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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 10 commits. 3 opened issues. 618 additions. 502 deletions.
[Hosch250/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 248 additions. 79 deletions.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] 4 commits. 672 additions. 118 deletions.
[Vogel612/TranslationHelper\‌​] 4 commits. 2 closed issues. 87 additions. 4 deletions.
[Zomis/StackSTV] 1 commit. 208 additions. 40 deletions.
Saved Cardshifter/Cardshifter
Saved Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io
Saved Cardshifter/extra-resources
Saved ckuhn203/Rubberduck
Saved Hosch250/MeekSTVVoteCounter
Saved Hosch250/ResxEditor
Saved Hosch250/ResxTranslationHelper
Saved Hosch250/Rubberduck
Saved Phrancis/GroovySwingPostgres
Saved rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck
Saved ShearOfDoom/Cactus
Saved skiwi2/BusinessSoftware
Saved StackExchange/StackExchange.DataExplorer
Saved Vannevelj/RoslynTester
Saved Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics
Saved Vogel612/TranslationHelper
Saved Zomis/BrainDuck
Saved Zomis/CodeReview-Shield
Saved Zomis/Duga
Saved Zomis/Minesweeper-Analyze
Saved Zomis/Prosit
Saved Zomis/Rubberduck
Saved Zomis/StackSTV
Saved Zomis/SudokuSharp
Saved Zomis/test
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit ed17095c to mods: Updated modding documentation to account for need of Scrap resources for Enchantments. Related to Issue #325
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ed17095c on mods: The Travis CI build passed
5 hours later…
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit b7c08d15 to mods: A few Hindu cards
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit b7c08d15 on mods: The Travis CI build passed
card('VISHNU') {
    creature 'Hindu'
    flavor 'The All-Pervading One. "Whatever that is there is the world of change."'
    attack 5
    health 5
    sickness 1
    manaCost 10
    onEndOfTurn {
        pick 1 atRandom (
                { change HEALTH by 1 on  { thisCard() } },
                { change ATTACK by 1 on  { thisCard() } },
                { change HEALTH by -1 on { thisCard() } },
                { change ATTACK by 2 on  { thisCard() } },
                { set SICKNESS to 2 on   { thisCard() } }
Should be interesting... if it compiles ;)
5 hours later…
I think I'm goign to play around with... mtgsalvation.com/forums/creativity/custom-card-creation/…
On HearthStone data
Maybe we can one day use it here
@skiwi That is not going to happen. We are quite dependent on the dynamic features of Groovy
@SimonAndréForsberg I think I read that you can compilestatic only the DSL definition part
@Phrancis the problem seems to be that the test takes too long time. probably gets stuck somewhere.
@skiwi but even that part is quite dependent on the dynamic features.
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm just thinking there are possibilities, but it won't be a while until I look at that
for example, the manaCost method is added at runtime, not compile time. So it's not possible to make it auto-detect that method.
> It seems like the correct syntax might be:

targets 1 cards {
creature true
ownedBy 'you'
zone 'Battlefield'
3 hours later…
@bazola If you have the time for it, it's really cool
I booted up a Ubuntu VM for it
Would like to use the host GPU though, not sure yet how to do that
i will take a look at some point
@Simon work on the multiplayer server for UTTT and Battleship, and have a bot fight with maaartinus. And get rid of that reload spam when things are saved
Update CoreBotCommands.java

Dropped the compilation-stopping import
one thing i always struggle with in OOP games is what to call giving and taking cards or objects
when a Player object gets a card, should the method be called getCard or takeCard? the player is taking the card.. so takeCard seems right
if i called it getCard then that seems like the Player should be the one giving the card.. but i dunno
if you call it getCard it sounds like the player has a property named card
Just merged a PR with the German translation! We'll release it with the next bugfix release.
@SimonAndréForsberg yeah i think i use give in my code in a couple places, the meaning being that the Player object is giving a card or whatever
Alternatively you could use an event pipeline and add something along the lines of PlayerDrawCard and let it resolve
Uh, I'm stupid
so I am playing around with that RNN for HearthStone cards, and I fed the network literally the JSON data, but more common is to encode the cards such that they fit in one line
	"name":"Oonis Snapjawa",
	"text":"Deal $1 damage to a minion. If that killh mmanans damaged +3 Attack this turn.",
	"flavor":"0owess leced atten marions from wrack this sold whan Vis jast solr ont yhe doves of Jarr of sound than, that'le woad.",
	"artist":"Justin Sweet",
	"howToGet":"Unlocked at Level 1.",
	"howToGetGold":"Unlocked at Level 49.",
	"name":"Coin's Vengence",
	"text":"<b>Hero Power</b>\nDraw a card a daur on your opponent's increaclers.",
If that would only be readable ^^
It's a spell that gives you a hero power, how awesome is that
And there's the downright creepy ones... A 0/2 5-mana minion that restores 2 health for a Warlock
It managed to recognize that health regen on Warlock cards is very rare
@rubberduckvba thank you @vogel612 for all the hard work! Check out his translation helper project: https://github.com/Vogel612/TranslationHelper
One of the most astonishing parts is that I give it data in a JSON format, it has absolute no clue what JSON is, and it generates output in a JSON format
thats crazy
sounds very interesting
how ugly is this code do you think? its for a game similar to hearts/spades
private Card getWinningCard() {
    Card[] trick = (Card[]) this.currentTrick.toArray();

    //check for wilds
    List<Card> wildsPlayed = new ArrayList<Card>();
    for (int i = 0; i < trick.length; i++) {
        Card cardPlayed = trick[i];
        if (cardPlayed.suit == CardSuit.WILD) {
    if (wildsPlayed.size() > 0) {
        Card[] wilds = (Card[]) wildsPlayed.toArray();
@bazola can you use Java 8 ? Is it for LibGDX?
its libGDX at the moment, yeah
however if i made the game multiplayer i could use Java 8 because all of this would be on the server side
I see some cases where you can use a for-each loop instead, but other than that it's quite alright.
i wish i could do Arrays.sort on lists
does that work with comparators?
can sort by natural order as well
ugh, that sucks :)
doesn't suck at all really
sucks that i have to rewrite a bunch of code!
you could have asked earlier ;)
i wish i had known earlier because I used a similar setup for the city builder, and had to cast to arrays there too
12 hours ago, by Phrancis
card('VISHNU') {
    creature 'Hindu'
    flavor 'The All-Pervading One. "Whatever that is there is the world of change."'
    attack 5
    health 5
    sickness 1
    manaCost 10
    onEndOfTurn {
        pick 1 atRandom (
                { change HEALTH by 1 on  { thisCard() } },
                { change ATTACK by 1 on  { thisCard() } },
                { change HEALTH by -1 on { thisCard() } },
                { change ATTACK by 2 on  { thisCard() } },
                { set SICKNESS to 2 on   { thisCard() } }
Getting a failure in cardshifter-core:test, weird one haven't seen before
13:21:04.830 [DEBUG] [TestEventLogger]     Include cardset common: Included 16 cards
13:21:05.148 [DEBUG] [TestEventLogger]     Include cardset chinese: Included 17 cards
13:21:06.175 [DEBUG] [TestEventLogger]     Include cardset greek: Included 63 cards
I have isolated it to that card by process of elimination, but; I have no clue why it's not taking it...
hey @Phrancis
@Phrancis Almost finding new ways to break Cardshifter ;)
"text":"Deal $1 damage. Dis a card."
> Dis a card.
	"name":"Rolodfire Elite",
	"text":"<b>Battlecry:</b> Restore 6 Health to your hero.",
	"flavor":""by hagg and wo Shitld is Poluliye Champing If pood of a change, is it?\" -re whure in her there grangh gu.",
	"artist":"Grenn Rane",
	"howToGet":"Unlocked at Level 1.",
	"howToGetGold":"Unlocked at Level 49."
@skiwi Literally I am - That's what tests are for right?
This is just awesome (and spammish)
	"name":"Murloc Tidehunter",
	"text":"<b>Battlecry:</b> Summon a 1/1 Silver Hand Recruit.",
	"flavor":"It's spells like these that make it hard for Warlocks to get decent help.",
	"artist":"Lars Grant-West",
It understands that Silver Hand Recruits belong to Paladins
It just created a hero that has Taunt
@Phrancis hmm... it might be a special case of change xxx inside a pick atRandom effect... make it an issue. Have you seen a change xxx by work any time inside a pick atRandom?
@SimonAndréForsberg Let me inspect the other cardsets real quick
@SimonAndréForsberg Looks like you're right. damage and heal look like they work fine inside pick n atRandom but change and set this is the first time I've tried
> The following effect causes failures n `com.cardshifter.core.GroovyTest` :

onEndOfTurn {
pick 1 atRandom (
{ change HEALTH by 1 on { thisCard() } },
{ change ATTACK by 1 on { thisCard() } },
{ change HEALTH by -1 on { thisCard() } },
{ change ATTACK by 2 on { thisCard() } },
{ set SICKNESS to 2 on { thisCard() } }

Failure header below, and here is [full stack trace](ht
1 hour later…
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 223784a6 to mods: A few more Hindu cards
It's pretty annoying it looks like often I have to Quit Java entirely between builds, otherwise it fails one of the server connection tests. Even after a successful build...
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 223784a6 on mods: The Travis CI build passed
I'm finding myself using pick atRandom a lot in Hindu cardset, this should make for interesting, unpredictable game play
All the Hindu gods are so multi-faceted that it just seems like it fits well
@Phrancis try gradlew clean
I'm not quite sure how you build/test/anything
I always do ./gradlew clean build
is the purpose of that to only run the tests, or is it something more?
do you ever start the game, or do you just run the tests?
Just run the tests after adding a few cards at a time
Usually with --debug so I can see where it's failing, if anywhere
Does that ^^ seem odd to you?
what happens if you kill that process? I'm thinking that it might be IntelliJ
If I kill it it does not start back up when I go back to IntelliJ
Let me start another build and see if that's when it pops back up
Hm, failed that test again
Class com.cardshifter.server.main.ServerConnectionTest
java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<RUNNING> but was:<NOT_STARTED>
	at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:88)
	at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(Assert.java:743)
	at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:118)
	at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:144)
	at com.cardshifter.server.main.ServerConnectionTest.testPlayGame(ServerConnectionTest.java:148)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
@Phrancis so you don't notice anything when you kill that process?
Nope, nothing noticeable
Whether the build is success or failure, that process (last screenshot PID 1407) keeps running afterwards
that's strange
Sampling process 1407 for 3 seconds with 1 millisecond of run time between samples
Sampling completed, processing symbols...
Analysis of sampling java (pid 1407) every 1 millisecond
Process:         java [1407]
Path:            /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_20.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java
Load Address:    0x108b02000
Identifier:      java
Version:         1.0 (1.0)
Code Type:       X86-64
Parent Process:  ??? [1]

Date/Time:       2015-07-12 16:37:40.115 -0400
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.5 (13F1096)
I just did the exact same build that just failed, after quitting Java process (again) and this time it built. No change at all to the code. WTF
> @Zomis What is the final syntax on this effect? I just realized it has not been documented yet.
> Like this:

withProbability(0.5) {
summon 1 "Gyrodroid" ownedBy "you" zone "Battlefield"
card('YAMA') {
    creature 'Hindu'
    flavor 'The first mortal who died, now the Ruler of the Departed.'
    attack 4
    health 6
    sickness 1
    manaCost 10
    onDeath { withProbability(0.7) { heal 2    on { creature true; ownedBy 'you'; zone 'Battlefield' } } }
    onDeath { withProbability(0.7) { damage 2  on { creature true; ownedBy 'opponent'; zone 'Battlefield' } } }
@Simon ^^ like that?
OK, let me make sure that compiles, then I'll document it :)
Cool, it built
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 8461a14c to mods: added Buddha and Shiva Hindu cards
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit addaf8b2 to mods: Documented withProbability() effect modifier
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit addaf8b2 on mods: The Travis CI build passed
afterPlay {
    repeat(2) {
        damage 1 to 1 random { creature true; ownedBy 'opponent'; zone 'Battlefield' }
Got a test error on this^
Oh wait
I always get to and on mixed up
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit fab5eca4 to mods: Finished Hindu deck #231
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit fab5eca4 on mods: The Travis CI build passed
  "MAX_HEALTH" : 4,
  "SICKNESS" : 1,
  "MANA_COST" : 15,
  "ATTACK" : 7,
  "HEALTH" : 4,
  "flavor" : "Goddess armed with Celestial Weapons of all Deities.",
  "name" : "DURGA",
  "description" : "Deal 1 damage to 1 random creatures owned by opponent on Battlefield\n 2 times\n\n0.5 % chance to Deal 1 damage to 1 random creatures owned by opponent on Battlefield\n at start of your turn",
  "type" : "Hindu God"
I'm amazed how well the DSL is translated to the English description, even with quite complicated effects!
@Phrancis I did my best with it
Mat's Mug vs. Simon André Forsberg: 166 diff. Year: +1056. Quarter: -448. Month: -448. Week: -19. Day: -19.
200_success vs. janos: 16076 diff. Year: -3524. Quarter: -603. Month: -603. Week: -20. Day: -20.
200_success vs. rolfl: 1387 diff. Year: +641. Quarter: +975. Month: +975. Week: +200. Day: +200.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 3482 diff. Year: -2294. Quarter: -698. Month: -698. Week: -19. Day: -19.
Hmm, git is not recognizing that the .deck files I just created are part of the project, no matter if I add through IDEA or through file system.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 25243808 to master: Create Chinese Focus.deck
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 34b44ad3 to master: Create Hindu Focus.deck
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 192fbe12 to master: Create Greek Classic.deck
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 2c02c5d0 to master: Create Greek Dark.deck
Shit, didn't mean to do that on master.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit d6edecb8 to mods: Create Chinese Focus.deck
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit ffde90fb to mods: Create Hindu Focus.deck
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 1fd57af9 to mods: Create Greek Classic.deck
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 25243808 on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit ae850591 to mods: Create Greek Dark.deck
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 34b44ad3 on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 192fbe12 on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 2c02c5d0 on master: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed 21 commits to groovy
@Duga @SimonAndréForsberg Can you check that pull request and see if we're good to merge into develop?
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit d6edecb8 on groovy: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ffde90fb on groovy: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ae850591 on groovy: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit 1fd57af9 on groovy: The Travis CI build passed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build for commit ae850591 on groovy: The Travis CI build passed

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