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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 12 commits. 4 opened issues. 9 issue comments.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 18 commits. 1 opened issue. 6 closed issues. 6 issue comments.
[Vannevelj/VSDiagnostics] 14 commits. 2 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 1 issue comment.
[Zomis/Duga] 1 issue comment.
[Zomis/AIScorers] Zomis pushed commit cfea0498 to master: corrected deploy
[Zomis/Fighting] Zomis pushed commit 62d15daf to master: corrected deploy
[Zomis/Fighting] Zomis pushed commit 61664fe8 to master: updated gitignore
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #1097 for commit 6b6de976 on branch gradle passed
> I see, and thus lies my issue with it. Logically if I have an army, no mater their attributes you cannot get to me until you defeat them, I feel it should be the same with this. In regards to that, "Taunt" can roughly work the same, instead you are only able to attack a unit with taunt, and no other units. Ultimately, unanimous decision I guess, but that is just my opinion.
> I don't see what Taunt has to do with Trample, really. About your concerns with the Taunt functionality and however all units should have that or not, I recommend creating a new issue.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit d68eab8f to groovy-main: added groovy plugin to all modules except -api, changed Entity.java to Entity.groovy
@SimonAndr, your build reported bad status: Failed!
Uh oh
> @jay1148 Cyborg Chronicles has auto-taunt for all units at all times. We're just trying something a bit different, that is, closer to Hearthstone attack rules, with Mythos; hence the different logic. Both can be fun, really, as long as we take care to balance the game accordingly. I say we give this logic a spin for a while and try to make it work. If it really doesn't, then we change it
Sounds good.
@Jay1148 We should also come up with some new material for Cyborg Chronicles
yesterday, by Phrancis
TODO: Make more cards for Cyborg Chronicles
Not that we need dozens and dozens of new cards, but to get 10-12 new ones in would be good
I get the feeling that is a stab at the amount of greek cards I have.
It's not
We've had the same 30-or-so cards for Cyborg since the beginning, I've been wanting to make more though
It's great to have cards for Mythos, and definitely has brought evidence for one of our biggest challenges since day one, that is: Can this be moddable, flexible, and easy?
I just want also for Cyborg to not "fall behind" as I feel it is a really fun game with interesting mechanics :)
Sure thang jane, after Greek is finished, I can work on doing more cards for Cyborg
jane? lol
Actually if you want to grab another mythology, at your preference, I can do Cyborg
Just LMK
2 hours later…
I can do that.
4 hours later…
@SimonAndréForsberg Ah yes, give it permissions
Inside one of my repository (I don't know which one) I have done that
2 hours later…
@skiwi no worries, I managed to solve google that part.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit 31552a1a to groovy-main: adding more test output, to make it easier to see what fails in Travis
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #1099 for commit 31552a1a on branch groovy-main still failing
@SimonAndr, your build reported bad status: Still Failing!
@SimonAndréForsberg Your tests disagree
Oh right, you solved that issue
exactly ^^
one issue solved, two more gets created...
This is Cardshifter
Why on earth is there a Powerpoint file in our repository? :D
@skiwi it's a design file, for how @Phrancis wants the client to look
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit ed4d7591 to groovy-main: changed directory for Groovy-modloader files. Added task to copy resources to classpath when running tests
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #1100 for commit ed4d7591 on branch groovy-main still failing
@SimonAndr, your build reported bad status: Still Failing!
@SimonAndréForsberg Ah okay
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit 8777b5fb to groovy-main: changed language to groovy in travis yml, and avoiding running parallel
Okay @Travis, how about now?
Hello World
task duga {
    new URL( 'http://stats.zomis.net/GithubHookSEChatService/bot/say/Hello%20World' ).text

c:\Users\Simon\Documents\workspace\Cardshifter>gradlew duga
Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
Added credentials method
:duga UP-TO-DATE

God, I love Gradle!
New Test!
New Test!
New Test!
New Test!
New Test!
Another Test!
something like that, yes!
but invoking @Duga from Gradle is quite cool, don't you think @skiwi?
@SimonAndréForsberg True
What's the use of it though?
Or wait
You invoke regular text commands via it, not the hooks?
Damn, I hate writing documentation
@skiwi I invoke it through gradle tasks
@skiwi There's always use of invoking @Duga!
@skiwi That looks really cool, did you make that?
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Zomis pushed commit ebce5520 to groovy-main: added snapshot task to gradle build to be able to easily create and distribute snapshots
@Phrancis It's a program called 'Gource'
@Phrancis Haha, nope, wish I would
@Duga Nice!
what do you think of this @SimonAndréForsberg?
private Color getColorForDesire(int desire) {
    float mainColor = desire * 0.01f;
    float remainder = Math.max(0, (mainColor - 1.0f)*0.5f);
    float minimumMainColor = 0.2f;
    float baseOtherColors = 0.1f + remainder;
    float alpha = 1.0f;
    return new Color(baseOtherColors, baseOtherColors, mainColor + minimumMainColor, alpha);
I like it @bazola! Looks like you're making use of a bit of math! The brighter blue, the more 'desire'?
I'm messing with displaying the different information from the game world in nice ways
That's really cool @bazola
I've got almost 60 buildings now
60 distinct building types? Or a total of 60 on the map?
60 distinct ones
WOW. It's unbelievable how fast you are progressing with this!
the game crashes on the iPod 5 if the map is over about 400 in size
yeah I've been pretty inspired on this particular project
the images are png so they are tiny files, so all of them together are less than 15mb, and they have really high quality when you zoom in:
Oh wow
What do you make the graphics with?
that magicavoxel program I've been linking
> Heracles – Hero – Champion
Flavor Text – Ascended hero, Son of Zeus, and divine protector of mankind.
Attack – 6
Health – 8
Mana – 25
Sickness – 0
Effect – When Heracles comes into play, deal +3 damage randomly to target unit or player.
Effect – Add +1/+1 to all Hero units on the field.
> This can be a tricky one. Some spells may have things like "Choose one: Deal 1 damage or draw 1 card".

This will involve GUI as well as core.
@Phrancis "deal +3 damage randomly to target unit or player." ?
@Phrancis that add +1/+1 effect, is that intended to be a one-time only or while present?
How do you deal damage randomly to a single target?
pickAtRandom along with some more inner effects, I'm guessing
Won't really know until I start typing it out. Some of those are quite complex
Got a 14 page Word document filled with cards lol.
I'll leave commented out any effect that is not implement yet. Please do add a reminder to Duga if you implement one and I'm not present, so I can document as we go along
> Tartarean Pit – Location
Flavor Text – Prison of the Titans
Attack – X
Health – X
Mana – 20
Sickness – 2
Effect – Attack and health are equal to the number of Titans cards on the field.
Effect – At the end of your turn, if a unit was sent to the graveyard add two +2/+2 Titan token to the field.
He spent some time on this, that's for damn sure.
@Phrancis I'm thinking that he might mean to deal a random amount of between 1-3 damage. You'd better ask him though.
or maybe he just did a typo
Looks like we'll need a count modifier of some kind, to count the number of X present in zone Y
Attack and health are equal to the number of Titans cards on the field.
I'll file an issue. I think this one can wait a while though, like 0.7/0.8
that is a combination of whilePresent along with github.com/Cardshifter/Cardshifter/issues/240
Ah ok, didn't know there was that already
Jay's participation certainly has brought a lot of interesting new challenges
As if we didn't have challenges already
@SimonAndréForsberg do you think that these maps use a lot of memory? I've been working on not creating any objects in continuous loops
private Map<Integer, Color> createDesireColors() {
    Map<Integer, Color> desireColors = new HashMap<Integer, Color>();
    for (int i = -150; i < 150; i++) {
        desireColors.put(i, this.getColorForDesire(i));
    return desireColors;
private Map<Integer, Color> createPopulationColors() {
    Map<Integer, Color> populationColors = new HashMap<Integer, Color>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 350; i++) {
        populationColors.put(i, this.getColorForPopulation(i));
    return populationColors;
shouldn't take too much memory, no. But you could use Color[] instead.
card('ZEUS') {
    creature "Greek God"
    flavor "God of the sky, ruler of Mount Olympus."
    health 8
    sickness 1
    manaCost 30
    attack 8
    pickAction {
        // (3) Deal +1 damage to target creature or player per turn.
        { damage 1 to target cost 3 mana }
        // (5) Deal +5 damage to target creature or player per turn.
        { damage 3 to target cost 3 mana }
or you can also calculate the colors as you need them. Don't think the performance overhead for that should be too big. But storing in maps or arrays is also fine.
@Phrancis Is that pickAction a "choose one" thing?
Yeah. Tentative syntax.
Or wait, it is an ability that you can activate at maximum once per turn, right?
I would assume so
Right. That can be implemented with some tricks already. Not in a very easy way though
I used the "action" wording as it seems to reflect that best. That mechanic is absent from HS, but common in MTG and YGO
@SimonAndréForsberg yeah i am still unsure as to where to draw that line, but kinda seems like any time you can pre-calculate and pre-allocate objects, that you should do so
@SimonAndréForsberg Hmm. Should we implement with "not easy" tricks or make an easier way?
an array is a good idea for something even more lightweight, but yeah I am not seeing a performance increase for these optimizations (although I am not watching FPS or anything)
@bazola as long as it's not too many objects, I think it's a good idea.
@Phrancis we make an easier way.
of course, an array won't work with negative values...
that can be solved by shifting the indexes
colors[i + 150] = colorFor(i);
@bazola You've been wokking hard!
@skiwi yes i have! but actually the code has been a lot less time than the artwork
@bazola I can imagine
i just hope the game is fun.. the biggest problem of sim city style gameplay is that once your city starts making money, you can leave the game running in order to accumulate lots of it and beat the game without trying
i think thats why they had disasters
Btw, this is the design we are using for our program
Something like a Router-View-Action-Store-API-Service-Model pattern
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 49e8c557 to mods: Add Zeus, Hades, Cronus, some tokens
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #1103 for commit 49e8c557 on branch mods passed
@skiwi looks complicated!
@bazola It's actually very modular
@Duga @Phrancis Will there also be an Olympus has fallen spell?
> Mount Olympus – Location
Flavor Text –Paradise for the Gods.
Attack – 0
Health - 8
Mana – 20
Sickness – 2
Effect – Add +2/+2 to all gods on the field.
Effect - Add +5 attack to this card if Zeus is on the field.
Apollo – God
Flavor Text – God of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, and prophecy.
Attack – 2
Health – 4
Mana – 5
Sickness – 2
Effect - (3) Choose one per turn: Target player or unit gains +2 health, target player or unit looses +2 health.
I'm happy to say that, it went well :)
(can't say more right now)
> I suggest syntax like pickAction (to be consistent with pickAtRandom) although chooseAction would be OK too. I do think we need the word "action" in there as to be completely clear what the intent is.
@Simon Remove this reminder!
posted on June 04, 2015 by Guillaume Laforge

It's been a busy and intense week here at Copenhagen for GR8Conf Europe 2015! Great interactions and discussions with the Groovy community, and flawless organization. I had the chance to present three talks this year, and I'm embedding my slides below. First of all, I've given the usual Groovy keynote, with a Groovy state of the union. Later on, I gave a talk on Groovy style! With

@SimonAndréForsberg What is the deal with Groovy's GDK? Does it replace the JDK?
@skiwi Umm.... not entirely sure. Maybe?
getting a little bit better at nine patch:
@SimonAndréForsberg I don't know, you don't know?
@bazola nice nice. But there's a little optical illusion between all the buttons there. When I look at one, the others look gray
@skiwi Do you ask for a specific purpose or do you just want to know?
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm reading th rough the slides and they keep mentioning that they improve the GDK
@SimonAndréForsberg like in the gaps in between them?
@bazola exactly
@skiwi what slides?
never thought that i would run into something like that! lol
@SimonAndréForsberg The one the feed just posted ;)
> Later on, I gave a talk on Groovy style! With interesting tips'n tricks, programming style advice. - See more at: glaforge.appspot.com/article/…
This set of slides is really cool @SimonAndréForsberg (It's the middle one)
very interesting
Q: Avoiding the Hermann grid illusion

dB'I'm a UX newbie and I'm trying to design a page of image thumbnails. I came up with this: The trouble is that this layout creates the Hermann Grid illusion. When looking at the grid, most people see flickering black dots in the corners. These dots don't exist in reality; they're created by th...

@bazola That's interesting
@skiwi I knew all that already. Guess why I've been using Groovy recently?
@SimonAndréForsberg You knew all of it?
Meanwhile I'm stuck with Python...
@skiwi Groovy truth, no need for parentesis, super advanced switch, no need for return statement etc.... yup, I knew it.
Good good
Unfortunately I don't think I'll be programming a lot in Groovy for the website I want to make
Mostly frontend stuff
    pick 1 atRandom (
        { damage 3 to "opponent" },
        { damage 3 to 1 random { creature true owner "opponent" } }
@Simon are spaces option in card effect filters?
{ creature true owner "opponent" }
oh, that. no.
need to be separate lines, or I think creature true; owner "opponent" could work
So, they need to be there, if there is more than one parameter within the braces?
well, you could write {creature true; owner "opponent"} also if you wanted
or even {creature true;owner "opponent"}
OK that works for me :)
@Simon I'm finding out of another something we might need in case we don't have it yet...
Right now I have 3 creatureTypes in the Greek file: "Greek", "Greek Hero", "Greek God"
@Phrancis Ah, and you'd like 'Greek' and 'Hero / God' to be treated separately, right?
My question would be, is it possible to use a wildcard of some kind
Well yes, I suppose that's a good way to put it
I was thinking of the SQL-like syntax "Greek%" but other approaches would be good too
Alternatively, can a card entity have more than one creatureType?
@Phrancis that is a quite important feature in some occasions. Make an issue for that.
OK will do
I do not plan on using wildcards explicitly (but that can actually be possible using some tricks)
> It should be possible to do something like this:

`card('HeroBot') { creature "Mech"; creature "Hero" }`

Or more elegantly:

`card('HeroBot') { creature "Mech", "Hero" }`
Update 2) Card Library - Effects.md

Fixed an error in examples
> @Zomis thanks for making the distinction. Perhaps we should name them beforeAttacked and afterAttacked to eliminate ambiguity?
// When this card is attacked, but not destroyed, it gains +1 attack.
afterAttacked {
    change ATTACK by 1 onCards { thisCard() }
@Simon ^^ can you confirm if this would work as expected, in your mind?
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #1104 for commit 2b9927a6 on branch mods passed
@Phrancis confirmed
What if I used HEALTH instead? Would the card be removed prior to the change in resource being applied?
Or would it be essentially impossible to kill by attacking?
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit cc1e67fb to mods: Add Cronus, Heracles, Hydra
The order of events is:
Activate the action: ActionPerformEvent - before
Action is attack: AttackEvent - before
Damage is dealt: DamageEvent - before
DamageEvent - after
Entity might be removed: EntityRemoveEvent - before & after
AttackEvent - after <--- here your `afterAttacked` will be triggered, if card is alive
ActionPerformEvent - after
@Phrancis ^^
I need to write that down somewhere in the documentation
So if we would allow the use of afterDamaged also, then it will trigger before entity is killed
I'm not sure that afterDamaged would be particularly desirable?
(probably be more confusing than anything)
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #1105 for commit cc1e67fb on branch mods passed
@Phrancis probably call it by a different name if we decide to use it
@SimonAndréForsberg Could you pin that temporarily so I don't forget it? I'll put it in the docs tonight
// Add +5 attack to this card if Hades is on the field.
ifPresent (card "HADES", zone "Battlefield") {
    change ATTACK by 5 withPriority 2 onCards { thisCard() }
@Simon does this resemble at all what an ifPresent might look like?
@Phrancis not sure yet.
OK, I'll leave it like that for now and change as needed
I'm glad this 'F___ing' work day is FINALLY over.
in VBA Rubberducking, 7 hours ago, by Phrancis
Hmm. Old pricing is gone as of today. New pricing... nowhere to be found. Oh, and our website is broken too.
See you from home in a few
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit c5e2dd4c to mods: Add Underworld
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #1106 for commit c5e2dd4c on branch mods passed
And home
@Simon is there an issue open for onKill trigger already?
// When this card destroys another creature card and that card
// goes to the graveyard, this card gains +1/+1.
> A trigger that fires when a card kills another card, for instance

onKill {
change ATTACK, HEALTH by 1 withPriority 1 onCards { thisCard() }
janos vs. Loki Astari: 7588 diff. Year: +8960. Quarter: +3294. Month: +580. Week: +740. Day: +205.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 4407 diff. Year: -1344. Quarter: -45. Month: +20. Week: +85. Day: -10.
Simon André Forsberg vs. Mat's Mug: 375 diff. Year: -566. Quarter: -1316. Month: +30. Week: +25. Day: -25.
200_success vs. rolfl: 302 diff. Year: -416. Quarter: -259. Month: +230. Week: +253. Day: +26.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] Phrancis pushed commit 23cf1064 to mods: More cards

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