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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

I tried to write in {{card.properties.type}} for instance, in this case wanting to get the data "Chinese God" but it returned nothing.
That's strange.
Which source file?
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 5 commits. 2 opened issues. 1 closed issue. 7 issue comments. 229 additions. 113 deletions.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] 18 commits. 2 opened issues. 6 issue comments. 2254 additions. 1259 deletions.
[Hosch250/VSDiagnostics] 2 commits. 431 additions. 49 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 1 issue comment.
[Vannevelj/RoslynTester] 1 opened issue.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 4 commits. 1 opened issue. 1 closed issue. 1 issue comment. 1349 additions. 47 deletions.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 1 commit. 1 closed issue. 543 additions. 6 deletions.
That's strange.
Could you paste the console error?
Er, never mind.
I can checkout the branch.
> _What user names are valid?_

This question recently sprung up with #345. It started with duplicated names, then @Phrancis mentioned empty ones. The code that closes that question adds the method `Server.isValidUserName` which makes user name validation easy to implement.

In the issue above, I ended up posting a suggested set of rules for user names.

>A user name...
>- is unique. Two clients can not connect with the same name simultaneously.
>- is at least 1 character and at most 20
TTGTB, get to work now before Simon comes back
> _"contains only ASCII letters, spaces, underscores and decimal numbers"_ I'm assuming would also exclude problematic characters like slashes, quote marks and the like, correct?

At some point in the future we _may_ want to consider a more expansive allowed character set (perhaps with explicit exclusions instead of explicit inclusions) but for the foreseeable future I think what you suggested above should be completely reasonable.
@jacwah ([^ ][\w\d ][^ ]{1,20}) ??
> Yes, with letters I mean alphabetic lettters [a-zA-Z].
@SirPython ^[\w\d _]{1,20}$
#csharp #opensource Up for grabs: https://github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/issues/744
Wait messed up
@jacwah That allows for spaces at the beginning and the end.
@jacwah (^[Now you have two problems].*)
@Phrancis Indeed...
!name.startsWith(" ") && !name.endsWith(" ") && 0 < name.length <= 20 && ...
Preferred way ^
Maybe making an enum of allowed characters would also be good, although I'm not a pro at this stuff at all :)
Neither am I, I'm kind of learning Java as I go
Well, back to working on the game board.
At least the [^basic]+
Strings are really just arrays of chars in Java right?
@Phrancis There are a few major differences.
Not really, they have lots of methods arrays don't have
Ah ok
I should probably get back into my Java book at some point
See you tomorrow!
See you, @jacwah.
Urgh. Now knowing that each mod greatly changes the game flow, this game board instantly became a whole lot more difficult.
I thought the game flow between the mods was fairly similar, save a few small things (like the Scrap action for Cyborg, although I think it could easily be enabled for Mythos too)
Is there anything specific that's giving you pause?
The beginning.
Mythos sends out about 33 messages.
CC sends out 18
I'm trying to work the differences.
Can you share pastebins?
What would you like a pastebin of?
Hm. I think I am starting to get what is happening with CC.
Hmm: this client may not be as bad as I thought. The client isn't really doing any logic: it's merely taking in all the information from the server, "asking" the client what should be sent back, and then sending it back.
If you're curious about the game differences, here's a compare: diffchecker.com/r4f3q2hu
And I just realized the Game.groovy files are pretty sloppily formatted (of my own fault)
After looking at them side by side :)
We need to somehow make this controller code so that it can work with any mod, no matter what the mod throws into the mix.
It will be an ongoing work to do that, as new gameplay features are added. However, I think for the foreseeable future we should focus on making the two current mods work
I think anything that would change the general flow of game (as far as the server is concerned) in any radical fashion would require an equally radical change in the core code behind it all
I was just about to use that diff tool to compare two server logs.
But then I remembered that there are timestamps.
@Phrancis I agree. Of course, once this client is matched with the Java client, then we have to match every new feature that is added to the Java client in this web client.
I guess the main thing right now is getting the setup of the game board finished. After that is done, then the rest should be fairly self explanatory.
^ +1
Also to note, the Java client is much more difficult to adapt than the web client, so any radical change will take time to implement
I'm going to try to get server logs for both mods just in the initial part of the game (where the cards are dealt and mulligan'd)
I will award a very, very generous bounty to anyone that can answer this: http://stackoverflow.com/q/31954364/1188513
Er.. it was much easier to read this in the browser console.
This would actually be far easier to read in Excel I think, let me try
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 92d8a3dd to api-documentation: improve documentation in mods - not API related but close enough
> Through slightly off testing and extreme confusion, I have come to the conclusion that it was never possible for the HTML-Client to connect to any server other than a local one.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 92d8a3dd on api-documentation: The Travis CI build failed
Almost messed up something there, thankfully it's fixed. I suck at git
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 0032e5b5 to mods: merge api-documentation into mods
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 65db6ded to mods: update server connection test
Merge branch 'mods' of https://github.com/Cardshifter/Cardshifter into mods

# Please enter a commit message to explain why this merge is necessary,
# especially if it merges an updated upstream into a topic branch.
# Lines starting with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts
# the commit.
^^ eh.
@Duga That's odd.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 46b6effa on mods: The Travis CI build failed
Hm, crap. What did I break this time.
Ah, I accidentally pasted the scrap resource into Mythos -.-
~I was just testing the tests to make sure they still worked...~
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit ee76a7fc to mods: accidentally had added scrap into Mythos - fixed
Looking through these logs side by side is almost hallucinating
I totally agree.
I start to get a little cross-eyed after a while.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ee76a7fc on mods: The Travis CI build passed
OK, one thing I picked up on, is that CC has a few more tests (above 184), likely to account for additional scrap mechanic. It also has an AISystem test for mulligan which Mythos doesn't have
But the AISystem does not concern the client, right?
Not one bit
For the rest (CC below 184, Mythos below 172) look like they're just tests for effects on specific cards. Mythos has more cards (and more with weird effects) so that likely accounts for the extra 60-or-so lines there
controller.js:31 1. zoneChange
controller.js:31 2. card
controller.js:31 3. zoneChange
controller.js:31 4. card
controller.js:31 5. zoneChange
controller.js:31 6. card
controller.js:31 7. zoneChange
controller.js:31 8. card
controller.js:31 9. zoneChange
controller.js:31 10. card
controller.js:31 11. zoneChange
controller.js:31 12. zoneChange
controller.js:31 13. zoneChange
controller.js:31 14. zoneChange
controller.js:31 15. zoneChange
controller.js:31 16. player
controller.js:31 17. player
controller.js:31 18. zone
^^ Those are all the messages sent by Mythos in the beginning.
311 vs 252 (both right before websocket disco)
@SirPython Both players or just one?
Those were all the messages that my client received.
It looks to me that 1-10 is telling that cards are being moved and is telling this client what those cards are.
Those are the initial 5 cards.
Then, 11-15 are the other player's cards.
16 and 17 is player info.
But I don't get the rest...
zone is probably telling which zone number corresponds to what zone name.
Never mind. I thought that those 5 cards 21-25 would be my cards after I mullgan'd.
But I never mulligan'd
Then 30-33 is the actions.
18-20 your zone entities (deck hand battlefield) 21-25 add the 5 cards to the hand zone
26-29 probably zones for opponent or something like that
Then 30-33 the game actually starts
(I think anyways)
18-20 are zone messages, not zoneChange messages; shouldn't those cards already be in the hand zone?
Not necessarily - but not 100% sure - But could very well just be a staging zone for mulligan; then once you have your 5 final cards staged, it can create both the hand and the deck
Hmm: looking at the message objects for 18-20...
The nitty-gritty details escape me though... Maybe looking at both your messages and the server console together ...?
command: "zone"
entities: Array[108]
id: 2
known: false
name: "Cards"
owner: 1
size: 108
command: "zone"
entities: Array[25]
id: 112
known: false
name: "Deck"
owner: 111
size: 25
command: "zone"
entities: Array[5]
id: 113
known: true
name: "Hand"
owner: 111
size: 5
Ahhh yes that makes perfect sense!
I think I know exactly (or pretty much) the logic behind it now
Dude; I know what we really need to document while we scrub through these messages.
@Phrancis We should put the order and explanation in here?
If you take care of just letting me know whenever you see something new, I can take care of adding and organizing the docs
"see something new"? From where?
As in, find out new things about the messages being sent?
Yeah sorry
Okay, I'll do that. Are you going to add the things you just found out?
Yeah shortly
Okay, awesome.
I'll go get the log for CC.
OK. Hey, try to do a mulligan this time to see what the messages look like
Do just 1 card so it will be easy to spot
I can't mulligan on the web client. Should I use the Java client?
Or should I try to copy a mulligan request?
Either really.
Did you like the list of messages, or would you prefer a server log?
I suspect it might just do another one of these
controller.js:31 1. zoneChange
controller.js:31 2. card
(maybe ^ with one extra zone change for the removed card)
List of messages is good. Log can be a bit daunting to parse by a human :)
Okay. I'll run the Java client so I can copy a mulligan request and then I'll try to send a mulligan request in the web client. It may take a few minutes.
Oh wait:
My old server log already has a mulligan request!
There ya go!
For later:
cardshifter.js:1280 1. player
cardshifter.js:1280 2. player
cardshifter.js:1280 3. zone
cardshifter.js:1280 4. zone
cardshifter.js:1280 5. zone
cardshifter.js:1280 6. zone
cardshifter.js:1280 7. zone
cardshifter.js:1280 8. zone
cardshifter.js:1280 9. card
cardshifter.js:1280 10. card
cardshifter.js:1280 11. card
cardshifter.js:1280 12. card
cardshifter.js:1280 13. card
cardshifter.js:1280 14. zone
cardshifter.js:1280 15. resetActions
cardshifter.js:1280 16. useable
cardshifter.js:1280 17. resetActions
^^ CC
(Don't worry about this now)
Eh, I'm not going to worry about trying to create the correct message from scratch: I'll just be a human list creator.
This goes on onto the end of the Mythos list (not the one directly above):
1. ZoneChangeMessage [entity=122, sourceZone=113, destinationZone=112]
2. ZoneChangeMessage [entity=143, sourceZone=112, destinationZone=113]
3. CardInfo (can't copy, but it's the new card)
4. Bunch of UpdateMessages
5. ResetAvailableActions
6. Bunch of UsableActionMessages
4-6+ is the start of the main flow of the game.
It makes sense:
1 is moving the card away, 2 is moving the new card in, and 3 is saying what that new card is.
Here is the server log:
[2015-08-11 22:40:47,813]  INFO Log4jAdapter [ai-thread-0] (     Log4jAdapter.java: 16) - Send to SIRPYTHON: UsableActionMessage [id=111, action=Mulligan, targetRequired=true, targetId=0]
[2015-08-11 22:40:48,034]  INFO Log4jAdapter [ai-thread-0] (     Log4jAdapter.java: 16) - Send to AI Fighter: com.cardshifter.api.outgoing.ResetAvailableActionsMessage@4e878957
[2015-08-11 22:40:50,941]  INFO ClientSocketHandler [    Conn-0] (ClientSocketHandler.java: 89) - Received from 6: SIRPYTHON @ / com.cardshifter.api.incoming.RequestTargetsMessage@1c02d052
I hope this helps.
@SirPython can you give any details on line 26-29 of the first log you posted?
The Mythos message list?
That was weird: when I went to run it again, I only got 3 zones after that card message group.
But when I ran it again again, I got 4 zones (again)
command: "zone"
entities: Array[25]
id: 112
known: false
name: "Deck"
owner: 111
size: 25
command: "zone"
entities: Array[0]
id: 118
known: true
name: "Battlefield"
owner: 115
size: 0
command: "zone"
entities: Array[5]
id: 117
known: false
name: "Hand"
owner: 115
size: 5
command: "zone"
entities: Array[22]
id: 116
known: false
name: "Deck"
owner: 115
size: 22
Do you make anything of this?
I think so, give me a min
Sure, take your time.
29 puzzles me a bit
Referencing back to this message:
6 mins ago, by SirPython
That was weird: when I went to run it again, I only got 3 zones after that card message group.
6 mins ago, by SirPython
But when I ran it again again, I got 4 zones (again)
Maybe it's an extra message?
Leave some ??s.
entities: Array[22] and unknown to player. What could it be... 3 cards short of "Deck"
Not sure if that's crucial to the game^ but I'd really like to know WTF that is
Maybe there's a comment somewhere in the Java code.
Messages 19 and 26 for the Mythos one appear to be exactly identical
1 hour ago, by SirPython
command: "zone"
entities: Array[25]
id: 112
known: false
name: "Deck"
owner: 111
size: 25
18 mins ago, by SirPython
command: "zone"
entities: Array[25]
id: 112
known: false
name: "Deck"
owner: 111
size: 25
They are identical.
Ah, maybe that's why I only got three messages that one time.
Maybe it's a server bug.
could very well be
I'll open up an issue just in case.
Will be hard to point until it can be repro reliably. Might not be worth the time especially if it's not going to screw up the web client
AFAIK there's not been a problem related to that with the Java and libGDX client
I just want to put it down so when somebody does come across, I should be ready to provide more information if needed.
> I was doing a little experimenting with the server and what messages it sends as soon as a game starts for Mythos. These are the messages that were received from the server:

controller.js:31 1. zoneChange
controller.js:31 2. card
controller.js:31 3. zoneChange
controller.js:31 4. card
controller.js:31 5. zoneChange
controller.js:31 6. card
controller.js:31 7. zoneChange
controller.js:31 8. card
controller.js:31 9. zoneChange
I notice there's never a "Battlefield" zone made for owner 111 on that Mythos one...
ECS is at the same time very cool and very weird.
Entity-component-system (ECS) is an architectural pattern that is mostly used in game development. An ECS follows the Composition over inheritance principle that allows greater flexibility in defining entities where every object in a game's scene is an entity (e.g. enemies, bullets, vehicles, etc.). Every Entity consists of one or more components which add additional behavior or functionality. Therefore the behavior of an entity can be changed at runtime by adding or removing components. This eliminates the ambiguity problems of deep and wide inheritance hierarchies that are difficult to understand...
Sounds very OO.
As I'm sure you're noticing working on this
                /* Owner 1 (you) card draw repeated initial 5 times */
1. zoneChange       // add to staging hand
2. card             // show card to you (as the client user)
3. zoneChange
4. card
5. zoneChange
6. card
7. zoneChange
8. card
9. zoneChange
10. card
                /* Opponent card draw repeated initial 5 times */
11. zoneChange      // add to staging hand
12. zoneChange
13. zoneChange
14. zoneChange
15. zoneChange
                /* Player entities */
16. player          // create player 1
So far, but I'm a bit stuck towards the end
That's coming along great.
"Chosen cards (5) shown in "Hand" zone after mulligan"
There was no mulligan-ing involved.
Still rewording, above is already out of date
Ah, I see.
Would the mulligan messages happen between 20 and 21 you think?
I sent you the mulligans afterwards:
1 hour ago, by SirPython
1. ZoneChangeMessage [entity=122, sourceZone=113, destinationZone=112]
2. ZoneChangeMessage [entity=143, sourceZone=112, destinationZone=113]
3. CardInfo (can't copy, but it's the new card)
4. Bunch of UpdateMessages
5. ResetAvailableActions
6. Bunch of UsableActionMessages
(read on after this time for the server log)
Sorry for the sudden departure, but I'm about to fall asleep at my desk. Have a good night /day/evening!
I'll answer any question tomorrow.
I don't blame you, just about there myself lol. Keep up the great work buddy and sleep well
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 63b47bc8 to mods: Documentation is like sex; when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing. (attempt at documenting Orde of Things)
@SirPython ^ Review and let me know what you think :)
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 63b47bc8 on mods: The Travis CI build passed
5 hours later…
Hi @skiwi
do you understand Cardshifter a bit better already? ;)
We sometimes lose track of things too
Haha yeah I'm getting into the server
Still don't know Groovy though, but one thing at a time
all you have to remember is that Groovy is... groovy
I'm reading the Wikipedia article on "Entity component system" linked by Phrancis above
For anyone here saying RPS is not a serious game:
@skiwi LOL
@jacwah Ah yes, ECS... Check out the commit I made last night on mods too, the "Order of Things" documentation - It's a bit messy, but it shows the ECS in our context to an extent
@SirPython my current documentation for Attacking cycle events I feel is quite old/messy so I'm hoping as you go through making the game board section we can improve it :)
@Phrancis I'm having trouble understanding the mulligan actions
__. usableAction        // mulligan is usable
__. requestTargets      // from owner, chooses to mulligan
__. availableTargets    // to owner, possible mulligan targets (array)
__. useAbility          // uses mulligan on selected targets
Wait, you're a duck. I think I understand now. I thought that requestTargets was used by the client to specify which cards to drop.
1. UsableActionMessage sent by server letting the client know to mulligan (we need to improve the UX on that at some point)
2. RequestTargetsMessage sent to the server after the player clicks Mulligan
3. AvailableTargetsMessage sent by server to client, so client can highlight the cards which can be mulligan (which right now is all of them)
4. UseAbilityMessage sent by the client after 0 or more targets are selected and OK button is pressed.
@jacwah Quack!
Feel free to improve it :) but if you do please stick to the mods branch for right now
Don't want to push this into develop until it actually makes sense
I guess I should play the game a bit more to actually know how the mechanics work. I thought it worked like in HS where the available targets always are shown
That would indeed be a good idea
The JavaFX client is pretty well made for understanding the mechanics
ttgtw, back in a bit
1 hour later…
Hey everyone!
Hey @Marc-Andre
hey @Marc-Andre
all day meetings... fuuuuck that
> :+1: for commit description
lol :P
Damn, university starts already at 31 august
I was too afraid to look the last weeks lol
@Phrancis Very nice work on the documentation! The only thing I would change is to specify that this is the startup for the Mythos mod, because CC starts up a little bit differently.
@skiwi We have a bank holiday here in the UK on the 31st august :D
Is there a to-do list I can look at? for HTML-Client
@DanPantry Check the issues.
@SirPython looks good to me. Thanks
> Could we have a consistent JSON style? The standard is foo_bar_baz as opposed to FOO_BAR_BAZ. This would make things easier to reason about when consuming the API.
The issues are a bit nebulous for someoen who has no idea what you want :P
i.e, lets say I want to do #29.
this doesnt have any hard and fast requirements and the 'tasks' don't say much either.
"Display organized data" - OK, how? what organized data?
@DanPantry The card data.
That should be in the issue. :P
Well, it is called the "card model".
@Phrancis would have a better idea.
Afterall, he is the one who made these.
@DanPantry Jelly
@Duga I believe they are allcaps because of how the server reads it or something like taht
@skiwi I get that much - is it in our control?r ight now theres mixed case
@DanPantry I don't think it's in our control right now
As in, if you change it, the server might break
But it might also not break xd
So we need to test it (and by we I mean you :P )
@Phrancis Sounds like a plan.
Procrastination level: Over 9000
Some days I feel like I should be a program architect rather than a programmer :P
Maybe I should start by implementing a game where the game ends as soon as it has started, make server and client-side support for that
@skiwi Hm. It sounds like it could use more of a plot.
@skiwi I don't see the point of the game...
@skiwi I think it's a good idea. Get to a point where it can be ran ASAP, and then add on from there
@Duga Only 25% to go :)
> @danpantry The upper case attributes are resources. They must all have have upper case names for some reason. Quoting [the DSL docs](https://github.com/Cardshifter/Cardshifter/blob/mods/Documentation/2-%20Card%20Library%20-%20Effects.md#resources):

>The name of the resource must always be ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES.

I guess this convention makes it easier to distinguish them from other things in JSON as well.
> In the section OWNER ENTITIES MULLIGAN ACTIONS, you wrote this message down: useAbility. While this is useful information, it is a little confusing: this is a list of all received messages, and useAbility is a sent message. It is fine if you keep this here, but it should be made very clear which ones are being sent and which are being received, and when you are aiming to show what is sent and when you are aiming to show what is received.
@Duga Now that's strange. In this message, MD is showing, but in this message, MD is not showing.
@SirPython Maybe only ` and * works?
I doubt it; I've tried using ` and * before in issue comments, and it doesn't work.
Maybe it's only issue comments.
@jacwah That's my point yes :P
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] SirPython pushed commit b68969db to game-board: added addToHand function for all CardInfoMessages (extremely dirty), added scope variables actionName and doingAction (more in HTML commit)
added buttons

The first button is a submit button with a changing value: this value changes depending on the current action that is allowed by the server (may have to resdesign this, based on what the server sends).

The second button is a cancel button that will stop the current action and is only shown if the user is attempting to do an action.
woot, finally figured out a star!
Some CS student there is disconnected from the real world
Makes me think my CS program is above average though
added list of repeating action buttons

Rather than having two buttons (one for an action and one for cancel which was extremely inflexible because there are multiple possible actions at once, and cancel isn't always possible), the code now uses `ng-repeat` to repeat as many buttons as needed to show all the user all their possible actions.

This is coming along quite well right now. Getting the action to the from the user should be fairly easy. However, creating the interface and getting the
now listens for resetActions and for usable

Upon receiving a resetActions, the code will clear the $scope.actions list.

Upon receiving a usable, the code will add a single action to the $scope.actions list.

Upon receiving either of these messages, the $scope.actions list will be changed which will cause the HTML to change, either deleting all the buttons or adding a button for completing an action.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] SirPython pushed commit 5e7b5d54 to game-board: added {{ }}s to the value of each action button so it doesn't show literally "action.action"
@skiwi Interesting article. Good thing I get to learn this stuff before going to uni :)
Fried chicken gyros for lunch, yum. Got a lot to catch on I see !
Hey, @Phrancis!
how's it going?
@Phrancis Friend chicken :(
It's going good. How are you?
@Marc-Andre No idea what you're talking about ;D
Finally getting to do some work today; cleaning up some ugly SQL first, and working to automate some ridiculously manual data updating
> The name "Server" should be reserved as well, since there's no other way to tell user messages from server messages in the chat.
> The name "undefined" also should be reserved, as it is used for client-bound chat message broadcasting to client. @SirPython can confirm that.
@jacwah That's very helpful, definitely!
Before uni I did code in PHP, MySQL, HTML and JavaScript quite a lot for toy projects, but not much on a big scale
Only at university I started learning Java and then just continued on my own ;)
@Marc-Andre Not his friend anymore!
I'm being put in a context where my mentor/colleague doesn't know much SQL (been using ad-hoc queries and copy/pasting keys from one query to the other) but knows enough about the business to explain to me what he does manually and why, so I write some documentation and start refactoring the queries to do some of the tedious stuff automagically :D
From reading "The Order of Things" and looking at logs, it seems like ids of the opponents cards are always sent to the client, and the fact that no CardInfo message has been sent is what keeps each client from knowing the opponents cards. Isn't this a problem if someone were to create a card like "put a card from the graveyard into your hand" or similar where CardInfo has been sent? Is there any safeguard against this (e.g. shuffling ids)?
@jacwah Right now there is no such thing as a "Graveyard" zone (we have an issue to add it) but that's a valid point. Let me give it some thought
I should really write a guide on how to get started on working on my game
It'd probably be something along the lines of: Step 1: Just start already!
@Phrancis Should I open an issue about it?
@jacwah Probably a good idea, if only to keep research and discussion in one place
started $scope.doAction and storePlayerInfo

$scope.doAction currently only sends a request for all targets. Maybe in the future this will hide all of the other action buttons and will show a cancel button as the user completes their action.

The storePlayerInfo is the listener for both of the player info message. If it receives a message talking about either player, it will store the index and ID of that player in either currentUser.game.playerInfo or currentUser.game.oppInfo. This had not ye
before a game starts, the user's player index will be stored in currentUser.game.playerInfo.index

This allows for the game board to detect when a Player Info message is either talking about this user or if it's talking about the opponent.
[Cardshifter/HTML-Client] SirPython pushed commit eef0f535 to game-board: storing player info works successfully, now stores opponent's name
added button for canceling

This canceling button will only show when the user is in the middle of performing an action.
now stores opponents username, added $scope.doingAction

Now, when reading the player messages that are sent from the server to describe each player, the code will store the opponents username for display purposes later in the design of the game board.

$scope.doingAction is a boolean value to tell whether or not the user is in the middle of completing an action. There are two functions that interact with this: $scope.doAction and $scope.cancelAction. $scope.doAction will set this value to tru
@SirPython Can you clarify how they differ? They look quite similar, if not basically identical to me
@Phrancis I started documenting CC here. You can see the differences in both the lists (look at the order of messages).
I'm sure that there is a pattern between the two that we can find that shows a strong similarity between the two.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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