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12:00 AM
[Tejpbit/CodeIT] 0 commits. 1 issues opened and 0 closed
14 hours later…
1:47 PM
Hey @all!
2:00 PM
hey @Marc-Andre
2:43 PM
hey @Phrancis
and bye, need to go afk for a bit :p
Hi bye!
Hey @Phrancis! are you working or you're on holidays ?
Working :|
Hey @bazola
3:06 PM
howdy @Phrancis
3:20 PM
been working on any more java stuff?
Holidays and music been keeping me busy, haven't even had a chance the motivation to go back to my Hello, World script yet and apply the suggested improvements lol.
3:48 PM
and hi!
@Phrancis small nitpick: Java is not a scripting language, I would use program instead! (but it's so minor that you don't really need to pay attention to this)
Oh. I wouldn't know the difference between a scripting language and... the other thing ;-)
A scripting language or script language is a programming language that supports scripts, programs written for a special run-time environment that can interpret (rather than compile) and automate the execution of tasks that could alternatively be executed one-by-one by a human operator. Environments that can be automated through scripting include software applications, web pages within a web browser, the shells of operating systems (OS), and embedded systems. A scripting language can be viewed as a domain-specific language for a particular environment; in the case of scripting an application, this...
Ahh I see
4:10 PM
here is some ugly objective-c for you
-(void) handlePanFrom:(UIGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {

    CGPoint touchLocation = [recognizer locationInView:recognizer.view];
    touchLocation = [self convertPointFromView:touchLocation];

    if (recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {

        NSArray *nodesAtPoint = [self nodesAtPoint:touchLocation];
        for (SKNode *node in nodesAtPoint) {
            if ([node.name isEqualToString:@"cardNode"] && !_nodeToPan) {
                _nodeToPan = node;
I can't get the idea out of my head that Obj-C is ugly
What is -(void)? Seems like an odd language struct... then again, it's Obj-C
void just means that it doesn't return anything
so if it were -(int) that would mean that it returns an integer, and -(BOOL) means that it would return YES or NO. And you can also return arrays and objects etc
Ok I just felt it was weird to start a line with a hyphen/minus sign
theres a lot of weird stuff in objective-c syntax
4:18 PM
So all iOS developers worked in Obj-C, before Swift came?
yeah, unless they use unity or something like RoboVM
swift is not really ready for professional use in my opinion
@skiwi I guess not since there are framework who will "translate" it for you or you could always do a mobile web app I guess.
I wouldn't call Obj-C ready either (despite it being used for so long and proven), because you can make so many errors I'd imagine
I cannot imagine coding in C either though
what do you mean by make so many errors?
The syntax looks extremely difficult to me
4:21 PM
Ping: Anything added dilutes everything else.
it took me about a year to get the hang of the syntax. the apple libraries are really huge though and every single class has syntax to learn
xcode has a really good autocomplete feature though so that helps tremendously
@bazola very single class has syntax to learn Really? I would guesses that classes would be implementation/use details to learn and not syntax.
yeah i suppose that is true
Ok sorry I'm a bit tired and for no good reason I feel like really nitpicky. :S
its not really syntax so much as learning all of the available methods and what they do
nah it is an important distinction
4:26 PM
Ping: Favor focus over features.
Ping: Half measures are as bad as nothing at all.
Ping: Speak like a human.
Ping ping ping!
| o    :      |
Ugh I'm so bored. Maybe I'll go learn some more JavaScript.
Or maybe Java.
I'd go learn Java!
4:35 PM
I would suggest Java too :P
Yeah that's probably a smart suggestion. JavaScript is... weird.
JavaScript will be "easier" after a "standard" language!
> Initial project setup.
That seems enough for today!
@skiwi What are you making?
4:42 PM
The HearthStone logreader/app I've been talking about
(I like the name, BTW)
@Phrancis Thanks!
It took me a week or so to come up with it
First attempt was Heartbeat... then I figured out the game uses "Hearth" and not "Heart"
Then today I had HeartWatcher, but it already existed somewhere
4:55 PM
At least I have a repo now
5:10 PM
> Updated the readme to include the structure of this project.
[skiwi2/HearthMonitor] skiwi2 pushed 1 commit to develop
2 hours later…
7:09 PM
So, I'm doing this:
public static void main (String args[]) {
    HelloWorld helloObj = new HelloWorld("Phrancis");
Alignment got borked, but whatever
// Output
// Hello World, Phrancis!
// HelloWorld@7852e922
What is the usefulness of the second value? Is that its memory location?
Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.

The toString method for class Object returns a string consisting of the name of the class of which the object is an instance, the at-sign character `@', and the unsigned hexadecimal representation of the hash code of the object. In other words, this method returns a string equal to the value of:
7:33 PM
Did it answer your question @Phrancis ?
Kind of. All this is so new to me :)
7:53 PM
If you need help just ask
8:11 PM
@Phrancis so basically if you create a custom object such as Car, you should create a toString() method for your custom Car class that returns a useful string, such as "This is a Car of type X" and it would look at its type value and create that string
I see. I'm sure it will all make sense to me, some day lol.

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