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Do you know where to get this kind of small GPS unit? I thought about TI's NL550, ideas?
2 hours later…
@DavidKessner Ahoy
@hhh Try this for GPS modules: sparkfun.com/categories/17
How is it going tonight?
@DavidKessner My exciting Friday night!
@ThePhoton What makes it exciting?
@DavidKessner The exclamation point!
@ThePhoton Have you been drinking? :)
@DavidKessner No!
Well, you sure are excited tonight.
I'm trying to imagine what I would do with 0.005% resistors.
@ThePhoton If they are SMD resistors, you can stack them on end and push them over like Dominoes.
But if they're axial-lead I could use them to clean gunk out from between the keys on my keyboard.
@DavidKessner :)
@ThePhoton Axial-leaded resistors are good for getting the lint out of your belly button.
@angelatlarge Evening!
@DavidKessner Or getting SMD resistors out of there
@DavidKessner Hallo!
@angelatlarge Strangely enough, I have never had SMD resistors lodge in my belly button.
@ThePhoton Mostly, I try to design my stuff so that I don't need 0.005% resistors.
@DavidKessner That's odd.
@DavidKessner That's wise. I don't think I've ever seen a 0.005% resistor.
@ThePhoton Only tantalum resistors can even approach 0.005%
Once we got a price quote for some thick film 0.5% 0805 resistors from Vishey. I kid you not, the first quote came back as $20/each. We laughed, and they came back with a new quote of $5/each. Keep in mind these things have something like 3,000-5,000 resistors per reel.
I mean 0.005% 100 Ohm resistor. If the wire connecting to it has 0.005 Ohms resistance, you just blew your error budget.
@DavidKessner Bulk metal foil?
@ThePhoton I prefer 0.005 ohm, 100% tolerance.
@ThePhoton I forget what kind it was. They were nice resistors, but we wouldn't pay $0.50/each for them.
A friend of mine has a band. He called up and left a message wondering if we know somebody who could help him set up a Wordpress site for his band....Is Wordpress really a good choice for a band site? What should he actually be using?
@ThePhoton Wordpress is not bad. There are three basic CMS systems out there: wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla. Either one will work.
@ThePhoton I use wordpress and it works fine. Most importantly, it's free to use (there are fee based upgrades, too). Give it a try, you have nothing to loose but some time.
@DavidKessner Ain't that the truth
@ThePhoton I've used Wordpress and Drupal. Wasn't crazy about Joomla.
And by wordpress, I am referring to wordpress.com as opposed to some CMS hosted at another site.
I have a Wordpress site, and I've used a more customized Wordpress-based site. But they were just straight-up blogs...linear stream of posts. Not sure that's what I'd want if I was advertising a band.
And the premium upgrades (your own domain, no ads) add up quick...but maybe I'm not well calibrated on what it would cost to get a site hosted by a more "generic" hosting service.
@ThePhoton That's the cost of running a business, and a band is a business...
Right, but you want to run the business efficiently. Why pay wordpress $200/year for something you might be able to get for $100/year somewhere else? (Honestly I have no idea what kind of budget my friend has for this)
For about $100/year you can get your own decent hosting service, plus $20 for the domain you pay to a registrar.
I guess WP with custom design, custom domain, and no ads comes to $75 per year...plus whatever you pay to the theme designer...so maybe it's not too bad.
Assuming you don't need them to host your videos (where the storage space charges add up pretty quick)
@ThePhoton $75/year is tiny compared to how much the upkeep of the web site is. If you spend an hour a week, 52 hours a year, at $10/hour then you have "spent" $520/year on maintaining the website. Of course, the accounting of band finances is often never as straight forward, but you get the idea.
@DavidKessner True
How much time you spend wheedling your tech-savvy friends into maintaining your website for you.
@ThePhoton Bands are all about scamming people out of freebies. :)
Here is a good video about bands getting freebies. Worth watching. ted.com/talks/amanda_palmer_the_art_of_asking.html
my latest blog post
can anyone explain the code that mystified me?
@markrages Only the person who wrote it, would be my guess
@markrages I can probably explain the redundant comments.
@ThePhoton Maybe he already did?
redundant comments, why?
I mean explain why thery're there, not point out how idiotic they are.
@ThePhoton Sorry I misread that
@ThePhoton Corporate commenting requirements?
the whole SDK is full of that kind of comments
which would support that theory
@markrages Auto-documentation generator. Want's to have something to say about every input, output, and return value. Normally the name of the function doesn't need to be restated in the comment, though.
So /* ... main() ... /* is still a wtf.
yes, well that would explain why the doxygen docs are worthless in this case
because they just restate what the code says, without any "why"
In Visual Studio if I just type /// it auto generates a template with a line for each input and output and the return value.
@markrages hardware guys writing code?
I actually like that style of commenting
but if you are just rephrasing the variable names, you aren't adding value
Guys who were told they have to write comments, but English isn't their first language so that makes it a pain to do right.
Maybe this is an example of why mandatory comments are a bad idea
the hardware design in this chip is excellent and a pleasure to work with
I think it was different folks writing the SDK.
I'm off to bed. Later all!
Morning, what's up with the stars?
Ahh my name is italic too! Awesome.
@CamilStaps Which stars?
@CamilStaps Hello
@angelatlarge on 'l' and ':]'
@CamilStaps @rawbrawb liked it. I don't know why.
@CamilStaps I don't know what's up with :]
@angelatlarge hm okay. How's the rep going? 2K already?
@CamilStaps After you post a couple of free beer questions for me, sure.
@CamilStaps I've been mostly androiding, and there are a couple of new rep-hungry users to seem to know their stuff on EE.SE, so few opportunities for easy rep.
@angelatlarge I won't be online today except an hour or so now, so I think I'm going to pass ;)
@angelatlarge yeah, I've noticed them as well
@CamilStaps I got 40 today. Not nothing but not 200. And no, I am not 2K :(
Need another 150
And then all your commas are belong to us
@angelatlarge :P 150 is possible in one, or otherwise two days
good morning
Patience is a virtue ;)
Hi @jippie
@CamilStaps Lots of things I possible. It is possible that @jippie will show up... OH MY GOD, IT IS A MIRACLE!
Hi @jippie
@angelatlarge haha
@angelatlarge visited 394 days, 219 consecutive
yes there is a slight possibility I might show up
@jippie That's inductive.
@jippie i.e. meaningless in a DC circuit
@angelatlarge I'm like noise, that isn't DC by definition
@jippie No, I am noise. You are signal.
@angelatlarge Everybody else was starring punctuation!
@ThePhoton Your punctuation.
@ThePhoton Or your French.
@angelatlarge I'm not allowed to star my own punctuation.
Punctuation matters.
A lot. It's worth editing.
@CamilStaps You don't say!
@CamilStaps Can I edit your chat post to add an exclamation point?
Good night.
@ThePhoton good night :)
@ThePhoton Goodnight
@angelatlarge poor SNR today on chat then
@jippie kshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttttttttttppppppppppppppptttttttthhhhhhhhh‌​hhhhhhttttttttttttttt!
Okay, I'm out. Bye!
SNR got even worse
@jippie That's because you are not talking :)
@jippie Actually, I wanted to ask you something that i saw in an answer but couldn't quite believe...
@angelatlarge follow your gut feeling
A: Making an adjustable resistance

XMPPwockyUsing the pot like this is fine. Usually, when connecting a potentiometer as a variable resistor, you connect the unused pin to the wiper. Makes the circuit diagram look a bit cleaner, and in audio circuits keeps the pot from making scratchy noises while it's being turned. For sensing ambient li...

Is it true that the wiper "usually" gets wired to the unused pot terminal? I've never done that.
OK, when the wiper is at the same end as the unused terminal, that's like having parallel wires from the end of the resistor: no difference.
And when the wiper, is say, in the middle, that's like having a resistor of 1/2 value, plus a resistor of 1/2 value in parallel with a bare wire, so that's nothing also: the result is just 1/2 the resistance.
@angelatlarge it is often done like that, not sure why. Not sure (actually I doubt if it matters much) if the scratchy noise makes sense in an audio application, maybe @DavidKessner knows.
@jippie ok
@angelatlarge best argument in that answer to my current knowledge is that the circuit diagram looks tidy. No loose ends, nothing forgotten to draw.
@jippie In an audio circuit, if the wiper loses contact with the resistive surface at some point, there is momentarily an open circuit. Connect the wiper to the unused side, and worst-case is that the circuit has a resistance equal to the maximum of the pot. That's a good reason to tie the wiper to the end contact.
@AnindoGhosh but it is still noisy
@AnindoGhosh and if the wiper loses contact in an audio application, you should have bought a better quality potmeter ;o)
@jippie No doubt - but a transient open circuit would be worse. For the noise-sensitive situations, there are digital pots, ganged (dual) pots, and ages ago there used to be some big huge special-purpose pots in a sealed unit with some conductive grease kind of thing on the surface. I wonder whether those still are made. I had a couple of them.
1 hour later…
@AnindoGhosh an average potmeter, 15x15mm, what would the order of magnitude max current be?
1 hour later…
@jippie max current, or max voltage? Current isn't usually high at all, and of course it also varies by resistance: The Bourns 3590 multiturns I use are rated for 2 watts AbsMax
Bourns is not your average potmeter ;o)
@AnindoGhosh When I was a young boy I had smelly potmeters every now and then, especially at the end of the scale.
And I was doing some experiments earlier to figure out what current is needed for a relay card
(turned out > 250uA)
But I touched 10mA ..
@jippie Yes, but since those are rated at just 2 Watts, lesser ones would be less, was what I was trying to say.
@jippie What is a relay card?
@jippie ahh. Sorry, I didn't understand the term. I know those as relay modules. My bad.
@jippie are you familiar with the TL431? I'm planning to use it for my super-defensively-designed MOSFET module, to trigger a crowbar.
for overvoltage protection.
nope not familiar
how expensive is the mosfet you are trying to protect?
@jippie About 50 cents. The TL431 is about 10 cents. Hmm, that's a very valid question - why bother to protect it at all, eh?
@jippie Thanks, that's what I like most about you - You're always grounded in practicalities, not a theoretical EE who always says "Oh, order a more expensive part".
did I fry my IRF530 if it shows a 15mA drain current at U(GS)=0V?
@AnindoGhosh not entirely sure. I think the most important thing you want to protect is the microcontroller. That is relatively expensive (especially when mounted on an eval board).
Maybe you want to protect the external circuit aswel?
@jippie Yes, that's well protected by just the optocoupler itself.
@AnindoGhosh it all depends on your goal/requirements
of course ordering more parts is more fun than thinking about goal and requirements :o)
@jippie That's the part that I'm toying with: Let's say you are the target buyer - would you expect the module to be protecting stuff, if you were feeding in 25 volts on a 18 Volt rated module?
@jippie Goal = make a super-cheap module that hobbyists will love to buy, and that will be solidly useful.
do you need to trigger at 18.001V or would 18'ish volts be good enough :-p
or 16'ish V for that matter
@jippie The TL431 did not even need ordering, I'd used them for some design some time ago (before my EE.SE days), so I have a few dozen left over. Also, they are Rupees 3 each (6 cents) in single unit retail.
@jippie Oh, anywhere from 16 to 19.5 would rock, since the silkscreen will say rated for 16 Volts 2 Amperes.
@jippie The IRF530 cannot have 15 mA with V(gs) at 0 Volts, there's something driving gate voltage up.
@AnindoGhosh I have two voltmeters and a ampmeter in the circuit.
i think i fried it
@jippie No spare IRF530?
I think it was dissipating about 15-20W with a small heat sink
@jippie 15 watts with an on resistance of 0.15 Ohms or so = 100 amperes current
It was in its linear mode
I think I'd go for a a resistive divider and a SCR
@jippie Brings back the question - would you use an SCR at all, or let the device be blown if overvoltage occurs?
not sure which device would trigger first, the SCR (as designed) or the MOSFET by breaking down
@jippie Because an SCR costs more than the logic level MOSFETs I have.
@jippie No, that's not a problem, as the SCR triggering is easy to manage carefully. For that matter, it is cheaper to use a MOSFET to crowbar than an SCR.
@jippie Except, the MOSFET would go into linear before saturating, and that might cause it to fail due to overcurrent before the PPTC triggers
No, I think I'll skip overvoltage protection. Think of yourself as the customer. Would you not know what voltage you were applying?
but if you apply say 100V to a 60Vmax MOSFET, designed as crowbar. What would happen first: will it break down due to the 100V or will it have time enough to act as crowbar to reduce the voltage?
@jippie It's junction will fry. MOSFETs are delicate that way.
so what is the use for a MOSFET as crowbar when it will break down before it does its job?
@AnindoGhosh I feel like spoiling all your design-fun ;o)
@jippie Exactly, I'm skipping the crowbar. I'll retain the overcurrent and the reverse connection protection
poor little MOSFET, it barely saw the light of day
I think I'll stick with the relay module for the application I have in mind (switching on and off USB disks).
@jippie Yeah, relays have their advantages.
@jippie Bidirectional for one thing. What's the cheapest single channel relay module out there?
@AnindoGhosh don't know, this one was under 6 euro's. It looks pretty decent quality.
@jippie OK. My MOSFET SIL module should be priced at around $2 or so
consumer price or manufacturing cost?
@AnindoGhosh you know these tiny two wire voltmeter modules?
@jippie Consumer
@jippie I don't use the 2 wire ones, only the 3 wire versions.
there is a trimpot on the rear
@jippie OK, and?
do you know what it adjusts?
@jippie Nope. My 3 wire ones don't have one.
i thought I had 3 wire ordered, but they are two wire
did you notice there is no part number on the chip? :-)
top secret internals :o)
@DavidKessner Thank you, it may become useful -- now trying to find BT4.0 chip. I found BTE113 but trying to find some chip that I can get fast..
Any idea for other BT4.0 chips? BlueGiga BTE113 is one but is there any other manufacturers?
@jippie No, those are probably OEM "pulled" chips, i.e. pulled off the production line either because the client cancelled an order, or because the chips were not meeting specs. One of the reasons so many modules are cheaper than the cheapest price of the ICs, even large volume pricing, is the whole "pulled IC" economy. Those sell a lot in India.
@jippie And then there are entire wafers reported as "quality control reject", which are then packaged and sold without knowledge of the client.
@AnindoGhosh so there is no way you could make a cheaper 3digit 3 wire voltmeter yourself.
@jippie Not that I know of - the LED displays are bloody expensive in small volumes. The economy in such items works thus (at least for the vendors in Mumbai, who I discuss these things with): Any large sized (for its price) low to medium volume product, or delicate item regarding careless storage (e.g. LED display) is not worth importing large volumes of, especially in the container load imports, which are typically shipped in (amazing to see) jute sacks!
@jippie Also, any SMD part not sold in huge volumes is not priced well here, as the popular business model is about very fast product throughput, 1 to 2% profits, minimal inventory cost, zero proper-handling cost, and often somewhat illegal sources (undocumented sales) and shipments (customs duty evasion). SMD parts that need Pick & Place machines and cannot be soldered by low-cost manual labor, are not popular here, since it is very difficult to justify the cost of a high end P&P machine.
A basic P&P machine capable of 0402 or smaller, is around $20k here without paperwork, twice that with legal import.
Even at 20k, that would pay the salary for more than 100 man-months of manual soldering, plus due to weak labor law enforcement, you can always fire them when work is low, and re-hire when work rolls in.
Still I'm a little inspired by the fact that I can do the same with the parts I have lying around :o)
I'm still busy with the 4 digit display module anyway :o)
It is pretty straightforward to add an ADC to it, just have to change from an ATtin2313 to an ATtiny861
that way I have 3 free ADC inputs, and I can make the thing autoranging :o)
bit have to make it accept serial first. Then bluetooth. Then decode data from a GPS module ...
have to order 3V3 voltage regulators
/me is out for abit
@jippie I got a great deal for 20 pieces 3.3V LDOs on eBay a while ago. I think my bid was some $1.72 or something, and it was a holiday week so nobody outbid me.
Just got quoted in an article on Photography, in Hindustan Times newspaper.
@AnindoGhosh amzing, someone with the same name and hobby!
@jippie Yeah, neat, huh? Not a hobby in my case, but that's mere detail.
I'm thirsty and it is too early for beer, what should I do?
Decide on a different time zone.
This room seems almost empty today
@AshRj So also all the SE sites I follow: It seems there are far fewer questions than is the norm. None on EE.SE for 6 hours. Very unusual.
@AnindoGhosh but ealier this week we had over 80 questions overnight! @AshRj
@jippie Hush! Don't talk about them or they'll get closed down ;-)
@AnindoGhosh I don't have enough votes for that
Is the hang-out now, or after an hour?
I guess I can't attend, I have to step out now, won't be back in an hour most likely.
Hi all!
is 48V safe to touch? will I feel it?
my room is filled with magic
released quite a bit of blue smoke the past hour :(
@jippie Marginally safe. In a safety class they had us touch two metal plates to our forearm and ramped the voltage up. Most people start to feel it around 25, 30, 40 V. IWe did both ac and dc, which makes a big difference how much you feel it. I don't remember if the 25-40 V numbers I remember were for ac or dc.
@ThePhoton what did you notice about the ac dc
@rawbrawb I don't want to spoil it for you.
@ThePhoton I've almost killed myself several times, can't say as I noticed the difference but then they were waaay over a safe threshold so I'm not sure that it would have been notice able. Have never done the ramp up thing so I am curious.
@rawbrawb To be honest I don't remember the distinction between ac and dc. I remember the sensation ramps up from a slight itch to mild pain on the skin. I can't describe it better than that.
There's a lightswitch in my house with a metal switchplate. The plate seems to get a bit of capacitive coupling from the AC hot line. Very sensitive people can feel a buzz when they touch that switch. I only feel it if I'm moving my finger across the plate, makes the plate feel like it's ripply or corrugated.
@ThePhoton I misread your post. I've heard people discuss that one is more dangerous thus the question.
@rawbrawb IIRC the general theory is that AC is more dangerous because it can cause muscle contractions which can prevent you releasing something you shouldn't have grabbed on to.
I believe Edison lobbied to have the electric chair operate on DC as part of the effort to get his AC mains distribution system adopted.
@ThePhoton That what I've heard too, but DC will polarized the muscle one way so should n't that be harder to let go of?
@ThePhoton You have it exactly backwards ... Edison was a cruel dude and invented the electric chair to discredit Westinghouse/tesla.
Oops, otherway around according to Wikipedia.
@rawbrawb yes, this.
HE used to have a travelling show that would travel around county fairs. Every new town they'd arrive and capture a few stray dogs and then electrocute them for "show".
Electric shock occurs upon contact of a (human) body part with any source of electricity that causes a sufficient current through the skin, muscles, or hair. Typically, the expression is used to describe an injurious exposure to electricity. Very small currents can be imperceptible. Larger current passing through the body may make it impossible for a shock victim to let go of an energized object. Still larger currents can cause fibrillation of the heart and damage to tissues. Death caused by an electric shock is called electrocution. Magnitude The minimum current a human can feel depe...
I suppose that muscle contraction can only be sustained for so long so the muscle would weaken in DC with AC the ion channels would be "replenished".
I've have close calls with 30KV DC, 11KV AC, 60KV AC and of course normal mains AC in NA and Asia.
@rawbrawb Keep one hand in your pocket
I had a 600 V or so APD bias circuit on a board I worked on. It could give you a mild tingle, but it was limitted to 100 uA or so...
@ThePhoton yep, or better yet ... stay away from 3 world switch gear closets and cavalier workers.
@rawbrawb I still don't have a good handle on what you do for a living...What are you doing messing around with 30 kV?
@ThePhoton you have to care about surface leakage currents on your PCB.
@rawbrawb No no-clean for that board.
Luckily the operating environment for that circuit was in a clean lab.
@ThePhoton THat was a past life. We were implementing powerline communcation eqt. SSDS first people to do that.
Solomon Schechter Day School of East Boston?
@ThePhoton LOL, Spread Spectrum Direct Sequence. in the presence of multiplicative (commutative ) noise. Very interesting theoretically.
Ahh, we're talking hair-raising tales again! Hi everyone, they call me sparky :-)
@AnindoGhosh I love your story ...
in the lab if I remember correctly
@rawbrawb Which one? The HV supply in the lab? Or the soldering iron and smell of grilled steaks?
@AnindoGhosh Oh yes, the steak one too!
@rawbrawb I'm going to endeavor to bring some of my college friends to EE.SE (They're all EEs, but AFAIK they have all moved on to being MBAs or real estate brokers or some such). That's when you'll get to hear the stories I'm to embarrassed to tell myself.
@AnindoGhosh Aaah it's good for the soul.
BTW @rawbrawb I got quoted in a photography-in-Mumbai article in a major newspaper today. Getting a lot of people pinging me about it. I have not seen the print article myself, but I was told they had used a couple of my art images as well.
@AnindoGhosh cool! Another clipping to add to the portfolio!
WTF, my rep is at xx999. I need to find some answer I downvoted, that has been subsequently edited.
@rawbrawb Yes, after more than 6 months. The industry thought I had retired or something.
@AnindoGhosh Aren't they supposed to ask permission before they do that? Or do you have a publicist to deal with that stuff?
@AnindoGhosh lots of quotes there. I've visited Sigma's lens factory ... didn't get a freebie
On shooting public spaces:
“One can shoot any building, except for defence premises, with a compact or smartphone camera,” says photographer Kaushik Chakravorty. “If you come to a site with fancy equipment and don’t have permission, we will stop you,” says an inspector at Kings Circle police station. “But if you have a small camera or smartphone, we may not even notice it.”
@ThePhoton Oh, my PR kit got sent to them, they only need to seek permission if they make a derivative work.
F'ing briliant.
@AnindoGhosh so how badly did they misquote you? or how much nuanced stuff did they leave out?
So as long as the terrorists are smart enough to just use a point-and-shoot, only working photographers get harrassed
@rawbrawb They left out a lot of stuff which went against the product placement agenda (The big brands you see named, would have paid for ads in the sister publications, typically). For instance, I'd given them a lot of cost saving ideas for beginners.
@ThePhoton Remind me to regale you with stories of my brushes with the lame arm of the law in my pursuit of photographic opportunities.
@AnindoGhosh A compact point & shoot (or a phone camera) will capture everything a terrorist needs to know about a building. Idiots.
I can understand not wanting somebody setting up a tripod (and lighting) and shooting wedding photos on a busy railroad platform...
@ThePhoton This is true: The bigger your camera or lenses, the more you get harassed.
But harassing people for shooting exteriors of public buildings is pathetic --- happens here too.
@ThePhoton I showed up at a military base without ID once (pre- 9/11) and got in. It was by invite and they knew me, but now ...
@ThePhoton There's a very scenic island called Elephanta Island, famous for the Elephanta Caves, fantastic ancient sculpture in living rock. One needs a permit to use a tripod there, and artificial lighting is forbidden so hand-held images are pretty much out. It takes an hour by ferry from Mumbai to get to the island. Now, there is no information about the tripod permit available from the tourist offices in Mumbai. When one gets there, the management politely tells you that you need the permit...
... which is only available at their office on the mainland!
@AnindoGhosh Geniuses
Also, if I recall, the permit can be obtained only on the day you want to shoot, and is valid for that single day alone. Yeah, it's some measly Rs. 20, but basically it doesn't work out.
@AnindoGhosh this reminds me of story from my Dad. Crossing bridge with a large truck, pulls in, "you can't cross without permit", drives back across bridge, gets permit, drives back across bridge, gives them the permit. 3 crossings in total.
@rawbrawb Add to that, the permit office on the mainland only opens post lunch, and the sunlight starts diminishing by the time you cross back.
@AnindoGhosh No option to pay Rs 100 cash after you get to the island?
You'd think so, right? It's the perfect set-up. But nope!
@AnindoGhosh procedural barriers, the hidden power of bureaucracy.
@rawbrawb I know!
A funny story around this photo I just uploaded.
@AnindoGhosh it's good article, you come across well.
surprisingly ....
@rawbrawb Thank you :-)
is that the Arc d'triumph ? ;)
So yeah... funny story to do with cops (this actually got written up in the magazine I was on assignment for at the time)... So I was shooting Delhi's India Gate monument (which you see in that photo), the editorial brief being to show how lively the area around it is in the evenings, with kids, ice cream vendors, balloon sellers etc.
@rawbrawb Same architect.
Well, I have my permits, my press authorizations, all of that. I've set up my tripod with widely extended legs at near ground level, I'm shooting upward so I actually lie on the ground to get the shot. Cops arrive, ask me what I am doing.
Before I can speak, senior cop arrives, tells them "He has a camera, so he must be taking photos, right?" I was very impressed.
@AnindoGhosh That's why he's the senior cop.
Exactly ^
Next thing you know, these half a dozen cops are busy moving everyone out of my frame, so that I have an unobstructed view - much against my protests. So much for an environmental representative shot!
@AnindoGhosh actually different architect - but the Paris one was the inspiration...
@AnindoGhosh from one extreme to the other.
So I explain that I need the scene to be as it naturally is, I don't want a bare and sanitized view. Senior cop gets called on the wireless, because junior cops don't get it.
@rawbrawb Oh? I was ill-informed, sorry.
What's the rules in India about needing permission to shoot people in the street? In the US you're basically cool if you're in a public place. I think in Europe it's a lot more difficult.
@AnindoGhosh 1806 vs. 1931 very old dude.
@ThePhoton Same - From a public place, at public property, and covering only public spaces, no permissions needed by the actual law - as long as a private individual is not the sole subject.
@AnindoGhosh so did the Jr. guys start lining people up and say "act naturally or else!"?
@ThePhoton Also, nobody cares. Registering a complaint and getting some action on it is more of a hassle.
@AnindoGhosh US is looser: As I understand it, anything you can see from a public space is fair game. Obviously there are things that will tick people off regardless of
@ThePhoton However, the actual law differs from practice: You are at the mercy of the local LE, totally about their whims and fancies. If you show them the law references (which I carry with me on shoots), they just switch to "OK, I can't arrest you, but your camera could accidentally break if you don't leave NOW, and then you can go and try to get a police report registered even to claim insurance".
@AnindoGhosh Hooray for arbitrary power!
The street beat constables don't even bother with such statements, they just use a stick to hit you AND your camera. Happened a couple of times to colleagues, fortunately I always shoot from out of the way places, so I've only just watched the mayhem, never been a victim of physical "convincing"
Another funny story. But first, the relevant image for that story, too.
Was out to shoot that image, for one of my exhibitions, "The Night is Alive".
Police Officer (not constable) arrives. Asks me what I'm doing. My assistant explains that I'm a "famous" photographer and I specialize in night photography... and shows him permits, paperwork, newspaper clippings, and the poster for the upcoming exhibition (while I continue to keep my shutter open, it was a long exposure).
Officer reads all of this, then says "OK, pack up and leave NOW or I will arrest you..." And the best is yet to come.
"Next time, do all this night photography only in the daytime. It is not allowed on my shift".
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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