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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 14 commits. 1 opened issue. 3 issue comments. 348 additions. 124 deletions.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 21 commits. 8801 additions. 2822 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 23 commits. 1 issue comment. 6404 additions. 2676 deletions.
[Vogel612/JavaBot] 1 commit. 1 deletion.
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper\‌​] 2 commits. 1 opened issue. 1 issue comment. 42 additions. 3 deletions.
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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ae850591 on groovy: The Travis CI build passed
1 hour later…
Where is @Duga?
3 hours later…
Q: Slurp JSON trading cards to valid HTML

PhrancisFor Cardshifter TCG we pretty frequently update our list of available cards, so I tried to think of a way to make it easy to transform an exported JSON file containing all the cards into a decent HTML file that I can update on our website. Each card's format looks like this: { "MAX_HEALTH" :...

@Simon ^^ in case you are interested in reviewing
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
hey (2)
2 hours later…
hey @skiwi and everyone!
hey @Marc-Andre
HearthStone cards :D
blocked here sadly
Maybe this works
[0mcreating an LSTM...
missing seed text, using uniform probability over first character
ding Restore, a 5 5 minion's turn, deal 2 damage to a random enemy.
Basic | Minion | Common | Neutral | Enca Gallsty | 4 | <b>Hero Power</b>
Summon a 2/2 Fire.
Credits | Minion | Legendary | Neutral | Mage Hardilg | 3 | 3 | 5 | <b>Deathrattle:</b> Your opponent pwats 3 capted a 1-deames to a random enemyeme.
Curse of Naxxramas | Spell | Common | Druid | Toten | 1 | Deal 2 damage to Deci.
nice did you take the desciption from the source code ?
of the web page ?
Of what exactly? do you mean
The card description
Generated by a recurrent neural network
Blackrock Mountain | Minion | Common | Shaman | Macthe | 4 | 3 | 5 | Whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 2/1 Totarng.
4 mana, 3 attack, 5 health
Basic | Spell | Free | Shaman | Other Hound | 3 | While this is in your hand, deal 2 damage to ALL other characters.
That's going to be my favorite for now
Debug | Spell | Common | Neutral | Draw 3 Cards | 0 | | 7 | <b>Spell Damage +1</b>
Confuse more please
Curse of Naxxramas | Hero Power | Token | Neutral | Eruption | 0 | <b>Hero Power</b>
Equip a weapon that grows as your opponent plays cards.
Basic | Spell | Free | Hunter | Timber Wolf | 1 | 1 | 1 | Your other Beasts have <b>Death</b>
It might have generated a pretty OP card
Curse of Naxxramas | Minion | Common | Neutral | Zombie Chow | 1 | 2 | 3 | <b>Deathrattle:</b> Resummon this minion."
@skiwi Are you a bot now ? :P
@Marc-Andre Yeah
It's something we could in theory use for Cardshifter to generate random cards
@Skiwi do : debug cobol for me (I hope your bot program has this command!)
It dies on COBOL!
If any of you have 3ds with Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, let me know!
Bummer, it now is fully-trained and pretty much only generates actual data
like the real cards and not made up ones?
@bazola Yeah
interesting that when it gets better trained, it gives less useful results
I'm trying to figure out what's exactly going on
It used a 128 node, 2 layer network; I'm gong to change that to a 512 node, 3 layer network
Not sure how long it will take to generate though
Wondering if the data changes a lot
And the maximum sequence length was 50, I'm putting that to 300
It's roughly the maximum length of a single line of encoded data
And appareantly, using an existing RNN model, you can still modify the randomness when generating samples
The latter might be particularly important actually
And I'll leave out the Missions, Debug, Credits, Blackrock Mountain and Curse of Naxxramas non-collectible cards
@Marc-Andre Any reason why you're looking for that?
@SimonAndréForsberg Trades, battles and other things!
@Marc-Andre I don't have it but I might know someone that does.
Actually I only need to filter on collectible: true :D
Bad @skiwi, you make me want to look into RNN's a lot more.
@SimonAndréForsberg You totally should! :D
@Simon work on the multiplayer server for UTTT and Battleship, and have a bot fight with maaartinus. And get rid of that reload spam when things are saved
System.out.println("Things to do is now: " + thingsToDo);
> Things to do is now: -2147483648
Just overflowed.
I'm surprised that generating test data only takes 89 lines of Groovy code!
Never underestimate Groovy.
After all, it is... wait for it... Groovy.
rnn@rnn-VirtualBox:/media/rnn-share$ th train.lua -data_dir data/hearthstone3 -gpuid -1 -eval_val_every 100 -rnn_size 512 -num_layers 3 -dropout 0.5 -seq_length 300
Hoping it works :D
It seems to be a bit slower than my previous one
Not exactly sure what the role of Lua is, but it definitely has a role
It does delegate to a library that does efficient math on either CPU or GPU, could aswell be C code
I have no clue why it loads so slow, all I see is that the VirtualBox is using the disk at 30 MB/s (combined reading;writing)
Or the VM just crashed
Eh wtf it's writing with 50 MB/s to my hard disk
Some weird stuff is going on, my RAM is also filled up, but the task manager doesn't show anything
you just created skynet
Maybe the network is physically too big to fit
One iteration also took 7 minutes, instead of 0.5 seconds
hey @Phrancis
> The enchantment approach will be re-designed a bit, this should be incorporated then as well. Issues related to that are #287 and #247.
> The problem is caused by HEALTH being referred inside a change XXX by inside a pick atRandom. This is probably related to the delegation strategies in Groovy. I hope they can be changed without breaking anything, otherwise we should implement a missingProperty method in the EffectDelegate class.
Q: Virtual Machine memory usage not appearing in TaskManager

Scott BussingerThere's something about Windows memory management and it's relationship to TaskManager that I don't understand and I'm hoping someone can enlighten me. If I'm running a virtual machine (doesn't matter if it's Virtual PC 2007, Virtual Server 2005, or VirtualBox since they act the same way) and br...

^^ I made my VM use too much memory
With size 256 and layers 2 it fits in my RAM
This new network is after 100 iterations clearly a lot smarter than the old one, cool to see
So now I'm still not sure about what to do in a year, Artificial Intelligence definitely has my interest aswell
1 hour later…
This is damn creepy, it just created a random secret
Classic | Spell | Rare | Warlock | Minro-Masthal | 6 | <b>Secret:</b> When a friendly minion dies, give another friendly minion +2/+5.
quite a powerful one
This was going somewhere...
Basic | Minion | Common | Neutral | Jeurin Shadxw | 2 | 3 | 2 | <b>Deathrattle:</b> Deal 2 damage to a minion. At the end of your turn, summon a 5/1 Fxins on tho beattlhasdy of disisis.
And then it gave up
It doesn't quite understand Secrets yet
Classic | Spell | Epic | Shaman | Enive Azunt | 1 | <b>Secret:</b> When your hero takes damage, gain +3/+3.
@Simon Just FYI - I tested the changes in actual gameplay last night before merging into groovy - Everything seems to work as intended, AFAIK
(Or it's horrible OP)
I think the next thing on my to-do list should be to start learning how to read/write the actual Groovy code for the game, and try to understand how it interacts with the core code...
New favorite!
Basic | Minion | Common | Neutral | Windfury Shaman Oge | 7 | 2 | 2 | <b>Windfury</b>
So that way maybe I can start helping to implement some of those 999999999 issues about new effects or changes to effects
@Phrancis That could help ;)
Classic | Minion | Common | Neutral | Arcent Drwech | 5 | 5 | 2 | <b>Battlecry:</b> Destroy your opponent's spels.
Holy shit, it generates OP cards
Classic | Minion | Common | Neutral | Fyrot Deaphh | 4 | 3 | 4 | Has +3 Attack for each other characters.
Classic | Minion | Epic | Neutral | Boubing Pither | Deal | 2 | 5 | 2 | <b>Battlecry:</b> Destroy your hero and summon a 2/2 Hell.
Classic | Spell | Epic | Hunter | Serser Ephite | 3 | 2 | 2 | <b>Battlecry:</b> Deal 5 damage to a random enemy minion with 3 or less Attack.
I think it's working!
Crap... I forgot to include a race attribute in the test data
Goblins vs Gnomes | Minion | Legendary | Neutral | Rezorid Power | 4 | 2 | 5 | At the start of your turn, destroy a random enemy minion.
@skiwi and includes monkey typos!
@Phrancis That would be great, but you should be warned: It's complicated stuff. Even I sometimes don't know how it works.
@SimonAndréForsberg The Groovy code used in the game, or Groovy in general?
the Cardshifter stuff
2 hours later…
Classic | Spell | Common | Priest | Light'ran | 5 | Deal $2 damage to all minions. If you have 12 or less Health, deal $3 damage instead.
That's valid as hell
[Zomis/StackSTV] Zomis pushed commit 9c84956e to master: returning an ElectionResult directly
Goblins vs Gnomes | Minion | Common | Neutral | Ogre Raver Cocrat | 3 | 2 | 3 | Whenever this minion survives damage, summon another Grim Patron.
Ogre Raver?
ogres love to party
Basic | Minion | Common | Neutral | Ficeraad Clar | 2 | 4 | 2 | <b>Battlecry:</b> Mine a friendly minion that died this turn.
Basic | Spell | Free | Warrior | Carma Eneme | 4 | <b>Silence</b> a minion. Shuffle 3 copies of it into your deck.
Basic | Minion | Free | Neutral | Algmm Comband | 5 | 4 | 4 | <b>Battlecry:</b> If your opponent has 6 or more cards in hand, summon a 1/1 Hound with <b>Charge</b>.
Not quite what was planned
Classic | Spell | Common | Shaman | Tarage Riger | 3 | Give a minion "<b>Deathrattle:</b> Resummon this minion into your opponent's deck.
Blackrock Mountain | Spell | Rare | Rogue | Saulong Shot | 3 | Deal $2 damage to a random minion from your opponent's deck and put them into your hand.
That's... inventive?
[Zomis/StackSTV] Zomis pushed commit 0acb273a to master: moved some code, added Code Review Shield
Um sure... Not particularly sensible though :)
@Phrancis @skiwi Just so you know, I am planning to answer both of your recent groovy questions. Probably tomorrow
2 hours later…
Mat's Mug vs. Simon André Forsberg: 121 diff. Year: +1011. Quarter: -493. Month: -493. Week: -64. Day: -45.
200_success vs. rolfl: 1717 diff. Year: +971. Quarter: +1305. Month: +1305. Week: +530. Day: +330.
200_success vs. janos: 16066 diff. Year: -3534. Quarter: -613. Month: -613. Week: -30. Day: -10.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 3483 diff. Year: -2293. Quarter: -697. Month: -697. Week: -18. Day: +1.

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