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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

@MLM Yo!
1 hour later…
@PhilFrost :-)
@AnindoGhosh that noise scares me every time.
Disable it?
I never think of it until I it startles me :)
@AnindoGhosh Hallo
@angelatlarge :-)
Mmmm... resistor porn. I haz it
@angelatlarge Stop. This is an all-ages chat.
yesterday, by The Photon
@AnindoGhosh There are subreddits so specific I won't mention them where coding-corgi and Camil might read about it.
@ThePhoton First you want to stop pubescent boys from an NSFW reddits, now resistor porn is off limits? What's next, opposable thumbs?
(I can't believe I just make an analogy between opposable thumbs and pr0n...)
@angelatlarge If they can figure out a 555 timer circuit, they can probably figure out the internet for themselves...but on the other hand that probably wasn't my most tasteful comment ever on chat...
@angelatlarge Here is the kind of fabulous stuff you find on Reddit:
alright this is really bugging me. I have a generic (dataWidthN : integer := 8) but when I simulate it says it is 1000
@MLM In binary?
@ThePhoton This is awesome!
@ThePhoton oh duh :/ - that would make sense
@angelatlarge just leave it
@ThePhoton F-ing brilliant!
@MLM Leave what? I meant to comment on the pen&teller app, sorry if it sounded like it was about you.
@angelatlarge ye, i thought you sarcastically commented on my fail and I thought that you thought that I might get offended.
@MLM Oh, wow, funny. Yeah, I hit the wrong thing to respond to, and then realized that it seemed apropo your issue. Seriously, I make more inane mistakes then most, so it isn't for me to call the kettle black.
@ThePhoton Oh, soooo goood!
@angelatlarge Like road trip porn?
@angelatlarge I'd get it and play it, but I bet there's already a professional league in Korea.
@ThePhoton I skipped around the video, I don't need much more than that.
@angelatlarge Kindof reminds me of 1980's Flight Simulator
@ThePhoton Yeah, it seems to have those CGA-like graphics
@david-kessner Do you want to clean up the incandescent part? here. electronics.stackexchange.com/a/71239/11861 it is black body radiation not electronic transistions ...
@angelatlarge First flight sim I saw was on my uncle's IBM PC...Hercules graphics, IIRC, no color. Just black and white (or green?) lines. You could take off from one airport. Look up the radio frequencies for the beacon at the next airport...trim your aerilons or whatever....520 kB worth of scenery to look at!
@rawbrawb I could start on the silver @AnindoGhosh badge, just to return the favor....
@ThePhoton And then you could run a CGA emulator on your Hercules... Yeah, white was rare I think. It was green or amber.
@angelatlarge But I think the actual IBM branded monitors had white? My uncle would have had actual IBM because he worked for them.
Green was just so "Apple ][".
@rawbrawb Does replacing spaces with dashes work in usernames?
@ThePhoton So it was.
@ThePhoton Didn't know that.
@angelatlarge I could also be totally wrong...
@angelatlarge don't know, just copied from the bottom of the screen when the cursor is over the screen name.
@ThePhoton Maybe your memories are white-shifted (white-washed) since they are receding?
@angelatlarge not sure what you're saying here, but spelling is one thing but getting the physics dead wrong is quite another.
@angelatlarge Google images for "IBM 5153" shows some with white, some with green.
@rawbrawb Even in a name of a joke?
@angelatlarge not getting it, but then maybe my Physicist brain is kicking in.
@rawbrawb Don't worry, you didn't miss much.
Sayonara guys.
@ThePhoton Yeah, I gotta go to bed too. Bye
@ThePhoton night, thanks for the quick catch
@angelatlarge Guess why we have Philips.
good morning
@ThePhoton That is the type of game a microcontroller would easily be able to play while I go to work myself.
Good morning
hey neighbor
Is there a way to determine what kind of communication goes on between two devices? Like I2C, Serial, CAN, etc.?
I'm trying to reverse engineer an RC module. It has six connections. Two are ground, two are +5v, and the last two are comm.
a logic analyzer
@William'MindWorX'Mariager you basically want something that eavesdrops on the lines and translates it to 'readable' text.
I tried reading the signal using the serial Rx line on my Arduino. At the right baudrate I could distinguish high from low though I got it as a byte with the value 0 or 255.
I guess a two-channel digital oscilloscope could be handy for this.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager of course you would have to set up Arduino for the matching protocol.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager a scope implies a lot of manual labour counting and measuring the pulses. Some more expensive scopes will do it for you though.
Well, I figured a scope could bring me a little closer at least in terms of what rate I'm working at. And if one line just looks like clock signal one could assume it's I2C.
@William'MindWorX'Mariager or SPI
Good morning!
@William'MindWorX'Mariager Oh, you again? Didn't you change your username, yet? :)
3 hours later…
@abdullahkahraman Harh. :P
3 hours later…
hi all
@yogece Hi, I see you managed to change your avatar. How did you do that?
@abdullahkahraman tanks to you.because of my rep i could do it
@yogece Your welcome
@abdullahkahraman did u join todays hangout
@yogece I don't think there was a hangout
@abdullahkahraman are you interested analog ele
@yogece Yes, I love analog electronics
@abdullahkahraman name few best analog designers
@yogece I can go to Wikipedia, you know?
Bob Willard
Bob Pease
Jim Williams
@abdullahkahraman have u read them? bob widlar
@yogece Yeah, Widlar :)
@yogece No, I read some of Bob Pease's articles and Jim Williams' app notes
@abdullahkahraman have a look at www.introni.it/pdf/Bob%20Pease%20Lab%20Notes%20Part%208.pdf‎
@yogece Thanks
@abdullahkahraman u have any use ful resource for analog
@abdullahkahraman u have IEEE
@yogece No, unfortunately, I don't have IEEE membership.
@abdullahkahraman what all your interests
@yogece I like everything in electronics except from RF, which is a black magic to me.
@abdullahkahraman nice
@AsheeshR welcome
@yogece Hello.
@AsheeshR do u play with electronics?
@yogece From time to time.
@PythonInProgress you are RPi guy
why do you ask?
@yogece i love my Raspi :P
@PythonInProgress i have a confusion whether to buy RPi or beaglebone black
@PythonInProgress thanks
@yogece np. the raspi is awesome. if you optomize it a bit, you can even watch youtube at 1080p, better than my laptop
i run raspbian
@PythonInProgress how ubuntu works in RPi
@yogece ? it should work fine
@PythonInProgress have used?
just debian and raspbian.
@yogece I think BeagleBone Black is also worth looking.
@yogece a friend of mine says it works fine though
@abdullahkahraman i prefer the RPi
@PythonInProgress I thought it would be a little slow?
@PythonInProgress I have a Raspberry Pi, too :)
@PythonInProgress sorry about silly ques what diff betwen ubuntu & debian
idk, ill talk to him
@yogece just a different op system
@abdullahkahraman Cool :D
@yogece Ubuntu, is a Debian based linux distribution.
so is raspbian
@abdullahkahraman well u have rpi & black
@yogece I don't have Beaglebone Black
bye guis! gotta go
what about application compatibility?
@PythonInProgress Bye!
@yogece I think Beaglebone Black is better than Raspberry Pi in terms of performance.
@jippie, you gonna finish that answer?
@ThePhoton what is the name for verkortingsfactor in english
@jippie You mean, that the wavelength is shorter in dielectric than in vacuum?
@ThePhoton yes I will, but I need a missing thingy
@ThePhoton yes
dielectric constant or index of refraction (for optics).
dielectric constant might be square root of verkortingsfaktor or something.
yes rule of thumb 0.7 or 0.8
@ThePhoton oh go write yourself a winning aswer while I grab a book from the shelf
@jippie We also talk about relative velocity for coaxial cables, usually as a percentage (70 or 80%, like you say).
oh that would do
@ThePhoton can I use that?
@jippie Yeah, I'm waiting for your answer and I might just have a couple things to add to it.
does it have a common letter assigned?
Well I'm not planning to go much further than the rules of thumb anyway. :o)
Apparently velocity factor is a word too: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_propagation_speed
@ThePhoton yeah that sounds familiar :o)
there you go, thanks for speeding up the Googling :o)
strange that my little electronics compendium doesn't mention 'lange leidingen' and 'verkortingsfactor'. Curious how they do call it ... checking right now.
@ThePhoton "Velocity Factor" is not a word. It's two. :-)
@jippie My usual method to translate technical terms is to go to Wikipedia, and then see what the article on that term is called in the other language.
@ThePhoton mine too, but I could find it as quickly as I expected.
@jippie, one thing, the OP was asking about traces on a board, not coaxial lines...so he needs to get his velocity factor from either sqrt(L*C) (with the L and C numbers coming from a simulator or approximation formula based on the trace geometry, or just use 1/sqrt(D_k), with D_k taken very roughly as an average between the board material (4.7ish for FR4) and air (assuming a top layer trace).
@ThePhoton so what kind of value will he find? 0.7'ish?
High end EDA tools (Altium, ...) all have these calculations built in to their rules engines nowadays too.
I really don't have experience with PCB and track impedance, but when I was doing TDR measurements, I was never very far off with 0.7 or 0.8.
Did I mis the hangout?
@jippie Could be as low as 0.5 for a buried track. (completely surrounded by dielectric at D_k = 4.7)
hmm.. OK
@ThePhoton Anyways, that is how I use a rule of thumb, when the margin gets too close, I pull out the real formula's. Maybe I should mention that.
@ThePhoton we used to own one of those when I was a kid :o)
@angelatlarge hangout did not happen
@jippie I have one still...Used to keep it in my office, but my new job is a little more buttoned-down.
@AnindoGhosh Is that because the weather in OK finally got @Kortuk?
good morning @AnindoGhosh
@angelatlarge I guess he's got real life taking up his time. However, I think we're all doing something wrong: Any one of us with reasonably high bandwidth and reasonably low latency can set up the hang-out, and share the link here.
@jippie Hiya!
@abdullahkahraman what's this? :P chat.stackexchange.com/messages/9702628/history
@jippie And the rest of us? Chopped liver?
@AnindoGhosh and noone else bothers to set it up ... where will this chat go without @kortuk?
@jippie Like I said, we suck.
@angelatlarge Lightly fried, with browned onion rings.
@angelatlarge yeas, you too I guess .. :-p
@AnindoGhosh Apparently.
@angelatlarge Yummy.
@AnindoGhosh Ugh
@AnindoGhosh I think I've become to americanized: I don't eat entrails.
@angelatlarge Don't underestimate the power of onion rings.
@angelatlarge You need to travel the world. Incidentally, liver does not fall under "entrails", intestines do. If you eat sausages, there is a fair chance you do eat entrails: Sausage skin is often just that.
@AnindoGhosh That's true. At least the good ones.
@angelatlarge I can't believe I'm discussing culinary raw materials here. Wrong chat, wrong chat.
@AnindoGhosh I've spent quite a bit of time in rural mexico, where all sorts of things that we (usually) feed our dogs are eaten by humans. I admire that, but do not join in the fun.
@AnindoGhosh I guess we should stop before someone kicks us out.
@AnindoGhosh Though, again, I am not sure I consider liver "culinary"....
@AnindoGhosh yup
/me likes liver
@angelatlarge Liver mince (mutton is preferred) is not reject meat: It's rich in iron, many vitamins, protein, and tastes amazing if grilled or sautéed.
@AnindoGhosh That's what some people say of rats, caterpillars, and civet coffee too.
Hey. Stop.
@angelatlarge Have you heard of leberwurst? Truly delicious.
@CamilStaps Who is that for and why?
@angelatlarge Now, if I were speaking of haggis, I would understand the reluctance.
@angelatlarge He's a growing child, he gets hungry when we talk of food.
@angelatlarge all of you talking about food! Just kidding, carry on
@AnindoGhosh +1!
@CamilStaps No, we are not talking about food. We are talking about certain stuff that some people eat. Not food.
@angelatlarge lol :)
@AnindoGhosh One man's haggis is another man's delicious leverwurst
@AnindoGhosh I'm not growing anymore
@angelatlarge It's either leberwurst, liverwurst, or liver sausage.
@CamilStaps I'm not going there.
@AnindoGhosh good idea :)
@angelatlarge To be honest, my only real objection to haggis is the appearance.
@AnindoGhosh Never had the honor of meeting him live
@AnindoGhosh (The implied Alice in Wonderland reference need not be made explicit there)
@AnindoGhosh (Except in my comment)
@angelatlarge Hahahahahaha always with the exceptions,
@AnindoGhosh Because I am special...
@AnindoGhosh ...just like everyone else
@CamilStaps So your now interested in chat edits, too?
@abdullahkahraman I'm looking for something new, I almost have the Copy Editor badge
@abdullahkahraman yeah let's do ascii art :o)
Nobody noticed no grammer mistakes?
Wow, wonder when we are going to reach 1000 starred messages! Look at those stars! Your great guys!
@AnindoGhosh Offal
@abdullahkahraman I remember that there was a line "do you correct grammar mistakes?" in the geek test..
@ThePhoton What about it?
@AnindoGhosh Liver is not entrails, but it is offal (cc @angelatlarge).
@CamilStaps Quick, start my previous message so that every geek will see that "your" and will try to edit it out!
@angelatlarge That's "lever wurst"
@ThePhoton True.
@abdullahkahraman start?
@CamilStaps You know I meant star. Your mean
@AnindoGhosh I thought it was a giant hot dog on top of the pyramid of Giza.
@AnindoGhosh Groan! No, that's lever WORST (as in the most bad).
@abdullahkahraman you were fishing, so I bited
@ThePhoton It's sausage used as a lever, so you're close.
@ThePhoton I thought the same, lol
@CamilStaps Given that you are not a native English speaker, @AnindoGhosh will probably correct that.
@angelatlarge No, I'm trying to ration out my corrections.
@AnindoGhosh what has the sausage have to do with it?
@AnindoGhosh What's your limit?
@AnindoGhosh I am now trying to calculate the center of gravity of the sausage and why the right side is down
@jippie "Wurst" = sausage in German.
@angelatlarge 1 and a half Bacardi Breezers.
@angelatlarge sssh, I'm doing an undercover geek test on the users here
@AnindoGhosh Having to write German is my wurst fear
@abdullahkahraman Look carefully, the fulcrum is to the left of center of the sausage. Even visual puns deserve their share of proper engineering.
@jippie +1
@AnindoGhosh Oh, yeah
@AnindoGhosh Personally, I thought it was a large band aid, with the arrow indicating where the incision was made.
@AnindoGhosh I already made that joke. That goes into the the "recycling material that's too recent" file.
@angelatlarge That is a bad band aid then, with no holes for the wound to breath.
@angelatlarge It's an illustration, not a full 3-D model. I could do that instead, I'm pretty slick with a few 3-D CAD tools.
@abdullahkahraman breathe
@AnindoGhosh Take that man's breezer away!
@AnindoGhosh You correct breath->breathe, but not bited->bit???
@AnindoGhosh Yeah, yeah, where were you in my other dozen of messages? Guess this one is more realistic, ha?
@angelatlarge Government rations.
@AnindoGhosh We'll wait for the update image a couple minutes
@abdullahkahraman I prefer to have to do one correction per message tops. Don't want to overextend myself.
@AnindoGhosh Are you like the US Gummit with the immigration quota: there are corrections/region/country limit, and you already reached the European max?
@AnindoGhosh You have to keep yourself in control.
@jippie Won't. Not this time. Next time I sketch up a visual pun, I'll make it in Inventor.
Q: How to program a BeagleBone board?

runUntil now I used Microchip PIC, to program this microprocessor there is MPLAB. I would like to make a step forward and learn about other microcontrollers. I found the BeagleBone Black quiet promising for my DIY project because there is a 2GB flash and 1GHz clock. I have a few question as a begin...

He's using PIC and wants a step forward?? How's that supposed to work?
@CamilStaps yeah, I thought he wanted hands on AVR
@CamilStaps People can have dreams..
The head groan boy is in da house!
@angelatlarge "boy"?
@AnindoGhosh Sure.
@AnindoGhosh Pretty sure he's not a girl...
@angelatlarge In modern Turkish, we also use "boy" unless, he is 30+. But in this case, this sounds a little weird..
good morning
@jippie Is it morning already?
@AnindoGhosh at least we are good at something!
@angelatlarge bound to be somewhere in the world
Good evening!
@abdullahkahraman Bye!
so what is todays subject in chat?
So, more tornadoes, just finishing dealing with them.
@Kortuk Everything OK with you and yours?
@angelatlarge Yeah, we are all fine, just annoyances.
@Kortuk Good. You said you live and work in a bunker, but it's good to hear anyway.
@angelatlarge 20 feet of high density concrete. :)
@Kortuk I thought NORAD was in Colorado...
@Kortuk your family doesn't live there, do they?
/me worries too much
@jippie in-laws are semi near by, but not that close. Everyone is fine
I now have to work, sorry guys, later.
@jippie I'll take "Stuff that has nothing to do with electronics" for 500, please, Alex.
@ThePhoton oh. we have a comedian in chat today. Funny
@ThePhoton Nice!
Ad on Facebook: "Need a Loan to Payoff Debt? "
That's not really how it works.
@ThePhoton Although, how's that different from any other day? The chat subject breakdown, as far as I am concerned: beer: 5%, fixing someone's "How do I program avr with an Arduino?" problem: 20%, @AnindoGhosh's photography: 17%, languages: 8.5%, corrections: 22%, hellos/good-byes: 10%, stuff I don't understand: 17.5%
Yo yo yo!
@ThePhoton Ha ha ha!
@angelatlarge Yes, that's how I knew that topic would be on the board.
I forgot: making blackheart jokes: 6.66%. Will need to rescale the percentages though...
@angelatlarge This is where a spreadsheet would have come in handy.
@AnindoGhosh I don't really feel like retyping the whole list...
@angelatlarge :-)
@angelatlarge YES! I get 20%!
@angelatlarge What about copying and pasting, now that I think about it it is hard to reach from Ctrl to C, and then again from Ctrl to V!
I get the feeling there aren't too many RF engineers here
@coding_corgi Yes, you and yodece(?) I think.
@PhilFrost Off topic! Off topic! :)
@PhilFrost No, I haven't seen that much... We have lot's of of topic EE conversations though! ;]
@angelatlarge Naah... 'yogece' took 0.2%... He doesn't live in a haunted house...
@PhilFrost Most of my work is about keeping things from radiating.
you should hire me, because i'm apparently good at making antennas that do not radiate.
@PhilFrost Hmmm....
@PhilFrost Yes. Sounds like you should change your specialty from "rf" to "signal integrity"
Ok, stupid question, how exactly does eBay work, I am afraid from buying from eBay...
@coding_corgi I'm an eBay regular. What help do you need?
@coding_corgi Pretty much half my components and equipment are eBay purchases.
@AnindoGhosh I am afraid from buying from eBay... How does the system of ordering stuff work?
@coding_corgi you send them money, and they send you questionable goods from china.
@coding_corgi Hmm, if you want to take notes...
@PhilFrost Oooh! %[
@AnindoGhosh Naah...
@ThePhoton who is Tony?
so, if i take a non-resonant small loop, then make it resonate, does the radiation pattern change? Is it now a folded dipole?
@coding_corgi A user who is banned.
@ThePhoton Yeah, I was thinking that.
@ThePhoton How is a user banned?
And speaking of Tony, here's @Kortuk!
@coding_corgi by the mods
@ThePhoton Please the gods!
Q: Many new user accounts+answers+suspensions and protected questions

angelatlargeI apologize if thise has been discussed before, but I didn't see anything. There has been a rash of new user acounts answering questions, and an equal (rush) to protect them 2.1 sound system noise user22024 Bus vs. seperate return paths for 3 phase bridge? user22023 High to low impedance micr...

@PhilFrost From first principles I'd say no, the shape of the antenna should determine the radiation pattern...Adding lumped elements to make it resonant should just change how much power gets coupled in/out.
Of course for a more complex antenna like a Yagi if you could change how much current flows on the different elements, you could change the pattern.
@angelatlarge :)
@AnindoGhosh Still writing an eBay tutorial?
1. Never buy anything so expensive or important you would be devastated if you got ripped off.
2. If it seems too good to be true, you're right.
3. If it's something not critical you want, then look at both bid and buy-now items. If it's critical, select the "Buy it Now" checkbox on the left before searching.
4. For stuff like components, I always select the "Free shipping" checkbox as well - many sellers will sell stuff apparently dirt cheap, but the shipping is where they are making their money.
@AnindoGhosh Thanks... I'll stick to a safer side... Here I come amazon!
@coding_corgi I could tell you a lot more if you have specific questions.
@AnindoGhosh How should a new user deal with sellers who won't sell to you if you don't already have feedback?
@AnindoGhosh I don't think rule 4 is good for the US: more often than not you get cheaper prices if you pay for shipping. I usually just sort on price+shipping.
@coding_corgi Not sure where you're getting that Amazon is safe, or that eBay isn't? I've had way better success with refunds on eBay than on Amazon, the few times I needed it.
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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