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08:00 - 16:0016:00 - 21:00

Hi @RhysW
Morning @Shkeil
How are you?
Good thanks you?
Trying to find an easy to use website that helps you create / organise your plot
I can't help you about this
There doesn't seem to be one that exists, I have half a mind to just create it myself
It could be helpful for some peoples, but I'm not sure... I think each writer have his own method to create their plot.
Since I think about it... I still don't have a detailled plot for my novel.
Mine is taking a bit more shape, though i'm still worried it is too short
Some times, some few words on a plot can make several thousand of words.
My first short-story on my main universe had an initial plot of around 10 words
Good point
And I wrote more than 10 pages on Word, I don't remember how many words it's make.
I think it's between 2 500 and 3 000 words

My brief description, to bring you up to speed
Really interesting. I'm waiting for it now.
I have wrote a description of my story on this chat too. I'll try to find it if you want to read it
@Shkeil If you have the time to search for it then please do! I'd like to read it
@Shkeil Thankyou!
@Shkeil Seems like a nice idea!
You mind if I ask you a question?
No. Go on
The werewolf 'pupil' who defends the humans, why does he prefer to protect them over siding with his 'own kind'?
His past.
In this universes, werewolves born as werewolves, they never been humans.
Even if some werewolves have humans parents, and think they're humans until their first tranformation.
This werewolf is one of them and he's a orphan.
Ahh right ok
But he was adopted by a human who liked his as a son before the she-werewolf find him and help him to control himself.
I really wish I could find the first short story I wrote for my english coursework. Would be interested in reading it back
I'm not sure whether my protagonist is mute or not.
My main character in my second universe is mute. It's difficult with him, but it's interesting to try.
oh, i'll be back in a bit
I'll be back soon
2 hours later…
Back, but alone..
I'm here.
@MattЭллен You are just trying to placate me, aren't you?
@KitFox no?
I had to figure out which the options were, and I would write about that one
Why that one?
I don't know which one you want to write about :D
@KitFox Well, I'd write the one that is hardest but I could put most of myself into
I don't know how it ends.
I wrote some notes about scenes to add.
But I don't know what the story is.
I want to write about something real, not fantasy or sci fi, but I can't think of a real story that's interesting.
@KitFox I'm having that problem at the moment, too
Maybe I shouldn't try to write anything serious this time.
But then again, I found the story as I went last time.
After a while, I mean.
It's going to be pantsless writing whatever route you go down
It's pantsless all the way down.
How's everyone doing?
I just got some code into a better state
@MattЭллен Awesome, whatcha working on?
work stuff. organising experiments into tabs automagically
Ah, not too bad then
Oooh. Nice.
now I just have to reconnect the code that loads the experiment steps when you chose an experiment
I fixed some stuff in testing last night and I'm not sure if I made all my proper notes.
it would have been easier if the head template was called HeaderTemplate, not ItemTemplate and then I would have gone looking for the ContentTemplate. But, oh well. It's microsoft, what can you do?
Is it a listview?
@KitFox but you've commited the new code, though?
@KitFox it's a tab control
I haven't.
I thought I would copy the corrected pages back to production.
also commit your changes
I don't know what's wrong with me.
if you commit your changes, fewer things will be wrong with you
I can't get out of my own way, and I am feeling unhappy.
I am resisting doing the things I should.
Like committing my changes.
you should definitely do that
Except that of course, when I pushed it back to testing, I didn't put it in source control.
do it now and it will be there
stomps foot, crosses arms
but it can only help you!
sticks out lip
I won't.
put hands on hips
looks sternly
(so this is where the littlest gets it from)
Kit Miranda Fox! You commit that code this instant!
starts crying, runs from room
Woah, I leave the room for not even 5 minutes and...this!
Hi there
Hey Shkeil!
Did you see which way Kit went?
Towards the basement I think
Heads down to the basement
Are you down here @Kit?
It's dangerous to go alone, take this! hands cake
mmmm. cake
I gues @Kit doesn't want any of this cake, then
Is that a sex cake?
I don't want any of that gross stuff.
To set up a writing blog, or not to set up a writing blog, that is the question
it's hard to blog without writing
whispers the cake is a lie
but is it hard to write without blogging?
I have found it helpful to have a writing blog, mostly so I can share what I write.
I might have a list of questions for you lot later this evening, sort of writing related, sort of tool related
A writing blog has been a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
How has it been a success? What was it's goal? I mean
have you read any of it? That's how you can tell
Not that i'm saying your stuff is bad! I may have worded it wrong
I meant what were Your goals for it that it has met, out of curiosity, not disagreement!
I am thinking of setting up a separate blog for my writing exercises. I don't think they fit well on my main blog site.
Oops, wrong room.
@RhysW Writing.
hmmm. What should my commit message be?
@MattЭллен "I'm ready to go through with this"
@MattЭллен Your entire life has been a mathematical error... a mathematical error I'm about to correct!
I am not reading GLaDOS quotes to cheer myself up.
are you not?
hmmm. Then you've a very good memory
I have committed my pages and the entire script for the DB.
Happy. Now.
How's about you?
Assume the Party Escort Submission Position, or you will miss the party.
now you've got this book mark for your code, so that if things go awry you can look back and see how they used to be. How's that for you?
"She committed her code and herself to a renewed relationship with her husband"
It's not going to help. It's already all fucked up.
That would be a good commit message.
yeah, but it can't get any worse, now
becuase if it does, you just go back
The commit is a lie
I'm sure I can figure out a way to make that happen.
I should probably export my static data in insert statements.
waggles naughty bits at static tables But I'm not gonna do it. Nyah.
No! Not the...ears!
Relax. They weren't my naughty bits.
That's not the sort of statement that lends to being preceded with 'Relax'
well, that's a relief
Do you guys use any tools to help you with your writing? (No, you cannot answer that everyone here is a tool)
My big fat brain
I use Kit's big fat brain
Lately my only tool is Google Drive
I don't use the skinny one. I keep that on in the closet under the stairs in case of emergencies.
(imagine I said that like the Talking Cat)
is confused
(same thing)
Since @RhysW is here, this chat is really active.
ahhh thankyou
@Shkeil oops!
It's great!
Though KitFox accounts for 32% of all messages in this chat
I was granted ownership automatically before I ever became a mod.
I have the same thing on Space, talked so much that room ownership became mine
I have encountered a rather large problem. furrows brow
what is it?
remember: never try to eat something bigger than your head
I never created add or edit templates for this new intervention type.
is that a tough job?
I don't know.
What technologies you using?
It should be just a lot of copy-pasting.
And a few tweaks.
I take it you're a developer then Kit?
Sometimes I think so.
Support then?
Kit's a proper dev, she just having doubts.
How about you matt?
I am a developer, yes
Sort of
Dev work ran out recently, so been stuck in maintenance and support
I just blew something up.
Damn it, damn it.
We're all in writer.SE, but we're also developers... Does developers make good writers?
No, we're just in the middle part of a venn diagram
In the SE network, nearly everyone is a dev!
@KitFox Roll Back?
Nah, I got it.
I thneed more coffee
I need more tea
We're playing the word association game right?
I'm on!
@Mr.Shiny gets me.
It took me a second to remember it
I was like "Chocolate and morphine... that reminds me of something"
"What was it? hm. Chocolate and morphine. chocolate and morphine."
Thankfully Google saved me.
hee hee
peanut butter and chocolate...what was that thing?
> You might be careful, it really hurts when it's real
@Shkeil they ought to make good code commenters.
It's seems sadly lame to me now.
Have any of you seen How I Met Your Mother?
Have you seen the episode where Barney's phone doesn't stop ringing?
I don't think so.
In either case, mine has not stopped ringing for nearly 2 days now. So. Many. Recruiters.
Oh my heart bleeds for you, you poor thing.
You broke my sarcasm detector
Yes! pumps fist
It's never seen values so high!
loses steam
coughs awkwardly to break the silence
write something
next challenge please
You want to do a timed exercise then?
Since you're here?
unfortunately can't at the moment, otherwise i'd snap up the opportunity
Though i might spend some time this evening working through the previous 18
There were some week-long exercises we did too. You can find them under my Writing tab, I think.
week long ones, those sound fun
a chance to practice reviewing and editing it sounds like
Yes, they were for practicing certain skills, before we knew that that was what we were doing.
Yeah, originally our writing exercises were homework-style. That was both good and bad. Good because we had time to do some better writing. Bad because it often got skipped.
Often got skipped?
Ah so that spawned the 10 minute tuesdays thing?
Yes, essentially.
We did both for a while, but the longer ones sort of just stopped.
Ahh, that's a shame
just wait until november, when the whole chat room disappears for a month while people nano
Incidentally I started sketching the background for my nano
Have you thought of doing one that helps increase precision? (not the right term I know, maybe concise-ness) I.e a fixed limit of words, the closer to the target the better. Say 350 words.

I find I end up rambling too much when describing sometimes
I realized that my initial work estimate is probably way off.
@RhysW We did a few flash fiction ones.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How so?
@KitFox well, I wrote for about an hour, but only got about 400 words done. Including headings
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 really? I thought it would have got a little more chatty, with everyone on similar topics
@RhysW nobody has time
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How is that possible?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ahh
@KitFox inventing stuff out of thin air, when it needs to be bigger than an exercise-length short story, is harder.
Being new at this writing thing, I have no idea how to estimate if the plot I have in mind can even stretch over 50k words
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh yes. That's why I do my planning on my commute.
I guess the short story I used as my baseline writing speed was pretty close to my max writing speed.
@KitFox well, I did it while downloading Dexter.
@RhysW Well, you sketch out your plot and then break it down into pieces and then more pieces, until you get to approximately the scene level. Then you'll need somewhere from 50 to 100 of those.
More if you write really short scenes.
@KitFox I might have to do that when I get some free time then, thats a good method, thanks
Pretty much, just give yourself a solid starting point, and have at least a couple chapters ahead of you, then when you run out of material, make shit up.
Hehe, I'm already thinking of maybe fleshing out my support character, giving them a bit more in the story and maybe a chapter or two from their point of view
Remember that there is no requirement to write linearly too. You can always go and add stuff in other places if you need more.
@KitFox I have a story to mention from this, but brb
The piece of coursework I did for a story I wrote it as i thought of the chapters, that meant that chapter 2 could have actually happened before chapter 1. Somehow managed to pull it off so it made sense even out of order. Which is why its a shame that i cant find it anymore
I have half a mind to rewrite it
which half? Or is it statistically half? Random parts of your mind, evenly distributed over it entirety.
@MattЭллен Random parts
Randomly distributed
Oh pulled pork on focaccia, you think you can best me with your size, but it will not be done.
These lips will prove your undoing.
Gah, i think you jinxed me Kit
Whoa! @Matt Ellen popped up on my phone. Eek!
You blew up stuff earlier, now i think ive done the same!
Sorry. I forgot it's catching.
@KitFox eh?
I think I won't try to understand..
@KitFox I wondered who Matt Ellen was then, thinking it was one persons whole name
Matt Ellen is my whole name :D
gah, messing with my mind
@MattЭллен Something updated on my phone, and it chimed, and there was a message from you (from that Google chat we had like, I dunno, two weeks ago).
@KitFox oh! ha, phones are stupid.
@MattЭллен Damn, so I was right the first time! I settled thinking she was telling you about someone called Ellen. I surrender, my brain cannot cope
It was weird, because I never got things that way before, so I didn't expect you to be in my phone.
Well, I suppose it's not my whole name. But it's the important parts
Well. The "Danger" part is important too.
@KitFox I've been hiding, wait for a moment to strike!
Well, I guess you can Google ping me live in real life now.
Almost like if we were real friends and knew each other.
A few more decades and I could even offer you my onion rings.
When yon speak about Google ping... What is it?
> Procedure or function SelectRecords has too many arguments specified.
I saw they pulled off quantum teleportation the other day, so hopefully not much longer for onion rings
Good reason for anger management for my code.
@MattЭллен oh?
@Shkeil Um. Well. The Google IM thingy will notify my phone if someone wants to Google IM me.
I think.
teleports onion rings surreptitiously into Matt's stomach
@KitFox OK, it's with something I don't use.
I don't either, except that one time.
time to go!
See ya
So! What Next?
@KitFox I thougt it was something on Google +.
@RhysW I don't know. Do you have an idea?
Might could be.
@Shkeil I have thousands, none of them relevant though
@RhysW Sure, ideas about meal won't help us.
@Shkeil that cuts out 90% of them then
How will ideas about meals not help?
I am in 100% agreement
08:00 - 16:0016:00 - 21:00

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