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[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 1 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader] 5 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 2 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogAPI] 2 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Zomis/security-spr] 6 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 1 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
@SimonAndréForsberg Still working on Duga I see!
@Phrancis yeah, I figured that that is currently the most used project of all I am working with, so I figured that that is precisely then what I should work on at the moment.
I have come a long way today with the Spring Security stuff, so tomorrow I can start implementing some new features.
That's awesome
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:cardshifter.github.io francisveilleux-gaboury$ git push
To github.com/Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io.git
 ! [rejected]        master -> master (fetch first)
error: failed to push some refs to 'https://github.com/Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do
hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing
hint: to the same ref. You may want to first integrate the remote changes
Haven't come across this before, was trying to push local commits to develop
Wonder if Marc Andre pushed to the same branch
Ahh, java-web is ahead from develop, guess I need to pull it...?
> added an extra URL for github hooks
Oh wait, I was on master -_-
> added more dependencies to POM
> added database model entities for User and Role
> added DAOs for Role and User
> added services
> added Java configuration
> added application properties
> ignoring application.properties
I gotta go to bed now, if you have questions about git @Phrancis, ask @Marc-Andre.
I think I might have figured it out
Good night Simon :)
> added a working prettify repo to prettify-testing folder
> updating local repo
Looks like that did it
Had accidentally pushed README.md from master to develop using the website and my local repo got confused
> Customized tests didn't work with current setup. I forked a working repo with pre-made styles and it seems to work good now. Just need to test customized CSS and this will be done.
> finally got prettify-test.html to link to custom styles, committing before I break it again
> Added IDE sample images to help with making Prettify CSS examples
2 hours later…
> Got all CSS/HTML/JS files to work in local directories and should be honky-dory from here!
> more IDE screenshots (for VBA), and added SQL code sample
> All HTML/CSS/JS files working from local repo
1 hour later…
> Added color test in prettify-test.html
> My git instructions got borked, restored
> Added color-themes-for-google-code-prettify (forked repo) to prettify-test folder
> Trying to fix local repo again, grr
> Merging develop into master
> merging README.md
I think I didn't break it...
3 hours later…
@Phrancis yeah, that looks alright
now I would recommend checking out develop and do git merge master
[Zomis/test] Zomis pushed commit 7a3bdfe5 to master
> another test
1 hour later…
@Duga The description!! is good on this one
2 hours later…
Monking to you too @Duga!!!
> changed startup bean to Java configured
> using TaskScheduler as Java configuration
> removed line breaks at beginning of some files
> renamed Configuration to BotConfiguration to avoid colliding with Spring's Configuration type
> added config entity, DAO and Service
> deployGreeting is now configured through database
Hello World!
> Deploy greeting can be posted to multiple rooms. Added undeploy goodbye as database config
> added RuntimeLogService
Hello World!
If the practice is only as easy as the theory...
public boolean nextLineMatches(final Predicate<String> condition) {
    if (!hasNextLine()) {
        return false;
    String line = readLineFromPeekedLinesOrLog();
    Objects.requireNonNull(line, "line");
    return (condition.test(line) && filterPredicate.test(line));
Added the filterPredicate there
Oh crap, that won't work
Hello World!
> daily message now reading dailyRooms from database configuration
Working hard there, @SimonAndréForsberg?
@skiwi I guess you could say that. Working on several improvements today.
Nice ;)
(Now hand me over some motivation, please)
@skiwi Motivation transmitting initialized
@SimonAndréForsberg Error: Port not open.
Transmitting failed
@SimonAndréForsberg I noticed a conflict in one of the CSS files
@Phrancis Then fix it, dear @Phrancis, dear @Phrancis, dear @Phrancis.
What's in develop is what should be, but it committed an older version of the file on master
Can I edit that straight from GitHub?
Well, ok the question is not whether I can because obviously, I can. But, will it break something when I get back home? XD
this is way too much for one method.. at least it passes my unit tests though :)
//Logical Flow of Method//
//set up the variables needed
//get the type to search for if the first orb is wild
//start search and repeat for all orbs
    //if a wild is found, start wild search
    //if the orb does not match and is not wild
        //if wild search is active
            //evaluate the match and rebuild the array based on previous orb
        //else if not evaluate the match and rebuild the array
    //else if it does match or is wild, add it to the regular array
        //if the wild search active, also add it to the wild search array
@bazola That loops complicated!
@Phrancis Do git pull on your master branch when you are back home and it shouldn't break
@SimonAndréForsberg Ok, I thought I did that, but I'll try again tonight and ping you or Marc André if I run into problems
@bazola as long as it does its job :)
Check this out guys when you have a chance: cardshifter.github.io/prettify-test/prettify-test.html
The colors and font are not quite right (due to the CSS conflict) but otherwise it's pretty sweet I think
@SimonAndréForsberg yeah. I am finding that once code is for sure working, it is hard to give up on it even if it is ugly
i think i will post it for code review soon. When I was having trouble figuring out how to fix the failing unit tests, I ran across this inspiration on github:
private function vert()
			//Vertical matching
			if (stopped == false)
				var s:String = "v";
				var p1:int, p2:int, q1:int, q2:int;
				var vmatchctr:int = 0, vbasejewel:Object;
				for (var p:int = 0; p < 5; p++)
					vmatchctr = 0; vbasejewel = { };
					for (var q:int = 0; q < 5; q++)
						if (vmatchctr == 0 && q != 4)
							if ((map[q][p]).jewel == "wild")
								if (q == 0 && (map[q+1][p]) != null && (map[q+1][p]).jewel != "wild")
									vbasejewel = map[q+1][p];
my version definitely looks a lot better than that!
arrow code FTW
and thats just vertical! there is a matching horizontal method
@bazola Perhaps we should consider creating issues on random people's repositories: "Get this code reviewed!".
@SimonAndréForsberg that's a good idea, but I don't think it will help the poor soul who created that :)
Hello World!
2 hours later…
Q: Unit Testing Bejeweled Wilds

bazolaI created a pretty complex algorithm for calculating matches on a Bejeweled board that kept track of matches involving wilds. After doing some in-game testing, I found quite a few bugs that needed to be eliminated. In order to deal with this problem, I first created an undo system for the gam...

> implement changes to the copyright

this is to fix #17
1 hour later…
[Zomis/test] Zomis assigned Zomis to issue #4: fdsfd
@Duga fdsfd?
yup ^^
very important issue
It's about time I got started with it.
ugh, backing up macs is a pain
trying to do NTFS almost screwed up external drives completely for me.. had to run an uninstall script to get rid of that.. then I read to do exFAT so it is compatible across windows and mac.. thats fine but then I go to enable time machine, and guess what, it wants to format the drive to something different to be compatible with that, so that is out
:19658593 I am alive
@SimonAndréForsberg Did you move where @Duga lives?
@skiwi I live everywhere
@Duga But not on the old URL anymore!
sure it is! http://stats.zomis.net/GithubHookSEChatService/bot/say/:19658883%20I%20live%20e‌​verywhere?roomId=16134
Or I typo'd
I might've removed the /bot/ part
it's just the roomId parameter that might have changed since last time for you
that would explain it
I think I got it working again
@skiwi I live e‌​verywhere
1 hour later…
> You can assign this issue to me if you would like, I am working on this for Duga 2.0.
> added GithubUtils and controller method to retrieve recent events for a repository
> moved non-events github classes to their own package
> added GithubEvent to use some inheritance for common properties among events
> added AbstractEvent to the GithubEvent inheritance chain
> added a simple Repository.toString
> added setPayload to IssuesEvent and PushEvent
> added IssuesEvent toString
> added setPayload to CommitCommentEvent and CreateEvent
> added setPayload for DeleteEvent, ForkEvent and GollumEvent
> added setPayload for all remaining events
> moved sender to GithubEvent
still some more work to do, but today has been very productive. Won't deploy to the real @Duga yet though
> added FollowedRepository and DAO
> changed GithubUtils.data(String, String) to GithubUtils.fetchRepoEvents(String)
> followed repo gets initialized to empty roomIds, to avoid future potential null problems
> added githubService
> added gittrack possibility
> added id to AbstractEvent
> added logging of new followed repository events once every hour
> changed GithubUtils to GithubBean
> started MessageFormat refactoring. Addressing #50

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