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@NickHalden Thank you! See? Good reason! It comes with every thing you need too!
@NickHalden riii...iiight
@AnindoGhosh Shhhh....
@coding_corgi From Alton Brown's Facebook page: sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/…
@DavidKessner very ugly corgi...
@coding_corgi No comment. :)
@DavidKessner I am related to these people:
Sooo sleepy....
@AnindoGhosh "Trivial Launchpad" doesn't sound like such a great product name.
@ThePhoton No it does not...
@ThePhoton Tiva
@AnindoGhosh Well it won't sell to the dyslexic community, anyway.
@ThePhoton Isn't lesdyxia where they'd read it as Vita, which is nice, Latin for Life.
@StaceyAnne If you had already bought 10,000 of the old PN, they'd email you a PCN when they changed over. Other than that, yeah, it's a pita to figure out all those dumb PN changes...
@AnindoGhosh Ok, enough smart-ass for you today....
@ThePhoton BTW as an aside, both my brother and I are very dyslexic. Never bothered us much.
@coding_corgi Looks like the spoils of a good hunt.
@DavidKessner Shut up! They are snoozing!
@coding_corgi Yeah, we'll go with that... :)
@DavidKessner Be quite, if they wanted to eat them they would've already sauted them
@coding_corgi Aged meat tastes better. Just sayin'.
@DavidKessner Ok, that's it. SHUT UP!
@coding_corgi Sigh... That brought a smile to my day.
@CamilStaps Yo!
@CamilStaps Hi
@angelatlarge how's your app going?
@CamilStaps Crappy
@angelatlarge :(
@CamilStaps Very crappy
@angelatlarge very :(
@angelatlarge hee hee!
@CamilStaps :( Se la vi
@angelatlarge ouais, I suppose.. what do you have working, actually?
@CamilStaps It all started with the issue of preview vs. focal distance on Android phones, and cropping.
@angelatlarge because the photos aren't sharp?
@CamilStaps In the desktop version I was working with 125x50 images, but on my Android phone they cannot be that at least the way the program works now: I am using the preview mode, which is 640x480 and it cannot focus in that close, so the images are only 60px wide, which isn't enough.
@angelatlarge ah, I see - and that may vary on different phones, not?
@angelatlarge Keep at it! Is there an alternative?
@CamilStaps Yes and no. You are guaranteed to have 640x480 preview (and no more than that) and the minimum focal distance of 10 cm is common, so yes, it might differ but I can't cound on it.
@angelatlarge hm.. but there must be a solution; QR scanners work as well
@CamilStaps QR codes are much easier because they are guaranteed to have the maximum contrast of anything you are seeing, (being B&W) and they are also much larger than resistors. You also need to resolve less detail.
@angelatlarge Why won't you re-size it?
@angelatlarge yeah, that's true, hm..
I was thinking of switching to a non-preview mode, i.e. taking a picture, however, there is also a shake problem: it is very hard to get a relatively small resistor into a relatively small targeting window. This would mean being able to crop correctly automatically. That's what I am working on now, and it is going "meh".
@coding_corgi Because I need the detail in the image: by resizing it programmatically, no new information is added to the image, meaning, that it is effectively the same resolution.
@angelatlarge Do what's the main goal, and what's the problem?
@angelatlarge Excuse me I meant: So what's the main goal, and what's the problem?
sigh. I just discovered that the guy who did my layout completely disregarded my component footprint sizes. I emailed him to double check that one of the caps were 2220, and he says the netlist said 0805. wait, what? I double check. no 0805 in sight. he claims (and I quote) "orcad must have changed the value somehow". totally gobsmacked.
@angelatlarge c'est la vie
@angelatlarge stack'em
@StaceyAnne Send him this link: Prevarication
@AnindoGhosh Yeah, I almost know how to do that. But I was thinking that it isn't worth it to spend time on that now, so I wanted to try to avoid it, but the camera shake problem seems to mean that I need to do object detection regardless. I am playing around with that now.
@AnindoGhosh This is the first time that I've had my faux French corrected.
@angelatlarge Camera shake --> Use the flash
@angelatlarge Ignore me.
@AnindoGhosh What I am saying is that camera shake means framing errors. Flash does not help with that. Yet. As far as I know.
@angelatlarge Flash helps by reducing the exposure time. This thus reduces the time during which shake will occur. This therefore reduces the shake in the resultant image. What am I missing here?
@AnindoGhosh Sorry for being unclear. Given the small size of the object / targeting rectangle on the screen, and the difficulty of holding a camera steady, it is very difficult to frame the object accurately.
@angelatlarge None of the visiting card scanners, and even the naughty little "credit card number lifter" I saw once, bothers with framing accurately. They all create their own rotated, cropped bounding box either on the fly or post-capture.
@AnindoGhosh Automagically or with user intervention?
@angelatlarge auto
@AnindoGhosh It's nice having a guaranteed rectangle, isn't it? :)
@AnindoGhosh That's what I am trying to do now, minus the rotation
@angelatlarge Yup. However, from my analysis of the visiting card scanners, they don't do "guaranteed rectangle", but "guaranteed linearity", capturing and OCRing each line of text saves time and memory, over capturing a rectangle, I suspect.
@angelatlarge Why minus the rotation? You do have a guaranteed linearity / guaranteed parallels (the bands).
Hmm, Guaranteed Parallels - nice name for a band.
@AnindoGhosh Because I want to make something that works now. I think it isn't too much to ask the user to have the object rotationally aligned to, say 10 degrees. For now.
@angelatlarge yep
Who is good at matrix math/affine transformations?
@angelatlarge What is the matrix?
@coding_corgi Yeah, not that one, unfortunately. I think I got it though...
@angelatlarge Mathematics
@angelatlarge Blue pill or red pill?
Although they didn't solve my matrix question yet :(
@CamilStaps More like Signal Processing
@CamilStaps Linky? (Not that I am going to solve it)
Q: I cannot understand how this matrix works or how it is defined

Camil StapsI'm currently reading Ranking a Stream of News and have trouble on page 100 (don't be afraid, the math starts at 99). I cannot understand a matrix they define. In this article, the authors are providing a mathematical representation -as a graph- of a stream of news consisting of articles and sou...

@CamilStaps Yes! Linky!
It's too much work to read everything there, so I can understand people don't want to put effort in that.
@CamilStaps I TL;DR-ed on most of it. I tried to upvote it, but I'd have to create a mathematica account. Too much work. Sorry
@angelatlarge that's what I would do too :P
@CamilStaps Is there a badge we can get for that?
@angelatlarge "didn't stay longer than 5 seconds on 100 questions"? :)
@CamilStaps That's pure gold, baby!
@CamilStaps Did you work out the basic idea of block matrices? You just make a big matrix by combining littler matrices.
There must be a bronze one too...
'night pplz
@ThePhoton we didn't learn matrices in school. I think I can figure out what the meaning is if only I'd know what O, B^T and Sigma are...
@AnindoGhosh good night
@AnindoGhosh Good night, sock-mastered one.
If you just write the four matrices (O, B, B', Sigma) next to each other in the arrangement they show, then take away the braces around each one, and put big braces around the whole thing, you get A.
For the Sigma sub-matrix, there's this:
A similarity matrix is a matrix of scores which express the similarity between two data points. Similarity matrices are strongly related to their counterparts, distance matrices and substitution matrices. Use in sequence alignment Similarity matrices are used in sequence alignment. Higher scores are given to more-similar characters, and lower or negative scores for dissimilar characters. Nucleotide similarity matrices are used to align nucleic acid sequences. Because there are only four nucleotides commonly found in DNA (Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G) and Thymine (T)), nucleoti...
@ThePhoton ah, that's easy :)
And they tell you how to get the entries of B in the paragraph after they define A.
@ThePhoton thanks for that Sigma! I got B, yes, but what would B^T be then? They don't define T as far as I can see
@CamilStaps To take the transpose, you just reflect the matrix around the diagonal.
If A = B' (transpose of B), then a_ij = b_ji.
@ThePhoton oh, it isn't to-the-power-of T?
@CamilStaps It's a special operator for matrics
@ThePhoton it seems to be all basic stuff :) do you also know what O is?
@CamilStaps I'm still looking for that in the paper.
@ThePhoton it isn't something standard? It only rings a bell with (0,0) for me, could it be an empty matrix?
@CamilStaps O might be the Zero matrix --- all entries are 0. But that doesn't go with what you said about how you might change that part of A.
@ThePhoton ah, but I'm not sure about that! I don't understand that sentence
Or they will replace O by a Sigma for sources (the other Sigma is for articles), does that make any sense?
@CamilStaps F*ing Sh*theads made their PDF not searchable!
where's the sentence about "can modify A in the upper left corner?" page and column?
@ThePhoton I can search it here - it's in the paragraph below the definition of A, page 100
good morning @all
did I miss anything good today?
@CamilStaps OK. O is the zero matrix...but if you have some reason to think that sorces are similar to each other, you could change it to put that information in...like Sigma gives the similarity between articles.
@ThePhoton I see! That sorted it all out, let me check..
@ThePhoton Yes, this is all clear. Thanks a lot! If you want you can make this an answer?
@CamilStaps If you've done algebra and you know how to solve a system of equations, you should be able to pick up the basics of matrix math (at least the notation) pretty quickly...even the wikipedia article isn't that bad for at least the first few paragraphs.
@CamilStaps Not worth making an account on math.se for me
@ThePhoton okay, if it's okay if I write it up?
@CamilStaps yep
@ThePhoton thanks a lot! :)
@CamilStaps Now you can tell me, why is my circuit blowing up $500 chips ???
@ThePhoton you... you are sure you don't miss a decimal point there?
@CamilStaps Maybe a factor of 2, but not a factor of 10.
@ThePhoton ouch.. what chips cost 500$?
@ThePhoton because you didn't design in a750$ chip?
@CamilStaps very fast ones.
@ThePhoton or because your employer doesn't want you to play with the expensive ones?
@jippie Unfortunately those are even more fragile.
That chip's worth more than my scope :o
Also, lucky for my ego, I didn't design this thing myself.
@CamilStaps Very fast ones that don't sell in very high volume...
I was at an exhibition yesterday and I met this sales rep lady from teledyne/le croy. So I asked her: Why should I buy Le Croy (Teledyne) and not Tektronix? Guess what she answered
@jippie Wat?
@ThePhoton well I hope you get it working before they're sold out ;)
@jippie Le Croy used to be the low-price 'scope guys. Now they're big bucks.
I was at an exhibition and Teledyne had a 25 GHz oscilloscope the size of a 1990's cell phone....
Might have even been faster, I don't remember.
@ThePhoton actually she had a pretty good story and she told me that both are good scopes, but the main difference is in software and the number of ADC bits
@jippie How fast were you looking for?
Or anyway how fast did yo utell her you were looking for?
but especially LeCroy has better software (according to her of course, I know too little to have an opinion on that)
@jippie I think Le Croy do the best at UI design --- at least for making it look slick. I've never used their equipment so I don't know how effective the UI actually is.
@ThePhoton We were looking at mid line
@jippie Well, the high end is 40 GHz, so you must mean 20 GHz?
little under
I really like the BIG screens on some of the newer Agilent scopes. But they are not priced for hobbyists.
If you're debuggin on the bench top but the only place to fit the scope is on the floor, the big screen is really nice.
and I learned that you can buy a new Tek for 300€ (if you would want that). The last price a heard was like two houses (with a garage each)
@jippie There is a big price difference between 50 MHz and multi-gigaherz.
@ThePhoton yeah I noticed that, they had like 60MHz bandwidth
But the Teledyne girl was good looking, so I spent some more time on that stand than at the Tek stand.
I don't suppose anyone here knows much about Haar cascades?
@AnindoGhosh I think I may have a launchpad, i'll check in a little while when i get home
Didn't see Agilent though. Well I did see the equipment, but a real Agilent stand
@jippie I've seen an Agilent semi trailer
@angelatlarge 2 September 2008 11:26:58 am
last edit
@jippie You lost me there.
@angelatlarge Last edit on that website was september 2008. Chances are that you will have a hard time finding support.
@jippie Which website?
oh shoot
I'm dreaming away I guess
Haar-like features are digital image features used in object recognition. They owe their name to their intuitive similarity with Haar wavelets and were used in the first real-time face detector. Historically, working with only image intensities (i.e., the RGB pixel values at each and every pixel of image) made the task of feature calculation computationally expensive. A publication by Papageorgiou et al. discussed working with an alternate feature set based on Haar wavelets instead of the usual image intensities. Viola and Jones adapted the idea of using Haar wavelets and developed the so-...
@W5VO I've seen it too...but never been inside.
@W5VO check the new users plz
Here is a thought that occurred to me on the way to work: when EE's join management, they receive shoulder strap devices that oppose the descent of trousers below the waist line. These are called pull-down resistors.
@Kaz why only for youngsters that join mgmt?
Why won't someone make USB scope probes and some scope software?! There you go! You have an awesome scope!
@coding_corgi Agreed. I have a USB scope that has really good performance!
@W5VO You're suspending me here, that image did not loading yet!
There we go
@coding_corgi It's a Tek MSO 4000 series scope
@W5VO USB? Like that it plugs in to your computer?
It has USB master and slave ports
@W5VO I want a scope, but I really don't want to buy one because they are so expensive...
as well as ethernet
@coding_corgi What are you going to use it for?
@W5VO WTF!? How much did it cost?
@W5VO Basic stuff...
@W5VO pshhh, ive got an M*D*O 4000 series scope
@coding_corgi $14k I think
@NickHalden I have a real spectrum analyzer :p
@W5VO Sounds like sour grapes to me
@W5VO Did your employer give that to you?
@NickHalden Is that what they make Souvignon Blanc out of?
ATTENTION EVERYONE: I would like to make a comment on our chatroom as a whole: You all are atrocious at choosing what to star.
@NickHalden Why are you blaming everyone for @coding_corgi's starring habits :) ?
@NickHalden Same goes to you! Don't be such hippo/crite
@angelatlarge SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
@angelatlarge Because there is only one thing on the current list that i would've starred, and most of the others have at least 2 stars so it's not just him.
@coding_corgi I never star things so don't blame me.
@NickHalden Sure...
@coding_corgi Prove me wrong.
@Kortuk See what I mean? People crave a strong leader: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/9677191#9677191
@NickHalden Because I have a 22GHz spectrum analyzer, and the MDO ones aren't that good
@NickHalden How?
Maybe this? http://www.teledyne-si.com/test_measurement/PB_0154PA0-0811.pdf

It's ethernet rather than USB, but should generally do what you want...
@coding_corgi Oh, sorry, was it supposed to be a secret?
@W5VO Yeah I was messin, I'm sure yours is better, but we don't need much. We just use it for FCC pre-screening mostly etc.
@angelatlarge That's it! I will track your annoying behavior! I think it's every Thursday. Can you not wait for Friday, in which that makes you grumpy?
@ThePhoton You you give me a link not a PDF please?
@NickHalden We looked at them, but we have a 1 GHz MSO, and a 22 GHz SA, and the MDO didn't really seem to offer us anything that we didn't already have
@W5VO google.com/… - first hit has a crazy price!
@coding_corgi Ours is closer to the second
@ThePhoton Thanks, yeah I googled and that's sort've what I got, I mean really people? Why do othey have to be so expensive?!
it may have been $16k new
@W5VO Huh...
@W5VO Yeah for us different people use each tool all the time so we just got 3 MDOs, seemed the simplest way to make sure nobody was waiting for tools
@W5VO I will probably be looking at this section: google.com/…
@NickHalden we have 3 spectrum analyzers
@W5VO but we needed 3 spectrum analyzers AND 3 o'scopes
= perfect reason to get 3 MDOs
How do you like the MDO by the way?
@coding_corgi Mixed Domain Oscilloscope = Spectrum Analyzer + Oscilloscope (+ Logic Analyzer)
@W5VO What's a good scope speed for a EE beginner?
@AnindoGhosh don't have one. I got a STM32F3DISCOVERY which I have only really run the demo
@coding_corgi I'd say 25-50 MHz on an analog scope, maybe 100 MHz on a cheap digital one
@W5VO ... I am looking at pocket nano ones...
@W5VO Still here?
@coding_corgi I'd never buy a scope with only a 1 MHz bandwidth, unless I had a very specific use in mind.
@coding_corgi Maybe ok for audio, probably nothing digital
Oh.... Analog BW = Sampling rate. I would avoid it
@coding_corgi are looking for low cost scope
If I were buying a scope for home, I'd look seriously at this one: amzn.com/B001VKCJ0M
Disclaimer: I have not used that one, but the price and features look attractive.
@DavidKessner I've heard good things about the Rigols
@W5VO It's nice, I think there might be a bug in the firmware though cuz if you leave it turned on for like a few weeks, it gets suuuper slow to calculate the FFTs
@DavidKessner And if you didn't have half a grand to spend on a scope?
@angelatlarge The scope I just rented, with probes, was US$130k if I bought it. I'm spoiled. :) There are slower versions of the Rigol, but honestly I would beg/borrow/steal a scope until I saved up enough for a 100 MHz scope.
@DavidKessner Why 100Mhz? Personally, I haven't worked on anything faster than 20Mhz.
@DavidKessner The 50MHz Rigol is the same hardware as the 100MHz Rigol, it's not too difficult to hack it to be the 100MHz version.
the EEVBlog did an episode about it a while ago
@angelatlarge For most things involving FPGA's, a 25-50 MHz scope is almost useless. Also, you generally want the scope to be 4 to 8x the speed of the fastest signal, otherwise you can't properly see the signal integrity.
@DavidKessner I see.
@DavidKessner I Haven't done any FPGA development.
@angelatlarge Many microcontrollers these days are >50 MHz.
@DavidKessner True dat
@NickHalden Wait... is it a FFT or the actual Spectrum Analyzer sweep?
@W5VO not sure what you mean?
@NickHalden Why are you using the FFT if you have a spectrum analyzer?
@jippie! Here's something you are sure to enjoy: stackoverflow.com/questions/16175765/…
@angelatlarge text console bitmaps?
@jippie I haven't done this. Somebody wants to, but I agree with the only answer there, it is bound to be hard. But if anyone can do it, it's you. I just wouldn't use Haar cascades to detect cats, that's all.
i have no clue what haar cascades are and how they/it relates to opencv
@jippie It is something you can do in openCv, among many other things.
@jippie Haar cascades is an an algorithm for trainable image object recognition.
@yogece Whoah! Me thinks you copy and pasted that pic, I know I have seen it before on another users profile...
The Viola–Jones object detection framework is the first object detection framework to provide competitive object detection rates in real-time proposed in 2001 by Paul Viola and Michael Jones. Although it can be trained to detect a variety of object classes, it was motivated primarily by the problem of face detection. This algorithm is implemented in OpenCV as cvHaarDetectObjects(). Components of the framework Feature types and evaluation The features employed by the detection framework universally involve the sums of image pixels within rectangular areas. As such, they bear some rese...
@angelatlarge I play the Viola! JK! I totally know it's not related...
@DavidKessner Hmmm.. It looks really nice for the price, I think I might get that one...
time for bed
/me is out
@W5VO i was under the impression that's what it does to create the spectrum view?
@NickHalden Surely not - my MSO has a FFT function that is the mathematical operation on the sampled signal. For the spectrum view, it should be using a separate RF section to generate the data... otherwise you aren't getting anything different
@W5VO yeah it is using the RF section, but I thought it had to do some FFTs. obviously im not clear on the internals of how it works.
@NickHalden What kind of dynamic range do you see on the spectrum analyzer display (the distance from a strong peak to the noise floor). If it's more than about 50 dB, then they must be doing something more than just taking FFT of the input samples (assuming 8 bit sampler).
@ThePhoton yes it's larger than that, frequently the noise floor is around -80dBm to - 100dBm while our actual signals are around -10 - 10 dBm
if im remember correctly
i haven't used it in several weeks, been working on a firmware only project lately
@jippie I have had as much time for it as I have had for being on here.
24 hours ago, by David Kessner
Fake Question: I want to design a circuit that can email me when a sensor trips, but I don't want to use any IC's. Just resistors and caps. Where do I begin?
Awesome idea
@Kortuk Hey bud! It's been a while since I saw you here!
@NickHalden Yeah, sorry, we have a major major maintenance event every year, it happened last weekend, so two weeks up until it were crazy getting ready, 1 week after is paperwork.
@Kortuk No worries, I've been much busier as well as of late, only coming on for a few minutes every few days probably
how's life though?
@NickHalden Decent, still busy, you?
@Kortuk Samesies
@Kortuk So, should I go and create a sock puppet account just to post fake questions? :)
Hey, all. Is there a goto 40 pin ZIF socket that's compatible with a pickit 3?
@Littlegator Nope.
Nah I'm just kidding, I have no idea... never use PICs.
Rather, I'm not just looking for a socket but a board that I can connect the pickit 3 to to program and use ICD on a PIC.
@Littlegator The PIC person that hangs out here is @CamilStaps. He'll be here around 2AM EST (US).
PICs are evil. EVIL I say. Maybe even more evil than an Arduino! :)
Yup, but they're also perfect for what I want to do. Can't beat a built-in CAN interface with free working code provided for <$2 per chip.
@DavidKessner :)
@Littlegator I like the Freescale and TI ARM Cortex M0/3/4 based microcontrollers. You can get a real 32-bit CPU with lots of peripherals and super fast speeds for <$2. Some less than $1.
@DavidKessner would there be any reason for getting 'U' value when clocking something out? i.imgur.com/NZGAtTN.png
should be doing "0100" & address & "1" & "00001100" msb first
@MLM Modelsim?
@DavidKessner not sure what you are asking. its the xilinx simuator
@MLM iSim. Ok.
@DavidKessner yes isim
@MLM U stands for "Undefined". Somewhere you are loading a flip-flop with an undefined value. Usually Undefined is because of something uninitialized to a good value when the simulation starts, and it takes several/many clocks to make it out to a pin/port.
@DavidKessner looks like the address signal is undefined even tho when I initialize the component i just write "000" - i.imgur.com/MvBmNXZ.png
@MLM VHDL is tricky, sometimes.
@DavidKessner Yes I agree
@Littlegator AVR still sounds better
@DavidKessner Go ARM! Go ARM Go ARM!
Oops, I forgot my traditional greeting:
Yo yo yo!
@coding_corgi Oy, Oy, Oy!
Oi! is a subgenre of punk rock that originated in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s. The music and its associated subculture had the goal of bringing together punks, skinheads and other working-class youths (sometimes called herberts). The Oi! movement was partly a response to the perception that many participants in the early punk rock scene were, in the words of The Business guitarist Steve Kent, “trendy university people using long words, trying to be artistic...and losing touch”. André Schlesinger, singer of The Press, said, “Oi shares many similarities with folk music, beside...
Oy vey (), oy vay, or just oy — or even more elaborately oy vey iz mir, [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/oy_vey oh weh!] — is an exclamation of dismay or exasperation meaning something like "oh, [http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Weh pain]" or "woe is me". Derivation According to etymologist Douglas Harper, the phrase is derived from Yiddish and is of Germanic origin. It is a cognate of the German expression Oh weh, or Au weh, a common expression used in Bavaria and Austria in similar situations, combining the German and Dutch exclamation Au! meaning "Ouch/Oh" and the German word Weh, a cognate...
If you ever go into city planning, you can name a street Oy Way.
@ThePhoton I gotta go where the streets have oy name...
(Sorry, was listening to U2.)
I find it very weird that International Rectifier does not make rectifiers.
a.k.a. Diodes.
Question for y'all: the 33K resistor is orange-orange-orange, meaning that on some backgrounds the bands will not be very contrasty. Is that the worst resistor? It looks like 555 is not part of even the E192 series, so 33K looks to be the worst, yes?
@DavidKessner Of course PICs are evil if you are building an e-mail circuit with caps and resistors only.
@angelatlarge with the orange theme I suggest you ask our dutch denizens ...
@rawbrawb Ha ha
Nice one though
@rawbrawb Can you think of a less contrasty set of bands though?
@angelatlarge The eagles, depeche mode, the polka kings ....
@rawbrawb ...groan
@angelatlarge sure ... groan at me but not the fine examples of groan - inducment by @ThePhoton and @DavidKessner ? Oy Vey!
@angelatlarge orange on a brown body would have it. But ... not all dies/inks are the same so some manufacturers were far worse than others.
@rawbrawb Yeah, for sure, but I am trying to think of the worst case.
@rawbrawb Any particular examples you have in mind?
@rawbrawb I don't think I've been around that much.
@rawbrawb Are you actually demanding equal treatment of all groanable items?
@angelatlarge Just protesting the poor treatment ... ;)
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