@DavidKessner Sorry I was just annoyed at having made a substantial edit of that iPhone question and not seeing it :) I forgot to edit the subject though: the subjet is rather misleading. The question isn't about tapping power :)
I understand the user here and here so that fuses do not protect people from shocks. I am planning to put put fuses such as fast-blown fuses and PPTC fuses around all kind of positions such as computerUSB-microprocessor-link and wet-electrode-circuit link. I feel it is far better to blow up fuses...
@Bitrex Post and ask them if you can! That sounds awesome.
@DavidKessner Certain frequencies can be more dangerous, but the solution is to just filter for them. However for what he is planning isolation should be very doable.
@hhh Schematic capture does not refer to OCS, AFAIK, just to drawing schematics. Misleading but that's how I know the term. Someone correct me if I am wrong on this — angelatlarge22 secs ago
"Schematic" capture is the process of a human entering the electrical connection information into the computer. One end result is a nice looking drawing, but the drawing is not the end-goal. The end-goal is the netlist that can be used by the PCB layout program. In other cases, the end result is the VHDL, Verilog, or Spice code.
All the nice drawings in the world will not help you design a PCB. That's why the netlist is the most important thing.
@angelatlarge I would say that the term "schematic" is the bad word. Schematic is a hold-over from pre-CAD days and implies a graphical depiction of the design. Today, what we have is not always graphical.
@angelatlarge you guys are discussing 4*h's OCR question? It's kinda confusing does he not have the electronic files? or is it that the tool doesn't export in a standard format?