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[Vogel612/JavaBot] 1 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
11 hours later…
Heh... how can this happen?
Q: How do I avoid cascading refactorings?

DeadMGI've got a project. In this project I wished to refactor it to add a feature, and I refactored the project to add the feature. The problem is that when I was done, it turned out that I needed to make a minor interface change to accommodate it. So I made the change. And then the consuming class c...

@skiwi I totally know that feeling..
I had that for JavaBot....
hey @Vogel612
> Fixed bug where in ListLineLogReader the supplied list was used to iterate over, instead of first adding it to a private list.
Forgot to test... It passed anyways
> Added utility method that creates a LogReader from a LineReader and a read condition.
@skiwi, your build reported bad status: Broken!
@Duga Why?
> Added javadoc to the LogReaderUtils.fromLineReader method.
This must look familiar to @SimonAndréForsberg... Concurrency bugs in test cases
> As observed at https://travis-ci.org/skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader/builds/46723270, and error can occur sporadically due to concurrency issues.

The failing assertion can be found at: https://github.com/skiwi2/HearthMonitor-LogReader/blob/8751024e045c905d563e3a560f1e71f59a197f1d/src/test/java/com/github/skiwi2/hearthmonitor/logreader/AbstractMonitoringFileLogReaderTest.java#L55
@Duga huh?
@skiwi multiple @Duga sessions running, on several computers
@SimonAndréForsberg why that?
@SimonAndréForsberg Is that going to end up okay?
@skiwi I dare you to try ;)
I'm trying!!!
@Vogel612 I will change the computer that @Duga is running on.
ahhh ;)
> Changed the fromLineReader method to fromInputAndExtraLineReader in the LogReaderUtils class, it now always prepends the initial input line to the output.
Yeah... probably not the best commit ^
I heard that the first line of a commit message shouldn't be longer than 80 chars.
and still summarize the commit, so as to give a better overview when you git log --oneline
> Fixed formatting issue.
@Vogel612 Hmm... I never do that though
I kinda see that...
Do you think this is still simple??
I'm thinking I should refactor somewhere
@Vogel612 I try to do that, at least when using eGit in Eclipse. but my other git tools don't have a mark for that magic line
Usually I try to keep it to less than 6 words in the first line... that's enough
> No clue about what I just did.
It's 7 words though :(
also github doesn't show more than 80 chars on the first line
> Changed the fromLineReader method to fromInputAndExtraLineReader in t…
…he LogReaderUtils class, it now always prepends the initial input line to the output.
ehh they are short. it's fine
I just realized that what I really want is a LineReader which I can constrain to only return lines if they match a predicate
weren't you at that point yesterday already?
@Vogel612 No, yesterday I wanted a LogReader that did that, the method to do so also had a LineReader as input though
legato posted a question if you all haven't seen it
Q: How to Train Your Dragon

LegatoI started out practicing on implementing the builder pattern and somehow ended it up with this 2 hours later. It isn't really much, but it works and I'm hoping review should bring about a lot of insight. I'm curious in pinpointing: Which part(s) are well executed? I've never done anything 'gam...

@bazola You may find this interesting
Testing a site called heartharena.com
It seems to cope really really well with deck synergies
@skiwi how does it keep track of what cards you pick
@bazola How do you mean how?
Just played the first match btw, won and the deck felt great
do you just manually input what you picked as you went along, or does it hook into hearthstone?
Ah yes, you need to manually input it
(On both of those sites)
It's a bit ugly :P
i may give it a try next go round. I feel like my picks in arena are usually good, but if I get bad cards/choices I always do bad
Sometimes arena is just bull, especially if there's only 3 "bad" classes to pick from
> I'll do a final review later today and most probably merge ;)
if you can get synergies then you can do really well, but if you don't and your opponent has them, you are probably going to lose unless you draw significantly better than him
The curve of this deck is so evil
I can play almost exactly on curve
:/ First loss, I got outplayed really really late in the game
He had at least 3 Boulderfist Ogres in his deck...
hey @Phrancis
I hit his face for loads of damage to build pressure on him, perhaps my mistake was that he could wipe me with his ogre + ping + flamestrike
He topdecked Flamestrike there :/
Had to play against Jaina 4 times in a row so far
I wouldn't say that it was a super good deck or anything, but I got it to 4-3
> Formatting, Subscribable now exposes method to get subscribers

- Added getSubscribers to Subscribable interface
- Adjusted DefaultBot, AbstractBot and InteractionBot as well as StackExchangeChat accordingly
- minor formatting changes
> fixed multiple bugs, implemented listCommands command

- Commands weren't correctly called by name (calls are case-sensitive currently)
- help-command didn't search CommandHandles outside of CoreCommands
- implemented a listCommands command
Busy @Vogel612 :)
meh... final code-review before pressing merge...
in Sandbox on Stack Overflow Chat, 13 mins ago, by Vogel612
> Supported commands:
- test:
- about:
- shutdown:
- listCommands:
- unsummon:
- eval: GroovyScript evaluation
- javadoc:
- load:
- help:
- summon:
but there's these small discrepancies...
evil System.exit()
like non-final parameters
What happens if I type that? :D
type what?
ohh. that may be interesting...
I don't want to partybomb your merge... but
github.com/Cardshifter/Cardshifter/tree/develop At the end of the readme there's instructions for security manager
you mean so that I can't just **eval System.exit();
And in the cardshifter-server there's lots of info for security manager
in Sandbox on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by Vogel612
@Vogel612 : undefined execution error: You can't do that.
In the case of Cardshifter you could inject the code in any possible way
You have an actual string to check
hey skiwi...
um... relax?
So might be easier
There's evil enough things you still can do ;)
Unless Groovy runs on a security manager by default
check line 25
public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context) {
    if (context.getClass().getName().equals("UserScript"))
        throw new SecurityException("You can't do that.");
@Vogel612 Dinner now, will check after
damn it @Vogel612, you make me want to code!
> Deleting resources files from java/
@SimonAndréForsberg just do it then
> Changes for indentation and Java8 features
> Adding new line functionality in TextArea
> Fix for vvalue binding
> Merge pull request #9 from TheItachiUchiha/master

Moved Client to JavaFX
something's missing..
@Vogel612 I will, I will... this configuring of new computer took a while
well then ;)
hmm... cleaning up them issues is a slight mess after introducing these new tags..
@Vogel612 Any clue what license it will be on that javabot? I am interested in integrating it into @Duga, but... am I allowed to do that?
from what I gather JCE is going to be either GPL or LGPL
and it will be similar for JavaBot
ASL is a possiblity though ...
> There is one final step missing to completely move the Gui to JavaFX, which is: Removing the last existing swing-dependency in ClientGui.java, namely the JFrame functioning as FXML root container.

To do that, JavaFX must become the main-entry point (at least as far as I understand TheItachiUchiha there). This may become a larger refactoring, which is why this was not included in #9
> Applied formatting preferences changes

- Also updated CoreCommands interaction to the state of JavaBot/develop
- Made passed parameters in complete codebase final, wherever possible
@Vogel612 oh please don't make it GPL!
copyleft is a pain, eh
but it's not me you'll have to talk to
if it is GPL and I want to use it, then I also have to make my code GPL
I am not a big fan of GPL
@Vogel612 That was already implemented?
@SimonAndréForsberg Why are you not coding then?
that was all up and ready to use ;)
on that note: what is Duga licensed under?
Public domain?
A no license license for now...
I got a problem with CC-BY-SA...
@Vogel612 that's a good question.
since I took rolfl's review I seem to have to license at least the class he reviewed as CC-BY-SA 3.0+
I am personally a fan of MIT or Simplified BSD, which I'm using on some of my projects.
@Vogel612 I think you can dual-license it though
Blegh... naming issues here
the person who wrote json-schema-validator seems to prefer ASL/LGPL dual
I have a LineReader that stops reading once a certain user-supplied condition is false, how would I name that?
Analogously you can see it as an iterator that stops iterating once a user-supplied condition is false
@SimonAndréForsberg ermph. problematic, since the only "compatible license" mentioned on creativecommons.org is FAL
static LineReader conditionalLineReader(final LineReader lineReader, final Predicate<String> readCondition) { ... }
(That doesn't seem to convey the message)
@Vogel612 FAL?
The Free Art License (abbr.: FAL, French: Licence Art Libre) is a copyleft license that grants the right to freely copy, distribute, and transform creative works without the author's explicit permission. == History == The license was written in July 2000 with contributions from the mailing list <copyleft_attitudeApril.org> and in particular with lawyers Mélanie Clément-Fontaine and David Geraud, and artists Isabelle Vodjdani and Antoine Moreau. It followed meetings held by Copyleft Attitude Antoine Moreau with the artists gathered around the magazine Allotopie: Francis Deck, Antonio Galle...
@Vogel612 seen this?
Q: Which licenses are compatible with Code Review?

Simon André ForsbergIt is should be well known that code posted to Code Review are licensed under CC-BY-SA. I am wondering: Are there any licenses that are compatible with this licensing? Is it possible to use one license on the GitHub repository (for example "Simplified BSD" license) but still post the code to Cod...

I had, but back then I didn't know...
I'm writing up an answer
> Renamed variable name "string" to "line" inside lambda expressions.
> Added a static conditionalLineReader method to the LineReader interface.
@Vogel612 so would you say that the currently accepted answer is incorrect?
no not really.
> Updated formatting
> Reimplemented MessageTracker, fixes #7

- Added Special thanks notice
- Corrected Test-Case for wrap-around
- Implemented MessageTracker according to proivded review
more information in the Javadoc
> Fixed bug, as commented by rolfl

- Additionally added clearer attribution
> Updated formatting
^^ these are rebased.
Yay, I refactored my code using the LineReader.conditionalLineReader!
    public boolean isParsable(final String input) {
        return input.equals("[Power] GameState.DebugPrintPower() - CREATE_GAME");

    public LogEntry parse(final String input, final LineReader lineReader) throws NotParsableException, NoMoreInputException {
        LogReader logReader = LogReaderUtils.fromInputAndExtraLineReader(
                line -> {
                    try {
It looks better
Can't say I'm happy with it just yet!
(And even have no clue yet if it works)
What kind of program do I need to open a file like this: prettify-small-4-Mar-2013.tar.bz2 ?
@Phrancis .tar.bz2 seems like some kind of compression
Q: How do I install a .tar.gz (or .tar.bz2) file?

SilambarasanI have downloaded tar.gz files. But I don't know how to install it. How do I install this kind of file?

Guess if you're not using Ubuntu you're stuck?
I doubt
WinRAR or 7-Zip mostly work
The value!
Hm overview by that list is kind of crappy I see
@skiwi Ok I'll look into it from home
ohh dear
cool they weren't new, so no announcements
^^ exactly
@SimonAndréForsberg Do you have any experience implementing Google Code Prettify? It looks fairly easy but I want to make sure I'm not overlooking somehing
@Phrancis nope.
Looks like mostly just a matter of saving the CSS and JS files to the machine and just linking them into HTML...
@Phrancis isn't that mostly importing their js (and ccs) and then adding class="prettyprint" to somethin?
That's what it looks like. I'm going to tinker around with it in a while
One thing I would like to have (for testing) is a piece of pseudo-code in a common language (Java, C#, etc.) that has all the different types of language elements, can anyone of you guys perhaps help? Doesn't have to work, it's just for displaying
@media screen {
    .str { color: #080 }  /* string content */
    .kwd { color: #008 }  /* a keyword */
    .com { color: #800 }  /* a comment */    .typ { color: #606 }  /* a type name */
    .lit { color: #066 }  /* a literal value */
    /* punctuation, lisp open bracket, lisp close bracket */
    .pun, .opn, .clo { color: #660 }
    .tag { color: #008 }  /* a markup tag name */
    .atn { color: #606 }  /* a markup attribute name */
    .atv { color: #080 }  /* a markup attribute value */
    .dec, .var { color: #606 }  /* a declaration; a variable name */
> Here is a guide to get started: http://code.google.com/p/google-code-prettify/wiki/GettingStarted

Here are the steps:
1. Create a test HTML page to test it with the default loadout.
2. Download the Prettify package and install & test locally
3. Create and test a new custom style
I hope I don't need to make too many of those objects
> LineReader : add hasLine ?

refactor ListXXX {LogReader, LineReader} to common classes?
I should find a better place for those notes ^
@skiwi github issues
well, i finally started working with iCloud. no clue how it could be implemented with libGDX. First you have to login to your apple account, then you have to create a file called a Provisioning Profile that specifically ties together your developer profile with your app bundle. then you have to open that profile in Xcode, then you have to enable iCloud for your app in the Xcode settings, and then it will finally give you access to the iCloud directory
@bazola What is iCloud?
is it like Dropbox?
its like dropbox but only for specific apps that are configured to use it, and it handles everything in the background
allows you to share saves between all your devices that have it enabled
you can implement custom logic that would evaluate which file is correct when they are uploaded from two separate devices, etc
libGDX supports Google Play Services, and in fact - I believe Google Play Services also support iOS devices.
very interesting and good to know
I have so far only used the leaderboards of Google Play Services, but hopefully the rest shouldn't be too problematic
sometimes people in the iOS crowd get upset when a game doesn't have iCloud and Game Center achievements, but I don't see that being a problem for a game like cardshifter
most things will be stored on the server, so it shouldn't be problematic
why not line numbers on all lines?
Caused by: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "idea.launcher.bin.path" "read")
	at java.security.AccessControlContext.checkPermission(AccessControlContext.java:457)
	at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(AccessController.java:884)
	at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(SecurityManager.java:549)
	at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPropertyAccess(SecurityManager.java:1294)
	at java.lang.System.getProperty(System.java:714)
^^ great....
There's a way to make it do that too, I believe
@skiwi your security manager is causing a headache for IntelliJ
> Step 1 completed. By adding `<script src="https://google-code-prettify.googlecode.com/svn/loader/run_prettify.js"></script>` into the header, and using `<pre class="prettyprint">CODE HERE</pre>` the default style can be used. `class="prettyprint linenums"` will also enable line numbers.
		if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
			System.out.println("No security manager has been installed, you need to install one to be protected against malicious mods, please refer to the documentation to install a correct security manager.");
//			System.exit(0);
solved it ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg one issue I have been running into when programmatically setting up things (for multiple screen resolutions, so positioning based on the screen size) is that I run into situations where I have to test a number of different division amounts in order to get things spaced out evenly. This wouldn't be a problem but they usually don't seem to have any mathematical relationship to one another. here is an example from my latest program (on iOS, but libGDX will be similar)
titleLabel.position = CGPointMake(0, _initialScreenSize.height/4);
gameStartButton.position = CGPointMake(0, _initialScreenSize.height/8);
profilesButton.position = CGPointMake(0, -_initialScreenSize.height/32);
newsButton.position = CGPointMake(0, -_initialScreenSize.height/5.5);
scoresButton.position = CGPointMake(0, -_initialScreenSize.height/3);
in this case point 0,0 is in the center of the screen
did you all have this problem when working with Swing also?
Swing? No cursing here please!!
in LibGDX, I try to use Tables for a lot of layout. They seem to handle most kind of UI-layout very smoothly (as long as you manage to get them working as you want)
if that were LibGDX, I'd use Tables.
does it provide some way to deal with multiple resolutions also?
libgdx provides that, yes.
well that sounds like a good approach then :) I am thinking about trying to implement the UI of cardshifter in libGDX again
Table doesn't allow you to put stuff at an x and y position, but it allows you to do "put this on the left, this on the right, this on the bottom, this on the bottom of the thing on the left of the thing on the top", etc
I'm doing some Cardshifter + libGDX work right now
sounds kind of like Autolayout on iOS. I haven't used it yet but apparently it is pretty powerful once you master it
UI stuff or back end stuff?
I'm primarily focused on adding support for the right kind of messages, but I might be willing to help a bit with the layouting as well
cool. well I know I will run into some roadblocks, but after having implemented a fully working bejeweled including animations I am feeling a bit more confident
> updated build tools gradle version
> extended ignoring of Cardshifter files
> removed unused duplicated code
> added SpecificHandler interface for handling specific types of messages
> now showing the available mods when logging in
@bazola good to hear
> Note it's possible to change between the default skins by changing the way it's written in the `<script>` using CGI arguments, like so:

`<script src="https://google-code-prettify.googlecode.com/svn/loader/run_prettify.js?autoload=true&amp;skin=desert"></script>`

This changes the skin to "desert.css". Other default skins can be seen at this link: http://google-code-prettify.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/styles/index.html

This will be useful for testing multiple different skins in diffe...
rent pages. All Prettified code in one single HTML file has to be using the same skin, AFAICT.
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] build #673 for commit 04f2f1b9 on branch gdx passed
@Phrancis is there any place where the design stuff you made with powerpoint or something is stored?
Ummmm.... On my computer at home and here - I can email if you like
I believe you got my email
Pretty sure I do, somewhere; if not I'll ask here, it's TTGH right now
Prettify was surprisingly simple. Now I just need to make a short pseudo-code with the different types of language constructs
@SimonAndréForsberg looking good!
OK @SimonAndréForsberg Turns out, I don't have your email
You can just send it to [email protected] if you don't want it posted here
I did have one question; I'm dealing with the following CSS:
@media screen {
  .str { color: #080 }  /* string content */
  .kwd { color: #008 }  /* a keyword */
  .com { color: #800 }  /* a comment */
  .typ { color: #606 }  /* a type name */
  .lit { color: #066 }  /* a literal value */
  /* punctuation, lisp open bracket, lisp close bracket */
  .pun, .opn, .clo { color: #660 }
  .tag { color: #008 }  /* a markup tag name */
  .atn { color: #606 }  /* a markup attribute name */
  .atv { color: #080 }  /* a markup attribute value */
  .dec, .var { color: #606 }  /* a declaration; a variable name */
I know pretty much what all those mean, except for "a literal value" what would be an example of that in, say, Java?

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