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[Vogel612/trogskon] 1 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Vogel612/JavaBot] 14 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader] 3 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 7 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 3 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
10 hours later…
[Vogel612/trogskon] Vogel612 edited wiki page Model
hiya @Duga
@Vogel612 hey!
gg... german companies now searching JAVA Developers
Oh, great! I'll never get a job!
I don't do JAVA!
Ehh I have to write an application anyways..
else I won't get money :(
aaaand instant reply: "Ya we got it, we'll look over it"
gotta love online applications
now. into python object orientation!
online applications? sounds new to me
@skiwi you know me don't you!
@skiwi that's kinda standard now in Germany.
@Duga Who are you?
oh ok
@skiwi I am an online application, who is currently having some issues connecting to my own database but that is another story..
I thought about applications as in trying to get a job
@skiwi yes that's what I actually meant..
you do that with an online application (as in Duga) now
Yeah.. but I meant application as in an application on a job offer
you apply to a job offer by uploading some pdf's and filling in some form-fields
Yeah, that's what I mean
So we actually do mean the same?
> fixed deserialization of PingEvent
@Duga Huh, there was a bug with it?
@skiwi small one that @Simon introduced recently
@Duga Ah ok @Duga!
4 hours later…
@Duga seems to have become much more talkative!
Will this update ^^ affect anything to do with using Cardshifter?
@Phrancis Doubt it
@bazola no idea what you are talking about
I haven't seen @SimonAndréForsberg around for a while
@skiwi I am here instead
@Simon has been replaced by a bot
@Duga oh shut up!
I think I am starting to feel schizophrenic...
@SimonAndréForsberg The talking to yourself part is getting a bit weird..
@Duga You're one to talk!
@Phrancis well it might fix one of these nasty JavaFX bugs
@Marc-Andre Ping me next time you're around please :)
That was quick. About to step away for break real quick, brb
Nicotine beckons
I have some free time today and would like to make the page with the game screenshots on the site, would that be fine if I did so in my develop branch while you're finishing your web app?
@Phrancis it's git right? that's what it's there for ;)
@Phrancis Yeah it's fine, it will be a bit of work to bring it in my branch but it's fine. I'm almost ready to merge. I've fixed all the pages, but prettify is not yet installed
@Marc-Andre I'll take care of Prettify, it's in Master and Develop it its own testing folder (though I do have a little bit of a conflict in one CSS file I haven't gotten around to fixing)
It will be a few lines of JavaScript mostly in the header and footer sections so it should be pretty easy to integrate once we're ready
@Phrancis Well when I merged the structure of the project will change and the site won't work exactly the same.
I'll need to have a chat with you to explain things a bit! But it should not be too hard for you to understand what will change.
For sure!
new picture there @Phrancis?
Well, it's actually old, but still!
Yeah, mixing things around a bit ;-)
Well, time to play a little Cardshifter and take some screenshots for the web
Um, I have files in Master that are not in Develop. How is that even possible?
@Phrancis master and develop has diverged.
that's very possible
Ah ok. Would it make sense to copy missing files from Master into Develop, or would that cause more conflicts?
@Phrancis there are two commits on master that does not exist on develop: github.com/Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io/commit/…
@Phrancis no, don't do anything stupid now.... here's what you should do:
1. make sure that you are on the develop branch
2. git stash
3. git merge master
4. solve merge conflicts if there are any, then commit the conflict fix
5. git stash pop
Alright let me write all this down so I can do it tonight. Still unclear how to solve conflicts, but I'll smoke some documentation about it
1. search in the conflicted files for `<<<<<<<<`
2. compare the lines above and below `===========`
3. decide which one to keep
4. make the file look as it should, remove all the lines indicating merge conflicts (<<<<, ====, >>>>)
5. git add and git commit the files
don't git commit when rebasing, though
@SimonAndréForsberg That's great. For step 4, would I change the file on Develop, or on Master? I did find at least one file with exactly what you stated above, and I want to keep the Develop version
I had a colleague who did that...
but I don't think @Phrancis ever made a git rebase. (and don't think he needs to either)
it killed the working tree about 30 revisions down
because he went through with it the next 15 commits of the rebase...
@SimonAndréForsberg I wouldn't even know what that is so I certainly haven't made one :)
@Phrancis you change the file for the merge. so it will be on develop, technically - as that is your current branch.
Now, the file on develop is already correct. It's the one on master that has the conflict indicators... e.g.,
.prettyprint {
  background: white;
<<<<<<< HEAD
  font-family: Menlo, 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', Monaco, Consolas, monospace;
  font-family: Monaco, Consolas, Courier New, monospace;
>>>>>>> develop
  font-size: 12px;
  line-height: 1.5;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  padding: 10px;
@Phrancis push your changes to github
@Phrancis stop stop stop...
what did you do?
@Phrancis if you have correctly merged the files, you should be able to: git checkout master - git merge develop
I think I had that file opened for editing while I did the commit/push
@Phrancis what file is that in btw?
@Phrancis @Vogel612 there are currently three files on the master branch with conflicts
why that?
because @Phrancis probably didn't know how to fix the conflicts correctly.
these are old files
@Phrancis push the develop branch to github, if you made changes in it
and the readme.md is not present on master anymore
Or it may never be there
it was on master, but was deleted in a merge that was supposed to add it...
What... the... lol
@Phrancis let's hold on here for a minute....
Yeah, I'm at work anyways so I can't do anything with git
@Phrancis show me the first lines of git log --branches --graph --decorate --oneline (or a print screen from sourcetree)
right, I thought you were doing stuff on git right now...
I'll make a note to do it as soon as I get home (so as not to keep you up too late)
8 mins ago, by Phrancis
Now, the file on develop is already correct. It's the one on master that has the conflict indicators... e.g.,
^^ I thought that meant you changed something
I kinda see how merging the changes adds more conflict markers...
Nah was just looking on the github site... Master vs. Develop
Can't wait to merge my branch ahahahahahaha
Well a newb like me (still in the FTP mindset) would be tempted to just get develop exactly like I want it, then overwrite master but I feel sure it's a terrible idea
@Phrancis GIT is not FTP
Not even near an FTP
@Phrancis well you could do that
I realize that ;)
merge develop with master first, then do a fast-forward merge on the other.
but if you do, anybody who's contributing with you will want to kill you
@Marc-Andre will do the honors ^^
I have trouble killing bugs in my apartment because I feel it's not the right thing to do, so don't worry @Phrancis! ;)
In any case, I'll try all that you suggested @SimonAndréForsberg and we'll see how it looks at that point
@Marc-Andre lol
@Phrancis ping me when you get home if you want to make sure you're doing it right
Ok, will do
Any known problems using a period character in a file name for HTML files...? Ex: 0.4-lobby.PNG
@Phrancis none at all. I'd recommend using lowercase for png though
@Phrancis why [help-wanted]?
Windows 7 auto-reconverts it to all caps even after I change it lol. Bet you a nickel the Mac won't :)
@Vogel612 Eh, am I not using that label correctly? Maybe I'm not sure what it's designed for.
@Phrancis this is because for windows 0.4-lobby.PNG and 0.4-lobby.png is the same file
And with version control this cause some issue !
@Phrancis well judging from the label text it looks like you could use some help, but won't do it yourself.
(at least that's how I'd use it)
Oh. So, is that supposed to be used as a flag like, "Hey, there's this problem, if you want to help you can work on that"?
yes, at least that's how I understood it
Makes sense
yeah I'd not use that label on this issue
Haven't played in a while, wonder if I can take on AI Fighter
Inherent problem with my deck should look obvious even to the untrained eye.
ahahah too much scrap :P
Too many upgrades, not enough things to cast them on lol.
@Phrancis You're screwed!
Sure is looking that way
Yep, got pummelled
Little better
Still lost
Note to self: I don't like typo that let letters go under the line when it's underlined.
woot, i cracked the rotation animation nut!
-(void) playAnimationRotatingCardOrbs {
    [self runAction:[SKAction runBlock:^(void) {

        //get the board position of the middle orb
        DMOrb *middleOrb = _game.rotatedOrbs[4];
        SKNode *centerNode = [[SKNode alloc]init];
        centerNode.position = CGPointMake(middleOrb.boardPosition.x * (_orbWidth + _orbSpacing), middleOrb.boardPosition.y * (_orbWidth + _orbSpacing));
        [_orbLayer addChild:centerNode];

        SKSpriteNode *orbBackgroundNode = [[SKSpriteNode alloc]initWithColor:[SKColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0] size:CGSizeMake(((_orbWidth + _orbSpacing) * 3), 
> Updating this issue, I've written a question about this on CR. Waiting for @marcandregirard to have implemented the Java web app before adding these. For reference: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/74634/…
> Took 4 screenshots which should be sufficient for the time being. This can be added after Issue #20 is sorted out.

![0 4-deck-builder](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8539648/5908037/0869f0a4-a572-11e4-92c9-29aca9bad3ee.PNG)
![0 4-game](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8539648/5908038/086ae356-a572-11e4-87aa-acbae8856684.PNG)
![0 4-lobby](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8539648/5908040/0875b592-a572-11e4-8f4c-640aa0758ea1.png)
![0 4-login](https://clou...
Don't mind me guys, just doing a little maintenance :)
@Phrancis I don't mind
In fact, I cannot mind as I have no mind!
ya... shows in how you split links...
@Vogel612 yeah, sometimes I certainly could use a mind
want me to give you one?
> There is not really much room (or need) for a logo for the website right now. Closing for now. The logo should probably mostly be integrated into the game once the GUI is refactored, and could be added to Github repos (see related in primary repo)
@Vogel612 If by that you mean a pull request, how could I possibly say no to that...
hrm... you'll have to wait a little for the latest JavaBot changes..
also you should tell me what you want to be able to do with your mind...
@Vogel612 I am in no rush
That's a little much, you know?
> Marvin: I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.
Trillian: Well, we have something that may take your mind off it.
Marvin: It won't work, I have an exceptionally large mind.
Trillian: Yeah, we know.
@Vogel612 I would be happy with the context-aware splitting issue, but I think @Simon might work on that if you remind him about it frequently until it gets fixed
> fixed a bug with issues events not being counted in daily stats after the message refactoring
rebooted for a bugfix!
noticed that the issues @Phrancis closed wasn't counted in the daily stats, but that is now fixed.
Ping: Anything added dilutes everything else.
[Zomis/Auto-Review] Zomis created branch develop
> initial userscript template
[Zomis/Auto-Review] Zomis created branch master
> added checkboxes when clicking on the link
> improved positioning of checkboxes a bit
incoming wall!
> creating a review link on top of each code segment
> added data-line and changed where span is created
> excluding script on chat.stackexchange.com
> only showing link above code blocks, not inline code tags
> escaping backslashes and quotation marks
> changed behaviour, testing
> added zomis-debug css class to have a breakpoint to hook into
> significantly changed approach
> only shows review stuff for the clicked code section
@SimonAndréForsberg What's this Auto-Review project out of curiosity?
> a bunch of stuff
> correct result but in the wrong order
@Phrancis a userscript for Stack Exchange sites. meant to make the review process easier. it does not do any reviewing on it's own (it's not that smart).
I will explain it in my upcoming question
> elements are created in the correct order
> after creating a checkbox, the next checkbox now gets correct value
> corrected behavior when there is no content in current_line
> made comments get correct checkboxes
> fixed so that empty lines are not removed
> added comments
> added appending to answer when clicking on a review link for the second time
> corrected order when adding to answer
People been busy I see
> removed annoying alert
> corrected line variable for after a couple of line breaks and some indentation
> changed description
For some reason I've seemingly only have two communication modes :/ First mode is that I care too few about friends, other mode is that I care too much, why nothing in between
> cleanup
> counting and displaying the number of added lines and blocks when adding to answer
> added checkbox to last line
> adding lines to answer in blocks, and reducing the indentation as much as possible in a block
[Zomis/Auto-Review] Zomis pushed 28 commits to develop
@skiwi you need to change datatype from a boolean to a float
:19735503 on what
@Duga wrong room!
@SimonAndréForsberg Apparently that's not so easy
nope. life is not code.
:19735503 on what
ah, using ? in a message doesn't work of course...
She's getting tired, give her a break @SimonAndréForsberg ;)
Let's say it's difficult if I'm seeing/talking to someone like every day, to then not bother someone for a week
@Phrancis still at work I suppose?
For about another hour, yes
Ah okay, I'll be sleeping by then I guess
@skiwi does Skype count as talking to someone?
@SimonAndréForsberg In this context... I doubt
More like texting a girl and seeing her every week or other week
perhaps make a schedule for when you're supposed to talk to people?
is this a pretty girl by any chance? ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg I don't care about what others think, but to me she is ;)
Most difficult part is that this week (bar one exam) I don't have anything to do, so not much to keep myself occupied
@skiwi code? HearthMonitor?
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm not an enthusiastic coder anymore apparently :/ I seem to get distracted by other things
Sure, I do still like coding, but just cannot do it 8+ hours straight without ignoring all of the world meanwhile
@skiwi s/other things/girls/ ?
Nah, I more mean when coding things like Reddit and such
@skiwi then code for 3 hours or so, then take a break for 30 minutes, then continue
@skiwi ah, when you get on reddit I imagine it can be quite a distraction.
I used in the past to be a pretty addicted FPS player and later MMO player, which got me occupied next to high school and at some point university
(that's why I avoid setting my foot there)
On one hand I miss the not caring about the world, but hell I sure don't want to be addicted again
Health-wise it wasn't anything bad, I was still listening (mostly) to my parents and it would "only" be from like 4pm till 10pm, but that was all I did that day
Nowadays disconnecting from the world is quite rare, I believe last time was the whole weekend in which I was figuring out the security manager stuff for Cardshifter
I'm quite an introvert, but really wanting to go living my life... Setting the step however is difficult and I don't even know how-to, nobody ever taught me
bursts of extreme productivity where you totally block out the world seem to be pretty efficient when it comes to programming, though
> a once-over for consistency
@skiwi I've used to be quite an introvert myself. Until I found a place where I could "be myself". I think it depends on how comfortable you are.
"If you are comfortable, you can do anything"
I've long been introvert myself, until the last few years. Luckily I've managed to escape into music and it gave me something to focus on for the last 15 years or so
Sure... but stepping outside is the issue, I'm almost mentally tied down to this house
Hell, I haven't been in any café in my town in my entire life
Never too late to start
I just think it's weird to go alone, without friends
Now I wouldn't be one to initiate conversations with strangers, but sure I can do them and keep them alive, so that part should be okay
Done it plenty of times, bring a book or laptop or something. I find something... cathartic about being around new people
@skiwi If you don't see any way of getting out of your habits, consulting a psychologue can really help. My girlfriend is seing one and I can the difference it make! It's hard to take a decision like this but you sure can profit from that
On one hand it bothers me that I've done something today (related to that girl and either no texting or texting a lot) that I've rather not had done, on the other hand it's best if she figures it out as soon as possible
@Marc-Andre Sometimes I consider... but I believe I could ask my parents first
I'm good at hiding my own emotions... so I doubt others will figure out themselves
@skiwi Indeed! And some other people that are close to you but if you don't find the answer you want and do want to take "control" of your life it could help
@bazola I think I found a weird bug with the deck builder, not sure if you want me to open an issue, or you're already aware of it
@skiwi That is what you think, but be sure they studied enough that they can decipher what you think
I surely do want to be in control of my life at some point rather soon
@Marc-Andre Who is [they]?
@Marc-Andre one of my cousins has been seeing one too, really seemed to have helped him.
@skiwi They is psy in my case.
@skiwi Psychologists and other mental health professionnals
Ah yes, I'm sure they will figure out, as also I'd be talking to them
@Phrancis what is the bug?
More meant that my parents or just normal friends will not figure out
@skiwi the fact that you like her? yes, get it over with ASAP!
@SimonAndréForsberg No I more mean the actual thing of that I can be too bothersome at times
@skiwi You could be surprise sometime how well they can know you. They may not have a clear idea of what you're going through but they sure can help
@bazola I started the deck builder, loaded one of my decks. Then I closed it without making changes (I wanted to make a new deck but did not see an easy way so I tried that). When I opened it back up... :
The cards are not displayed in the active deck bar, but they are selected in the card selection screen. And if I click any of them, it repopulates the Active Deck bar
@skiwi tell her that too. if you are aware that you can be too pushy, tell her that you are aware of that. simply being aware of it will probably make you less pushy in her eyes.
ah okay, yeah I am familiar with that bug but go ahead and make an issue, i haven't looked for a solution yet
I was not aware of that bug
@SimonAndréForsberg I've done so... I may (indirectly) have gotten the We need to talk response
well, if you need to talk, you need to talk... I guess the best thing to do then is to... talk...
We've been best friends for a long time, in an on/off-friendship from time to time, so things are a bit... complicated
Seriously, someone call me when life will not be complicated!
@Marc-Andre Hah, good point
I opened the Deck Builder from the Lobby screen. I loaded a deck, but then wanted to make a new one, so I closed the Deck Builder, then reopened it. It showed the cards from my loaded deck still selected but not populated in the Active Deck panel. An elegant solution might be to just add a function/button to clear your current deck.

But from my own experience, the start of relationship required/is a lot of attention, so it will be normal.
[Zomis/Auto-Review] Zomis pushed 1 commit to master
I've never seen anything truly bad resulting from a We need to talk... Often it brings us closer, brings a solution, or brings closure. In all cases, talking is always preferable over bottling up.
Sure, I am looking forward to when it will happen, but realistically it is at least one week away
TTGTB now... tomorrow quite some studying for the exams and/or killing time, Wednesday the exam, that's already two days filled
@skiwi Take care buddy
Also I can recommend everyone The life of Pi, was a good movie to watch this afternoon/early evening
I've seen that, very well made and very touching film
RELOAD is going to be pretty massive today, @Duga.
> Additional detail: Looks like the only way to start with a fresh, empty deck is to invite a player/AI to a new game, at which point it will "unload" any deck.
@skiwi no wonder you are having doubts about life if you just watched that movie
actually, never mind. getting it confused with another movie just called Pi
I think I got this one
@Phrancis unfortunately I lost the stats on some issues being opened and closed in the cardshifter-io repository, because of some jackass @Simon
That's okay, we all break things now and then (myself very often, as it so happens :)
in fact, it seems like there is still a bug somewhere...
your opening of issue 148 has also not been counted...
public boolean isOpened() {
	return this.action.equals("opened") && this.action.equals("reopened");
@SimonAndréForsberg good luck with that, stupid!
> corrected a parameter when adding new follow items
> fixed boolean logic error
TTGH, I'll ping you from there Simon
r5yht34-ui7o0uyyfm,/']\uew4[====ee=eerrhtthh;hh;hhhh;jyyy4ytyttgtge35[[[[[[5[[[[‌​[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[rr[r;;;;;th';ty;yh[[hre;5uy'nrryrtlyuyyywwdlsa -KAESLYN
Friend's little cousin girl says hi :)
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm home now, will do a quick reboot before firing up git

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