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06:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

6:25 AM
@ElendilTheTall Ping me when you see this :) I intend to get to bed "early", but, well, you my track record on that one.
2 hours later…
7:59 AM
@Jolenealaska ping!
Hi hin!
Hon even.
lol, been at the helium again?
I'm not off to a great start with my typing! :)
how goes it?
I've got my new physical therapy tomorrow...I'm actually kind of psyched.
8:01 AM
the return of the 6 million dollar woman
It includes a weird electrical stimulus along with both active and passive movement.
Meaning, sometimes I move the bike, sometimes the bike moves me.
like I said, 6 million dollar woman
it's only a matter of time before they give you bionically enhanced limbs
If it goes well (and indications are that I'm an ideal candidate) we'll do the same kind of thing with fine motor stuff, like typing:) They won't turn me into a great typist (there's an old joke in there somewhere), but it would be cool to have knife skills again.
I am resigning myself to the fact that I have a sensitive tooth that needs looking at
I'm not scared of the dentist by any means, but it is a total drag
I have a window of opportunity to shower now, while my bread is rising (I'm bringing a loaf to my therapist :) So...I have to go ATK for a bit, but I'll be back at least until the bread is out of the oven. So CYA in a bit.
8:09 AM
therapist's pet!
Yeah...dental crap is a drag.
what's ATK?
AFK, you mean?
8:10 AM
just wasn't sure
go, shower
i can smell you from here
8:48 AM
@ElendilTheTall Ahh...I smell good, I'm a little dopey....warm water does that, I have a few minutes left on my bread before it can go in the oven. I've got time to mess with my hair, time to chat with you...my laundry is done...I've got a really fun sandwich in the works, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Life is good.
how can you say that when a visit to the dentist looms?!
Turn about :) At least you're probably not in need of a crown.
oh, now you've said it...
Advice to anyone out there...drugs...get the drugs...when they're grinding your tooth down...be in la la land!
here's the thing
I don't know why, but the anesthetic always takes longer to work on me than they allow for
they inject me, they wait a bit
then they start drilling
it twinges, I yelp
they give me some more
they start drilling, it twinges, not quite as badly, so I endure
8:52 AM
Tell them that ahead of time!
they finish, I get up.. then the anaesthetic kicks in and my face melts for 5 hours
I do!
And get the gas too! I've never done that, but I will if there is a next time!
I don't think we have the gas
And anything else I can get!
you have to specially request it
8:54 AM
Next time I will.
No Nitrous oxide??
hopefully this will just be a straightforward filling
@Jolenealaska not by default, no
you have to ask ahead of time, on the grounds of being especially nervous
Yep...same way here except for special "no pain" dentist for the spoiled rotten.
I think the gas is pretty ubiquitous, but you have to ask for it, and you have to pay for it.
just straight novocaine here I believe
usually does the trick
dental is NHS, though we have to pay a small fee depending on treatment
£18 for a check up and clean, £40 for treatment, including fillings, crowns, root canals
£200 for dentures etc
They're are other, more extreme, I hate going to the dentist, measures. But the lidocaine (and adequate TIME), is pretty standard. Wow...your medical care is so neat.
I wish the US could manage it.
heck, that's dental care
medical care is free, free! (at the point of treatment)
(and prescriptions cost £8)
(but are free too in Scotland and Wales)
9:04 AM
I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't made the rather impulsive choice to raise my right hand all those years ago. I was uninsured the day I was diagnosed with MS.
yes, I'm not sure if that's lucky or unlucky
unlucky on one count, lucky on the other
Bi-lateral hip replacements???
when the lord closes a door, he opens a Subway, or something to that effect
Well, considering where I am...
Something like that :)
unlucky to be diagnosed with MS, lucky that you joined the armed forces
9:06 AM
I was just thinking about this in the shower.
I'm really lucky.
So are you.
First World Problems, Baby!
for billions of years we didn't exist, soon the brief atom convention that is us will break up, and then we will never be again.
carpe fucking diem
I have never known hunger; I've never been sold; I have a warm bed and the damn internet!
not to mention deeply good looking internet friends
and @Cerberus
Yes! :)
One thing that comes up often between you and me is our shared non-belief in certain cultural, umm... crap.
yes indeed
9:20 AM
I enjoy that because it's so rare here.
we are perhaps the two most enlightened people on the planet
what are the chances we'd both stumble into the same online chat room?
You know how many people I know who will actually say they are atheist?
You, me, and my dad.
That's it.
total opposite here
most people, while not positively identifying as atheist, simply don't give a fuck
My brother probably, but he qualifies it.
it's more unusual to find a devoutly religious person than an agnostic or atheist
9:23 AM
Tim M quoted a statistic that I hope he pulled out of his ass.
you should move to Britain. My case: 1. prevalent secularism 2. free healthcare 3. massive variety of cheese both domestic and foreign 4. you need more reasons?
Can it possibly be true that half of Americans believe in Creationism as opposed to evolution, and the majority of the other half believe in some kind of intelligent design??
I mean, really???
i don't think it's quite 50/50, but it's pretty damn high
I've got to spend a minute messing with my hair...brb
46% straight up creation, 32% evolved with god's help, 15% grown ups
9:36 AM
My last bout of internet dating was kind of fun...there were a couple of potentials in there, but nothing that stuck. I'm going to throw myself into this physical therapy thing, I need to feel good. THEN I'm going to do it again, only grow-ups need apply. It's getting too late to weed through the 46 and 32 percent.
9:46 AM
I'm probably looking at this physical therapy thing all wrong. I'm hoping that it's really cutting edge medical science, and if nothing else it's going to be 3 90 minute work-outs a week with a personal trainer.
Maybe I should instead be searching for God's plan...
@Jolenealaska i've always hated that phrase
apart from anything else, if he's actually planning it all, he appears to be a monumental twat
I was a good Christian girl. It was probably that phrase more than any other that started to make me think.
Something good happens, it's all part of the plan. Something bad happens, he moves in mysterious ways
I fail to see how it could be a part of a great cosmic plan that my father (truly a fine man), watched his first-born die after about a year of nothing but pain. Then his second child dies in diving accident at 21. Then I have the pleasure of telling him that I have a debilitating disease. How does one First World man get chosen for that plan?
mysterious ways
everything has purpose
blah blah blah
if he exists and is all-powerful, then he has the ability to make everything absolutely peachy for everyone
therefore, he either does not exist or is a class one cockhole
i'm gonna go for the not existing
9:57 AM
But truly, I love things like that list of 25 amazing animal camouflages.
just like the other 7000 deities people have made up over the years
And, the Alaskan wildlife, and mountains...
as Douglas Adams said, isn't it enough to find the garden beautiful without believing there are fairies at the bottom of it?
There is SOOO much that is real and wondrous!
and as Feynman said, knowing how something works only enhances the beauty of it
how does the fact that knowing that mountain was once a seabed that has been thrust up by mighty forces cheapen it any way?
10:01 AM
The big one for me is that dead leaf bug.
I can ponder the amazing intricacy of that for hours.
It's soo cool!
I like to try and comprehend the time involved to achieve it
it's impossible, but fun
Yep! :)
It always amazes me when I recall that the dinosaurs were around for 110 million years
we like to think we're the masters of the planet
we've been around and 'civilised' for what, 8000 years?
a blink of an eye
i'd love to have a camera that can look back in time
you set it up, set the dial, and take the shot
no possibility of universe-ending paradoxes
Time lapse?
no, back in time.
set it up in Rome and set the dial for 50AD
take a shot
boom! Rome!
oh, I see
do you mean take time lapse shots and animate them?
10:08 AM
There is a very cool video....I'm going to look for it, brb
This is close:
There is one that starts like that, then at the very, very end...last nanosecond (exaggeration obviously) , super-fast caveman to space shuttle. It's partly so good because of the gorgeous animation, also the music is phenomenal. It's been years since I've seen the one I'm thinking of.
OH dear....
Q: I want to duplicate my bread mistake!

JolenealaskaI make all of my own bread. For just everyday use my go-to recipe is as follows: Honey-Oat Pain de Mie 255g lukewarm water 361g AP Flour 85g old-fashioned rolled oats (not quick oats) 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 64g honey 57g melted butter 2 1/4 teaspoons instant yeast I use a Pain de Mie pan like ...

I think I've done it!
At least this time I thought to put a sheet pan under it! :)
Wow..working?? Ping me when you're back! I may still be up. Or not.
@jolenealaska sorry, yes
10:23 AM
How dare you! Work? At work??
I may have found the video...I'm going to watch it and make my sandwich. I'm hungry! Back soon!
11:23 AM
@ElendilTheTall Im going to bed for a bit, I might see you in a few hours. If you get a chance, watch even just a minute or two of this loon.
I had it on in the background while I was busy making my dinner.
My favorite line (she repeats it often): "This is an ACTUAL document!"
Ohh an actual document!
Not a fake document?
@ElendilTheTall Tsk! Look who's talking.
@ElendilTheTall There were dinosaurs for 165 million years, not a mere 110!
11:30 AM
tsk, 110, 165...what's a mere 55 million years in the whole scheme of things!?
@Jolenealaska A random Internet conspiracy loony, yay!
Yay! How do people get this loony?? The comments are hoot too.
And on that note, I must sleep for a bit.
Good night, day and afternoon. :)
Good night!
The comments are funny indeed.
4 hours later…
4:06 PM
@cerberus we're both wrong. Wiki says 135 million!
4:22 PM
@ElendilTheTall It does not!
They were the dominant land vertebrates for 135 million years. But they were for 165 million years.
Hit and run eh?
Why i oughta...!
2 hours later…
6:02 PM
We just got our own little "not always right" style experience
6:33 PM
2 hours later…
8:48 PM
Well! That's helpful and informative!
I need to vent!@ElendilTheTall I need you!
Or @Cerberus, are you around??
@rumtscho Nice response. If he wasn't rude about it, I'd want to lead him to the IMDb Food and Drink board, which is much more of a free for all. But I wouldn't unleash an ass like that on my IMDb friends.
9:24 PM
hi @Jolenealaska can I help?
Hi rumi! I've just had a very frustrating day, and I had such high hopes.
My car (the one I share with my neighbor) started for a nanosecond as I was leaving for my new and exciting physical therapy. My second appt, I was late for my first one too for different reasons.
I kind of panicked, because this is a hard to get into program...
They can and do dump no-shows.
I called a cab (which I couldn't afford)
stressed the whole way there...
turned out I made it (close enough) 5 min late...
but my blood pressure was through the roof.
Al I did was sit there, as she kept checking my pressure....
It was a wasted trip and a wasted $60 cab fare...which I can't afford.
Ouch. This sucks a lot.
Now I've got a broken down car, no money, and no good way to get to the rest of these appointments.
Today there was slick frost on my stairs, winter is coming fast.
It is a get-there-by-car place only?
The bus doesn't get close enough to either my home or the office.
I can only walk about a half a block, reasonably.
the closest bus stop to my home is about a half a mile...
about the same to the office.
9:37 PM
Could you get some of your neighbours to drive you to the bus stop? If you can tell them the schedule well in advance and they know it's for a good cause, they may agree.
There is a thing I'm looking into now that may help. The VA may help too, so some way it's going to happen. I'm just extremely frustrated and upset right now.
Is there some social help available for transporting patients with lowered mobility? I think such services are available here, maybe you can get some of these too.
No, not really. I'm friends with 3 neighbors. 1 is the one I share the car with, 1 is carless, the last one is never here.
That's what I'm looking into. There is something like that.
But I understand how terrible it must feel to you right now.
It's weird though. I've never really considered it (the rides for broke handicapped people), because I've never really thought of myself in that category.
9:41 PM
It sounds that you can move around pretty well, given your illness. If the city had had a better bus system, you wouldn't have that much trouble.
Or I could live on a damn bus line! There's another issue at play that's harder to articulate...
That feeling of helplessness where everything goes wrong and all the solutions you can think of are out of your reach for stupid reasons?
My days of being able to drive are limited. This PT may help, but I am right on the cusp. I have to use my hand behind my knee to get from the gas to the brake. Damn it! I don't want to squander this time!
I see. It's one of the worst part of MS, isn't it? The way it creeps up on you and you ask yourself, "how long will I be able to do X" every day.
I have a damn broken down car during what may very likely be my last few weeks or months of being able to drive.
Yep. That is the hardest part.
"how long will I be able to do X" , and how will I adapt when I can't?
I'm generally the type that sees the positive and shrugs off the negative, but right now, this moment, sucks.
9:50 PM
It's hard to stomach up a loss, sure. But I think the practical consequences won't be all that bad. It's possible to live a happy life without driving. It's probably a bit like a relationship going bad - while you're still in it, you are afraid to end it, thinking "what I will do when I'm alone". But once it's over, you get accustomed to be single and notice it's not so hard after all.
Nice analogy.
So when it's over, it's not really so bad. But going through it, through the negative anticipation, is an awful experience. I can imagine how upset you are.
I actually like living alone - as long as share a bed at least occasionally!
That makes me think of another bad part of the day that frustrates me...
You have my sympathies. I also share your last sentiment.
Really....ah that explains a lot.
My mother didn't tell me either. She had been diagnosed for 10 years before she told me.
Maybe that's part of why I am so open about it here. That really pissed me off.
she should have told me!
How is her mobility?
That has got to be very frustrating for you to see.
That's an issue for everyone! Even healthy people get old!
I will admit to a similar thing. I love the grocery store. I use the cart like a walker, and I get to just look normal! :)
"our" Do you live with her?
I wont!
I still live here, because I am fiercely holding on to what I can.
Yes...I know how informed you are about a lot of things, so I didn't feel the need to mention it. You have a good relationship with a Doctor, Yes?
Any weirdness at all, get it out there. I don't need to tell you how important early treatment is. And that all I am going to say on that.
I'm the throw things, cuss, and stamp my feet for a while type. Then I deal with it and move on. Look at Stephen Hawking for chrissake!
That man should be dead eighteen times by now!
10:13 PM
That's the spirit! And if you need to cuss, I'll gladly be your audience. But I'm secretly glad you can't throw something and hit my head.
That kind of puts the difficulty I have tying my shoes in perspective.
heehee...I can still aim pretty good! :)
Yes, that's one way to see it.
@rumtscho Please remind me to stand behind you and not beside you when Jolene starts throwing.
But I also recently came upon some quote - I don't remember where - which said that having it hard is not a competition. It is just hard, and different for everybody, but there is no need to think you don't have the right to feel bad just because others have it worse.
@CaptainGiraffe The "other continent" part can make the alignment rather hard to get right.
Something that I've gotten out of this site is pretty cool. Even though my knife skills suck and I'm forever dropping things; I am a much better cook than I was a year ago.
10:17 PM
@Jolenealaska Do you have pictures from your sandwich competition? How did it go?
I have fallen into a teacher role here. You know old thing...Watch one, do one, teach one? It's very true.
@rumtscho I think we are on the same continent. I'm GMT+1
@Jolenealaska I also improved a lot in the year after I discovered the site, but lots of it came from other sources. Of course, maybe I wouldn't have read them in the first place if it wasn't for being exposed to the topics all the time.
@CaptainGiraffe Yes! I'll grab the recipe and pictures and post again. They still haven't announced who won.
@CaptainGiraffe I have a vague memory of you being in South Africa? Or maybe I got something wrong. Anyway, Jolene is on another continent, so it's a very long throw.
In fact, she is about as far away from me as possible to be and still live on a continent. It's the other side of the world.
@Jolenealaska they should know better than keeping you in such suspense.
10:20 PM
I kind of think that since I haven't gotten an email or phone call yet, that I probably didn't win. But there is still a sliver of hope.
@rumtscho For real!
See, today I graded a student not having my subject as his primary. I gave him a passing grade in an advanced programming course. I'm not sure either of us expected it. Not sure how that relates though =)
@CaptainGiraffe was he good at programming?
Sep 2 at 4:06, by Jolenealaska
So here's the final entry (too late to change anything now!)
@rumtscho Fair, he had and has a lot of enthusiasm. He is a seller! He will go places unknown to proper coders =)
Of course I have a typo in it! But think it's a worthy entry, whether or not it wins.
10:24 PM
@CaptainGiraffe was that "go to" a pun or accidental?
@Jolenealaska Yes it is. I would try it myself, but I'm a bit intimidated by it.
@rumtscho :I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader. I'm 17 years in the pun business, teaching.
@CaptainGiraffe Oh, you teach both programming and puns? Or are you the teacher of the kind of people who do Code golf, teaching how to write programs which are also puns?
@rumtscho In truth: you found it. You get to keep it =)
@rumtscho Well, when you get right down to it, it's a damn sandwich! :) It'll be good no matter what!
@rumtscho I prefer to get them started on inspiration, so we can continue on principles. One full year about.
I loved those sandwiches, I remember discussing them earlier.
10:29 PM
Well, I'm always extraordinary happy when I get a pun in English. It is a little bit due to my literal way of thinking, but mostly I believe because the way I "pronounce" words in my head when reading is not too similar to the way native speakers do. I also read very quickly, without paying attention to the mental pronunication of the words, although it's there, I can't say I read without the imagined sound.
@Jolenealaska A very American view of things.
In case you noticed something is missing from the convoluted explanation above: I'm always happy when I get a pun, because 95% of the time I don't get the puns, just can't seem to notice them. And the next sentence explains why I think I'm so bad at them.
@Jolenealaska still here? Or did you go to make yourself a sandwich?
The last 10 years I've read about 97% English texts and about 3% Swedish. I don't read anything else. The 3% is poetry. 10% of the English texts is work related.
Sortof! I just ate a few bites of stuff hanging out in my fridge...I stood in the open fridge for a few minutes, grazing.
I don't even know how much of the stuff I read is work-related, and probably shouldn't try to calculate it. I have the feeling that the number will be depressing - and the worst part is that I don't know if it will depress me because it seems too high or too low.
Grazing =)
I feel a bit better now. I didn't really realize that I was hungry.
10:37 PM
@Jolenealaska Now that's a funny picture.
Joys of living alone :)
I drink from the carton too.
I mean, the literal idea of you standing inside the fridge and grazing like an antelope :) I know it didn't happen this way, but it is amusing to imagine it.
Well, I have celery, carrots and onions. A few potatoes, and some unmentionables in my fridge
@CaptainGiraffe you have lady's underwear in your fridge? I shouldn't ask how it ended up there :P
I didn't put them there. She did. It is a G-string. I'm not sure how I'm gonna get rid of the guitar though.
10:41 PM
Also, I maybe shouldn't ask why you are proudly listing soup ingredients at 12:40 AM. Not even I would start cooking a soup at this time.
I'm stating, I have no opportunity at grazing. Well now come to think of it...
@CaptainGiraffe panties black g-string underwear thong high quality like new
See, that's what ebay is for.
I had a spoon, some cottage cheese, some Mezzetta peppers! (I really do love them), and the dregs of a carton of potato salad..munch munch munch...Oh, and a slice of turkey. All consumed sans plate, in the open fridge. That was lunch. I also drank some milk from the carton.
I love the neck of the pig almost as much as I like the pig.
@CaptainGiraffe sorry, if that was a joke, it was one of those I'm bad at getting.
10:44 PM
Every once and a while I see neck at my grocery. Smoked and fresh...I've never cooked with it though.
I enjoyed the Ebay joke.
@rumtscho I looked for a pun too... if it was there, I missed it.
@Jolenealaska The required high inner temperature is unreal. 80C that has to be at least 780F, or at the very least about 170F. It stays tender. Slow cook it. Make love to it =)
I'll try it.
yes, neck is a tasty stewing meat.
10:49 PM
I love slow cooked shoulder. One of my biggest weaknesses actually. Yay pig collagen and fat!
check this out:
The first time I tried Oxtail =)
Yummy if done right!
I'm about to leave a comment on that post that he's making a helluva leap.
@Jolenealaska Extremely yummy all the times I've made it for myself. The timer has a 2 hour uncertainty to it
@Jolenealaska That's not a leap. It is a death jump.
That's kind of my thinking...
The only time I have treated others to an oxtail was mom and dad the day after.
10:54 PM
@Jolenealaska I left the comment.
"the day after" sounds ominous.
hello @logophobe
whoa, people
there's hardly ever anyone in here when I stop by! hallo @rumtscho
@logophobe have you tried asking? Sometimes we lurk/leave a window open when we think there is nobody else here.
But I must admit I haven't been in lately. I used to hang out here all the time.
I'm here a lot.
yes, it's often the logo & Jolene show late in the evening
though I've been sporadic lately. work work work
@logophobe Now I'm wondering what time zone you are in.
10:59 PM
@rumtscho I went ahead and left my comment too. I was done typing it, and I think it compliments yours just fine.
@rumtscho Central US
GMT +5 at the moment I believe
@logophobe Should be 6 or 7
or did you have your DST change already?
06:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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