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[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 1 opened issue. 1 issue comment.
[rubberduck-vba/RubberduckWeb] 4 closed issues. 4 issue comments.
[Zomis/Server2] 11 commits. 3 closed issues. 4 issue comments. 153 additions. 62 deletions.
[Minesweeper] Games Played: 190, Bombs Used: 115, Moves Performed: 26624, New Users: 15
@Phrancis I've got many more failures at the beginner level then.
1 hour later…
@SimonForsberg Can't connect to your factorio server.
It comes then goes
It may probably is likely due to me upgrading every track in the base.....
9 hours later…
[Zomis/Server2] Zomis created comment on issue [#52: [Hanabi] Notify players when the deck runs out that there is one round left](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/52)
> @GustaMagik VuetifyJS provides many components that could be used vuetifyjs.com/en/components/api-explorer and VuetifyJS is already used in many parts of the project already. In this case, a Snackbar might be a good option: vuetifyjs.com/en/components/snackbars
2 hours later…
Morning everyone! Have a nice day all!
2 hours later…
@IvenBach If it's still not working let me know and I can try turning it off and on again
@Duga Week 1755: (Not that you have asked but still). Episodes of The Legend of Korra seen, eleven maybe. Days exercising online with a friend, six. Days sick, too many. Friends helping me buying groceries, one. Factorio played, not that much I think. Work on Server2 done, quite a bit. Games of Hanabi played, still quite many. Current Covid-19 stats: 4126154 / 283120 / 1421380. Covid-19 in Sweden, 26670. Active Covid-19 cases worldwide: 2421654.
Last week Active Covid-19 cases: 2166038.
Change: 255616.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
My son was just having trouble with an app on the TV and wanted me to fix it for him. I told him I needed to finish something first and he came back a minute later excitedly exclaiming "I got it to work. I just had to turn it off and turn it back on again."
@brug Awesome
If he learns that already he'll be ahead of the crowd.
Give him an original NES system. That'll teach him the importance of repeatedly restarting it.
@IvenBach It almost feels cruel to give someone an old school NES.
My how far we have come...
At least use an emulator
ZNES at that...
[Zomis/Server2] Unrecognized author pushed commit 0786ad93 to issue52: Fix #52
[Zomis/Server2] build for commit 0786ad93 on issue52: This commit looks good
[Zomis/Server2] GustaMagik created pull request #67: Fix #52 to merge issue52 into master
[Zomis/Server2/PR-67] build 1 Build success.
[Zomis/Server2] build for commit 0786ad93 on issue52: This commit looks good
[Zomis/Server2] GustaMagik created comment on issue [#55: [Guest] Possibility to swap display name](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/55)
> > Additionally, guests should be given a cookie that can identify them so that they have the possibility to rejoin.

But the cookie could be a separate issue?
[Zomis/Server2] GustaMagik assigned GustaMagik to issue [#62: [Hanabi] When giving colour clues, colour the button accordingly to the clue.](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/62)
@brug I refuse to give up my NES console.
[Zomis/Server2] Zomis created comment on issue [#62: [Hanabi] When giving colour clues, colour the button accordingly to the clue.](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/62)
> @GustaMagik This one is a little bit trickier considering how the action-system works. You'd probably need to add a special case to check if the action-button begins with color- and then adapt it accordingly.
[Zomis/Server2] Zomis created comment on issue [#55: [Guest] Possibility to swap display name](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/55)
> @GustaMagik Absolutely correct.
@IvenBach Same here.
I refuse to give up any console
I mean I still have mine.
And I treasure it dearly.
It still feels like torture to give it to someone used to the comforts of modern devices.
I don't know whatever happened to my NES from way back then. I may have lost interest when we got a Super NES
Many times it was traded in as credit for the newer system.
[Zomis/Server2] Unrecognized author pushed commit 58366944 to issue62: Fix #62
[Zomis/Server2] GustaMagik created pull request #68: Fix #62 to merge issue62 into master
[Zomis/Server2] build for commit 58366944 on issue62: This commit looks good
[Zomis/Server2/PR-68] build 1 Build failed.
[Zomis/Server2] build for commit 58366944 on issue62: This commit cannot be built
[Zomis/Server2] GustaMagik created comment on issue [#62: [Hanabi] When giving colour clues, colour the button accordingly to the clue.](github.com/Zomis/Server2/issues/62)
> @Zomis was kinda simple but needed to read some documentation to find vuetify :class with array notation.
[Zomis/Server2/PR-68] build 2 Build success.
[Zomis/Server2] build for commit 58366944 on issue62: This commit looks good
The barrier to understanding regex feels way lower now. Past-Iven face planted so many times trying to learn it...
Progress is sometimes so subtle you don't even realize you're making it until you look back and find you've surpassed a previous goal your past-self wishes you understood.
FML. I will get that sentence correct no matter how many edits it takes. #WordsBeHard
@IvenBach At least the edit history is entertaining
Addendum to my week: Knees hurting like hell, one.
@SimonForsberg There's a reason I failed my English classes all through Jr High and High School. Writing assignments suck ballsack...
Gimme teh numberz! I dew tehm 4 jew.
1 hour later…
@IvenBach I like this better : long past a past goal you're past-self
Past past past past past
I like that when tou say a word too much time the meaning of the word kinda disappear
@SimonForsberg what happened?

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