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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 1 commit. 1 closed issue. 1 issue comment. 57 additions. 2 deletions.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 1 issue comment.
[Hosch250/RoslynTester] 3 commits. 41 additions. 27 deletions.
[Hosch250/VSDiagnostics] 1 commit. 7 additions. 3 deletions.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 8 commits. 8676 additions. 829 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 1 closed issue. 1 issue comment. 6140 additions. 4075 deletions.
[Zomis/Duga] 1 commit. 19 additions. 8 deletions.
> ngFitText lets you select both a minimum and maximum font size. I'm thinking we could set the maximum as what it is now, and set a reasonably low minimum, nothing so small that it couldn't be read well. If a card still spills over, it probably needs a shorter name then.

The one thing to keep in mind, at least going from memory, is that the div that the text is in has to be of a fixed/absolute size, as that's what ngFitText uses. I'll tinker around with this soon enough.
5 hours later…
> I love the update that shows who edited who's post! The only thing is that the output is HTML (?) encoded:

> possible answer invalidation by Mat's Mug on question by Dan Jones: codereview.stackexchange.com/…

6 hours later…
> This is what is received from Stack Exchange API:

"user": {
"reputation": 40229,
"user_id": 23788,
"user_type": "moderator",
"profile_image": "https://i.sstatic.net/2p89X.png?s=128&g=1",
"display_name": "Mat's Mug",
"link": "http://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/23788/mats-mug"

So indeed, Duga doesn't decode the HTML.

See http://stackoverflow.com/q/22820188/1310566 for a possible solution.
Hi all
What happened to a good old MONKING!?
Aug 14 at 14:18, by SirPython
> Looking at some possible cases:

`!(a && b && c)` is true if for example a = true, b = true, c = false (it is the same as `!a || !b || !c`)

`!a && !b && !c` is true if and only if a = false, b = false, c = false

And then let's look at a possible use-case: **Example 1:**

change HEALTH by -1 onCards {
not {
creatureType "Greek"
ownedBy "opponent"

and then also consider what this would mean: **Example 2:**

change HEALTH
@jacwah ^^
Also, I think I know a way to allow not: creatureType "Greek" which would be easier for the DSL.
or maybe not(creatureType "Greek")
just realized that "not:" is harder, "except not:" would be possible though
could not() take a list of arguments variable number of arguments?
such as not(creatureType "Greek", ownedBy "opponent") ? yes.
I like that syntax better
me too
it would require a little bit of refactoring to support it, but I think it's worth it
@SimonForsberg Monking be gone
Monking (just for you @SimonForsberg)
I'm still used to @SimonAndréForsberg
@Marc-Andre yay!
@skiwi SimonAndréForsberg be gone
He's a new man remember
Programming in the IntelliJ IDEA with Java is quite fun/useful.
Oh, have you been shown the light, @SirPython?
I sure have. It's very useful seeing syntax errors and potential compile time errors as I am typing. There's also the class "recognition" for packages from the Java API so I don't have to open up my browser to consult the documentation. There's just so much that makes everything so much easier.
Wow what were you using before ?
Sublime text.
@SirPython In the words of Murphy: Welcome to the real world.
I'm sorry that you won't be able to code C++ though without using a proper editor ;)
Update chinese.cardset

Removed image from card('EIGHT IMMORTALS').
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit afa41e2b on mods: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit afa41e2b on mods: The Travis CI build passed
> See http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/bf/standards.html

Determine if a program lives up to "standards", and if so, which.

Things to detect include:

- Does tape pointer ever go below zero?
- Rightmost memory position used (9999, 30k, or higher)
- Does tape pointer ever go to the right of memory size? (relying on wrap-around)
- What range of values is used for a single cell? 0-127, 0-255, negative values? Wrap-around?
- Input value when there's no more data, store a 0, store a -1,
hey @Phrancis
Update greek.cardset

Made a link for card('Helm of Darkness') as it was missing from file.
@Duga @SimonForsberg This is ready to merge, AFAIK :)
Your Skype bugging out again @Phrancis?
I was just about to get on there
Just got out of bed a bit ago (yes, past noon, I know)
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit fefdaae4 on mods: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit fefdaae4 on mods: The Travis CI build passed
I don't know how you've got the whole thing setup... You are always some form of online ;)
@Phrancis Well, it is weekend, so you ahve reasons
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] Phrancis pushed commit 99044c26 to sections-layout2: Deleted eight-immortals.jpg due to potential copyright reasons in certain countries. See commit github.com/Cardshifter/Cardshifter/commit/afa41e2ba14846e8f
@Phrancis does @jacwah agree?
@SimonForsberg Is that a question for him or for me? :)
Hey @SimonForsberg imagine that we had a database to persist game information (users, replays decks, simple stuff) would you want it integrated with Groovy or Java?
@Phrancis Groovy.
And you said you would use Hibernate over Gradle correct?
Hibernate over GORM
No idea what GORM is, but OK :)
Groovy Object Relation M-something (Mapper/Manager/?)
it's a layer on top of Hibernate pretty much
Generally, can a Java/Groovy variable "contain" a JSON object or is there a better method to manipulate/transfer JSON?
I could picture perhaps using a stream, but at some point it has to be contained as a whole so it can be for example appended or written to disk or something like that
A String can be anything, so also a JSON object, likewise it may also be a JSON object tree referring to the top level node, with references to children nodes
Would having JSON as a String vs. object tree change its behavior significantly?
Yeah... definitely
So let's say the goal with that JSON would be to append it into another JSON, at a specific node; which would you use?
For example if you want to modify it, look at decoding the full json structure, update key-value, encode it and store in string again vs just update element in tree
I'd keep object trees in memory whenever possible, but persistence needs to happen as a string I think
{ "type": "replay",
  "created": "2015-09-12 15:13.000",
  "players": [
    1: "Zomis",
    2: "Phrancis"
  "replay": { /* REPLAY JSON GOES HERE */ }
(just as a concept, it's probably wrong in some way)
Just imagine something like above was persisted in a DB for example
Or file system, whatever
Do you think the replay then would need to be stored as a String? Since it would be self-contained
The data outside of it is related to identifying the JSON object, but has nothing to do with the JSON object itself
I would say storing as a string is a good idea
Alternatively you'd need to fully normalize it and put it in some tables
I'd prefer to avoid doing that
One individual replay you can easily reconstruct by decoding json
One of the important cases where I can see normalization work is when you want to search for data in replays real-time
The data in the JSON replay is too generic to be useful by itself (for aggregating or things like that)
It only makes sense when it is fed to the game server to actually run the game
That would put me on storing it as a string
It is always a trade-off though
Some other data like decks for instance can stand on their own and make sense
In some situations you can also use "parallel" systems
One that's fast for general usage and a back-up version that is normalized and faster for searching, and try to keep it as up to date as possible
(Because the alternative would be to rebuild say all json trees in memory if you want to do a search)
Well something like MongoDB indexes the JSON (or BSON, as they call it) so it's quite fast one way or another
I would picture using something like a Deck data document much more often than a replay, so in that case perhaps would be best to store that as object (with a small amount of meta-data such as name, owner user and creation date)
That would be an interesting option aswell, I have zero experience with that though
Since decks are far more likely to be modified than replays
If you're modifying a replay then you're doing something wrong :P
So it wouldn't be a big deal if a replay String had to be decoded before being used, I don't think anyways.
for document in collection.find({"type": "deck", "userName": "Zomis"}):
    # read content of the node with the deck JSON data and pass to the client
And for changes to the deck itself, we could either delete the deck and append the new version (probably simpler) or update the document (probably more complex but might be a bit faster)
Of course, updating the data would probably be more hassle than it's worth
Could always version it and select the most recent version
(that might also be overkill)
@Phrancis Groovy has a JsonSlurper class that is useful to convert JSON into a Java/Groovy object.
Ooohhhhhh yeah I used that too, lol
It worked quite well if I recall
@SimonForsberg @Phrancis I think we're good to go
@jacwah Yay!
Should I merge mods and develop into the release?
@jacwah yes please
How often is play.cardshifter.com updated?
@SirPython when I feel like it? It would be updated faster if a certain issue was completed.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed commit 20229702 to release-0.6.1‌​: Merge branch 'mods' into develop
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed commit 7eeb4e88 to release-0.6.1‌​: Merge branch 'develop' into release-0.6.1
now we wait for Travis... ^^
@SirPython I'd like to explore the possibilities of having it auto-deploy from some branch, perhaps using a git-commithook or something.
@SimonForsberg Travis can do that
@jacwah For the HTML client?
@jacwah HTML-Client doesn't use Travis. Could it also upload to my FTP server?
It can do a lot of things, let me check
@SimonForsberg For the HTML Client, that ftp-deploy you mentioned will work fine. Do you know what the remote root is in which the code is deployed?
@jacwah yes, except in this case merge with release-0.6.1 and not develop. But wait for Travis first, just so that the merges didn't break anything.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 7eeb4e88 on release-0.6.1: The Travis CI build passed
There we go!
@SirPython public_html/cardshifter.com/play
Does this look like I'm just missing a dependency?
import org.hibernate.*
import com.mongodb.*

MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
    // unable to resolve class MongoClient @ line 4, column 13.
updating deploy-script
Merge pull request #98 from Cardshifter/develop

[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 20229702 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
@Phrancis likely yes. Just because you import something doesn't mean that it's available. Try adding this to the top of your code:
	@Grab(group='org.mongodb', module='mongo-java-driver', version='3.0.3')
(not sure if it will work)
@Grapes !?
@SimonForsberg Is the host cardshifter.com?
@Phrancis yeah, Groovy magic to easily add dependencies
@SirPython yes, that's correct.
Sep 12, 2015 4:28:56 PM com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.JULLogger log
INFO: Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500}
Hmm, no idea what that means :D
@Phrancis it worked?
@SimonForsberg Uh wat, I didn't even know that yet
Is that what it is?
@skiwi I'm quite sure there are many things that you don't know about :)
@SimonForsberg Yeah, for example how women think
@Phrancis no error messages or anything?
Sep 12, 2015 4:33:13 PM com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.JULLogger log
INFO: Cluster created with settings {hosts=[localhost:27017], mode=SINGLE, requiredClusterType=UNKNOWN, serverSelectionTimeout='30000 ms', maxWaitQueueSize=500}
Sep 12, 2015 4:33:13 PM com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.JULLogger log
INFO: Opened connection [connectionId{localValue:1, serverValue:221}] to localhost:27017
Sep 12, 2015 4:33:13 PM com.mongodb.diagnostics.logging.JULLogger log
INFO: Monitor thread successfully connected to server with description ServerDescription{address=localhost:27017, type=STANDALONE, state=
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed 332 commits to master
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed commit acdb7b60 to master: Merge branch 'release-0.6.1'
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed commit 1961c7e3 to master: [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '0.6.1'.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed commit 4cb4f7e9 to master: [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '0.6.2-SNAPSHOT'.
quite easy to release, huh @jacwah?
Now I'd just like to see some results from Travis...
And seems like @jacwah likes automation as much as I do
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] skiwi2 published release 0.6.1
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 1961c7e3 on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 4cb4f7e9 on master: The Travis CI build passed
@Duga we gotta change that key in Travis some day...
I just had one issue coming up
Hey guys let me know once new release is rolling on a live server, I'll hit Twitter and 2nd Monitor and see if we can get people to find bugs play!
@Phrancis Definitely!
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 1961c7e3 on master: The Travis CI build passed
@Phrancis Simple solution: ping @bazola.
I'm going to run a quick errand
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 7eeb4e88 on master: The Travis CI build passed
> $ ./gradlew clean release


FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':checkCommitNeeded'.
> You have unversioned files:
?? relink
?? relink.py

This might be intentional, but I don't understand why it would be useful. The files are scripts I used [to fix imag
They allow you to execute any code so anything is possible
> I don't think that this should be fixed. Such files should either be removed, be added to `.gitignore`, or be added to the repository. I think this is a completely reasonable alert by the Gradle-release plugin.

For the record, I believe this is configurable, but I don't think we should change the configuration.
> Basically what the task seems to do is to check that the working directory is in a clean state, which is a good thing to have before making a release.
@jacwah then the only step would be to integrate Travis with the HTML-Client repo.
I'm up for it
> Travis CI is being used successfully in the main repo for continuous integration and could additionally supply a way to automatically deploy to play.cardshifter.com (see #83).
> Related to #99: Travis can run tests on many different version to see that tests pass on all of them.
@Duga @jacwah @SirPython @ARedHerring Do we even use node.js/io.js? Besides the npm command? (I'm not very experienced in this part)
I don't really know either...
@SimonForsberg The npm command is pretty trivial to anything NodeJS related
Do you guys use anything similar to npm run develop and npm build?
For Java/Groovy?
@SimonForsberg The deploy script is/will use NodeJS.
Unless Travis is now doing that.
@skiwi we do use npm run develop and npm build for the HTML-Client, yes
Is npm run test supposed to work?
Somehow, yes.
I think it relies on Karma.
Because it's failing for me
It might be because there are no tests
we don't have any tests though, right?
@SimonForsberg So you are asking if you're using node.js and not only npm?
@SimonForsberg Correct.
@skiwi yeah, I guess that's what I'm asking
Because npm is the node.js package manager... I don't know the details, but I'm suspecting it is being used
Doesn't NPM come with NodeJS, or is it the other way around?
I don't really know either actually, this one is on @ARedHerring
I'd say Node comes with NPM and not the other way around
> Travis CI uses npm to install your project’s dependencies. It is possible to override this behavior and there are project that use different tooling but the majority of Node.js projects hosted on Travis CI use npm, which is also bundled with Node starting with 0.6.0 release.
> Here's some data for a PR that causes the problem, for testing:

"action": "opened",
"number": 98,
"pull_request": {
"url": "https://api.github.com/repos/Cardshifter/HTML-Client/pulls/98",
"id": 44860520,
"html_url": "https://github.com/Cardshifter/HTML-Client/pull/98",
"diff_url": "https://github.com/Cardshifter/HTML-Client/pull/98.diff",
"patch_url": "https://github.com/Cardshifter/HTML-Client/pull/98.patch",
> I think we should still implement this as a script, just let Travis run it automatically. For easiest integration the FTP credentials should be given to the script through environment variables.
@Duga I am sooooo glad that you no longer split messages
@Duga @jacwah What do you mean by "environmental variables"?
@SirPython google.com/…
variables local to a shell, or local to a computer.
So like PATH?
That's an environment variable
PATH is an example of an environment variable, yes
Then, wouldn't it be unsafe to store credentials in the PATH? Or, am I misunderstanding the comment?
➜ zomis@bubble  ~  env
SSH_CLIENT= 49975 22
Not in PATH, but in another environment variable. They can be given in encrypted form to Travis
@SirPython not in the PATH, but as another environment variable. I'm also curious about the security implications though...
:24062136 No
@jacwah yup, I'm aware about them. We've used them on the main Cshifter repo.
I think just to be sure I should see if I could create a travis-specific user for my FTP.
@SimonForsberg Good idea, can never be too careful with these things
> Try to send an e-mail to [email protected], [email protected], etc. and make sure that someone can handle such e-mails, somehow, somewhere.
@jacwah there we go, account created.
The ftp-deploy library will automatically prompt the user for the password if it is not specified, but it will not prompt for the username if it is not specified.
@SimonForsberg Hey :D
npm comes with NodeJS.
NodeJS is required for anything with npm to function, which includes webpack, the thing that ties all of the HTML client together via require calls.
(I have stack exchange on my phone)
> Good thinking. Right now I have communications going to [email protected] temporarily. How do we go about creating @cardshifter.com emails? Once they are created it should be simple enough from there.
Seems difficult to go from a JsonBuilder object to a DB object, for some reason. Even though the content's structure seems identical
It's very easy to add info to a DB object, though
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] jacwah pushed commit 23c389b4 to travis: Create .travis.yml
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit 23c389b4 on travis: The Travis CI build passed
@Duga Cool!
> Honestly, not entirely sure :) I think I need to do something there, as cardshifter.com leads to my webserver.
@SirPython It doesn't do anything though :)
> these notifications are not required as Travis sends a build event to GitHub which then sends information to Duga.
@Duga Just curious: what is the webhook in the main repo then?
> A lot of tools contains text generation utilities, this should have that too, with a few enhancements:

- [ ] Save to tape option
- [ ] Number of temporary cells that may be used

See http://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/103946/31562 for a "Hello, World!" implementation, using various amount of temporary cells

See http://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/57382/31562 for an implementation of writing "Fizz" and "Buzz" to the tape
> npm WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":">=0.10 <=0.12 || >=1 <=3"} (current: {"node":"4.0.0","npm":"2.14.2"})

Karma seems to have some opinions on the matter.
@jacwah useless?
@SimonForsberg I thought it might be something else, should I get rid of it?
yeah, I don't think it will be used anymore.
Remove commented notifications in .travis.yml

Duga already posts updates on builds.
Use NodeJS 0.12 on Travis

Karma requires specific versions of Node:

npm WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":">=0.10 <=0.12 || >=1
<=3"} (current: {"node":"4.0.0","npm":"2.14.2"})
> I'd suggest the latest version that karma lets us use. 0.10 is pretty darn old.
Hey @SimonForsberg and others... Just for fun Groovy Mongo fun what do you think?
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] build for commit 5a3132a4 on travis: The Travis CI build passed
Side note @Duga, Node is rapidly moving on from 0.10 and is going to be version 4 soon due to the merger with IOJS (Which is currently version 3). nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v4.0.0
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] jacwah pushed commit 5fec8963 to develop: Remove unused notifications block in .travis.yml
@Phrancis I don't see you using Hibernate at all, just MongoDB directly.
> [Relevant announcement from Node foundation](https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v4.0.0/)

> The collaborators of the Node.js project and the members of the Node.js Foundation are proud to offer v4.0.0 for general release. This release represents countless hours of hard work encapsulated in both the Node.js project and the io.js project that are now combined in a single codebase. The Node.js project is now operated by a team of 44 collaborators, 15 of which form its Technical Steering Committ
@Duga you don't support md? :(
@SimonForsberg I know... I can't think of where Hibernate fits in there
@ARedHerring Chat doesn't support multi-line MD
@SirPython ah
@ARedHerring I'm afraid that's not up to @Duga.
Anyways, you guys are busy with something more important... I guess all recent above is not directly related to the release, is it?
@Phrancis not really, no. Not sure if it's very important though. Just the ordinary
Was it that funny?
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 5fec8963 on develop: The Travis CI build passed
It's kind of a theme here, so yes it was ;)
No, we just wanted to make you feel better just kidding dont ban me please
For the record:
in The 2nd Monitor, Jul 26 at 20:32, by Duga
No, Simon would never lurk in the Code Review chat room. — Simon André Forsberg 47 secs ago
About the node comment earlier, by the way, node ca be used for testing a lot of stuff server side out of the browser so I'd recommend keeping it either way
@SimonForsberg Am I using GORM without knowing? I think most/all the stuff I have is POMDB but then again, that might actually be GORM...
And also, I don't know anything about Hibernate :D
@Phrancis Nope, you're definitely not using GORM.
Good good
You're using the MongoDB API directly
Oh. Is that a good thing?
@Phrancis What do we do when we don't know anything about something?
@SimonForsberg Google-Fu? Read documentation?
@Phrancis We don't read documentation, we smoke it!
@Phrancis it does get the job done, but if anyone would suddenly want to switch from MongoDB to Postgres, or (God forbid) MySQL, it would be complicated.
Wouldn't all the things break one way or another if you switch DB at any given time?
Is it good practice to learn new languages by smoking their documentations, or by following tutorials?
@SirPython Yes.
"Yes" what?
Yes to both :)
I'm following a MongoDB/Java tutorial right now, and checking documentation as I go along
Is there a way in Java/Groovy to "release" a variable name that was used before?
(so it can be used again in same file)
@Phrancis Hibernate makes switching DB so much easier.
@Phrancis You could re-use the same variable? Or, if they are in different scopes, then everything is fine
@SimonForsberg What if you needed to use a different type?
@SirPython Don't
Use a different name
exactly ^^
Good night @SimonForsberg !
Good night!
11 hours ago, by Simon Forsberg
What happened to a good old MONKING!?
@SimonForsberg Monknight
@jacwah This can be unstickied now
> >=0.10 <=0.12 refers to node.js while >=1 <=3 refers to io.js, correct? I currently set Travis to use 0.12, but it can easily be modified in .travis.yml.
@jacwah Done
[Phrancis/GroovySwingPostgres] Phrancis pushed commit 2cbc7214 to master: MongoDb examples
That repository name is growing more and more wrong
Hm. I live 2 doors down from a semi-known band in the US. The whole neighborhood must hate when they are practicing.
BasicDBObjectBuilder userDoc2 = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
    .add("type", "user")
    .add("name", "Phrancis")
BasicDBObjectBuilder userDetails2 = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
    .add("created", "2015-09-12")
    .add("country", "USA")
userDoc2.add("detail", userDetails2.get())
Syntax is not too bad
@Phrancis lol
> Yes. Iojs and nodejs are converging now, so them being separate entities is kinda moot. 4 will be the merged branch.
I worked with the lead singer at my old job. And yeah, their drummer practices two houses down lol.
Drummer neighbors aren't the best...
My neighbor plays an electrical guitar with his amp all the way up and the window beside him wide open for the entire neighborhood to hear.
@SirPython Hope he plays OK
He's not bad, just it's a little hard to relax when all you can hear is someone going up and down scales.
No headphones for him eh
I guess not, even though he has many pairs of them.
@bazola around?
01:21 ~/Code/Cardshifter-web $ export DEPLOY_FTP_USERNAME=TravisCI
01:21 ~/Code/Cardshifter-web $ export DEPLOY_FTP_PASSWORD=Secret
01:21 ~/Code/Cardshifter-web $ npm run deploy

> [email protected] deploy /Users/jacob/Code/Cardshifter-web
> node scripts/deploy.js

{ username: 'TravisCI', password: 'Secret' }
> What files should be uploaded where more precisely?
@Duga @jacwah The files in dist.
@SirPython Alright
Simon mentioned earlier where on the server the files should end up.
Loki Astari vs. Simon Forsberg: 2914 diff. Year: -2862. Quarter: -1266. Month: -9. Week: -227. Day: -5.
200_success vs. rolfl: 3386 diff. Year: +2639. Quarter: +2973. Month: +56. Week: +101. Day: -30.
200_success vs. janos: 15260 diff. Year: -4340. Quarter: -1419. Month: +356. Week: +309. Day: -85.
Mat's Mug vs. Simon Forsberg: 1563 diff. Year: +2453. Quarter: +949. Month: +448. Week: +159. Day: +54.

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