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I love how the close votes are rolling in :-D
... and I get the feeling certain people probably burst an aneurysm when they saw all the "evil" questions :-) Maybe they'll stay in hospital for a long long time - without access to EE.SE
hiya @rawbrawb
@AnindoGhosh hey guy...
@rawbrawb :-)
@AnindoGhosh So what have you been up to?
Some prototype demo for a client, one HackerSpace Mumbai meeting that was a hilarious experience, odds and sods.
Hilarious? in what sense? fun or sublime?
@AnindoGhosh I don't really see that many - sarcasm?
The HackerSpace meetup is worth sharing about: So I show up there (my first Mumbai HackerSpace) with a backpack full of soldering iron, little breadboards, some MCUs, some other ICs, a few microcontroller dev boards, etc. I notice nobody there is talking hacking in any sense that I know it.
@AnindoGhosh all SW stuff?
@W5VO That's because I NUKED DAT **it from orbit!
@rawbrawb Emphysema
@W5VO LOL and @AnindoGhosh is a smoker
@W5VO Yeah, that was irony more than sarcasm: The folk will miss many of the questions as they slipped under the radar after the migration. I still expect a few retroactive close-votes from the more persistent folk, and it would be good if you mods could attenuate enthusiasm in that regard.
Who doesn't drink
@rawbrawb I drink - 1.5 Breezers and I'm out for the count.
@AnindoGhosh I'd be surprised if there isn't at least one dupe, but other than that nothing really close-worthy
a couple of software only questions got a close vote or two
@rawbrawb Yeah, not even all sw stuff: There were two people talking real estate deals and opportunities, another couple of folks pushing an android app that shows vehicle traffic density info (something Google Maps navigation already does excellently), one person talking about curing cancer (any cancer) through dietary changes, and ... ummm let me think a moment.
@AnindoGhosh So did you start to "hack" them? plant suggestions in their minds? Bwahahaha
Yeah, a couple of folks who were looking for angel funding for yet-another-online-store without even having a business plan.
@AnindoGhosh surely some of them must have understood the usual meaning?
@rawbrawb I mentioned electronics, "Huh? People actually make electronics?" - I mentioned software Reverse Engineering, "Huh? Forward engineering is what builds software, right?", I mentioned robotics, "Huh? Oh, you are a Science Fiction guy?", I mentioned photography, "Ohhhh, yeah now I know you, saw you in the papers a few times." I decided to have a diet coke and head back home.
@AnindoGhosh sigh
@rawbrawb Nope - It's a social mixer. Nobody there had any context on HackerSpace as we know it.
@angelatlarge DUde! shouldn't you mowing your lawn now? upsetting the neighbours ?
@rawbrawb Mowed down everything and everyone
@rawbrawb A Grammar Epiphany? "This grammar everyone else follows is just WRONG!"
@W5VO: What's this all about? Couldn't figure it out: there was no context. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/9156303#9156303
@AnindoGhosh just piss off ... I'm tired, I'm juggling3 things at a time, I'm on call to Asia ...
By the way for anyone interested, TI's ControlSUITE just got an update. The new one adds a few bits, and crashes less (none that I saw so far, previous version wasn't like this)
@rawbrawb Oh, ouch. I'll shut up now.
@AnindoGhosh ;)
@angelatlarge That was when dozens of Arduino questions got migrated into EE.SE
@W5VO Did the ghosts of A, V, and R descend down on your desk while the angelic voices sung soliloquies to your mad engineering skillz
@AnindoGhosh Ah, yeah, I had the same feeling..
Actually the feeling I had was "Shoot, I coulda had five hundred gadjillion rep on EE.SE if I joined the Ardweeno experiment"
@angelatlarge There was some conversation offline with people I know: "Goodbye, young friend, your life was so brief, but filled us with so much joy! You shall be fondly remembered" and all that.
@angelatlarge Nahh, I was super-active there, yet I got all of 800 rep.
@angelatlarge I usually get that in a week anyway
@AnindoGhosh You be quiet now
@AnindoGhosh Don't make your sock puppies feel miserable
@angelatlarge WTF? First @Rawb and now you too?
everybody wants to press the "mute" button on poor old me.
@AnindoGhosh Didn't MongoEarth, or what's'is name get like 1500?
@AnindoGhosh well, first you nitpick and then you brag ... ;)
@angelatlarge candy gram for Mongo!
@angelatlarge @ManishEarth, and yeah he might have - he had a few more rep than me on that site.
... and there he is :-)
@AnindoGhosh ha
@ManishEarth Right on cue
thats fast response. like a bat signal!
Ir was quite entertaining to watch the rep jump up from 113 to 13somethingsomething
@ManishEarth Yeah, whatever. I don't want to hear about it.
@ManishEarth the fact you were so proud of that, sort meant that you could have messed up the site just to get rep. Not saying you did, but just saying .... ;)
BTW @ManishEarth I have a question about the migration. I had over 1200 rep there, after migrations I got 800 here and 85 on SO, so is there a way of figuring out where the rest went? It wasn't like 20-30 rep, else I would have assumed closed questions or something. Is there a bug somewhere?
@AnindoGhosh Some questions were not migrated, iirc
@rawbrawb If I only knew that it was going to be a failure, but the rep sticks... damn!
Plus a bunch when to RPi and Robotics
@ManishEarth Who chose what got saved?
@angelatlarge we did
@ManishEarth Oh, you mean everything was migrated, but not everything to EE.SE?
@ManishEarth Yes, I counted those - Those were also mostly the ones I had not touched anyway. But that doesn't explain over 300 rep.
@angelatlarge closed+deleted posts were binned
@ManishEarth I got zero on both RPi and Robotics, both of which I am a member of.
Q: Does using more Voids take up more space and take more system resources?

Annonomus PersonI have a habit of writing code using all voids like below. int led = 13; void setup() { pinMode(led, OUTPUT); } void loop() { ledChange(HIGH); delay(1000); ledChange(LOW); delay(1000); } void ledChange(int pinState) { digitalWrite(led, pinState); } I re...

^70 rep on SO
@ManishEarth so there's around 320 rep that went POOF, I'd sure like to know where they ended up.
@ManishEarth Yup, total of 85 gained on SO, mentioned above.
That question would not have lasted long enough to write a comment, let alone an accepted answer, had it originally been posted on SO.
Plus the 100 association bonus won't transfer
@ManishEarth Oh wait, 100 of those were association bonus. That leaves 220 unexplained.
@ManishEarth Zinx
@ManishEarth That's free beer.
@angelatlarge True
@angelatlarge The last rep I got on SO, I had to actually code something and test it on my android phones, to get it. Either magnetic or acceleration sensor stuff, IIRC.
@ManishEarth If you solve "The mystery of the disappearing rep-points", please do publish, thanks.
@AnindoGhosh why don't you do your own true hacker space?
@jippie I'm afraid you're not going to make me switch to Arduino easily :)
@AnindoGhosh Were you answering my questions?
@AnindoGhosh So far I have not received very good answers to my Android questions on SO.
@AnindoGhosh Should I send my Android questions your way? They are not free beer, I think.
Damit. PeterJ beat me to the free beer of the witching hour :)
@CamilStaps Hello. Hows the Icepic (ISPIC) coming along?
@angelatlarge hi! I just woke up, so I can't say I've done anything but dreaming about it
That's not true by the way, I'm not that geeky
@AnindoGhosh @ManishEarth Here's some free beer for you guys:
I know the answer, but I wouldn't be able to write it up in a smart way without some research.
And I am laaaaazy now
@angelatlarge EE question (needs migration), and I'm laazy as well :P
@ManishEarth Did you read it? It's not just free beer, it's beer that practically drinks itself.
@ManishEarth I just don't want to write a one-liner answer. (In most cases) I hate those.
"It will be nice if I can have some opinion about it." <-- would an answer like.. "your opinion is in the second paragraph" be appreciated? :)
@CamilStaps yep
@angelatlarge I haven't used a Leonardo, wouldn't know
@ManishEarth OK, I'll write a crappy answer. rep is rep
@angelatlarge I try and stay away from Eclipse after some horrid experiences, so I've been off Android for a year.
@angelatlarge man you're into creating non-sequiturs aren't you! "beer that drinks itself"?
Does anyone know a quick good way of getting a link to a comment? Currently I go to the user's page, look at their activity, and then copy the comment link from there. But that is very roundabout.
@AnindoGhosh It is not an eclipse question.
@angelatlarge you can use the '3 minutes ago' and copy the URL location from that
@rawbrawb see the room topic. not a non sequitur :P
@angelatlarge timestamp
@ManishEarth Explain?
Q: Interaction of Themes, background colors, and Action bar

angelatlargeI am failing to understand the mode of interaction between the appearance of action bar and and thematization. My app is set to use the default theme, which I take to be dark: <style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="android:Theme"> </style> Removing the action bar from the app via app-wide style r...

@ManishEarth ? !
@angelatlarge the explanation is what I said
@angelatlarge what Camil said. The thing that said when the comment was posted is a link.
@CamilStaps Oh, I missed that. Thanks
@angelatlarge :) it works with almost all timestamps, by the way - except Qs and As, they have a share button
Golden rule of permanent links on the 'net: If they're not there, click the timestamp
@angelatlarge No, I'm not saying it is. I just hate firing up Eclipse, whis is how I used to write code for Android
@angelatlarge whoo.
@angelatlarge New sentient?
@angelatlarge /claps
Makes me think of the discussion on IT Security about the gender of one of its members. In the end the gender had to be verified, so another member met him in real life :)
A: The Memes of IT Security

AviDMeme: @Iszi's Gender Originator: @Iszi, @ScottPack, @GrahamLee Cultural Height: Most of 2011 Background: Originally, @Graham made a snarky comment to @Iszi, and @Scott over-analyzed and ran downhill with it. @Iszi's protests of malehood notwithstanding. Graham Lee: @Iszi Just doin' my jo...

@CamilStaps Iszi? lol
Guys: Anyone with edit privs may want to try fixing all the links in this list
crickets ...
@ManishEarth how do you want them fixed?
@rawbrawb They need to point to EE.SE, not Arduino.SE
the redirects will be there for 6 months, but not longer
@ManishEarth I notice that a lot of them were yours ... originally ;)
@rawbrawb ?
@ManishEarth so a find and replace should be fine ...
@rawbrawb nope
the question id's are different
@ManishEarth within the question
You need to click the link, copy the new URL, and paste it back
@ManishEarth and watch out for answers! They're nasty, they aren't rewritten well, so that you get the Q instead of the A.
@CamilStaps Let's not do any more for now, the main page is flooded
@ManishEarth okay :(
@CamilStaps ?
@ManishEarth how about the comments? I can't edit those, does it matter?
@ManishEarth check the first link in here, that's to an answer, but you get the question
@rawbrawb nope
@CamilStaps ah i see
Crappy answer posted!
I deserve a beer now
good morning
any crappy answers to downvote this morning?
@jippie. Good morning, nice to see you. Your beloved EE.SE is All Arduino-ed up. It's your dream world
@jippie See my comment immediately above this one
haven't been really active for at least 36hrs.
@jippie You missed the Arduinocalypse
@CamilStaps You are going to get your damn badge tomorrow, aren't you?
@angelatlarge :D
@CamilStaps Though it looks like you are competing with @rawbrawb...
And guys, take it easy: you don't want to push every arduino answer to the top of the stack.
Do it a few/day, OK?
@angelatlarge almost done
@ManishEarth I've been going at the list from the bottom , just needs approval
@angelatlarge yeah we'll loose an editor then, because he has the badge.
@jippie What is the question?
what arduinocalypse?
@jippie Isn't there a better badge after that?
89 questions with new activity :|
@jippie Yeah, that one
@rawbrawb don't flood the main page
@ManishEarth ...or Olin will get mad
@ManishEarth is that the main chat page?
@jippie main page
All done now, I believe.
people are fixing the Arduino.SE cross links to EE.SE links
We should have an option "don't bump this" when editing... useful for bulk cleanup
@CamilStaps proposed a million times, and declined
@CamilStaps Maaan, you did flood the main page
@ManishEarth why?
@CamilStaps DAMN!
all edits should be visible
Even SE employees can't do it
@ManishEarth again: why?
@ManishEarth I still see two hanging on that search page ... but that is it.
there were only one or two specific situations in the past where an SE CHAOS employee got no-bump powers
@CamilStaps very prone to abuse
@CamilStaps Maybe so that you can't sneak anything evil in?
Silently editing stuff, noone will notice
@CamilStaps Yeah, what @ManishEarth said
Yeah I see, but it could be a high-rep privilege? Why can't even the mods do it?
@CamilStaps dunno about why the mods can't do it
@CamilStaps People do go nuts...
@CamilStaps We know of at least one example
spend some time on SO, and you'll realize why giving moar powaz to high reps may not be good
@angelatlarge LOL
@ManishEarth I see, too bad
Thanks for the explanation anyway
@ManishEarth Oooooh I THINK we understand THAT!
A meta search should give you the official explanation
@CamilStaps: BTW, you remember that post you edited to remove a comma that should have been there anyway in order to remove our downvote?
@angelatlarge I do. (I still feel good about it)
@CamilStaps :) Maybe you want to roll back your edit? (Not that it really matters, but for the next time you do something like that)
@CamilStaps Or did you edit it again to put that comma back?
@angelatlarge why? It was better this way, and rollbacks flood the main page as well, I believe?
@CamilStaps You actually didn't like that comma? Yeah, too late to think about flooding now, isn't it?
@angelatlarge let me look it up, I believe that comma was better removed/added, whatever I did
Holy smokes! I just got a gold badge on SO. For what?
@angelatlarge nice, that's the big brother of that other one we talked about
@CamilStaps Don't worry about it. I was mainly giving you crap for padding your editing totals by killing perfectly good commas
@angelatlarge it means you suck :P
(I may get it soon as well)
@CamilStaps I think that's what you get for answering newb questions about Arduino
@ManishEarth Yeah, that's what I think too
That gold circle looks so shiny and pretty
@angelatlarge nitwits accepting a crap answer that wasn't even upvoted.
@angelatlarge electronics.stackexchange.com/posts/66802/revisions I believe the comma is better there, but anyway, you won't lose an edit when you roll it back, I think
@jippie That's because they are rep 1 users that cannot upvote
@abdullahkahraman hi there
Hi all!
@PeterJ Hello
@abdullahkahraman Hello
@angelatlarge that was my first gold badge on Phys. I used to write answers to questions by new users (can't upvote) in topics that most folks didn't frequent
morning new comers
@ManishEarth Like "what's a serial port?" and "if I connect my Arduino to a serial port emulator on a VT-100 using three hairpins why does it use the wrong baud rate?"
@PeterJ hey
@abdullahkahraman good morning!
@PeterJ greets
@rawbrawb mind going back to all your edits and fixing the broken links you created?
@rawbrawb Wow, you are up!
Anyway, @angelatlarge, I have to get that badge before you hit 2K. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll steal all those editable posts!
@PeterJ Hi
@Passerby ? let me go look.
Hi all, looks like I missed some Arduino movement action after I left yesterday
@CamilStaps Right now I feel like the only thing I want to to bypass the damn review queue, but things like that do change.
""electronics.cc"" is not a valid domain
@CamilStaps If I edited something to add/remove comma I don't think that would get approved now.
@angelatlarge you won't get it in the review queue, you'd have to edit more than 5 chars :)
@CamilStaps /me is no longer the worst rep/badge whore on EE. Not even close.
@CamilStaps True 'dat
@jippie haha :) (there should be a badge for that!!)
@jippie Maybe the new generation is just more vocal/honest about it?
Doesn't the FAQ say to not edit posts for simple typos or missing puncuation?
@angelatlarge maybe I have of a more social life than @CamilStaps after all.
@Passerby thanks, I found that one. Did it happen else were? We were migrating the arduino stuff and I slipped up. can only find the one though. are there others?
@jippie You do have cats. @CamilStaps has PICs. cats>PICs (animate>inanimate) on the social life scale.
@abdullahkahraman yep.
@abdullahkahraman but @angelatlarge is 3 hours ahead of me!
@CamilStaps Wow, so after you are 2k or more, you get to see the review queue?
@rawbrawb I saw three, fixed two. But I only checked 5 posts before realizing why they were all updated
@rawbrawb Yeah, I gotta head to bed soon...
I disagree. PICs almost equal girlfriends on the social life scale.
@Passerby thanks!
@CamilStaps I really think you believe so.
@abdullahkahraman yes, you can review edits with 2k, what do you mean?
@CamilStaps You know what I mean..
I really don't, never mind :P
@angelatlarge don't forget the mower ..... ;)
I was 1953, then had to downvote, now I am 1952.. The power is in your mice's left buttons..
@rawbrawb You want me to mow again?
@jippie let me rectify that then ;) it isn't that bad (yet)
@angelatlarge hey, there has to be a theme, doesn't there?
@rawbrawb Are you trying to make this into EE meme? You want me to become the lawnmower man?
@angelatlarge He already made me "Swifty".. Just because I've listened one track of her..
And I'm the grandpa, apparently
tee hee ...
@abdullahkahraman you were raving ...
@rawbrawb oh, come on! haha!
@abdullahkahraman although to be perfectly truthful I don't think I've ever heard her so I don't know what her music is like.
@rawbrawb I cannot argue that she is great..
@abdullahkahraman so how is the rep now?
@rawbrawb Great, thanks!
@abdullahkahraman don't know what you mean...
Hey, what's wrong with all these Arduino stuff!
The arduino part of course
I have Arduino tag "ignored" and my screen is all grayed lol
@CamilStaps Is the site closed?
hehe me too :) yep
It was a little obvious, wasn't it?
I was never pro that site.
@CamilStaps, there's a new doorbell question for to answer ;-)
@PeterJ More free beer
@PeterJ Actually, maybe not. Could be a quagmire
@angelatlarge, go for it, decoding an unknown wireless signal could be tricky lol
@PeterJ Well, its standard (whatever that means), duh! :)
@PeterJ I think the answer is: "why do you need an Arduino at all?"
gonna run guys ... cheers
@rawbrawb Bye grandson!
@PeterJ ...do you need to also turn on a LED 5 minutes later? If not, just use a voice recorder chip. Since the wireless comms for your doorbell are standard, then the voice recorder chip should have that implemented already :)
@rawbrawb bye
@angelatlarge that's the answer to every question
@CamilStaps touche
@rawbrawb bye!
@PeterJ lol
@angelatlarge, yeah that's probably not a bad way. I wonder if wireless doorbells really are standard? The idea they are gives me evil ideas.
When you review, do you get any reps?
@abdullahkahraman, no
@abdullahkahraman 20 reps of 5 lbs each :)
@PeterJ Hmm, bummer..
@abdullahkahraman But no queue! You can edit whatever, willy-nilly!
@angelatlarge and you won't get your 2 rep anymore, but that's what they don't say
@CamilStaps Shiny badges not good enough?
@angelatlarge They are not very shiny for me..
@abdullahkahraman They'll seem more shiny after 2k?
@angelatlarge they're fine, but rep as well would've been better :P
@angelatlarge lol, they have to :)
@abdullahkahraman you should make more answers like the top envelope detector ;o)
@jippie ???
@angelatlarge ¿¿¿
@jippie ah, ain't nobody have time for that..
That doorbell question reminds me of the @David Kessner's sour cream analogy
@jippie What envelope detector
@angelatlarge you don't know the famous envelope detector answer?
@CamilStaps No
@CamilStaps Should I?
@angelatlarge don't know, me doesn't know it either
A: How do I get +5v for loud noise, 0v for silence from Electret Microphone (or other components)?

abdullah kahramanAlthough you could do this whole thing with just an amplifier and a microcontroller (Arduino), as far as I can see, you want the analog option. I have tried to create a circuit that outputs the voice level on the microphone. The range is from 0V to 4V. However, you can upgrade it easily to 0V to ...

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@abdullahkahraman wow.
@CamilStaps Actually, wow to you.. You have read all that in 5 secs?
@abdullahkahraman I've scrolled down to the end in 5 secs, that's quite an achievement as well
@CamilStaps lol
@abdullahkahraman you get a new nice answer badge :)
I noticed it had a scrolling upvote button so thought I'd join in
@PeterJ lol
Thanks guys!
I miss stevenvh
I have one question: do you people know how to read, or do you read in parallel or something?
@angelatlarge, we just thought the diagrams were nice
@PeterJ Ah, yes. And I subscribe to Playboy for the articles.
We have a new nominee for the "shortest question ever" prize.
@angelatlarge, lol at that question, perhaps a nice diagram would have helped
@angelatlarge link?
Q: storing phone number from gsm sim into eeprom of microcontroller 16f628a in mikroC pro

user23091UART1_Init(9600); // initialize UART1 module Delay_ms(2000); while (1) { UART1_Read("at+cpbf="PRI" " // PRI is the name by which phone number is stored } }

@PeterJ Anything would have helped. A picture of the OPs cat, for instance
The whole code even fits in the chat window
Ah, yeah. Voting to close...
It isn't even valid code!
@CamilStaps You remind me of someone who said "i want to feel the power granted by SE in my index finger every time I click the mouse button"... I just wish I could remember who it was
Apr 22 at 20:49, by jippie
i want to feel the power granted by SE in my index finger every time I click the mouse button.
At my screen it's still on (the bottom of) the starred messages
@angelatlarge haha, I like the comment
@CamilStaps Ah, yes. Thanks for reminding me. I didn't notice it there right below where I copied that from (wink wink)
@angelatlarge That should be @jippie

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