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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

Making magic cake again
although the batter came out different this time
i folded the egg whites...better?
came out much more homogenous
Folding man, folding man, making cake wherever he can!
@SAJ14SAJ lol
my wife REALLY likes it
@rfusca Cool...
What do you bake it in? If I find my cake pans, I might just have to try it.
@SAJ14SAJ 8x8 square white glass dish
and luckily my kids DONT like it
An adults-only dessert? That doesn't cause local rioting?
sometimes ;)
but my daughter is grounded from dessert anyway for another week
What was her terrible transgression for such a horrible penance?
She threw a big fit one night, screamed, kicked, call my wife names, all that fun stuff about bed.
Isn't that her diuty as a child?
sure, and its ours to punish her for it :)
That is a terrible dynamic.
Someone must break the cycle!
I'll be sure to let her know
She is very pretty.
I think I may have cropped too much ear
I am making her my new icon.
oh no
too many folks have trouble believe that free software can be good
Some free software is stellar.
Some paid software is crap
I am not sure the ratio is better for either.
Serious eats tasted frozen burgers, and the results are as bad as you would expect. But they found an excuse for a cat picture!
@SAJ14SAJ right, but I"m saying you can't can software is bad simply because some is free and a paid alternative exists
@rfusca Sure... where is someone saying otherwise? I don't think it is us. Open source grapefruit are the best!
@SAJ14SAJ eh, just some folks I'm dealing with
Oh... well, you live in Georgia now. Just shoot them.
I found a solid solution for something that uses well respected open source software, so the whole setup is going to be cheap. Instead a contractor is trying to convince them to spend several thousand
Depending on context there are legitimate reasons for going either wa.y
For example, I work in healthcare. In some contexts, we might by a paid for solution, just to guarantee support.
In my own area, I use Dojo and ServiceSTack quite extensively, which are both opensource.
@SAJ14SAJ oh sure, I understand that
@rfusca Why it are bothering you then?
@SAJ14SAJ the magic cake is actually better this time
@SAJ14SAJ cause the support isn't going to be worth anything in this case
@rfusca Cool... how so?
@rfusca So give your leaders a better cost analysis/ROI case. :-) That should not be hard to do.
@SAJ14SAJ bottom layer is a little thicker, top layer is much lighter and fluffier
So the magic strikes again. We never did get a decent answer, but that is kind of what I expecte.d
@SAJ14SAJ ya
Want to hear the terrible trailer-park dessert combination I discovered that actually is quite enjoyable?
@SAJ14SAJ red wine in a plastic cup with a scoop of ice cream in it?
No, I don't drink.
what then?
Kozy Shack chocolate pudding (a pretty decent brand avalable here in the northeast, not nasty like Jello brand)... I was sitting there eating some. But it doesn't have much texture as a satisfying dessert. And there was the box of Captain Crunch cereal. Much better than you would expect.
Ah... I have silenced you! Muhhahahahahahahhahaha
@SAJ14SAJ lol
oh no...
thats just...no...
@SAJ14SAJ i mean, just the fact that you have Captain Crunch....
my usual rotation is Corn Flakes, Cheerios, Rice Crispies.
It was a treat.
Next week, I am going wild: Crispix is on my order form!
i'm a raisin bran guy
I can't get Crispix...i eat it by the box lol
I had it in the... welll... when they ran out of rice crispies, I had it.
It was pretty decent.
by the way... 'order form' ?
I use a grocery delivery service called Peapod.
I am making my order for the weekend.
that sounds...expensive
Compared to doing shopping yourself, sure.
But I have a different set of ecoomic drivers. I am a director level person in IT, with no wife. I don't drive right now. Having it delivered is actually pretty good.
why don't you drive?
Its not THAT much more expensive than the store, the kicker is the delivery fee which is about $7 if you order enough. But they bring it right in and set it by the kitchen!
Just... you know... drama.
lol ok
No DUI or anything like that.
Hey, Cerby insists I am a cat. IF you want to believe that , it is at least plausible. Not flattering, but plausible. Except I dont' drink and never have.
Oooh, is my new kitty icon showing? This is my maine coon. She is sitting with me now. She is very sweet.
i'm anti-cat :)
It is not a good trait. I cannot believe I am talking to you.
Perhaps you should get pet therapy.
@SAJ14SAJ negative
6 hours later…
@Cerberus Egss in the US are treated differently and need refrigeration afaik.
And I don't get the garbage disposal either :P
Haha miscommunication.
The egg issue was solved, it is exactly as you say.
And I should like to have the sink-grinder thing myself!
> [Only in America are eggs washed.]

Okay, fine – but then why not just refrigerate the eggs, anyway? Wouldn't this just give unwashed eggs an extra line of defense? Perhaps, but the European Union laws again note that – like washing – refrigeration could actually wind up posing a risk to consumers. Again according to European egg marketing regulations, eggs that are stored cold and later left out at room temperatures could become covered in condensation, "facilitating the growth of bacteria on the shell and probably their ingression into the egg." EU guidelines therefore stipulate that eg
I know the egg thing ;)
Why would you need the grinder? :D
I still don't get why you would put it into small pieces :P
Well, the idea is that you can just dump garbage into your sink?
And you're usually working next to your sink.
what happens to it? :P
and ALL garbage?
So you can just shove all egg shells, onion peels, bit of bad cheese, etc. etc. into the sink.
Also, does that mean you can do dishes in only one sink?
Well, it obviously has to be fairly small.
@Mien How do you mean?
I only have one sink.
And a dishwasher.
(By the way, do you also feel that the English use shove somewhat differently from the way we use schuiven? I should probably have said slide in my line above. Or perhaps slide is a bit more modern than shove in that situation?)
If you do dishes, it's preferably to have two sinks, one for cleaning/washing, one for rinsing with clean water.
shove does not mean schuiven imo :P
it's more like 'put it somewherein with a bit of force' :P
Yeah, kind of.
Well, actually, not merely "put": you need to push it. In a rough or forceful way.
@Cerberus shove is what I'd do with food into a waste disposal. You've got to get it in there.
Hi lindy, Mien, Cerbitor.
@ElendilTheTall Yeah OK...
Hello, Kitty.
(full name ) The character's first appearance on an item, a vinyl coin purse, was introduced in Japan in 1974 and brought to the United States in 1976. The character is a staple of the kawaii segment of Japanese popular culture. At age 36 as of 2010, Sanrio has groomed Hello Kitty into a global marketing phenomenon worth $5 billion a year. Originally aimed at pre-adolescent females, Hello Kitty's market has broadened to include adult consumers. She can be found on a variety of products ranging from school supplies to fashion accessories and high-end consumer products. Several Hello Kitt...
@ElendilTheTall The thing is, I was really thinking of schuiven, which is a bit more neutral, like slide. But in context the roughness of shoving was appropriate, as you say.
lol #oneboximagefail
It always fails...
But SE says it rarely fails, so .
I don't want to go to work.
It sucks.
But you can do it!!
I will shove everyone out of my way! Grrr.
Hello Foldingman
@Cerberus You aren't folding man, Cerby. Rfusca is. He fods stuff into magic cakes.
Then I was saying hello to His Foldingness.
We see you @rfusca You cannot hide.
Lol I was not there....
@rfusca Your icon was!
ohai @rfusca
@Mien What is new and exciting?
I just had lunch.
How about that?
Also, I should get my Sansaire tomorrow!
But I will not be home, so I hope I'll get him Saturday :P
You are a more patient person than I am :)
and hello @mien
hi @rumtscho
I cannot do anything about it...
@Mien Him? Are you anthropomorphizing it? Why a boy? Is it that phallic? :-) :-)
What was for lunch?
@rumtscho Were you the girl I saw on the news who had booked an emergency flight to Sensaire HQ and taken the board hostage?
@Cerberus No. I still have to call my ex to meet and finish the "not invented here syndrome" cooker, so I haven't ordered a sansaire.
Ahh this project of yours.
Or maybe I could try finishing it by myself. The circuit is actually working, but I still need to write the actual PID code.
So you and A. are friendly now?
In theory yes. In practice we haven't thought of calling each other since January. But there is no bad blood, I am just busy with other stuff and I suppose he is busy too.
Ah, OK.
You don't think he bears a grudge?
@SAJ14SAJ It is :)
@SAJ14SAJ A vietnamese noodle salad
It was very good, but there was cilantro on it :(
@rumtscho Rummi, why would you engage your ex for that? Let him go :-) Let yourself be free!
@rumtscho You are smart enough. You are strong enough. you have the technology!
@Mien ICK!
I know, right
@SAJ14SAJ Ah, you have found an ally.
In your war on the nameless weed.
@Cerberus I don't care if you eat it... I just don't want it inflicted up me.
@Cerberus You have not commented on how outstandingly beautiful my new icon is.
@Cerberus I am very hurt. I am sure she would be too, if she knew.
Is that your true self?
I am a person. That is my cat.
@Cerberus Are you watching?
I usually ask to not put any cilantro in it, but I forgot :(
@Cerberus Don't go anywhere, this won't be here but for 5 or 10 secons.
@Mien I hate when that happens, they should ask if you WANT it.
I was considering ordering this veganist meal prepared by my neighbour. It has "coriander pesto" (which means the leaves). But it was € 6,50, which I think is too expensive.
@SAJ14SAJ Hahaha true!
That was me and my cat.
Awww you guys are so cute together!
Who is the guy?
@Cerberus You could pay me this much and I wouldn't eat it :P
@Mien Haha I understand.
good for you! :P
@Cerberus Nasty!
@SAJ14SAJ You actually don't look that different from how I imagined you.
@Cerberus That is probably scary, even to the ketchup that was on my face in that photo.
Oh I didn't notice haha.
@SAJ14SAJ he actually asked me to finish it together
and I don't have the technology. I would need to learn more C, and it is more convenient to have him help.
I know I could do it by myself, but, I would have been more motivated if it had been a saner language :)
Yay kitty!
/me steals kitty
@rumtscho What is relevant is should you be be spending time with him..... and it is not so obvious that you should. we don't want you crying again.
dispatches armed kitty recovery agents
haha, that was our distraction cat!
They are tenacious and implacable.
You are doomed, sorry Mien. I will not read your obituary because it will probably be in Dutch.
You should have thought before catnapping!
I feel so much like wringing a neck right now that I can't imagine I could ever cry again
Still stuck at the legacy application I have to connect to my databse
it is not even so terribly legacy, it is asp .net webforms, still actively maintained
only the developer turned off all error screens, opting for sending the error message to the developer instead
and there comes the error message, but without a line number!
@rumtscho That is often a security thing. Why not just go choke him until he is dead, then turn them back on?
Is that not normal when running a release build instead of a production build?
It mostly works, but right now, I have a "The object reference is not pointing to an object" error on an aspx page with thousands of rows and it is not in something I just added, because I removed these things already
@SAJ14SAJ I have no idea how he turned it off, so I don't know how to turn it back on
@Cerberus noms?
@rumtscho app.config or something like that? I don't know much ASP.NET
Its evil XML of course. Since Microsoft thinks that humans should hand edit XMl configs. Microsoft has their head up their @$@$.
@waxeagle How do you mean noms? "Is it good"? I don't know, I kind of distrust vegan dishes...
@Cerberus Vegan things are inherently untrustworthy, so that is appropriate.
@Cerberus I'm cool with vegan dishes, they usually use ingredients differently than the rest of us, which is idea fuel
The first thing to do with alleged vegans is check their shoes!
@rumtscho you should be able to toggle it in IIS
@waxeagle Yes, I am not against vegan on principle. But my experience with them has been a tad...bland. Nevertheless, I'm curious and interested to try.
@SAJ14SAJ most settings are exposed in a GUI through IIS, so no big deal
@waxeagle That is not correct if it is the ASP.NET error messages from the underlying CLR code.
That ^ link is the dish.
@cerberus what are uien?
Unless they changed it quite recently, of course @waxeagle
and zuurdesembrood?
@Cerberus It looks like grilled vegetables.
And very difficult to pronounce hehe.
@rumtscho Sourdoughbread.
@SAJ14SAJ Yeah.
@Cerberus can be? that's not been my experience
Hmm OK.
It's just that I don't find grilled courgette and hummus terribly exciting.
"find" in "complete solution" ftw
The coriander pesto could be nice (don't look, haters).
he did something in global.asax to intercept the error messages
nooooo :(
Commenting out the method which sends the errors by mail didn't make them appear onscreen. It is not even the "error messages have been turned off" message, the screen just sits there as if nothing happened, and the JS console shows an error somewhere deep in the generated javascript.
@rumtscho ah, overloaded Application_Error ? get rid of Sever.ClearError()
@Cerberus sounds amazing to me...as long as they're properly seasoned
@Cerberus we make a chimichuri from cilantro and it's really good
@waxeagle the string 'clearerror' is not findable in the solution
and I just commented out the whole overloaded Application_Error method
also turned on custom error mode in web.config
@rumtscho :-) I use that a lot.
still nothing.
@rumtscho srsly, so useful
@Cerberus Throws blanket over Cerberus.
@rumtscho turn this off maybe?
And because this is some weird Microsoft magic, I can't even step into the code producing the error
@rumtscho Its more likely in a .config file, Rummi
check for a "defaultRedirect" in your web.confg
there is a form, and it has a button which has the text "edit", and it automagically loads a different view
@waxeagle I removed that
Is he not there to beat about the head until he tells you waht he did?
@SAJ14SAJ no :( But maybe I can ask the one who is here, maybe he has an idea what has been done to the application.
is he randomly catching everying and then shipping it god knows where?
(search the codebase for his email)
change it to yours
@waxeagle No, the exception is not caught. Else it wouldn't appear in the JavaScript console.
@waxeagle What sort of giant fool would hard code in an email address?
<---- (on occassions)
@waxeagle I have changed it long ago. But it comes with an error message without file name and line number. I actually know the file, but it is gigantic.
@rumtscho gotcha
so magic errors. love those
@waxeagle don't do that! :-) Unless it is a one-time-only program you have writen for your self.
I have a whole config module I wrote, since the Mcirosoft configuration stuff is horrible.
And the problem is not in a recently changed line, I undid those changes. But something I have changed in the code behind must have left a variable at null. Now I am getting a "Object reference does not point to an object" error and I have no idea which of the hundreds of objects points at something empty.
@SAJ14SAJ yeah, sadly there are situations where it's required :( I don't do it by choice
It has defaults hard coded in, then accepts any changes either on the command line, or in a named config file, or a config file pointed to by an environment variable.
@waxeagle how can that be true?
@SAJ14SAJ business inconsistencies :(
@SAJ14SAJ I actually don't find the Microsoft config files so terrible. Maybe because I don't know anything better. But I can work with them.
But forcing you to hard code? That makes no sense.
@rumtscho XML is evil.
In this case, his mail was in the config file and not strewn across the codebase. I appreciated that part.
Back in a little while...
OK, the dev who was in the room knew a trick.
The whole page content was stuck in something called an "update panel", no idea what it is for
but after I commented it out, I got the error message onscreen.
@waxeagle Anything is good if made well!
I have no idea.
@Cerberus mostly when people say "I don't like X style of cooking" it's because they've had a crappy version of it :)
I suppose so...then again, if style X is more often prepared in a crappy way than other styles?
@Cerberus it's true. there are some styles that are more prone to people screwing them up
I have eaten Chinese several times, for example, and I still like Indian and Thai and Vietnamese and Japanese and basically any other oriental cuisine better.
Cheap Indian I like.
Moderately expensive Chinese is meh.
I've eat many kinds of hummus, and it ranges from "bland" to "fairly good".
Whereas, say, any kind of home-made pesto has a 90 % chance of being "amazingly delicious" for me.
@waxeagle Vegan is not a style, it is an abdication! :-)
@SAJ14SAJ That's fair
The key is to give Cerberus Asian foods, and not tell him what country it is from.
If he asks, just say "Lichtenstein."
My chinese food did not come with any fortune cookies. i am feeling terribly cheated!
@SAJ14SAJ srsly! demand a refund because of the lack of free cookies!
It is a scandal of mega proportions. I am thinking of calling the washington post. Or maybe even... channel 4!
@SAJ14SAJ That's fine.
Besides, I don't like all dishes from other cuisines. Just more.
I am sure that lichtenstein has a vibrant and exciting cuisine.
Where has Yami been... we haven't seen her in a while.
@SAJ14SAJ Absolutely. What they eat is...money.
@SAJ14SAJ Yeah, where is she! And where is Jolene!
1 hour later…
@rumtscho you writing your own PID code - for what controller?
when i see the words "Cake oven" I think EBO
@waxeagle What is EBO?
@SAJ14SAJ Easy Bake Oven
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

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