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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@ThePhoton you have a nice phone! Who says you've bought into the shallow bay area life style with your iPhone
@rawbrawb I love how 2-3, 5-6 and 9-0 are on rocker switches instead of an individual switch for each number!
Gotta get outta here!
3 hours later…
Hello friends
@icarus74 hey
@StaceyAnne greetsings
woo only 6 hours of work today
@StaceyAnne is that too many or not enough?
I've been working 9 hours a day this week, so 6 is a nice break :)
Do you guys know how to use a parallel port?
@StaceyAnne and it's friday for you too.
@Mikhail in what sense, you mean program it?
Yeah I can't seem to get it to output a voltage
Q: How do I get a voltage on a PCIe Parallel Port?

MikhailI'm trying to use a PCIe Parallel port from C++. (http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Express-Profile-Parallel-PEX1PLP/dp/B004G7O2AC) I can't seem to change the status of any of the registeres and my voltometer and LEDs don't change. I am using inpout32.dll on a Windows 7 x64 bit machine. I thin...

@Mikhail can't really help you. It's been years since I had to do that and I've also hear d that the recent windows OS's don't allow direct writes to the parallels ports (but I may be misremembering this) in the same way that I would have done it before.
@rawbrawb hopefully somebody can, this stuff is driving me up a wall!
@Mikhail I remember someone telling me taht the protected mode stuff gets in the way.
@Mikhail here is something I found ...
that's the best I can do .. sorry.
hello all
help me decide what to do guys
I can choose between one of two projects
making an active analog filter with 20dB gain and 100kHz bandwidth using LM385s or I can learn dsPIC33f controller and make a lock - in amplifier
I have only 5 days I guess
I am not sure of the feasibility of these projects in this time frame as I have not really used any of them before
good morning
@jippie good morning
@Rick_2047 haven't seen you around for a couple days
have been busy
how can anything be more important than us?
you know, life
i hate microchip i hate microchip i hate microchip
i am going to register ihatemicrochip.com
@Rick_2047 what's up?
there is no simple documentation they put out which will enable one to learn there things
I should not be reading 334 page document just to flip a bit
@jippie they just bombard us with so much of info that one is blinded by it
? on PIC's you mean?
on dsPICS
what makes a pic a dspic?
it has an aditional part called a MAC
helps in digital signal processing
microship people just do not understand the meaning of "simple"
or "beginner"
@all? and @Kortuk? I can't get the formatting right on this answer:
A: AVR - How to program an AVR chip in Linux

jippieI don't have the time for a full explanation, but I can give you cookbook-style the commands I use on my Linux box to program AVRs: Preparations I started to create a directory in which all my ATtiny projects find a home: mkdir ~/attiny: cd ~/attiny For each project I create a dedicated subfo...

@Rick_2047 Neither project seems feasible from a standing start, in the 5 day time frame. Your choice would depend on what expertise you can tap locally, especially people with the experience, tools and equipment to help you.
@icarus74 Enjoyed my photos?
The makefile won't show as 'code'
@AnindoGhosh the problem here is experience, this is new for everyone
ah I managed to fix it by putting <pre> and </pre> tags around it, but I am still not sure why the normal way of indenting doesn't work
I fixed it
or at least submitted a fix
@StaceyAnne ?
what was your fix?
It seems to not like going from bullets to code. I added "This is the makefile" in normal text as a header and that worked
@StaceyAnne Approved it.
:) me too
thnx @StaceyAnne
/me is stepping into the shower now.
very interesting to note that when you look at the edit history, it renders the bullets-then-code absolutely fine
OK, I definitely deserve a bunch of votes for my efforts to advance the state of the art in ultrasonic sensing (see the photos and read the descriptions towards the end):
A: Collimating a sonar beam

Anindo GhoshCoincidentally, I happen to be playing with almost precisely what the question refers to, since yesterday. My distance sensor unit boasts a 25 degree angle, but I faced the same problems with my bucket of water. My solution may not be an engineering marvel, and there will likely be some reaction...

@AnindoGhosh You didn't vote for my AVR answer either
@jippie Lies! I'm the only one who did, that too only after Stacey made it readable. She deserves 5 of those rep points.
there, both of you got some love from me
@StaceyAnne Thanks :-)
I'm still amused at posting experiment photos taken in my bathroom!
@AnindoGhosh Absolutely. Wish I could give multiple up votes for that.
@icarus74 I was about to step out for a meeting, which would have taken all day - but it got cancelled, so I came back home and took those photos for you :-)
Lucky for me
BTW, anyone here can point me to the basics of "3 point calibration" ? Is this a curve-fitting thing ?
hey guys, is there any limit to the size of hard disk that we can attach to a motherboard in a computer? say, a limit of 160gb? and does it goes the same way in terms of RAM? and if so, why?
The chatter here, got me to @jippie 's answer on the AVR prog on Linux question. Love the answer and really liked the clean formatting (thanks @StaceyAnne). I am glad that I didn't leave the comment on the question, pointing to be moved to SO !! Sometimes it's better not to play the smartass.
@AnujKaithwas How about a long answer ? Check this out: hardwaresecrets.com/article/482
There are several factors at play there, starting with the interface type (IDE, SCSI, SAS...), firmware on mobo, the HDD itself (access rate).
Folks over at Superuser, might be able to give more pointers.
@icarus74 some questions justify existing on more than one stack, unfortunately SE hasn't implemented a mechanism for that.
@AnujKaithwas you'd get a better response at Super User
(Morning all!)
Morning @Camil
@CamilStaps are you in student time zone today? 9:30AM!?
thank you @CamilStaps @icarus74
@jippie haha :)
People, please flag as spam on this question: electronics.stackexchange.com/q/66167/14004
Just did, their '*' website doesn't work anyway ;-)
Ah, removed :( that was quick
"You do not have the required score on this tag to vote for this tag synonym"
@CamilStaps camel-case world ? why not "radio-frequency" ?
@PeterJ hmpf - the thresholds are really high, I had to have some score to suggest it as well, like you wouldn't know what RF and radiofrequency without some score
26 mins ago, by icarus74
BTW, anyone here can point me to the basics of "3 point calibration" ? Is this a curve-fitting thing ?
/me is out
@icarus74 yeah, that would be possible too, but they're still synonyms. I like (or ) better than , but I'm not going to retag all the questions.
@jippie bye!
@jippie Bye!
@CamilStaps Just get a few more people to upvote the synonym. I already did. ALso, how do I know if I have enough points on that particular tag, for upvoting?
This: "Users with a total answer score (total upvotes minus total downvotes) of 5 or more on the tag, can vote for tag synonyms." + this: electronics.stackexchange.com/users/14004/…
@CamilStaps Ahh... So I can't vote, my tag score for RF is 3, is that correct?
@CamilStaps No wait, it's 9, on 3 answers.
@Kortuk / @W5VO Please check on this user: electronics.stackexchange.com/users/22803/user22803
does anyone here know if it's safe to cat a device in linux?
@StaceyAnne you will get a lot of garbage, may freeze the terminal
@StaceyAnne you can use the less command "cat <device>|less"
but this may freeze too
@Rick_2047 @StaceyAnne if that's the only problem, you can use tail, which only displays the last 10 lines
I've been using cat to view debugging data over the serial connection
so I know it's serial, but my pc freezes whenever I restart my board
I'm trying to figure out if that's expected bahavior or not
why are you using cat for serial anyway?
there are good serial programs available for linux command line, any specific reason?
honestly just didn't know what other options there are? i've always used cat before and it's been fine
@StaceyAnne I'm using putty on Windows and that works fine. They have something for Unix as well, I believe
@StaceyAnne, if your whole PC locks up not just the terminal window (assuming you're using a distro with a GUI) I doubt cat has a lot to do with it. Does the PC still freeze even if you're not viewing the debug output using cat?
@PeterJ, The entire pc freezes to the point where it needs a hard reset. It only freezes when I'm viewing output data with cat
I'm not used to linux freezing on me, it's a bit concering
@StaceyAnne, odd - cat only runs in user land and a while ago for other reasons I checked the source and it doesn't do any odd low level things. Maybe try PuTTY for a start as @CamilStaps suggested for comparison.
@PeterJ, I was running it as root :/ would that make a difference?
@StaceyAnne, I'm not the world's biggest Linux kernel guru but not for any reason I can think of. But I guess for comparison it might be worth creating a new standard user account, give it access to the device if necessary and see if it does make a difference. Is it a hardware serial port or a USB to serial converter? I'm just thinking it sounds more like a kernel level driver problem of some sort.
It's a USB serial device
you're right, it might be a kernel driver problem - that makes sense. It seems like the driver is freaking out when I reset the board
If you have one handy or can borrow one I'd certainly try a different manufacturer's one. Some of drivers can vary a bit in quality, maybe you're just sending a bit of random junk and/or toggling some flow control lines it doesn't like when the reboot happens.
hey if the datasheet says "oscillator runs at nominal speed of 7.4Mhz what does that mean?
@Rick_2047, it just means it's designed to run at about 7.4MHz but could be elsewhere, maybe likely to vary a fair bit with temperature and maybe something not accurate enough that the manufacturer is willing to specify exact specifications because it varies among parts. I guess it's something with an RC oscillator?
no, its the dsPIC internal oscillator
That probably is an RC oscillator, although not sure. But in general it's a way of saying if one part is 7MHz and the next is 8MHz don't complain. Normally though they will specify the minimum / maximum speed somewhere so you know if at worst case if it'll be fast enough for a particular application.
better not use it though
I have an on board 8MHz crystal
I am going to document my learning experience
should make a tumblr blog for this
Not sure about the dsPIC in particular, but most micros have about a 2-5% tolerance on the internal oscillator. So nothing wrong with them for many things, but a crystal is of course much more accurate.
@PeterJ yeah, have been using Atmel ATmega internal oscillators for 90% of my projects
most of my projects are not that sensitive to timing errors
going to write this blog in first person as its not going to be that general anyways. But I hope this becomes helpful for people another guy somewhere else who is struggling with the same things
wrote some things on my blog. anyone wants to review?
"perhaps the most easiest" -> "perhaps the easiest"
@PeterJ thanks, corrected that
changed the blog to blogger
tumblr wasn't working well for me
1 hour later…
hi @abdullahkahraman
oi, well that's bad
domain I use for electronics-related development had bad DNS server records
so I had been wondering my I hadn't been getting any e-mail
well.. now I have my answer :<
Anyone familiar with the USB protocol? Trying to find out if the clock sync is used to set the timings for the rest of the message.
and also trying to work out how a timing signal is agreed upon, e.g. could a USB 2.0 device run at a significantly lower speed than normal.
@Polynomial @Kortuk @Kortuk @Kortuk
@Polynominal: at low/full, a pull-up on either the D- or D+ line indicates the speed
for high speed, it "chirps" the line
it starts out as full-speed, with d+ pulled high
once the host resets the data lines
it pulls the d- line high as well
which tells the host "i'm a high-speed device"
3.0... no idea
chirp chirp
that shit is cray cray
Morning all.
Morning :-)
so, I made the plunge (again)
ordered prototype boards AND a stencil for my data logger
solder paste
sample orders galore
@TobyLawrence that determines which protocol is being used, e.g. USB 2.0 or USB 1.1
but not necessarily the speed, since clock sync is used for that
and both of them have a speed
well, see, now you're stating facts
when you explicitly asked whether or not something was in fact true
so what is it? are you not sure or are you? :)
they have a max speed which is dictated by the protocol. the actual speed is variable, but I'm not sure how the variation is achieved. the clock sync is almost certainly used to fine-tune the timings and prevent any phase issues, but I don't know to what extent it can be exploited in terms of speed reduction.
@AnindoGhosh in which time zone are you?
USB 2.0 keyboards can definitely transmit and receive at significantly lower speeds than the 480Mbps maximum.
@Polynomial: the clock rate is fixed, with margins
@TobyLawrence hmm. so what allows the reduction in transmission speeds? for example, my USB flash stick certainly doesn't achieve 480Mbps reads or writes.
if you send 1 megabyte of data in a single second, over USB 2.0, your throughput is 8Mbps
but USB 2.0 still could send faster
that's not throttling, it's just low utilization
also, there's overhead
so it's a burst instead of a trickle?
the 480Mbps rate of USB 2.0, for example, is the theoretical maximum based on the signaling rate
@Polynomial: right. take gigabit ethernet for example
also, does that not mean that USB transceiver devices run at 480MHz? seems unusually high.
you wouldn't say that your connection between computer and switch/router is only 100Mbps because your hard drive can't transfer any faster
it just means you're only using 100Mbps of that 1000Mbps theoretical
@Polynomial: yes, it does mean that
sorry, it runs lower
how is that possible? surely to get the differential signal to transmit 480Mbps they need 480Msps, therefore 480MHz?
I'm probably confusing myself at this point
the signaling runs at 480MHz in the case of USB 2.0
@Rick_2047 Mumbai, so India timezone.
@AnindoGhosh then how come that was goodmorning?
@Rick_2047 Oh I was echoing David. I gave up trying to keep track of people's timezones, and my own, a couple of decades ago.
@AnindoGhosh i hope I get that problem sometime
@TobyLawrence Right - the signalling runs at 480MHz, but there's probably only a SerDes at that frequency. Also, the actual data rate is lower because the signalling is a variant of NRZ - not every bit conveys data. This doesn't get it down that far, but you might need to transmit 10 bits for every 8 bits of data.
oh, right
I meant literally in terms of what's going over the wire
also, if there's anything else on the bus, then that will take chunks out of your transfer rate
salutations !
@AnindoGhosh how goes the many projects that you have going?
@rawbrawb Mixed bag as always. Sent off some boards for fabbing today, which is a milestone. Or at least an inch-stone.
@AnindoGhosh this is using the hated SW?
@rawbrawb Nahh, a friend offered to take my files and convert them to the hated software, also re-check them after that. So I dodged that bullet.
@AnindoGhosh How many times have you in your career had to learn "yet another way" of doing the same thing but differently?
@rawbrawb Oh, pretty much every other week in the last two decades. That's fine. What is not fine is a schematic capture / PCB layout tool where you enter stuff into a spreadsheet. If I wanted to do that, I'd be using Excel for it, at least I'm proficient at that.
@AnindoGhosh I lost count a long time ago. It's the cost of doing business I guess, the thing that pesters me is that most of the different ways don't seem to be any better. Some of the best SW tools I've used have been developed in house ...
@AnindoGhosh the spreadsheet can be handy in some cases.
@AnindoGhosh How do you feel about the Arduino.SE decision?
@rawbrawb I agree - I absolutely love the timing diagrams thing with Excel.
@W5VO Blatant prejudice. Close-down decision in 9 days, and a mention of the decision having been done 4 days before that.
@Polynomial I'm pretty sure the speeds for USB are fixed (depending on which standard). Probably with tolerance measured in ppm. If you have multiple devices on the bus, you wouldn't want one device to hog up the bus for a long time sending a packet at 100 kbps or something. Also, designing a narrow band clock-recovery circuit is easier and will have lower noise than a wide band clock recovery circuit.
@AnindoGhosh I'm sorry you feel that way
If it makes you feel any better, we (the mods) didn't have any input on the decision
@W5VO The numbers speak for themselves. Even with the slow-down in the last few days, the private beta stats are way ahead of many other proposals that went through to live. An excuse of "high standards" to set unrealistic requirements is just ... shoddy.
@W5VO I appreciate knowing that.
@W5VO Boy, you guys get it from both sides, don't you? - You don't have to (shouldn't) answer that.
@ThePhoton Interesting.
@ThePhoton I concur, it's likely the little chirp at the beginning sets the timing for the length of the packet. of course the error accumulates but the packets are short enough that it can get the reads done by then. next packet, new timing, Isochronous
@rawbrawb I'd guess that the clock recovery circuit continues to use incoming edges to maintain lock --- but it needs the chirp at the beginning to get into lock before real data starts arriving. (On the other hand, if you've actually designed CDRs, feel free to correct me)
@ThePhoton I agree (and yes I have - but not USB) but it's NRZI data so you don't get continuous energy at the main frequency, at the lower frequencies you could easily do this w/o a PLL. You know the PLL will be drifty simply because it can lock in so quickly.
Quick question - bash command to remove a directory and all it's structures recursively is > rm -R XXXX whereas >rmdir -r XXXX requires empty directories. Right? I have a bunch of crud in a directory holding a job open (file space is gone).
@rawbrawb rm -rf
the -f is to not ask for confirmation (just do it)
there is a difference between -R and -r right?
@rawbrawb Not to my knowledge. The man pages used to say -r or -R with no distinction in the explanation.
@AnindoGhosh thanks, not often I need to tickle these servers and my bash is rusty, but mainly I can't mess up ....
@rawbrawb yw. Not been in bash for a long time myself, but rm is a unix command from when the people who created the Bourne Again SHell were probably in their nappies. ;-)
rm -rf is recursive delete
doesn't matter what's in the directories below
it all goes
well it's all going .... ;) can hear the drives spooling. Thanks
Wow, I guess I was remiss, ~1 TB of temp files ...
@rawbrawb 1TB?
damn what the hell were you doing?
@NickHalden simulations ...
@AnindoGhosh love the toilet pictures ... great answer!
@rawbrawb Now the Internet will forever know that Anindo posted toilet pictures. Thanks!
@AnindoGhosh just doing my part to ensure an ever broader audience for you ...
@rawbrawb That statement could be taken so many ways :-)
Hallo from sunny Boston :)
@AnindoGhosh I'd hoped you'd realize that.
@angelatlarge which one? Hi :)
@angelatlarge Hi Bunny Soston.
@angelatlarge hello
Everyone here has gone mad
I'm in MA as well
over in Waltham, right next to Watertown
@angelatlarge Not true. For some of us it comes preinstalled.
@AnindoGhosh +1
good morning everyone
@angelatlarge I see what you mean
@StaceyAnne good morning!
Just got off CNN... man, some serious action happening there, with the lockdown and all ! Folks in the vicinity, stay safe.
@icarus74, what's happening?
@StaceyAnne manhunt for the 2nd suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings
@StaceyAnne capturing one of the bombers probably!
I meant Boston.
they have the town they're conducting the manhunt in locked down, amongnst other surrounding towns
public transit and flights are suspended as well
I followed that on CNN the first day, and then our CNN channel disappeared for some reason
instructing citizens to stay indoors
Actually it's all over BBC as well... and quite frankly, BBC's video feed quality is about a decade ahead of CNN's (no offence). At least on my TV set.
@StaceyAnne One of the bombers is dead the second (his brother) is on the run, they killed a MIT police officer last night. car chase, bombs thrown, rumoured one of the bomber ran over the over. general mayhem...
@rawbrawb Ran over the other perp? "How am I supposed to cook my rice, without my pressure cooker? Die!!!"
@rawbrawb Yeah, I am not sure about that last sentence either.
@angelatlarge I'm just reporting what I read ...
@rawbrawb Are you reading Chechen newsfeeds?
@rawbrawb "rumoured one of the bomber ran over the over"?
Apart from the "one bomber ran over the other", rest everything is there on news.
@angelatlarge we're talking about the same thing.
@angelatlarge I'll see if I can find the link
@rawbrawb Ah.. the second over is supposed to be other?
@icarus74 PAL/NTSC issue?
ha ha ... or the royal scissors ! (oops, I didn't say that)
@angelatlarge yep
@angelatlarge as usual there is conflicting reports ...
@angelatlarge here is one link that mentions it. news.nationalpost.com/2013/04/19/…
just below first map ...
@rawbrawb That 7-11 has nothing to do with MIT campus, and not particularly near. Conclusion: not inclined to trust.
@angelatlarge that probably safe MO for ALL reports at this time.
@rawbrawb Yeah, that's probably right, actually.
same page, on the police radio timeline, at 12:48, the description says the 1st suspect was shot, and mentions nothing of being run over ! anyhow, it's mayhem, and these things are hardly ever completely black-n-white.
Can someone explain to me why this answer is grayed out:
A: I2C level shifting

SuirnderYes, you have done things on your schematic that are horribly wrong. To properly level shift your voltage levels, see I2C slave address not acknowledged (sometimes) The MAX3373E IC is used for level shifting. Please note that, pull up resistors are shown on the SDA & SCK lines. However, when usin...

Is it because it is -3?
@angelatlarge Yep.
@CamilStaps Is this documented somewhere?
Q: Why is the text of this answer gray?

Peter LangWhy is the text-color of this answer gray instead of black? I don't see what's special about it - except for the fact that it is an exact duplicate of another answer to the same question.

@CamilStaps Cool, thanks.
@angelatlarge I can't find any authoritative reference, but this will do ;)
@AnindoGhosh WHERE?!
@NickHalden Hmm, your enthusiasm about my toilet is a bit... worrying. :-)
A: Collimating a sonar beam

Anindo GhoshCoincidentally, I happen to be playing with almost precisely what the question refers to, since yesterday. My distance sensor unit boasts a 25 degree angle, but I faced the same problems with my bucket of water. My solution may not be an engineering marvel, and there will likely be some reaction...

Didn't get an answer earlier, so trying my luck again -- Is "3-point calibration" explained somewhere ? Didn't have much luck on google.
@icarus74 did you post a question?
A question on chat, so far... earlier today.
@icarus74 linky?
@icarus74 are you really in Kathmandu?
11 hours ago, by icarus74
BTW, anyone here can point me to the basics of "3 point calibration" ? Is this a curve-fitting thing ?
@icarus74 Oh, I'd hoped it to be more detailed .... ;)
@rawbrawb was! now in Pokhara. More beautiful, less peaceful :)
in short it is curve fitting. It's best if you understand the basic relationship or trends that the variables follow. Else you have to make some assumptions .
@icarus74 wow, this chat truly is multinational! awesome
The reference to 3-point calibration came via one of the comment on Anindo's answers to this old question (also asked by your's truly).
@icarus74 you're close to Annapurna, right?
@icarus74 what is the problem? there are many ways to do it.
Yes. Have you visited or planning a vist ?
@icarus74 Pokhara! I've been there.
good morning @all
@Anindo, when was this ?
@icarus74 I used to do a fair amount of mountaineering and the Himalaya was always an attraction. Sadly I've never been!
@icarus74 Around 1990, maybe 91.
@rawbrawb You must!
@AnindoGhosh yes I must
Wow, that's like a long time ago @Anindo. I moved here rather recently (little more than 2 months), but I am told that even 7-8 years back, the town was an order of magnitude smaller. Hard to beat the view you get here.
@rawbrawb excellent, then this is the place to be. strangely, I am a fish out of water here... not much of a mountaineer. Prefer the fossil-fuel drinking mules to go uphill, and that's about as far as I go.
@icarus74 Yes, it was. That was when I spent several months hiking through Ladakh, Leh, and Nepal.
We have lot of 'mooners coming in over here from India, and of course, also other parts of the world. However, they usually stick to Kathmandu.
@AnindoGhosh damn! that's awesome, I'm jealous, but in a good way!
@icarus74 can you describe your system that you're trying to model? that's always the best way to curve fit. If not you can do a least squares fit to a quadratic system.
@icarus74 I was not married then :-)
@rawbrawb Want to hear more? I once spent 2 months at a Serai (like an Ashram, but also allow overnight stay to travelers) in Ladakh where I had only stopped for a night halt - The guru at the Serai and I got chatting, and we continued debating a million subjects for the next couple of months.
@AnindoGhosh I love it! so the nitpickiness was fostered by a Monk? from Jesuit to Lama - you never stood a chance .... ;)
@rawbrawb And then there was the time I hitchhiked on trucks from Chennai on the East coast, to Goa on the West coast, with just a backpack. Even rode on the roof of trucks, ate at *Dhaba*s (roadside open restaurants favored by truckers, usually with a few outdoor cots for a nap), it was pretty crazy.
@AnindoGhosh sounds pretty attractive a lot of times.
@rawbrawb Pretty amazing monk that man was. My first conversation with him was around my being an atheist, hence a bit awkward being in an Ashram. He said "I'm an atheist too, that doesn't prevent anyone from being spiritually well grounded". And then it began.
@AnindoGhosh Very wise man (men) ...
@rawbrawb And very knowledgeable too.
What is the difference between the MPLAB IDE and MPLAB X?
Ah, never mind :)
well all, take care. signing off ...
@rawbrawb Take care :-)
I'm confused with the Thévinin question too.
Q: Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

Shane YostQUESTION: I'm having a hard time figuring up what the Thevenin Voltage is along with Thevenin Resistance for this circuit below. I'm also confused on what I'm suppose to do when there is a current source thrown in or multiple sources of any kind thrown in. Do I convert them all to voltage sourc...

What was the trick again to solve this?
I can remove the current source, calculate R(th) = 2k2 // 5k6 = 1k6
U(th) = 16V × 5.6 / (2.2 + 5.6) = 11.5V
But then?
The trick is superposition?
I keep getting a different number from the simulation :-s
hmmzzz made a rounding error -:s
was right all along
I thought I was loosing it
(more than I already had)
well thanks @all for your help
@jippie anytime man
that's what we're here for
Wow I got 9 pts for this answer: electronics.stackexchange.com/a/66147/4159
er, 90 pts
woo, design assigned to panel and stencil cut and shipped out
@TobyLawrence wooooop wooooooooooooooooooooop
is that for sapphire?
it's my rev A
I had to do some component swaps because of availability
and my last proto I made changes to the board before I sent out for the stencil
so they were essentially useless
except for testing fitment in the enclosure
so now everything is under version control :)
@TobyLawrence respeKt
alright i gotta roll for a bit guys
@NickHalden 100 now
Could someone ID a package name for me please? It's the SMD gullwing (non wide) version of the PC817, Image 2 on Page 2 of that datasheet.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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