it's not legal to play with that card in any tournaments.
Magic has different kinds of tournaments such as Standard, Extended, Modern, Legacy, Vintage. You have different sets of cards that are legal depending on which kind you play.
Chaos Confetti is not legal in any of those formats
@Simon work on the multiplayer server for UTTT and Battleship, and have a bot fight with maaartinus. And get rid of that reload spam when things are saved
> :cardshifter-console:compileGroovy Note: /Users/francisveilleux-gaboury/IdeaProjects/Cardshifter/cardshifter-console/src/main/java/com/cardshifter/console/ uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
^ Just saw that. I thought cardshifter-console itself was deprecated, perhaps we ought to just remove it altogether
Hm. ./gradlew build was successful, but ./gradlew clean build failed. Looking into the failed tests now
> java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<RUNNING> but was:<NOT_STARTED>
Must be that issue again, trying to clean build again now after quitting Java
well i want the Random instance to be created by the MainGame class, and i didnt really want every single IsoPoint to have a MainGame field, since they will never need it after the map generation
i guess i could pass it into the randomMove method though
@SimonAndréForsberg Do you think it could be fixed in the build process? I think it only appears after successful builds, at least for me. Perhaps the server is just not being shut down correctly after builds?
@Phrancis every time I get it is because I have an actual server running in the background. If you get the error when you make multiple builds in a row, that's not intended and not something I have experienced.
@bazola yes. exactly that. Does every IsoPoint also use some Random stuff?
@SimonAndréForsberg That's what I am experiencing (i.e. with multiple builds in a row). Not a big deal, but if I get to where I can repro predictably I'll open an issue
it feels impossible to do branches correctly. every time i start a branch I find myself doing at least Something that does not match the intended reason for the branch.. i guess i need to have more than one branch going at once and then merge them both back in?
@bazola I also tend to do other work than planned on the branches I work on, but screw it. I think it is more important to code things than on what branch you're doing them on, especially when it's just you work on it.
if you spend all your time designing the characters and outlining the story, you are going to lose the creative spark that brings individual scenes to life
@skiwi yes, that's absolutely something that is possible to do, technically. But to do that, we need to gather a whole lot of data about which cards are played. Currently, we have no such data. But why do you think I want to Extract statistics?
If you assume that no cards are made just for the fun, should then minions of the same rarity also be used roughly the same amount of times relatively?
I think a self-balancing game would sort of defeat the purpose of creating optimized decks, since for every balance adjustment you might have to go back and modify them
as long as it was only balanced based on the frequency of play, i think it could work. of course the players could all get together and specifically play cards they didn't like for a week in order to make them weaker ;)
@skiwi I think the main problem with your idea is that we are not at the point where we can possibly implement anything like that. We got other issues to deal with first.
@zippy1981 thanks for this!
Rubberduck VBA - Resharper like enhancements to the VBA IDE via @reddit
@zippy1981 you know, @rubberduckvba started by porting a #VBA home-made #UnitTesting "framework" to #CSharp: