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Hi @nobody :)
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
And, insomnia strikes, again.
Alright, I'm stuck using the console. Clearly a sign I need to use it more. I need to start writing this stuff down.
Having difficulties Committing staged changes...
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:~ francisveilleux-gaboury$ cd /Users/francisveilleux-gaboury/cardshifter.github.io
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:cardshifter.github.io francisveilleux-gaboury$ git status
On branch develop
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

	modified:   cardshifter.css
	new file:   contribute.html
	new file:   contributors.html
	modified:   index.html
	deleted:    index_files/bootstrap.css
Really not sure what this means:
Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook:cardshifter.github.io francisveilleux-gaboury$ git commit -a

Found a swap file by the name "~/cardshifter.github.io/.git/.COMMIT_EDITMSG.swp"
          owned by: francisveilleux-gaboury   dated: Wed Nov 26 02:12:39 2014
         file name: ~francisveilleux-gaboury/cardshifter.github.io/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
          modified: YES
         user name: francisveilleux-gaboury   host name: Francis-Veilleux-Gabourys-MacBook.local
        process ID: 16690
still around @Phrancis?
Oh yeah
Isn't it like... 3am for you?
Yup, insomnia :)
Slept for like 3 hours, suddenly woke up
Now I'm wide awake
@Phrancis Looks nice, except maybe you should drop the dots at the end of the headers
But I like the dots, it gives an effect of decisiveness. Though I'm not particularly attached, I'll remove them if others would also rather
Do some A/B testing :)
Not a bad idea
1 hour later…
@all Any improvement suggestion on this is appreciated:
  <div class="default-template csh-body">
    <p>Cardshifter is an open-source Trading Card Game <i>(TCG)</i> project which began in August 2014. It is being developed by a team of dedicated software programmers, web developers and designers. This page will go over some of the tools and technologies that we employ.</p>
    <h2>Git, Github.</h2>
    <p>The <a href="https://github.com/Cardshifter" target="blank">Cardshifter Github repository</a> is the central hub where all the code and files are stored. It is a vastly valuable tool in facilitating teamwork, version control, and just generall
hey there.. again
@skiwi Going to bed for real now :)
@Phrancis Oh, I thought you already were to bed!
5 hours later…
hey everyone!
hey @Marc-Andre
Hey @skiwi how are you ?
I'm alive.. could be better
Skipped class today and was supposed to meet up with someone, however it got cancelled and cannot tell my parents that now the class is suddenly not cancelled anymore, so decided yesterday to go to work today
hey @Phrancis
On time for work?
Oh yeah
Managed to squeeze in a few hours of sleep :)
@Marc-Andre Do you like what I've done with the website so far? (scroll up for screenshots)
@Phrancis Yes I like it ! Was trying to find a way to mess with it on my own!
I had a hard time with Git last night, but if you needed I could email you the template, if you wanted to work on one of the pages. Right now index.html and project.html are the only ones I've done work on
No it's ok I don't really have time at work!
I feel ya
I would have take it if was available online but by mail it's just a sign I should work :P
@Phrancis did you ever get your changes committed?
I got 3 committed last night but did not manage to get all of them committed, for some reason I had a number (maybe 8-9) stuck in staging, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong
it looked like you did git commit -a but I would instead do git add --all to add all the files to the commit, and then do git commit -m "message text here" to do the actual commit, and then git push to upload the commit
Let me write this down, I think that's the problem I got lost in vague-ish tutorials
those 3 commands are how i always do the cardshifter commits
@bazola I've taken these notes, would you double check to make sure it's correct?
# Git commands for Cardshifter
# -----
# Set current directory
cd /Users/francisveilleux-gaboury/cardshifter.github.io
# Checkout a branch (develop, master, etc.)
git checkout develop
# Check status
git status
# Add all files to staging area
git add --all
# Add staged files to commit
git commit -m "message text here"
# Push commit to remote
git push
@Phrancis why are you doing git checkout ?
I... thought you need to do that to get on a particular branch...?
Could very well be mistaken though
Yes indeed you need it if you change branch ! But if you're already on the good branch it's not useful
@Phrancis looks good
Cool thanks both @bazola @Marc-Andre
Just sent myself an email titled:
@bazola Have you or Simon wrote anything that summarizes the use of Java 8, JavaFX & libGDX somewhere in the past? I'm looking for something I can add to the website's Project page
I still remember my first days on git literally checking out continiously, then figuring out that it didn't help if you already were on the correct branch
@Phrancis i don't think there is anything quite like that in the docs, no. There is some stuff on the github wiki page but nothing that comprehensive
Ok, I'll look around the wiki or just use placeholder text for now
@Phrancis good source for Git : atlassian.com/git/tutorials
@bazola I noticed the Game Rules page on the wiki is out of date, are you OK with me editing it to make it current?
@Phrancis sure
Strange, I almost got a brainfreeze from cycling outside, instead of from eating a full ice at once
It feels like zero degrees outside I guess, which is not to be considered abnormally cold imo
It's about that cold here right now as well. Not too bad, really
It claims it's 6 degrees here, but it doesn't feel like it
Difference with your place is that it's actually freezing in the night, hasn't happened here... (yet)
@skiwi you are talking Celcius right?
@bazola Ah, yes
Yours is in Fahrenheit?
in america yeah
2 hours of theory lessons and having a major headache now... just great
typically anyway.. it looks like @Phrancis posted a celcius temp
Yeah I switched mine to Celcius, I don't like °F much
I think I've done about all I can on the project.html page until either @SimonAndréForsberg or @bazola can write a bit about the client/server stuff, I don't know enough about it to make sense of it :)
> Project page is in part done but pending information from others for Java 8/JavaFX/libGDX etc.
@Phrancis About the website repo, if you haven't somehow magically solved it yourself, you can push all those 900+ commits to github, so that I can pull them and hopefully fix it. As I'm not 100% sure myself of the correct git commands to use, I think that solution might be best.
I'll be back in 45 min, POI time!
@Phrancis Brave American!
@SimonAndréForsberg I have not solved it, was waiting for your input. But I totally forgot to do what you told me to yesterday.
posted on November 26, 2014

Before I lay out the whole thing I would like input. I will post an answer each with a screenshot of the two different looks, whichever one gets most votes I will stick to. Please vote on your favorite format, thanks!

How to host an image by @Phrancis ! Post it on chat, copy url, delete the message !
Works, doesn't it? ;p
From this shit computer that's about all I can do, and the Q&A won't let you upload a local file for some reason
The dot is really weird IMHO
Then use your votes ;)
I need to register :P
Then just do it dude lol.
Registration of new users has been temporarily suspended. Please try again soon.
@Marc-Andre spam protecting :)
hold on and I'll see where to activate that again...
@Marc-Andre found it, ping me as soon as you have registered.
@SimonAndréForsberg done
@Marc-Andre good. You've been approved.
I also gave you a +50 rep bonus for not being a spam user.
(you need at least 110 rep on the site to be able to do anything)
Oh nice!
@Phrancis don't think I really told you to do something yesterday.
but today I am telling you: Push the commits and I'll fix them!
1 hour later…
@SimonAndréForsberg @bazola Are both of you guys still hosting latest release on your servers? If so, could I get the server information so I can post it on the site?
Anyone selling energy?
There is a lot of energy around you! The hard things is to transforms it to be useful to you
@all Thoughts on above, so far?
@Marc-Andre I've got a power outlet here
@Phrancis Yeah no dots :P And looking good!
Is Ip address ... in a <pre> to apply style to it ?
@Phrancis looking good!
@Marc-Andre That is in a <code> tag. The <pre> is for code blocks
@Phrancis I don't host a network server
I think for the Contributors page I'll make use of StackExchange's flair
> This page will contain images, at the current time only screenshots of the game client. Will also need to create folders /images/screenshots/
@SimonAndréForsberg @bazola @skiwi @Marc-Andre Can you post the HTML code for your Stack Exchange flair here (and tag me) when you get a chance?
@Phrancis <a href="http://stackexchange.com/users/2423151">
<img src="http://stackexchange.com/users/flair/2423151.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for Marc-Andre on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&amp;A sites" title="profile for Marc-Andre on Stack Exchange, a network of free, community-driven Q&amp;A sites">
Merci beaucoup
@Marc-Andre How does that look? ^^
@Phrancis Nicely done, maybe you could use a personal dot point for the list
What is that??
bullet point
Do you mean for the sub list?
I kind of like the small hollow circles, personally...
@Marc-Andre What information would you like for me to put on there for you? As little or as much as you want is fine
@Phrancis I don't really mind!
Well, you'll have to give me the information you want silly ;)
If you want to just fill this out as you want it and post it back that would work fine. Leave blank what you don't want
  <ul style="font-size: 1.2em; padding-top: 10px;">
    <li><strong>Name: </strong>Francis Veilleux-Gaboury</li>
    <li><strong>In-game name: </strong>Phrancis</li>
        <li>Web development</li>
        <li>Database development</li>
        <li>Modder for Cyborg Chronicles</li>
    <li><strong>Website: </strong><a href="http://www.PsychoProductions.com/" target="_blank">www.PsychoProductions.com</a></li>
    <li><strong>Twitter: </strong>@PsychoProds
Hummm Name Marc-Andre Girard In-Game : Guildan (probably) Contributions: Web development(lol) website : none Twitter : @marcandregirard
That works
Have you even played the game? lol
A bit :P
Not much though
Happy? ^^
Sweet. I'm sure we will have more contributions for you soon ;)
TTGH, more web stuff tonight :D
> Phrancis, Marc-Andre: Done
Simon, skiwi, bazola: Pending information

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