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[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 3 commits. 1136 additions. 79 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 4 commits. 11 opened issues. 4 closed issues. 26 issue comments. 632 additions. 655 deletions.
[Zomis/Duga] 2 commits. 1 closed issue. 1 issue comment. 3 additions. 3 deletions.
8 hours later…
@Phrancis Yeah, there was a lot of code that I had to rewrite for that project.
[SimonForsberg/minesweeper-ai] Simon Forsberg pushed commit fcb5ba5 to master: Add configuration for GWT
[minesweeper-ai] build 19 Completed with status SUCCESS
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit 1b61a1c2 to master: Make uploadArchives use the version from gradle.properties
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit d015109b to master: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] build for commit d015109b on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit efd25d32 to master: Add initial GWT configuration
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit 0073b63b to master: Change gradle wrapper
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] build for commit 0073b63b on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit 8da1fd76 to master: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '1.2'.
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit 595cd5ef to master: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '1.3-SNAPSHOT'.
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] build for commit 8da1fd76 on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] build for commit 8da1fd76 on master: The Travis CI build passed
[SimonForsberg/minesweeperflagsgdx] Simon Forsberg pushed commit b520f70 to gwt: Add Minesweeper Analyze dependency to GWT
[SimonForsberg/minesweeperflagsgdx] Simon Forsberg pushed commit b1ef5b4 to gwt: Add Minesweeper AI into GWT
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] build for commit 595cd5ef on master: The Travis CI build passed
The GWT branch will not build right now
[minesweeper-flags-gdx--gwt] build 6 Completed with status FAILURE
[SimonForsberg/minesweeper-ai] Simon Forsberg pushed commit bcdd399 to master: Remove unused time check in AI Zomis
[SimonForsberg/minesweeper-ai] Simon Forsberg pushed commit 95793a9 to master: Remove stupid logging in AI Loser
[minesweeper-ai] build 20 Completed with status SUCCESS
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit e873b8da to master: Change getRandomSolution implementation to not depend on Collections.shuffle
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit a0419529 to master: Deprecate Solution.getRandomSolution as it is something that can be implemented outside if needed
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] build for commit a0419529 on master: The Travis CI build passed
2 hours later…
[duga-merge-classification] build 21 Completed with status SUCCESS
4 hours later…
Afternoon all
hey @DJanssens
[SimonForsberg/minesweeper-ai] Simon Forsberg pushed commit 15d1af1 to master: Remove analyze timeout, that should be handled platform dependently outside this project
[minesweeper-ai] build 21 Completed with status SUCCESS
2 hours later…
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] Zomis pushed commit 0d69896d to master: Add InterruptCheck strategy to be able to support GWT
[SimonForsberg/minesweeperflagsgdx] Simon Forsberg pushed commit aff538c to gwt: Update Minesweeper Analyze to new snapshot dependency
[Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze] build for commit 0d69896d on master: The Travis CI build passed
[minesweeper-flags-gdx--gwt] build 7 Completed with status FAILURE
Stupid single-threaded Javascript...
[SimonForsberg/minesweeper-ai] Simon Forsberg pushed commit f083748 to master: Avoid using clone method
[SimonForsberg/minesweeper-ai] Simon Forsberg pushed commit 4e9450d to master: Avoid String.format in Board class
[SimonForsberg/minesweeper-ai] Simon Forsberg pushed commit a06fea9 to master: Use InterruptCheck interface
[minesweeper-ai] build 22 Completed with status SUCCESS
[SimonForsberg/minesweeperflagsgdx] Simon Forsberg pushed commit 6e7d2a1 to gwt: Disable AI Nightmare as it is not GWT compliant yet
[minesweeper-flags-gdx--gwt] build 8 Completed with status FAILURE
[SimonForsberg/minesweeperflagsgdx] Simon Forsberg pushed commit 90ddb22 to gwt: Add AI Horrible for a quick win
[minesweeper-flags-gdx--gwt] build 9 Completed with status FAILURE
Strange, it works with gradlew html:superDev but not with gradlew html:dist
2 hours later…
@SimonForsberg It's probably unavoidable that Libgdx HTML5 uses Flash, isn't it?
@SimonForsberg are you aware of this GUI problem, if you add 2 players that are in the same row, the Start Game button gets pushed down, and eventually off the screen if you add more than that?
It would also be a bit more intuitive if the players were numbered from 1-8 instead of 0-7
Would it be possible to push the player icons out so they are not on top of the game board?
@Phrancis I thought it just used plain JavaScript (GWT)
@SirPython See the bar below the URL
Hunh. I could've sworn it was only JS, but I guess it has been a while since I last used it.
Course now my project won't build so I can't see the JavaScript source.
1 hour later…
200_success vs. janos: 19723 diff. Year: +2954. Quarter: -4. Month: -4. Week: -127. Day: -127.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 8036 diff. Year: +4752. Quarter: +342. Month: +342. Week: +10. Day: +10.
200_success vs. rolfl: 16598 diff. Year: +9762. Quarter: +471. Month: +471. Week: -37. Day: -37.
Loki Astari vs. Simon Forsberg: 5477 diff. Year: +2812. Quarter: +175. Month: +175. Week: +60. Day: +60.

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