessfully trying go get my ex-husband into bed.
He is really mean to me in my weird dreams.
Strange cookie jar question.
It's not that strange. Shape isn't a very interesting consideration (IMO), but what keeps cookies fresh longest is a perfectly good question.
Submerging in wax and freezing them works best I find.
The OP is a long-timer too, and she is actually pretty much a "straight and narrow" type regarding the topicality of questions.
Ah nice, ok. Doing some research into it right now. Found an interesting product (though not what OP is looking for) outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/the-current/eat-and-drink/…
She voted to close a question once that had me on pins and needles. I did NOT want the question to close, but I knew it was borderline.
that's cute
> “And we’re getting people from the bondage area. I guess people put their chastity key in there and lock it up. If you Google ‘Kitchen Safe bondage’ you’ll see it come up on forums.” (We know better than to do that from our work computers, but you’re free to.)
@TomW I Googled the phrase, your message in this room was the third result.
Nope It was actually Phrancis's link
oh, I see
I won! I won! :)
@Jolenealaska Feel free to adopt a bit of my comment; it'd really be better in an answer, I was just trying to figure out what the OP was asking.
A: What should I look for in a cookie jar?

PhrancisI've found a cookie jar buying guide on Walmart.com that has some interesting tidbits. For functionality alone, looks like a glass jar should do the job well. Something like this would have an advantageous shape to make cookies easier to reach, and the jar less prone to falling. One feature y...

@Jefromi Yep, I'll look through all the comments and try to tweak it as well as I can.
1 hour later…
Neato stuff!
Do you all feel this answer is pretty thorough/complete?
A: How do canned soup companies keep their noodles from absorbing all the liquid in the can?

PhrancisPreservatives Two types of preservatives are in plentiful supply in canned and other pre-packaged soups. 1. Sodium / Salt We don't give health advice here, so I will just say that salt has been used for thousands of years as a natural preservative. From Wikipedia Salt, NaCl, is a chemical ...

@Phrancis I'm not sure what the preservatives have to do with the noodles soaking up liquid?
Hm, let me research that further
@Jefromi thank you for pointing it out. I hope it stays silent.
@rumtscho I already cleaned up after waiting a few hours, presumably will.
Aha, I think I found something. Apparently, the salt/MSG is just for taste. Let me change my answer
@Phrancis And maybe [citation needed] for msg being a preservative - it's not mentioned on wiki or in your snippet.
Salt certainly can be a preservative in large enough quantities, but it's about preservation against spoilage.
Okay, cool.
@Phrancis Much better to just remove things from the answer, not strike through.
Future readers probably don't need to see the whole process of getting to your final answer, and it should still be in the revision history if you really need it.
Oh, ok. Wasn't sure what the usual practice is here. For code since it is very technical, we often leave sections but cross them out, to point out that a previously suggested solution may in fact not be a solution.
Well, if you think it's potentially useful in the future, sure, you might not want to remove it, but in cases like this where you've decided it's not relevant, there's not much gained by having people see it on their way to the actual answer.
I assume you'd do the same on code review if you realize it's actually useless - broken code still seems like wasted space to me.
It was a fun question to research, I must admit!
It's a little unclear what you should actually do still, though - there are some people in the sources you mention saying that pressure canning isn't actually a problem, and some saying they can be fully cooked, kinda suggesting that you don't have to do anything special, and others suggesting otherwise.
I just have a feeling it's a very loaded question, as I'm sure there has been a lot of serious commercial research, and probably some of this information is trade secret
Also, part of the reason why I linked to that scientific paper
I really think par-cooking would have the most impact
It's fine to reveal "trade secrets" that you uncover honestly.
Either through experimentation or research. It's only a problem if you steal the info.
Just earned two hats here :D
If you discover it, it's yours to do with what you will.
The process creates a vacuum.
So anyways, time to head on home
Ah I might read up on canning. Never tried it, I think my wife has jars and everything to do it though.
It's something to do very carefully, it's dangerous if done incorrectly.
But on the other hand it's not actually that hard to do correctly.
In hindsight that question is actually not 100% clear about the goals.

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