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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 1 opened issue.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 5 commits. 5 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 9 issue comments.
[Unihedro/JavaBot] 2 commits. 1 closed issue.
7 hours later…
3 hours later…
> It's a pain to always write "Don't paste code, use [favorite pasting provider] instead"

How about a simple series of things we can tell people as an expansion to the tell command.
The series could be configurable using a properties file.

Also it would be nice to be able to add and edit messages for that. I imagine the following:

!!tell user pasting

!!canned-messages edit pasting "Don't paste code ..."
!!canned-messages add asking "Don't ask to ask ..."
4 hours later…
> in this specific case we can always just move the message to the Do not dump code, use Pastie.org, GitHub gists or Pastebin.com room, but this is a good feature.
hey @skiwi
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 7bdacf2c to master: fixed pom to make mvn package work
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 2ac6d6d7 to master: added support for placing ships
hey @bazola
@Phrancis do you know what font is used here? stats.zomis.net/io-web/cyborg-chronicles Is it something we want in the actual cardshifter game?
> It says join is in the cradshfiter chat room on this page: stats.zomis.net/io-web/new-mod
For some reason JS stacks are always complicated
i attacked a 1/1 with a 1/1 and my unit didn't die? is that expected?
nvm, it is ranged
Sadly I don't have much time for Cardshifter these days
anyways... TTQW
@Vogel612 Senses rage
Check the last post in the 2nd if you want to know....
Or rather the whole conversation since my half rq there...
Too tired to read
> It took me a good minute to find the typo! Thanks I'll correct it tonight!
> Is this done ?
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 78acd6be to master: improved ship-placing experience
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 4e51c9eb to master: preventing clicking when it is not your turn
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 033ed70b to master: showing feedback about moves hit or miss
> We now have some unit tests. There are no integration tests but at the moment I don't plan to add that.
> I'm not sure if this is done or not? Could you confirm @Phrancis ?
How's your game coming along @SimonAndréForsberg?
@skiwi just managed to play a full game.
now I'll try to make a GUI improvement
sounds good
@SimonAndréForsberg I'll make a tiny correction tonight for the Cardshifter site, will probably ask you to re update the site :D
@Phrancis If you want to create a news for the new release and the upcoming event that we should someday do feel free to prepare something !
Hey guys
@bazola Depends on what OS you are looking it through, let me pull the CSS real quick
hey @sicnarhp
Body: font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
Monospace for headers & menus: font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;
Smaller headers: font-family: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif;
@Phrancis well, to get the font into cardshifer-gdx, you put it into a program that converts all of the letters into small image files. then you use the resulting Bitmap Font on all platforms. you need to make one of those for each font that you want in the game, and for each size of font. and i believe there are licensing concerns there for some fonts but i don't know all the details about that
@bazola That seems... clunky?
@Phrancis I've ask for some updates on issues of the web site!
@Phrancis Did anyone say it was easy?
@Phrancis i think the real point of doing it that way (bitmap fonts) is so that you do not actually need the font on the computer/device in order to use it. any other way, the font has to be present natively
@Marc-Andre I'll have a look shortly, work is busy today we are 5 people short
Severe epidemic of Mondayitis it appears :|
@skiwi, look into Simon's Battleship repository to check out the Groovy code! And @Simon, fix that damn websocket bug!
Also, we're under a tornado watch right now, fun stuff.
The things is I have a new 27" monitor at home and I've almost called sick just to use it all day and program something nice to see if I like having a 27" and a 24" screens :D
Very nice!
I hate making GUI layouts!
wish i could star that one a hundred times!
@bazola Is there a way with libGDX that you can specify multiple font alternatives?
Like you can in CSS...
i don't think so
you can have as many as you want though once you convert them to bitmap fonts
you can scale those fonts up and down to get different sizes, but it looks pretty bad when you do it that way
I'm just not a big fan of bitmaps in general if there is a better way... Maybe we could ask on here?
We might be safe making a few assumptions about certain fonts being on practically every machine, like Arial...
there is an extension for libGDX that provides an alternative, but I don't think it works on all platforms github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Gdx-freetype
i think that bitmap fonts might just be one of the hoops we have to jump through to have something fully cross platform, but maybe @SimonAndréForsberg knows of a way to do regular fonts in libGDX
@Duga Yeah yeah yeah, but not today!
@Duga see above ^^
@bazola nope, unfortunately I do not
have never tried freetype, no clue if it will work on all platforms or not. If it breaks on some platform, it will probably be HTML.
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 359cd803 to master: using a vbox instead of a tableLayout
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 0a03f0e7 to master: modified GUI, added a separate opponent board
i would describe libGDX as a way to port your app incrementally as you are building it, as opposed to having to port it all at once to each different platform. so i do believe we would run into all of these problems in a different order with a different game engine
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 97e61eeb to master: added label above each board, and a separator
@bazola OK I guess bitmap font is fine for now
Ping: Don't make things more complicated than they need to be.
Dec 30 '14 at 16:26, by Duga
Ping: Favor focus over features.
@Marc-Andre also interested in Groovy code?
Yep I'll need to look into it. Some projects at work are using Groovy so some day I might have to use it! And it looks fun to use
it is quite fun to use
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis pushed commit 86e772dd to master: added handling of when a ship is sunk, and added pop-up when game ends
[Zomis/Server] Zomis created branch master
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 1bcf858c to master: added gitignore
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 088cc962 to master: added POM, log4j properties and model
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 06cdf860 to master: added ClientIOs
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 35628edc to master: added JavaFX
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 8abb0422 to master: added Ultimate Tic Tac Toe
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 29f70bd5 to master: added UTTT test
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit bce65c77 to master: added Battleship
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 4583e4f8 to master: removed debug print
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit e79cda6a to master: corrected some parameters and logic for BattleshipGame
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 655cd96a to master: improved BattleshipGame
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 82e051e9 to master: added map size to CONF message
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 4c383bbd to master: corrected server-side battleship placement validation
[Zomis/Server] Zomis pushed commit 78d8b26e to master: restructured makeMove a bit, and sending message when a ship is sunk
@SimonAndréForsberg Are you coding in Java or Groovy though?
@skiwi Grooooooovy
server is in Java
score some more points for libgdx:
@bazola Nice!!
just a voxel test
Surely looks cool
minecraft is awesome but personally i get really bored with games that require you to craft every little thing
probably because i already played a bunch of minecraft.. :)
Minecraft was fun for a while. I mostly liked crafting buildings, not so much items and such though
i spent way too much time digging tunnels underground so that i could move around without getting blown up by creepers
I find it uncanny how easy it is to get lost underground
I kind of feel like playing it tonight now that we're talking about it. At least maybe just get some screenshots of the shit I've built in the past
I made a huge pyramid completely out of sandstone, it was even creeper-proof
(as long as you left the door closed, of course)
It is ridiculous the amount of sand that I had to harvest to make all those blocks
hehehe sounds awesome
recently i built a railroad that extended an incredible distance. you could get in a minecart and ride for 10+ minutes back and forth. had to do that one in creative mode though or else i would have gone totally bonkers
Wow that's nuts. Do you have your own server?
i don't play very often anymore
I've taken a liking to Little Big Planet's creative mode, it's a lot of fun all the things you can do with it
you playing the first one or the latest one? i played the first one for a while but i didn't get as far as i wanted to with making levels
I've played so much Minecraft! It was really a tons of fun!
@bazola Playing the latest one now, but I've played the first and second quite a bit too
The new playable characters add a lot of variety
The little dog-looking character can climb up ramps, and cling to walls, so there are a lot of speed-based puzzles with it
The Toggle character can change between the tiny form and the big form on the fly, so it makes for a lot of weight-oriented puzzles
For instance, the small form can walk on water like it was solid ground, while the big form sinks to the bottom, so you can used the water's buoyancy to fling yourself from the water by changing to the small form
The only Minecraft I play these days is in hardcore mode.
And the bird form can grab objects and fly with them, so you can make some interesting switches, levers and things like that
@Phrancis all sounds pretty interesting
@SimonAndréForsberg how long does your typical game last before you die? that one is permadeath right?
And they made a number of "sackpocket" items that Sack Boy can use, like a tool that blows and sucks wind you can point at stuff to push or pull them
@bazola that is permadeath, yes. I tend to be able to make it through Nether, find a Nether Fortress and start brewing, and having around 30 diamonds. My brother actually managed to kill the Ender Dragon when playing with someone else (the guy he played with died when entering The End though).
@SimonAndréForsberg sounds fun :)
Minecraft in Hardcore mode is much more fun, really
> @marcandregirard Yes it's done, forgot to close it.
> I'm certainly not against looking into it. I'm curious though what we could gain from it specifically?
> Not yet, I'll ask Jay about it again tonight, thanks for the reminder
@Marc-Andre Let's wait until we have something more stable, that way we can actually set a deadline, and Tweet it out as well
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] marcandregirard pushed commit b7c757d2 to master: Fix the typo in issue #50
@Phrancis ok no trouble
@bazola They have also added a much greater level of depth perspective, no longer limited to only 3 layers of depth, you can even make 3D stuff as you can see
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] marcandregirard pushed commit f9772e95 to master: fix the games-rules page
It's definitely been one of those days for me.
@SimonAndréForsberg the master branch is ready to be deployed if you want :D
Sweet, good work!
@Marc-Andre I've been waiting for you to say that :)
thanks :D
If you have comments, smalls issues with it just ping me here or open an issue :D
1 hour later…
Ugh computer problems, didn't need that after a day like today
ahaha that sucks ! Can I help you with something ?
We'll see. I very rarely have to force-shutdown the MacBook bu I had to
Got stuck trying to find the wifi network, just searching and searching never noticing the wifi was on (wifi works fine)
Weird :S
Hey look, I have wifi!
ahah nice to have
I think the problem may have been related to leaving both STS and Reason applications opened for over a day, while the computer was asleep in its bag
Those are the two most CPU and memory intense apps on the computer
eheeh STS is sure a hungry apps :P
Yeah, and Reason very much so, especially memory wise, I normally run it with only a 4 ms buffer. Keeps the CPU pretty busy
I think I also accidentally forgot to unmount my friend's cell phone from charging on the Mac last night before I unplugged it
well you were not that careful it seems :P
Thanks for noticing ;)
ehehe I'm just kidding with you ;) If only you would know how much I'm not careful myself ;)
It's kind of annoying on OS X though, whenever you plug some USB devices like an iPhone, iPad, hard drive or whatever, they need to be unmounted before safely unplugging them
But the phone was an Android, and OS X didn't tell me I did something wrong... but that certainly doesn't mean something wrong hasn't actually happened
rolfl vs. 200_success: 23 diff. Year: +728. Quarter: +571. Month: +192. Week: +201. Day: +90.
Loki Astari vs. Simon André Forsberg: 3834 diff. Year: -1932. Quarter: -633. Month: -250. Week: +60. Day: +70.
I hope for you :D

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